orpno Wccekly Ti1,Wdedy, nay2,19994 Handing. out awindfal It is not easy handing out a $223,8 83 windfall, as council- lors found out Monday evening. The money was allocated to the Municipality in the Advanced Funding Program frm the Ontario Lottery Corp. This program was set up by the Province as a transition fund, to help charities who once benefit- ed by the now eiminated rov- ing Monte Carlo casinos. Though Nancy Scott of Clarington's Big Brothers Association bas asked council- lors to consider only the appli- cations made from organiza- tions within, Clarington, Councillor Rowe indicated that just because a charity did not have a Clarington address, it didn't mean they weren't servic- ing Clarington residents. 0f the 31 applications the Municipality received for this funding, 14 groups had address- es outside of Clarington. Councillors went through the list alphabetïcally, and awarded dollars as they saw fit. There were differing opinions around, the table as to how this windfall money should be han- dled. Councillor Rowe for instance, didn't think money should be used to pay for staf"f. However she was willing to make an exception for Bethesda House because it is the only women's shelter in the Province Pot gettïng Provîincial funding. Councillor SchelI said, "this is found money for these groups, they will be able to do things they haven't been able to do in the past." The application for the Bowm-anville Eagles Hockey Teamn was denied because count- cillors did not want to see this money used to bail the teamn out of a financial situation they got themselves into. The Haydon Comnmunity Centre got a token amount of $7,500 because they've neyer asked for money before. At the end of the process, 19 organizations got a share in the 1loot, with the Orono Amateur Athletic Society and the Solina Community Centre getting the largest single donations of $45,000 each. Hlow the money was divided Appficant Amount Hospital Volunteer Association $ 5,000, Bethesda Cemetery 5,000 Bethesda bouse of Mercy 25,000 Big Brothers of Clarington 20,000 Big Sisters of Clarington 1,000 Canadian Red Cross Society 2,000 Clarington Concert Band 5,000 Clarington Girls Hockey Association 5,000 Clarington Minor Hockey Association 5,000 Clarington Older Aduits Association 20,000 Clarington Swim Club 5,000 Durham East 4-H Council 2,500 Grandview Children's Centre 5,000 Haydon Community Centre 7,500 Kinark Family Services 2,000 Orono Amateur Athletic Association 45,000 Rotary Club of Bowmanville 5,000 Solina Community Centre 45,000 Visual Arts Centre ý 8 Total $223,883 Durhamàl% liberals excited re: câ-anqdidate s'electioân "The time is riglit for the Durham (Provincial) Liberal Association to pick their next candidate that wili not oniy lead them in the next election but could even win the Durham Rlding', exclaims Carol Berney, Riding President. The Candidate selection process is currently In ful swing with oniy several weeks ieft for any potential candi- dates to come forward and maise the support tley need -to win the nomination. In order to have a nomination menetng in mld-April certain cutof dates for new member- slips and for candidates to declare their intentions draws very near. To date several good candi- dates have corne forward andl it looks like the association should have a good nomina- tion race. But in faimess to any other potential candi- dates who are not aware of Liberal Party Nomination Process we would encourage them to contact the associa- tion for more information. Afl inquiries should be directed through the riding presiderit at (905) 797-3222 so that the candidate search- committe can contact them. 1 had made a decision late iast week that coniing next week there wouid bc nothing fromn me about birds and especially about Robins. That was a definite. As likely you weil know what you said yesterday about what was to happen tomorrow may weil change drasticaiiy when tomorrow becomes today. In short you Just can't predict tomorrow and perhaps that's fortunate. 1 suppose I would have kept to my promise if Frank McMullen of Toronto hadn't dropped into the Orono TMmes office and Martha Farrow, Newtonvilie-Kendal Road hadn't phoned Donna. And of course 1 hadn't been asked about somie of mny hobbies. Weil, Frank McMuiien, a former area resident of some years back. yearly comes to the Times office to, renew bis subscription. He doesn't leave without some remarks. He spoke to the Times staff of having, believe it or not, a couple of Robins on lis prop- erty. Always ready with a 'pun' lie asked, "How do you tel] the difference between a female and maie Robin." 0f course the printer at the Times lad no idea and made the mistake of askîng, 'How?" > Througli a pair of binocu- lars," came the response. I have a feeling that Frank realiy doesn't know and was jus 1t working up for lis pun. That's where Martha Farrow comes in and 1 would believe that the two wouid know one another. Tell thern the facts of life and death. Tell them the number one killer of teens in Martha had phoned the house and got Donna telling lier of two Robins at lier place, a maie and female. It was then Donna's tumn. "How do you know they were male and female'?" Martha's reply came, "the maie is deeper and brigliter in colour." So it is wuith most birds but how many times does one stop to say, -is that a maie or female Robin?" Not too often. A Robin is a Robin. Not quîte the end yet. 1 was being interviewed Saturday aftemnoon when hobbies came up as did birds and the writing of this col- umn. "How do you get the infor- mnation for the colurun," 1 was asked by the young reporter. "Meeting people on the street and sucli calîs as Martha's with lier maie and female Robins." 1I went on to the point to the difference in the maie and female. 'They al look alike to me." came the repiy. -Why are they, different?" At this point I showed her the pictures of maie and female Cardinals and the pair of Blackburian Warblers as exampies of big differences in colour. 1 suppose there is a rea- son, a matter of possibly pair- lng up. 1 was however stumiped and came up with, -That's the way it is, the boys are more colourful than the girls." 1 didn't know. Clarington Fire Cails The Clarlngton Fire Department responded to the following calis durlng the period of January 18 to January 25, 1999: 4 property fires; 7 false-fire caIls; 6 pub- lic hazard cails; 3-rescues; 10 medicai assistance cails and 3 other responses. RC;YCLE 5econdary 5chooI ,,GradIeEieht E'arento openi Houoc on Tuecdy, FeLýruary 2r, at 7 p.m. in the auditorium 5T. ý1Tt'HEN'5 @ECONPAKY 5CHOOL 30 Miccile Roed, D'owmarviIIe LiC-5K.2 Emergency braking. The secrets of collision avoidance. And so much more. Canada is car crashes! h Kids are always Collsios! Bd divin! ~thrilled to get Young Then tell them you'ref Drivers as a present. giving themn the Young >~ kBta aet o Drivers of Canada pro- know you could be giv- gram the most demanding driving ing themn the gifi of a lifetime! course in North America. Young Drivers of Canada They'l1 learn risk perception. Thatsç what parents are for 75A King Street East, Bowmanville LI C 1 N3 REGISTER NOW Starting February 2, 1999 for 4 weeks (Tues. & Thurs. Evenings) FREE CO-DRI VER SEMINAR - Wednesday, January 27th REGISTRATION A MUST Cali 623-7017 For Information Tell your teen tUc facts'of life.