rooWeekly Times.Weeda, February 17, 1999 - Il ) I DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE Operation bus watch- The Durhami Reglonal Police Service ln conjuniction with the OPP, 4 local school boards and school bus opera- tors has recently i nltiated "Operation Bus Watch" throughout the Reglon of Durham. A Media Briefing to introduce the prograi s -scheduled for 10 a.m. Thursday, February l8th, 1999 ln the Jon Jenkins Room at Durham Regional Police HQ, 77 Centre Street North, -Oshawa., Representatives'from the Durham Board of Education, Durham Region Roman Cathollc Separate School Board, Kawartha Pineridge District School Board, Peterborough Victoria Northumnberland & Clarington Cathollc School Board, Laidlaw Transit Ltd., Stock Transportation, Trentway Wager, Durham Regional Police, Ontario Provincial Police and City of Oshawa Crossing Guards will, attend. OPERATION BUS WATCH began ln the Halton-Peel- Miton area in 1992, and was expanded into Hamilton- Wentworth Reglon in 1993. Set up as an educational pro- gram, to make drivers more aware of their responsibilities when approaching a school bus wlth Its red lights flash- ing, it 1s also an enforcemrent progran to asslst in deallng with the more serious com- plaints received from school bus drivers and school cross- ing guards. PROCEDURAL SEQUENCE 1. Violation Is witnessed by a bus driver Iý crosslng guard / parent / or concerned citi- zen. That person collects as much information as possible pertaining to the violation. 2. Agency, Bus or Crossing Guard, faxes a copy of the < "Report of Violation" to the police, or a witness contacts the police wlth the informa- tion, and police complete a report. 3. Violation forms are reviewed by police. If the description of, the vehicle is confirmed through CPIC, one of the followlng is don: a) Cautlonary Letter sent to reglstered owner. (Most reported violations, proceed by process "a") 1 b) Part 111 Sumnmons issued- , c) Application for Summons (for more serlous offences) 4. If the investigating offi- cer decides on options "b" or .c", then the complainant is contacted for clarification of the evidence. 5. Police interview the reg- Istered owner of the vehicle, and proc ess "b" or Yc'is comn- pleted. The main objective during this stage Is to con- firm the ldentlty of the vehi- cle's driver, not to explain the facts in issue to the owner. In this situation, if the owner denies the allegation, the investigation is terinaiited. 6. Wtnesses are notified of any future Court dates, or of the conclusion of the investi- gation. Bowmanville Toastmasters At our February 9, 1999 mieeting of Bowmanville Toastmasters, Chairman TIoastmnaster Vanessa Hughes surveyed the head table about "February Blues." The con- census seemied to be that Toastmasters warded off the blahs with activlty and fun. Two excellent prepared speeches by Toastmasters Marteil and Martin were pre- ceeded by llght h.earted impromptu presenitations deallng with Valentines theme. Toastmaster Brian Forrest was challenged to explain why observance of Valentines Day is an unnecessary expense. For his creative thinking he eamned the Table Topics trophy. Corne and share our fel- lowship as we learn in a sup- portive atmosphere. For more information please caîl Mary Anne Maye 983-9845 or Irene Konzelmann 983-9423, If you're concernqe;:d No one has ail the answvers. But we can help. Your computer When the year 2000 rolisarud your personal timing devices could be a problem on some VCRs, computer could get confused., It could start to fax machines, security alarms, digital thermostats, read the year 2000 as the year 1900. Essentially, answerinig machines, and video and digital cameras. that's the Millennium Bug. Lots of other electronic We can help you to get Year 2000 information devices could catch it too, but your computer is supplied by appliance retailers and manufacturers. the most vuinerable. Hardware, software, operating systems, data - ail could-be affected. So could Your car printers, *modems, and scanners. We can show you Manufacturers say it is highly unlikely that the Bug how to test your computer for possible Year 2000 will cause car problems. We can show you what difficulties. And we can help you to find out which several of the.major car manufacturers have to say products and suppliers are Bug-free. a-bout the Bug.and their products. Your finances Don't wait until you have a problem to begin finding Canada's banks, other deposit-taking 'Institutions out abo ut the Year 2000 Bug. Start now! Watch and related organizations such as VISA, MasterCard, for the Millennium Bug Homecheck guide in and the Interac Association expect to have their your mailbox. For more information cail: technology futly prepared. They are developing back-up systems and contingency plans to deal with any unforeseen events. if you have questions, 18 02 08 2 you should contact your financial institution. 18 02 08 2 Yourhouehod apUanesTTY: 1-800-465-7735 You probably don't have to worry about yourOrvstu : appliances. The Bug wiIl hit only those that depend, on dates to work properly. if you can unplug an appliance and then turn it back on without. having to reset anything, it should be OK. None of your equipment should stop working altogether. But C ainada <