2 :Orýon Weýekly TirnsWensday, :January ,99 ORONO 11WEEKLY TimEs, Subscriptions $21.50 + $1.50 G.S.T. = $23.0l/year. Publications Mail Registration No. 000368 Publishmng 50 Issues Annually at the Office of Publication 5310 Main Street, P.O. Box 209, Orono, Ontario LOB iMO E-Mail Address: oronotimes@speed line.ca Phone/Fax (905) 983-5301 Publisher/ Editor Marg Zwart The Way of the Cod by Roy Forrester The Harris government at Queens Park is treading the route of future collapse of aur forest, mnining and northern tourist industries as was taken i the collapse of the Cod industry off the east coast of this country. Through lack of ecological and economie sustalnability along, wth greed of capitalism the Cod flshery colapsed ti our most eastemn province. There was no concemn for the future of home-town boys and girls. Premier Harris anid former prince of the Educational Ministry, John Snobelen, riow of the Mlnlstry 0f Natural Resources, (what is 1eRt) are taklng us down the same Newfie path with their "Lands for Life" proposai. 92.4 percent of central and northern Ontario lands are ta be controlled by private corporations. mainly American, for logglng anid mining which i the end, as i Newfoundland, will mean major job loss for the home town boys and girls. We ini Ontario over the years have been somewhat lacks ini forest management even with the 1929 Pulpwood Conservation Act anid the current Crowri Forest Sustaiability Act, the latter, passed by the Rae gavern- ment. Hars anid his armchair gaverniment have dropped the forestry industry further from sustainability through the closing of tree nurseries and the abliteration of the Minstry of Natural Resources and one might add the Ministry of the Envirornent. No law has meaning as far as this governiment 15 con- cemned, nat even provincial standards. Accordmng ta Michele Landsberg of the Toronto Star the Harris governiment was charged over Wlegal agreements for private lagging over 7 million acres of Northemn Ontario. The court fuliy upheld the charge as well did the Appeal court i that the gavern- ment had violated every tenet of the law. The. gavemnment makes a mockery of legislative laws, the process for Lands for Life and most sadly the futur e for this country and ts citizens. Indeed the. Way of the Cod. This year belongs to the older persons As we hang new calenders where the aid ones were, we are remninded however fleetingly of the passage of trne, and our awn mortality. in recagnition of the world's rapidly aging population. the United Nations General Assembly has declared 1999 as the International Year of Older Persans. (JYPO). I had the opportunity earlier this week to speak with several of this municipalities aider persans and asked them what they thouglit this special facus year would accomplish. Most of them were not awareaf the deciaration, and hadna expecta- tions. The provincial government lias jumped on the band wagon and is making available $20,000 ta each of Ontarios 130 ridings ta 'honour aur 1.45 million seniors and ta build lastinig legacies that will benefit seniors inta the new millenni- um. The seniors 1 spoke with were by an large very pleased with the quality af life they are able ta enjay. Peaple are retiring earlier and cantinue to lead productive and mieaningful lives afier retirement. Seniors taday are invalved in what they- cali active aging'. Seniors have so much ta contribute to aur communities but feel they are ofien overlooked. Though Clarington"s Older Adults now have a centre of their awn, they fought hard and waited a long time far it. Haw much maney has been spent in this municipahity for facilities and sports pragrarns for the, youth? Where other cultures hold their eiders in high esteem, we tend ta do the reverse. In our performance driven society there is preciaus little patience for anything that slows us down. We have baugçht inita the mind set that a yauithful appearance is programs to incrgase recognition of seniors' contributions to their farnilies, thecir communities and the country? With today's fragrnented families it is more important than ever that the generations interact. There are rnany opportuni- ties for seniors to help in the classroom, and many are volun- teering their timë tiiere. Onîe of the prirnary objectives of the International Year of Older Persons' is to 'enhance understanding, harmony and mutual support across the generations'. IYOP has what it takes to be a very good year. Leàtters to the %Editor To your readership: Do you recognize these peo- pie? One about 17 years of age, or aider, wha gçOes riding on his dirt bike at niglit with lis friend, who rides a narraw track Ail Terrain Vehicle with about la 20" track. This second persan is about the size of a srnaliish 12-13 year aid. They go out equipped with a boIt cutter. On October 22nd last, they paid a visit ta rny truck parked at the corner of Taunton & Ochonski roads, just northeast of Orono, cut the padiock off the door, and loaded my virtu- ally brand new Coleman Powermate 5000 watt genera- tar onto the ATV, alang with the piugged-in yeiiaw 100' extension cord. They aiso unloaded rny virtualiy brand new Sears 110-220 voit air compressor which, unfortu- nateiy, was' equipped with wheels and a handie, enabling' the oider persan ta drag it downi the road beside lis motorcycle. The air compres- sor was equipped with a 50 foot light biue air hase having heavv duty caupings an.each end. You may know them becauise they offered yau a gaod buy an either or bath of these items, ýor because they toid you they got a real buy (steýal) on thern; you rnay know them because one or bath of these items showed up sud- deniy in their garage/shop with the same stary aftached. In any case, my insurance is $500 deductibie, and in order ta even dlaim the ioss, 1 have ta re-pur- chase the items al aver again. This theft wili have left nme slightly aver $1200 out of pocket after al is said & done. 1 want the equiprnent back and, ta this end, amn offering a reward of $300 for information Ieading ta the culprits & 'My goods. A message can be left at 905-571-1507 at anytime. Thank yau. Edward Skakie January 4, 1999 Policing aur Police? Our law enfarcemnent sys- temn and the exlsting screen- ing and training methods need some fine tuning. The performance and dedication standards we expect from al police persans may not be realistic, - but the guide lines have been established. We want protection, understand- ing, compassion and "oh by the way," - apprehend anidjail the bad guys. I have th~e greatest respect for the grand majority of officers that liter- aliy put their lives on the lune for us every day. Unfortunately; - there are some officers who shouid not be patrolling the streets. SHow can four afflcers investigating,,a "week aid threat incident" - manage ta be directly responsible ta kiling an unarmed mari who probably felt reasonabiy, secure staring on bis own front lawn - addressing a police inquiry concemning his son? Police are trained and expected ta calmiy evaluate a situation. Ail other options must be considered before deadly force. This was not an armed murder suspect. Why didn't they pepper spray him? Why didn't they just leave? There is no shame ta, retreat when apparently the alterna- tive Is a senseless killing. We are seeing far toa many dead- ly force "pharitom" situations. An officer who has an established history of regu- larly ustng his weapon shouid be forced off the street. I don't care how strong the union or code of silence is: - the persan is not suited for this Ulne of work. We have repeat offend- ing officers who need help; - flot a side arn. More officers are using their weapons regardless af whether anyone's life is being threatened. Constant mon- toring and education of aur front line is necessary in order ta maintain appropri- ate -discipline by aur police farce. Stncerely, Kelly Adams