r 6 Orono Weekly limes, Wednesday, May 2&. 1999 First 'place tulips along the wlInding pathis, truly a feast for the eyes. Dave an-3wered several questions alid was thanked by Fiora 5Siarpe. It was a treat for ail present to see the beautiful slicles. Yvonne mâilUafd, judge for P the Spring Flower Show, con- gratulated the members on the excellent entries and gave many helpfuli hints on preparing sptýclmef5. Doreen Lowery gave the show report. To conclude the meeting carôl gave a reading "Poem to reffiember that late Ruth 'r'Ék", jf Hanmpton who contributed BO much over many years to the work of Horticulture 50cieties. Announcemý-lts- Next exectItive meeting - June 15 at MPiiorie Lowery's home. Next meeting - June 24 - Speaker on "«Magic with Herbs and Fl@wers." Flower ]Ba@ket Sale - June SECTION B- Potted Plants 16. The Three of Us - three lndivldua]Iy potted seedlings - 1-. Pat Bales 2. Lorna Atklns 17. African Violet, any varn- ety - 1. Doreen Lowery 2. Lomna Atklns 3. Pat Bales 18. Any foliage plant, naines - 1. Minnie Zegers 2. Pat Bales 3. Lomna Atkins 19. Any flowering house plant, named - 1. Lorna Atkçins 2. Minnie Zegers SECTION C - Decorative 20. With Love to Mother, arrangement i a basket - 1. Shelley Etmanskie 2. Lonia Atkins 3. Inez Harris 4. Pat Bales 21. Triplets - three flower- ing stems and foliage, front view - 1. Shelley Etnianskie 2. Lomna Atkins 3. Pat Bales 22. Reflections - Water viewing design, front vlew - 1. Shelley Etmanskle 2. Anne Anderson 3. Pat Bales SPECIAL PRIZES 1. Best arrangement - donated by Anne and John Anderson - Shelley Etmanskie 2. Judge's Choice, other than decorative, donated- by Pat Bales - Lomna Atkins 3. Most points in specimen tullps, donated by Ed and Olive Milîson - Lomna Atklns 4. Most points In entire show, donated by Orono Horticultural Society, - Lomna Atklns, No. of exhibitors 12 No. of entries 94 Submitted by Dorothy I3arett ADVERTISE Lorna Atkins racked Up the most points in the tulip class at las( ~week's Horticuýltural Club Spring Flower Show. Along with that award, Atkins also won the Judges Choice Other Than Decorative, and had accumiulated the most points in the entireshw Lorna is pictured here with her prize winning ltlips. Orono Hortîcultural spring flowver show and sale 1On May 20, 1999, a good number of members of Orono Horticulturai Society met in the Main Hall of Orono United Church at 7:30 p.m. Pres. Carol Mostert called the mneeting to order and extend- ed a war-m welcome to ahl. O'Canada was sung with Doreen Lowery at the piano. Carol reported that the receint Spring Luncheon was well attended and expressed appreclation to convenor Dini Schoernmaker and alI who helped tiany way. Carol gave an interesting talk about the plant "garlic,' a member of the lily family. This plant dates back to Egyptian times and is now grown all over the world. Garlic has good medicinal qualities besides Its distinc- tive flavour. Secretary Lorna Atkins read the April minutes whlch were accepted. The Society will plant the flower contain- ers in the business section of Orono again this year. Aiso a garden tour is being planned and volunteers were asked for. Flora Sharpe, treasurer, gave a favourable report. Grants have been received from the O.H.A. and the Municipality of Clarlngton. The Society now has 116 m-embers. The guest speaker for the evening was Dave Quinton and was introduced by Dini Schoenmaker. Dave's garden "Rhododendron Woods" is becomning vwell known an-d was featured recently ini gar- denïing magazines. Dave gave an interesting anid informa- tive talk about rhododien- drons and azaleas . He passed around several samples of linds of this beautiful flowier. Rhododendrons need a loca- tion glvlng wind protection, partial shade and acid soul. They grow best in moist but well drained conditions, and are better with mulch to keep roots cool and moist. They are grown i many parts of the world with some new varieties developed even i a northern country like Flnland. There are many varieties available, some grow quite large and will live for several years. Dave showed many inter- estimg sldes of his garden. It was especially interesting to see pictures of the property in the early 1970's when it was just a bare field. Many trees were planted to provide shade and wind protection and beds were prepared for the planting. Dave bas other gardens, as well, featurlng perennials, alpine plants and cacti. A tour of the garden shows the many beautiful shades of colour in the blooms of Rhododendrons There were rnany cus- tomers at ttne Plant Sale. Lunch was perved by Inez Hars, Jessie Watkins and Anri Dilks. SPRING FLOWER SHOW SECTION A Specimen C;it Flowers 1. Tlips, two sitemns, red - 1. Lrrainle j ïnes 2.- Pat Bales 2. Dulip, tvo stemns, yellow - 1.ý Doreen Lowery 2. Inez Hanis .3. Shell'ey Etma"sie '3. Tulip' , ,O Stemns, plnik - 1. Jackie Kîtley 2. Lorna A'tk-ins 3.Sheliley Etmanskle 4.Tlip f~stenis, white - 1. Carol Mastert 2. Inez Harris 5. Tulip, fwo stems, any otherý col ouf - 1. Jackie Kirtley 2. pat Bales 3. Carol Mostert 6. Tulip, two stems, lily, any colour - 1.- Shelley Etmanskie 2. Minnie Zegers 7. 'nufip a stems, parrot or frlnged, a iy colour - 1- Lorna Atkinjs 2. Inez Hanrs 3. Minniûe Ze7 8. 'ruîip, t,." o stems, dou- ble, any cohjuLr - 1. Lomna Atkins 2. Miymlie Zegers 3. Jackie Kirtiey 9. Tul-ip, uiree stems, one of each'- coloujr and variety - 1. Carol Mostert 2. Pat Baies 3. Shelley Etmiartskie 10. Narcissps', twvo stems, long or short trumpet - 1.- Minnie Zegers 2. Lorna Atkins 3. Shelley Etmnanskie 4. Inez Harris 11. Lily-of-tlie-VaIley, three stems and follage - 1. Carol Mostert 2. jaçkle Kirtley 3. Minnie Zegers 4. Anne Anderson 12. Any othl,-r flower, three stems, grown from bulb or rhizome - 1. carol Mostert 2. Jackie Kirt1eý 3- Lomna Atklns 4. Minnie Z-egÈrs 13. Aniy ofiler spring gar- dem flower, thiee stems, One ,variety - 1. Cç,rol Mostert 2. Minnie Zegers 3. Lorna Atkins 4. Jaelde Klrtley 14. Bleeding Heart, three stems - 1. liiez- Harris 2. Shelley Etmanskie 3. Pat Bales 15. Branch of flowering shrub or tree - 1. Jackle irtley 2. Pat Bales 3. Jessie Watklns 4. Minnie Zegers * Morrison's I HardwareI *Saturday, May 29th IeRibbon Cutting Ceremonies. I Hot at 10.-30 a.m. , Ho Dog & Pop $ 1.OO0 served ['rom Il a.m. (o 2 p.m. I (Pr-oceeds to the Girl Guide Camping Fund) FREE DRAWS e BALLOONS. *SPECIAL SALE PRICES. LCorne and meet the Morrison Familyl L -immem M muMzm J MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. SERVING DURHAM REGION SINCE 1841 ALL FUNERAL SERVICES PREARRANGED AND/OR PREPAID BURIAL - CREMATION - TRANSFERS "WHIERE PROFESSIONAL ETIQUETTE IS IMPORTANT" FUN.ERL DIPECTORS PAýUL R. MORRIS GARY M. CON WAY DOUG R. RUT-HERFORD DEBRA D. KELLEHER 623-5480 DIVISOQN ST. BOWMANVIL - AT QUEEN ST.