a.- Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 17, 1 999 -7 C KENDAI I am back from a week of holidays and back to my reg- ular life. This weather is quite a change from the unusually warm weather experienced further south. Valentine's Day at Kendal United Church was a busy nne! Not only did Rev. John Ilivan lead us in worship on this Transfiguration Sunday, but we also had a delicious and most plentiful Pot Luck Lunch before we fin- ished our "Secret Friend" pro- gram. We gave valentines to our friend and finally revealed our true identity after trying to disguise it for a year. Many were totally surprised as the friends had gone to extreme lengths to make us think they were someone else. We all have enjoyed this year of sur- prises and thank Carole Gardner for the idea and itting it into place. l'he Prelude was sung by the Choir before announce- ments and Don Peddar lit the Christ Candle. We were glad to have Sylvia Toffan in church this moming as we have been praying for her in her battle against cancer. Our Organist/pianist Carole Gardner is down to her last radiation treatment in her battle. We all admire her strength and courage in con- tinuing her regular church obligations as she also copes with these serious health problems. We are learning a new Children's Hymn, "I Am the Light of the World" and sang the refrain only, several times to become acquainted with it. Rev. Sullivan did the Children's Moments and did an excellent job. He told the story of how Valentines came into being from the actions of a Christian whose last name was Valentine. This man lived about 300 years after Christ. Rev. Sullivan's theme for today was about God being awesome God, and relat- rg it to other events that we have found awesome - such as being present for the birth of a child. We all find inspira- tion in the Children's Moments despite it being for the children. The choir then sang their anthem "Come, Let Us Sing of a Wonderful Love" after the children exited to Sunday School. Laura Savage, who often does the Children's Moments, was thanked in front of the congregation for the excellent and inspirational job she does, and the love with which e does it. She was present- d with a rose and a Valentine card on behalf of the children and the congregation. She was suffering with a very sore throat as a resuilt of a bad cold this week. The text on which -the Message "The Transfiguration" was based was Matthew 17: 1- 9. The radiance which illuminated Jesus came from God, as did Moses' radiance descending the mount when he had L NEWS by Joan Anderson received the Ten Commandment stone tablets. This significant event is doc- umented in three of the New Testament books. Such radi- ance marks every aspect of their appearance and is awe- inspiring. Peggy Frank read the litur- gy most expressively, and then the children from the Cool Kendal Kids took up the collection. As we exited the service they also provided us with valentines which they had made, a most delightful and welcome touch. New Service Times Rev. Sullivan announced r ý_Church that the times forpointrch Services at all thre anged in his charge have C gd order that he havo tif@ tLO socialize some before he must dash off to the next service. Newtonville now begins their service at 9:30 a.m., Kendal at 11:30 a.m. and Shiloh at 1:30 p.m. Central Charge Meeting All three churches sent their representatives to the Pastoral Official Board meet- ing in Newtonville Church, Monday, February 15. Each church will continue to have their own Congregational Board but will now send the following to the Official Pastoral Charge Board: Newtonville and Kendal - 4 elders, 4 stewards, 1 trustee, 1 treasurer, 1 Sunday School rep, 1 Presbytery rep and I UCW rep. Shiloh: 2 elders, 2 stewards, i trustee, i trea- surer, 1 Sunday School rep, 1 Pfrôbytlci FRp% m JÇW rep. Al members of the Boards must be church mem- bers. This is a trial format only, and will be evaluated in June. Pastoral Supervisor Rev. David Chisling will attend most Pastoral Board meetings, and Rev. Suillivan will attend meetings of Session. Future Central Charge Meetings For the next four months, the Pastoral Central Charge Meetings will be on the first Monday of the month: March 1, April 5, May 3 and June 7. Please mark these meeting dates on your calendar to remember them. av, Pancake Breakfast to support Kendal Sunday School Sunday moming February 21, from 8:30 - 11:00 a.m. will be a deliclous hot pan- cake breakfast supplied by members and supporters of the Kendal Sunday School. All profits will be used by the Sunday School in its pro- grain. Bring one and all out - it will be a joyous and happy occasion! Ash Wednesday Service in Newtonville Tonight the Pastoral Charge will have a joint ser- vice at 7:30 p.m. at the Newtonville Church. The choirs of Kendal and Newtonville will be doing a (continued page 8)