I'm taking the easy way out this week provlding an article that I have wrtten for the Ganaraska Reglon Conservation Authority spring newsletter. It is as follows. Birds of the Ganaraska by Roy Forrester in this column 1 can only, give you a sldm -of the Birds in the Ganaraska both from lack of space and, of course, know-ledge. I can, however, go back to the early '80s when the five year Atlaslng of Ontario Breeding Birds was undertaken by m any mnany volunteers, 135 1. The province was divided into blocks and blocks Into 100 10 ,kmn. squares. Tfhere are over 300 in the province. Sld Rutherford, Bill Buntlng and 1 took block Garden.H,111 taking in a good portion, of the Ganaraska Forest. Sp end- lng over nlnety hours in the field, we came up with 102 breedlng specles in our area. A further elght species were added to our number. Trhe Garden HiIi count was a hlgh average but also was the Kirby square also Kendal News (continued from page 7) joint presentation on some of the songs. Oný Maundcay Thursday (the day before Good Friday), there will be a service at thie Kendal Cburc h, and on Good Friday a service at Shilob. One and ail are most welcorne to attend. Sympathy to Jean Kimbali Jean Kimbali ofý Newtonville, Trreasurer of tbe Pastoral Charge.Board for the last few years, lost ber father on Saturday evening. Al our prayers are with you and your famfly Jean, and our heartfelt sympatby is extend- ed. Church Growth Semninar On February 27 at the Pickering Village United Cburch on Cburch St. Nortb in Pickering will be a most exciting seminar onCburch Growth. A Pentecostal minis- ter wbose congregation bas grown from 30 to 500+ tisv eral year will, be tbe guest speaker. Eacb cburcb is invited to send from 4 -10 representatives (or more!). Cost is $20 per person. This should be a most interesling d ay tbat will prove of benefit to our Pastoral Charge. If a cburcb is pot growîng, it is declining, and we ail want to see our cburcbes continue to strengtben. includlng a -portion of the fore st. The climax to the venture was the public- ation of a 609 page book to wbich I ofren refer. in the past four years I have been involved in an Ontario Forest Bird monitoring program. It is a matter of setting up 4 to 5 stations, 2 kms. distance apart., The'se stations are visited twice a year, no more or less than ten minutes each, to record ONTARIOýrýwýýit G EN ERATIO N Driver arreste As a resuit ot an investiga- tion by detectives of the Durham Regional Poice Auto, Squiad, the "Frew Farms" comn- pany driver whio reported the thleft of his tractor-trailer uit from- the Fifth Wheel Truck Stop în Bowmanville oni February 9th, 1999 has beenl arrested and charged. The 1995 Ford LTL truck i and refrigeratedtrailer valued sightings and s.ongs. The same routine takes place year after, year, late July/early August and at day break. At timeS i t is unhelievable the songs to be beard iii early morning. The section of forest being vlsited is of mlid- successional habitats thus at $80,000, contained fresh and frozen beef worth $3 0,000, whienit was allegedly driven from thie Bowmariville truck stop on F ebruary 9th, at 5:30 3.1n. while the driver was hav- ing breakfast. Investigation has revealed thiat Halton Regional Police had located the truck approxi- mately one hour before the attracting Red-eyed Vireo, Veery, Magnolia Warbler, American Redstart, a doubt is the maie Red-eyed Vireo reputed to sing out 20,000 times a day at tbe top of a tree while bis mnate builds thie nest on a low branch and does most of the nest incubating. reported theft, after they responded to a truck fire on Side Road #1 of Walkers Line in flurlington. The traîler. minus its Ioad, was located by Hamilton Wentworth Regional Police on Miligrove Sideroad in Flamborough that samne, morning. Arrested at his home yester- day and charged with Public Misehief & Theft Over $5000 is: Wayne Allan Aumieil, 41 years of age, of 339 Norfork Street, Simcoe, Ont. The accuised will appear in OshawNýa Provinicial Couirt, 850 Kinig Street West, Oshawa at 9:30 a.m. oni Friday March 26th, 1999. Anyonie with informiation on this incidenit is asked to contact the Durhaml Regional Police Auto Squad at (905) 404-1222, ext. # 5625 or Crime Stoppers at (905) 43 )6-lIPS. <Ontaria Hydro %& services ,10Company Oroil() Wtýekly Times, Wednesday, Februiary 17,