Orono Weekly Timies,% Wedniesday, January 27, 1999 - Il Charged with possession Board thanks -A funny loOking cigarette investigated, they found the caught the attention Of joint in the back seat, where A r n s u Durham Regianal Police the yauth had been sitting. p i ft ,bu Constables Burke and Charged with possession Edwards. They observed a of a cantrolled substance was WI mouth, priar to being st opped in a vehicle. When police As a resuit of an extensive investigatio n by the Ontario Ministry of Community and Soc ial Services and members of the Durham Regianal Police Major Fraud Unit, a husband and wife have been charged, in relation toaa $165,134.31 fraud. t was discavered that between April 1991 and September 1997 the couple had been receiving assistance whule failing ta disclose' assets and incarne. Included in this, were the purchase of two hanses inBowmanville, one of which they rented out ta tenants, and the awnership of a house trailer and several automobiles, including a 1979 Corvette. t is also alleged that during this time Tressider of Caroline St. W. in Newcastle. they failed ta report incarne from employment and busi- nesses they operated, and produced forged documents that under-reported their incarne and claimned Family Assistance Benefits for chil- dren that did naot reside with them. Charged with 1 count of fraud over $5,000 and 5 caunits of perjury is: 50 year oid Ignatius Woolford, of 18 Hooper Square Bowmanville. Also charged with 1 caunt of fraud over $5,000 and 4 caunts of perjury is 41'year ald Michaelle elizabeth Woolfard of the same address. Bath persans will appear in Oshawa Provincial Court on Friday, February 12, 1999. Alex Shepherd Can Canadian publishing surive wthout government safeguards? This Is the Intent of Bill C- 55, ta insure Caniadian mag- azines survive by havlng access ta advertising rev- enues. The legislatian will also make it illegal for Canadian campanies ta use strlctly LInerican publications ta reach Canadian audiences. As has been the tradition TIME and Sports llustrated are exempt. 1If advertising revenues dry Up for Canadian magazines obvlously they wll go out of business. Thus aur ability ta have an indigenaus Canadian publishing industry will go by the wayside. Ask yaurself, do Amierican' publications have any interest in telling Caniadian storles? I think nat. And loolng at the state of the art in the U.S. it's questionable if they have the tblity ta tell their own sto- r-ties ta their own people. Ally McBeal, Fellclty, Hamer Simpsan and Jerry Slenfeld rule prime time tele- vision media south of the bor- der, and here as well, but it hardly reflects anyane's cul- ture, be that Canadian or American. Canada's existence in the northemn hemisphere is due ta the desire of its people ta formulate a unique culture. Part of that culture has been Canadians' tendency ta deal with their enivironment rather than trying ta conquer it. As the airwaves. internet, movie productions and maga- zines flood Canadlan markets with Amierican cultural val- ues, ever increasingly, Canadians will want ta find ways of preservlng and pro- moting their cultural life. And on top of ail this we wlll stilI have ta find ways af defining aurselves within the saup of mass communication. The threads that bind 30 million people, accuLpying the second largest country on earth, are fragile. This is whv it is appropriate for Canadians ta take measures ta ensure aur history and aur starles can be told. At theatre houses in Canada over 98 per cent of productions are from outside aur barders. A large portion of television ariginates outside aur borders. Clearly it cannot be unrea- sonable for Canadians, who wýant ta selI products ta Canadians. ta use Canadian periodicals ta reach their ,markets thus supporting-aur' ecanamy. Americans cry fowl citing Canada for instigating restric- tive trade practices. We are neyer going ta get parity with the Americans when it cames ta restricting trade. We have freer trade but not free trade because pawerful Arrests in welfare fraud FOOD COLU re continue with recipes of 'the American ln 3 small red bell peppers 1 tbsp. dijon-style mustard 3 tbsps. w Ine vinegar 1 tsp. W. sugar 1/4 tsp-.,sait 1/8 tsp. pepper [MN by Angela Dey South. 6 tbsps. olive oil 3 tbsps. mlnced fresh chives 3 cups black-eyed peas 1 bay leaf 8 lean bacon slces. & commuity The Kawartha Pine Rdge District School Board wlshes ta thank the many parents, cammunity members and employees who pulled tageth- er ta asslst ini getinig students home fallowing Frida-ýy's freez- ing ramn. "We were overwhelmed by the assistance we received - fram parents warking tageth- er ta pick up or temporarily house children until their families could get there, ta canmiunity members volun- tarily rldlng in on snowimo-, biles and four wheel drive vehicles ta deliver the stu- dents home safely," says Angela Lloyd, .Board Chairperson. "We alsa know that many bus aperators and drivers did their best in slippery and dangerous conditions, and that many principals and other school staff stayed late ta make sure every child found a way home," she adds. "Some were even prepared ta keep the students at the school ovemnight, if they had ta. Their first concemn was for the safety of aur students, and wte appreciated their efforts." Lloyd adds she also appre- ciated the work of municipal roads crews in making major routes passable. Unifartunately, there were same cases where bus opera- tors were farced ta cancel transportation on specific routes, and the medla's assis- tance In getting that informa- tion ta parents was greatly appreciated, she adds. U.S. lobbies have a great deai of contrai over their politi- cians and the political pro- cess. For instance the steel lobby in Canada doesn't want ta see this cultural issue gîve the Arnericans the ability ta impose quotas, or other restrictive measures on the shipment of steel southward. The steel lobby in the U.S. wants ta shut the door an imports from everywhere, not just Canada, and they will push that agenda. And any excuse, including magazine advertising, wIil suffice. Americans only find cam- petition good when-they are winning. For example l've noticed they don't want us campeting with them in the area of satellite communica- tion. The point is Americans stand up for their interests every day. Therefare, ,Canadians shouldn't have any fear of standing up ta them and say- mng we will continue ta sup- port aur cultural industries because standing up means aur cultural survival. 53 Division Street Bowmanville, Ontario LIC MZ *Pedicure *Manicures *Waxinig *Nail Extensions *Ear Candling *EyelashTiniting ESTLIETIC STUDIO 171 Mill St., Orono, Ontario LOB 1M1\0 Broil the bell peppers until skln blackens and blisters, turnlng the peppers. Remove from broiler and place peppers in plastic bag to steam. Let cool 10 minutes. Peel off skin, cut In haif and discard seeds and stem. Slice, into strips, set aside. Combine mustard and vinegar In a small bowl. Add sait and pepper and sugar. Beat in oil, add chives. Add peas into a pot of boling water (salted) wlth the bay leaf. Bail until tender. Meaniwhile, cook bacon until crisp. Break inta small pieces. Drain peas and discard bay leaf. Toss peas wlth chive dressing. Spoon peas an a serving dish, sprinle with bacon pleces and gamnish wlth strips of red pepper. Serve warm. COLLARDS A"I RICE 2 cups chlcken or 1/2 tsp. sait meat stock 3 cups chopped collard 1 cup long-grain. rice1 leaves 2 tbsp. butter or margarine pepper Brlng stock to a boil in saucepan. Add rice, butter and sait, Stir. Let rice cook for 5- 7 miinutes, then add coulards. Cook until rice is tender. Season wtth pepper before serving. (Swiss Chard or Spinach can be substituted.) E Fuineral Home TiHOUGHTFULNESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A Famzily Owned Business, Offeritig: Traditional Funeral Services Prearranged & Prepaid Ser-vices - Cremiation Arrangements Alternatives to Traditional Funerals - Out of Towýn Shiipping CORY KUIfPE]RS - PRESIDENT n aur last column for te Peanut Butter Pie, should have -ad 1/4 cup comstarch. WARM SALAD of BLACK-EYED PEAS' FROM PARLIAMENT HILL 623-5668 OFF STREET PARKING Brigitte Brown Gyft Ce rtificates apailablë NEW! Air Brushing (905) 9386 Orono Cowt 4 efe Full Menu V~main Street., Orono, Ontario - 983-9009 ç