O( ronlo WeeklyTes Weclnjesdajýy, February- 17, 19995-lD - Fenelon Falls eliminated Dulr[feri1n Aggrega tes Family A4utoadvunes in a bat -trick mode MI te quarter-finals The Famiily AuLto bantams da visit to Fenelon Falls 1-ursdayé nigi for gamne two of iheir best-of-three serres with a wvin puitinig thiem into the quarter-finals. HowNever, Fenelon Faits had other plans scoring jusi nine seconds into thie gamne. Orono foughIt back but just couldn't peneirate thieir opposi- lions defense. Even wvith a couple of pwer-play' opportu- niies they couldn't find the net. Goalie Chris Buirriit came up bigc several timies in tihe first io keep his teamn close. Drono was finally able to solve Fenelons goalie when Tyson Gimbleit scored on a power-play from ithe point. Derek Heerschop and Jesse G imbleif d rew the assists. Fenelon Falls quickly r-eganed the lead scoring with a one-mnan advantage, then, shot even furiher ahiead when one of their forwariids who snuck in behind Orono's defense, scored on a breaik- aw\ay. Thai goal seemned 10 damipen Oronos spirits for a while as ilt ook uniil tihe thiird period for fthem 10 regain thecir comiposure. Family Auio camne alive in ietird plling 1Within one whlen Jesse imiibleit scored on a rebounid ,NitihJeif Th'Hompson asSsiIng. This goal seemed 10 gel the team iatt fired up becauise, onIlya1 Couple of Min- ,_'ankers foreclose on Century 21 novices Or-onos Centuryv 21 Excel novices miade the r-oad ti.1p 10 Bowmianville for Saturdays gamne against Royal Bank. Dur-ingI first period action, the 'Realtor-s" looked Strong as ny Jackson fired in the firsi g aI un tassisied, just oneC minute into the gamne. Wiih a gr-eat bur-si of speed after- taking a pass fr-om Ben MlvcKelvile, Tyler- Lawrience flew w thin stirI',iing distance of the net and gave (Century 21 a tw-ollead. Howecver, Royal Bank îighItenied thlelirskate laces then r-espiondced by et One back. Br-ock Dunham, Br1-ad( Martin. Jeffrey NMulder and uites lter, Hleerschiop blasted One in on a hutge slap shiot thai fooled the goalie. Thomipson and Jesse Gimiblet got the assists. The gamne remained tied ai ihree whIen the buizzer souinded sending it into overtime. Orono dominated overtime wviih couniless scoring chances, buit il was Chris Burritt who wNas the reai star comiing uip wiîhi the big saves thiat easily could hiave been.goals. Neithier ieam coutd score in thie allotted overtimne period and Iihe gamne ended ini a 3-alI stalemnate. Came three in Orono Thec Family Auto bantams were back ai home Sunday night againsi Fenieton Falts for the final gamne of the series needing eîiher a win or a lie to move on. This limre, ihey camie oit flying, scoin irst less thian a minute mbit the gamie. Dan Tresise was the, man--poking the puick mbt the neti1-rom11a gfoal m1outh scramibte. Adami TFolleti and Jeff Thiompson drew\ the ass'isis. Oronio let up a bit in the mniddle of the period allowing Feneton Falls to unload some shots, buit Jeff Stemon turned them away b maintain the lead. Finally, tate in the first, while on a p)oweri-play, Orono weCni up 2-0 whIeniJeff Thlompson slid onle in frihOie side of the net. Dan Tresisýe and Tyson imiibleit goi thie assists. In the second perîod, Fenelon Falls applied the pres- suire whien Oronio took a few bad penalties bi, thieir defense and great goaltending by Slimon kepi themt off the board. Derek Heerschiop made it 3- 01 on anotiher power-play when hie ripped a slap shiot high, giv- ing Orono a comm-îianding, lead. Assisting wvere Dan Tresise and iMait Reid. Fenelon camie close to scor- ing dluingii( a break late in.ihe period buit Slimoni foiled them again. Orono played, good defen- sive hiockey in the third but srirggled Io clear their own zone. Fenelon pouinced on this cuftIing Ille ad 3-1. Two min- uies laier îhiey pulled with one. t \\as ai, this point, the Orono boys realized thai theyd betier get back on ihieir g1amle and jtry ,for- anothiee goal. -Anid, Ricky HowNe cdid justithat, as hie circled arouind ouLiini front of thie net fthen picked thie top cor- ner giving hiis teami a 4-2- lead. Fenelon Faits lhad somie powerplay scorîng oppor01tuni- îles late iin the gam1e, bi evenl- iually succumnbed Io a jubilanit Oronio cIlub who now mnoves on 10 thle AiI-Oniario quairter,- finials. IltisInoi N'et Ki1NOWfl wIlo thley wviI ll lay. Donut Gallery tukes shore of the spoils The Donui Gallery atims took io the road Saturday, pay- ling a visit to M & D Meais. Hlopîing to comle Oui on1 top, iihey instead w\ere happy io share the pointsiswhei the gaine ended ini a 3-3 lie, The team lefi the dressingl( roo0111pumIped and ready 10 play.ý M & D's netiminder gyot a r'eall w\oikouII deflectinlyitig pucks iuntil the seven i ie mark whIen Doug Deboo) slipped one in assisied by Andy Kadykalo and Robyni Henderson. M K& D)responidect less ithan a minlute kila t[iin thie game at one. Second period aci-ion w,\as even more excitin-g with 'both clubs scoring îwo goals each. Deboo earned bis second point of the gamne with Kadykalo assistin)g fromi Garret Wood. Oronos third goal was inisiigaiedi by Justin Westerink whjo slid the puIck uLp 10 10 Sarah Donnietty wh1o banked 'it off the board-, 10 Joshi Moffai wýho slammed il home. T"le third period was score- less as bothi teamis foughit t pull ahiead of the oiher. As il turn-Ied Out ihough, the gamne ended tied aIihlree with' boih, teams grabbing a point. Co(ry Vloce ail did their _job-s--- t\\,) minutes lefi on the dlock, great backchieckingý! fihe bankers scored 1\\o morle Thle game sceemed 10 iurn goý(als io take the lead whI'ichl aroumnd in the third as Royal heIL Lld u tli the !buIzzeCsune Baink even2ied ihings up scoring inal score Royal Banllk 4 on a rebound. Theni, with onl Cenjtury 1Ece 2 The Dufferin Aggregae Minior TyNkes have posied tw,\o wvins anid onie loss over a raiher slow monith for the ieamn. Thiey,'ve beeni hard at iok tri nbut, have niot seen a whole lot of action due to glamne scheduling. January 22nd, the Orono club took on the Investors Group, 'tricking them 10 an outsianding 11-1 win! Edward Meester, Randy Clugsion and Christopher Lunn ail led the way scoring hat-iricks while Tyler Webster and Spencer Cote added singles. Playmaker, Nicholas Lwrence racked up five assists conîributing to the wini while Jessy Desourdy played another strong game in net for Orono. Luck was flot on iheir side wh.en ihe tykes took on McDonald's. Despite a strong effort, the teami realized a 6-4 Ioss. Tyler Webster potied iwo goals for Orono while Meester and Lunn scored one apiece. Goaltender, Spencer Cole was solid betwýeen the pipes. On Saturday, the Dufferini Aggregates faced off againsi Shoppers Drug Mari defeatingb the Bowmanville club 7-3. Randy Clugson had an out- standing game claiming four of Orono's seven goals while Meester had yet another liat- trick! Hard work by Brandon Cox, Carson Quinn and Cameron Crozier coniributed Io Orono's strong performance. The minor tykes will see tournament aciion--their firsi of the season, on February 27th in Warkworth. They have high hopes of retumning home victors. Hold on 10 youir seats folks, ihings areare about 10 heat up in Ontario Minor'Hockey Association playoffs with two Orono entries geiting set for quarter-final action. The Markham Label pee-, wees , who swept their series wiih the rival Newcastle Stars,, and, the Family Auto bantams, who shut the door on Fenelon Falls' playoff bopes, are the iwo remaining Orono rep teamis on a quesi for Ontario chiampionship supremnacy. They, will be iaking hockey to the next tevel with the quarter final round commenicing laier this week. This will be hockey ati us besi-- 100 good to iiss! Both teams will play a ihree-oui-of-five game series. Markham Labels series is on hold until a winner is declared between Tamworth and Douro who are squaring off Tuesday and Wednesday of ihis week--tbe winner of which goes oni 10 play game one here in Orono Friday, February i 9th at 9 p.m. Game iwo will be Sunday, February 21--either in Tamworth at 3:30 or Douro (no lime set). The Famity Auto bantams have their contraci drawn up and are slated t0 play Madoc. Game one of ibis series gels under way Friday, February l9th in Mado 'c ai 9 p.m. Game two is in Orono Sunday, February 2l1st ai 6 p.m. TwoOrono Rep teams advan<e to quarter- final round Victoria-Durham Consolation NOVICES Friday, February 19 - MillbrookLat Orono - 7 p. Suinday, Fehruary 21 - Orono ai Manvers - 5:30 Friday, February 26 - Ops ai Orono - 7 p.m. Tlhursday, March'-4 - Orono ai Bobcaygeon - 6 pi.m. Friday, Mar-ch 5 - Manvers ai Orono 7 p.m. Monday, March 8 - Orono ai Ops - 6 p.m. Friday, March 12 - Bobcaygeon at Orono - 7 p.mi. Sunday..March 14 - Orono at illbrook - 2:30 p.mn. ATOMS Friday, February 19 - Bobcaygeon ai Orono - 8 p.mn. Friday, February 26 - Qmiemee at Orono - 8 p.m. SidyFebruaryN 27 - Orono at Fenelon Falls - 1 p.m. Tlhursday, March 4- Orono ai Bobeayg,-eoni - 7 p.m. Friday, March -5 - Sunderland ai Orono - 8 p.m. Suinday., Mardli 7 - Orono ai Omemeeno - 4 pi.m. Tuesday, M'ardi 9 - Orono ai Sunderland - 7:30 p.m. Friday, March 12 - Fenielon iFalls ai Orono - 8 p.m. m