( Orono Weekly Times, Wednesdaýy, a n ua ry 6, 1 999 -7 E-astern Odyssey'side show. to participate ln crafis and projects. Don't miss a great Urne! Youth 'R Us Wedn-esdays - 6:30 - 8 p.m. at Kendal United CHurch -' youth ages 12 - 16 are, encouraged to corne anid par- ticipate ti tenrific experiences. Don't miss it! Happy New Year! We are on the eve of a momentous New Year - that of 1999. One more year to go until the 2lst century! Live by the "rules" original- ly from the Bible - Do unto others what you would have thern do unto you, Love your fellow man (and wornan), Respect others no matter what your Initial impression of thern is - underrating thein may give you a very big sur- prise later on. For further directions, see the TPen Commaridments. Stay healthy and happy for the New Year! Just Moved? Bride TO Be? New Baby? For free information' and gifts... Cali Sharla today! 983-8230 ELCOME4 Andrew Perkins ((L) and Jerarny Dodds (R) took their Eastern Odyssey Slide Show to the Orono Town Hall on December 29th. 'The two spent close to-three months in India this past spring taking pic- tures and recording their perceptions of that country and its peoples. Perkinis and Dodds pooled their resources and published a book of their experience in the east titled 'From Atop SrnalI Shoulders'. The book which was on sale at the evening reception contains many of Perkin's phiotographs, and poetry by Dodds. A collection of black and white photographs were on display during the reception, which also fea- tured a sampling of Tibetan food and tea. Dodds narrated-the stide show with many readings from the book. K&eEND A On Christmas Eve at 5 p.m. Kendal Unted Church was packed for the family-ori- ented service "Jesus' Birthday Party." The Sunday School children portrayed the NatIity Scene as the congre- gatton sang traditionai Christmas hymns. "O Little Town of Bethlehem", "Away In A Manger". "Sweet Little Jesus Boy", -Whfle Shepherds Watched", "Silent Night", "As With Giadness Men of- id»", "Jesus, Our Brother, Kind and Good"., "Lord, You Left Your Home", -Mhe Blrthday of the Kting", "Happy Birthday To You", "Go Tell It On The Mountain", 'As They Offered Gifts Most Rare", "Angels We Have Heard on High", were al part of the hymn sing and the grand finale was "We Wîsh You a Merry Christimas". The chlldren put candies on a blrthday cake for Jesus. The candies were then lit by Rev. Sullivan and Joyce Boudreau. Mfter the service, another birthday cake helped feed the Scro-wd who enjoyed the refreshrnents. This service was most meaningfu-l and related the long-ago events to modem life for the children. Ail present agreed that this was a very speclal event. Sunday, December 27 at 11:15 a.m. was the regular service at Kendal United Church. The lay reader this week was Grant McConaghy. His readings telling the ,story of Christ's blrth were inter- spersed -wlth verses sung to the tune of "Unto Us A Chld L NEWS by Joan Anderson Is Born". The Christ candie was lit to symbolize Christ's invisible presence at the ser- vice, as we prayed for God's support and carlng for Sylvia Toffan, Dorothy. Hellebust, and David and Lorraine Black. Commlttee reportsý were asked to be ready at the January meetings for sub- mission to the Annual Report. Laura Savage read a stoiy called "Babushka and The Three Kings" for Children's Moments. Babushka was a Russian grandmother who was lnvited by the Three Wise Men to accompany thema on their search for the Christ chuld, but refused, saying she would go the next morning because the weather that night was too bitter. The Wise Men were in too much haste to stay ovemnight, so she did leave the next morning, alone. She neyer did find the Babe for which they searched, and even to today Russîan chil- dren watch for her as she continues ber search at Christmas time. The story ends wlth a blttersweet feeling - most poignant for the pover- ty-strlcken old lady continu- ing her never-ending search. As the eildren made their way to Sunday School, the congregation sang "As Wlth Gladness Men 0f Old". The Old Testament Lesson came frorn Psalm 72: 10 - 11, and the New Testament Lesson camne frorn Matthew 2: 1 - 12. The choir then elo- quently sang their anthem for this week "Once In Royal David's City", before Rev. Sullivan proceeded with bis sermon. The Mirror That Neyer Lies". Although many of us can recognize the saine emotions and reactions as we read of i the Bible, we rnay neyer have viewed it as a mirror - and one that neyer lies to us. It Is of great value to us then to see how these various reac- tions -are vlewed by God tI changing our own behaviour. A great deal of- thought and consideration Is necessary ti our scripture reading in order to evaluate ourselves. After the Offering was presented and the service was closed with the congregation smnging the hyrnn "The First Nowell". The final motivating quote was. read in the "Commnissioning", -When the angelic choir is stilled, 1when the star in the sky is grne, when the kings and princes are home, the work of Christmas begins: to find the lost, to heal the broken, to feed the hungry, to release the prisoner, to rebuild the nations, to bring peace among others. to make music ti the heart." This gives us dIrection wlth whlch to begin the New Year. A pot lucklunch was then served qnd enjoyed immense- ly by the iliany who stayed for lunch and socializing. UPCOMING COMMUNITY EVENTS Cool Kendal Kids Tuesdays - 4:30 - 6 p.m. at Kendal United Church - al youth ages 8 - 12 are welcome RDECYCLE IT PAYS TO ADVE RTIS E NEWCASTLE FUNERAL HOME Fmueraf Director -, Car(qGoott *Personal, professional, affordable service, Genesis Bereavement Resource, Centre on-site to serve the community. Informative funeral home tours are welcome. 386 Mii Street South, Neweastle (lust nortf of 401 '- Prkjng off 9ýpertStreet) (95)97-3964 BY-LAW NO. 93-144 Fo rmai Notice to Clean Snow and Ice from Side walks Occupants and property owners are required to remnove snow and ice from the public-sidewalks in front of, and beside their properties within 12 hours after a faîl of snow, freezing rain, or hall and to keep them clear. These requiremnents apply whether or not a house or any other building is erected on the prolperty. If you fail to clear and keep clear the entire surface of side- walks abutting your property, the Municipality will remove the show and ice and charge the cost of such remnoval to the property owners realty taxes. Clearing snow and ice makes the Municipality's sidewalks safer for ALL pedestrians. Your co-operation in keeping sidewvalks clear of snow.and ice AT ALL TIMES will be appreciated. £e â;u CIPAHY 0 ONTARIO Dates of Pubication: Wednesday, January 6, February 24, 1999 P.O. #6056 7-ý--