Oronio Week-1fly Tims, Wednesdayv, Februaiýry 17, 19Y)S Y F PETHICK & STEPHENSON Auction Barn, Haydon SAT. FEBRUARY 20 1at 6:00 p,.m. Viewing frorn 3 pnm. Selling the household contents for the estate of Percy and Luella Walters, Oshawa (worked for Ouif Pethjck for 21 years in the auiction and water business). List to include mnaple drop leaf table with 2 chairs, bedroom, suite, French Prov. love seat & chair, chesterfield, loveseat & chair, dressers, coffee/end tables, ant. bedroom chair, rocking chair, childs rocker, Duncan Phyfe dining table,' blanket box, granite top baking table, glassware and dlishes: cranberry. carnival, depression, cups and sauicers, cookie jars, wash bowl sets, dlocks: miantie, gingerbread, heates, llecstabes olampts, Pmcisetabls, gAvon botis, Raln plante anpod Jaan moreintereing iaens. go cquof tlahe qSare t Cant-1 ordsHEQUEocP-s aprnk I. .ouS, owersandkertosne het esams (aleo morieinterin iems intierms ofthe sale- (705rove7-I82 or VS (3% Srchag. Owers arntoneerr floatmeresponibeforh aciodent oer iry t incurred at theire ale. pb (7052)ot 277-9829 ors Clarhagtoa Fire Cali The larngtn ir Remembering Grandpa TVi F' t-r 1e mout imporaro$$5MeNE MESSAGF 0f poure, CALL (24 hroofs) 416-390 9897'l-800-922 2545 N600 A SlCELiNE? 0ODonneil ORS ana af Conmas orget Caenouand1 Promoiiai deriing Compares nee do se8-salesta cal an local buiesses 60% aor grss profit 905 -427-8528. MAKE $199895STO $2990 PROFIT per orer. Oprate a homnebased mollrder buiness. Wa dropship Ns oives.- tory Inestorent turee details Garanf, Boa 21053 RB, Thunder Boy, Oloaria P7A 8A7 MAKE BIG MONEY IN MAIL OCR009 Cashn n tu(e ninlao'on boom Opeale heme baed bsiness us a nreîe, becume raptshîp eaie, fo u fnca ucosielle, hce slady coureetc 1Na eaperîence or merhodise roeoiment neceaaary Fre e delîs. CWeii Eroa 420 CNO,43 ing SiI W ,Sallon ON. L7b 5T1 THE FýAST TRACýK - /0vcar e ou ha fasi Irai-ktlusac- cessas a unFbcal' Camuicalionu Canada Inapoendent Reprasenlalree, eorq:rmg immrediate icash mo~rne and 1000 fr ardfa incana. By selling qaalty cummu-ircu raie services pou qaalify for generuas c-main ocuses ie ouast ISar'Prugrum, hîcr 000y0 immadaieiy for gaunrîa me r lvpig ar u lhe samne. Suif ypua rae rsî 1 lsir a r ar casa CALI. TODAT I' pnea ersolla (514'117 -705 LaIr, 'ta easilt c n rbam aoa AIl sLiOtrOEiNI. l ue rAApl1, Ir d ' ,rr i ur., c aria -i S a Os e l a fa 4, a 00OD opia S 6.AEUcilmug m i ad civers 1Tcmpaexvîgraf mi e mii preparCe solubtle appicrra Mmialry uf Educ90io 26gîsle29dThue Slud Omlu-mu Prgr Avnueia louis aab re. upnence cesuoard OMS I 850. inCsl corCartl dato r pourFPEE OK. I 1- logue, cari 24hrs, 1-800-665-7044 SAWMiLL $4895 SAW LGGS INTO ECARDS, pierres, beams Large capacity Best sawrmîy value arywhere. rea rfomt0ran1-S00 56F6899 NcIooodSawmiis R R 2 Kiwh, Onaria POE i GO. CEDAR V-GROCVE PANELUN5"o 4' 270 Li, Ft TOP QUaly We Denrver 1-800 26-0205 Ranale Marri- GAN T SET VAGARAO Wrrea bot ide effecîs Now availaie i Canada an ai ooricea linicaiiy! proven nbrrgianri CalMrkPlzPrcyTil Free 1ý8 977747 LO6, .-JOCCATiSSAfelon audanloSali caue borasl bo0at mCD player, o Nirlendu CDu. Man- agers wanled t 00-383-3588 KATY'S CLOSET FASHION CAREER - DIRECT SALES roeaindepeiden dnamic indvidueila crC-mdte aur ,ew lIra af SpaOrt, Career E Casoal tfaubiona o SuzaorieWisdoa i 855 578 7717 800-451 070 $ dabieain117 H MALYA PYCHI ANS5/E i muod n Nmaboa r~ ~ ~~ ~c Sf 7 07 y,5.5/nrie2 mar ATTENION 1' SAELLIt DiS 05/595 re o 060$0000 30 al5 5760100. 0.6c5 $1180 0. 0 DRAST LUDATONSTRAIGHTWALL 180dM i-an- meca u ig Imi iued ia/1rîm. Al izes uap'o o0c cul hs r huduoCal W 0Oü aae 87788f 0 City Deulîn Townhomes/condos/hcIrnes Dobrd aclivuie Speciai rat-- for exterded 010001 GuIl Fronl Really, lc 800-421-4853 Request for Proposai ~ PROPOSAL NO. FS99-002 ,.. VEHICLE LEASING SEALED BIDS clearly marked as to the contents, addressed to the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board, will be received from vendors at the Education Centre, Reception Desk, 1994 Fisher Drive, Peterborough, Ontario, K9J 7A1 (705> 742- 9773 until 2:00:00 p.mi. local time, Friday, 12 March 1999 for the supply and delivery of vehicles for the Facilities Services Departnient of the School Board. Bid documents will bc available at a mandatory pre-bid site meeting to be held Tuesday, 23 Fehruary 1999 betweeen 4:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. at which ail current Board owned vehicles wiil be inspected for trade-in purposes. Lowest or any bid not necessarily accepted. This advertisement may also be accessed at www.vaxxine.com/opha R. (Dick) T. Malowney Director of Education Angela Lloyd Chairiperson of the Board K a w a th a Pi n R i g e istr ct ch o l B o a r by Helen Lewis Scbiiff There are few miemories of my grandpa (George Glariville sen), as 1 was only nine wlhin lie died of gangrene. Hlow weil 1 remember lits foot, ail black and blue. He would not let the doctors amputate. He'd say to me, lying on bis deathbed, "Helen, go down to, Billy 1Riddell's (a barber shop where bakery is located) and get some peppermints." To this day tliey are a favourite candy of mine and memories of grandpa corne witli themn. Before lie was tilI1woufld often visit, my grandparents. Tliey lived on the se-conId place, west side, as one leaves dntrnfor Taunton Roadi. Iwas a- naive chuld and belîeved grandjpa when ie ltold mre how t catch a robini. "You walk up behind thie robin and sprinkle some pep- pecr on his tail,"'be~d say. This property bas changed over the years. The lilac bush- es ovring a good part of the h!-i-isode have- long been eovering telw u sacyellow-fowemg lan - was wonderful to a child in bare feet, but that robin remrained elusive. Grandpa, was knowni as "Honest" George Gavila nice legacy to leave a family. A Cornîshman, lie liked bis "Scru-mpy" (bard cider). My mother and auint were scold- ed for sampling tlie product and getting tipsy. Granidpa called tliem laugffling yenas. In 1923 "Honiest' George purcliased a Chevrolet and was quoted in t'ne Orono News as saying, "Taking everybody else's dust is a ting of the past." As it tumred out lie wasn't inucli of a driv- er. One day as lie and daugli- ter Mabel (Later Mrs. Harry Lecwis) were drivýing home, the car picked u-p speed going down a bull. George kept yeling, "Whoa, whoa" but the car would not obey, and w ound up against. a bridge abutmnent. (He had been a teamster mucli too long!) He got out of the car, walked around to the passenger side and inforred bis seventeýen- year laugnerthat fr-omi now on sh was o -ngtob the driver an oiLws F IMM' A J >1 o 'i Cali me to bu>' or seil... Orono and area's reai estate representative... Kryslyna Jones 983-6013 ASSOCI TS DURHAM)Inc. 1050 Simcoe St. N., #103, Oshawa TEL: (905) 721-2112 NÎEED)EDO.. Modest, Orono and area home, small yard, 2 bedroom. Cati me if you're thinkîng of selling! ( *Complete Car & Truck Repairs. eDiesel Engines a Cummins, Detroit & Cat. a Radio Dis patched Tow Trucks e Mobile Mechanical Service Truck a ~ 1, rono4 Miles North 1 n