mRà ý ý -ýOr()n ýcc-lyýïne, Wednesdayjune 2, 19~ For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 BARINA b~ HOME CHECK "Let us make your home look ived in " Vacation Home Checking Wedding Day Services or whenever you're away INSURED RELIABLE REFERENCES (905) 786-2996 Barb Shetier - Ina Cox Serving Newonville, Newcastle, Orono &surroungding commiunitie, Lsied in White & YelowPae Fl1owers Plus FLOWERS - GIFTS & CRAFT'S 46 King Street East NEWCASTLE 987-1500 Betty Lycett 98-3-5908 Wilda Middleton 983-9819 ORONO ELECTRIC Ir Ltd. lectrical Appliances Colour 1V's -Hi-Fi's SALES AND SERVIE Hotpoinit -R.C.A. White -Westinghot,st- Frigidaire - Whirlpool ,Wood's Freezers M1agic Chef - Hoover GRUINDY'S Country Upholstery QUClity Work in Upholstery .R. 2, Orono 983-9874 Bryon Grundy CATER-ING - Pig Roasts * *Corn Roasts' - Weddings 0 *Bail Tournaments. *Canopy Rentais * "RA IN OR SHIXE- Having a party? Worried about cooking? Dont spend pur time barbe- cuing when you can be relaxing with friends and family! Cail The Roaster at (905) 983-1081 This charcoal BBQ can be ,used as a grill or roisserie. AND, can be purchased or hred for catening What are yoa doing for the Millennium? GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTRE, Newtonvîlle Friday, JUNE 4th, 1999 6:00 p.M. Selling the attractive furnishings from the home of Mrs. Kay Grosvenor. North York, lncludlng ber 1975 Dodge Dart with 58,000 miles, living room suites. several attractive occasional tables, occasional chairs, dinlng furniture, china cabinet, 2 tea wagons. oak sideboard, grandmnother long case dlock, mantie dlocks, marbie Victorian hall table. oak library- desk, colour TV. VCR., bedroom fumniture, cedar chest, sewing machine. tredle machine. Numerous antiques and collectibles. A large variety of good chinaware, glass and dishes, (Chintz, Shelley, etc.), lamps,, mîrrors. linens, old radios, prints, pictures, framnes, small appliances, Books- Harvard Classlc Series (1 - 51), music, garden tools, etc. etc. PRPNIEW Friday qfter 2:00 p. m. AUCTION STARTS AT 6:00 p.m. AUCTIONEER FRANK G. STAPLETON. Newtonvifl (905) 786-2244 1-800-263-9886 PETHICK & STEPHENSON Auction Barn, Haydon SATURDAY, JUNE Sth at 5:00 p.m.' Open at 4:00'p.m. Exc. selection of modern furniture from a Bowmanvlîle home: china cabinet, wardrobe, ent. centre, desks, queen water bed - box spring style/mirror complete, captains bed, dressers, recliner chesterfield and loveseat, electric organ. Fairfax vacuum, end tables, mlicrowaves, mie. stand, stereo unit, dishes, old coins, dehumîdifier, port. toilet, dlocks, pictures etc. TERMS: Cash, Cheque, Interac or Visa. AUCTIONER DON STEPHENSON 905-2634402 or (705) 277-9&29 Fax 705-277-9010 From 401 Ext. 431 at Bowmanvîlîe, North 8 mi. on Hwy. 57 to Con. Rd. 8, turn East at the Fire Hall. 2 ac UT PAYS TO ADVERTjSE 983-530fl T1 M4Ellennium GIFTS TO OIÉR COMMUNITIES. GIFTS TO OUR FUTLIRE. When your grmndcbildren ask wbat you did to mark the pas- sage of the new. millennim, what will'you say? Will you tell tbem you recognized this miomentous occasion witb a fantastic par*ty1? Or w'll \yOu tell tblem yVou wepart Of some- thling special1 somnetbling that really miattered to youI and your Lavîshi celebrations mnd par- ties are fun, buttfleeting. Witnessinig tbe passagec of 2,000 years of time deserves some- thing that, lasts. Y'ou want to leave your mark, to say "I was there - and 1 iimttered."ý Wlsat kind of mark are you going to leave? If yOuI're looking for a mnemo- rable and mieaningflsl way to mark Vthe millennium, Canadla's coimunity founidations have the answer. It's caîled the Catalogue of Possibilities and it's full of hundreds of examples of "gifts" we can give to our communities to make themn stronger, more vibrant places to live. The gifts can be of tirre, money or energy. They can sig- nify our hopes, values mnd pri- orities for the future. SThe Catalogue of Possibilities is part of Our Miliennium, a national initiative that invites Cmnadimns to make a "millennium gift" of their choice to their coInmunity. "The gift ideas listed in the Catalogue of Possibilities are a bout mucli more Itbm one niglit of festivities," says Betsy 'Martin of Our Millennium. "They are about truly markîng the millennium, making our presence known and felt for years to comie." The possibilities are endless. Your gifi cmn involve: Syouth and cbildrcn arts and culture >environment ~-conlnections Srecreation h eritage Slearning >safety '-care and support Let your imagination -be your guide! The Catalogue of Possibilities is a starting point 10 get groups thinking about a gifl that's right for tbem. The ë?xampl es in the catalogue are mlent to inspire failies, neigbbours, co-workers, book clubs, play groups any group can corne up witb their own gifi. What kinds of gifts can you give?_ The sky is t he limi t! Gifts can be large. or small. Tbink about what is importmnt to you now and in the future. For example, Create a neighbbourhood study centre with otber par- ents where kids or teens can do homework together *Have your bridge club support local artists by organizing impromptu galleries, in restaurants or offices *Talkwith seniors about creat- ing a 'Ivolunteer grandpar- ents" program to share your wisdom and companionship with local cbildren *Build a community play- ground witb your neighbours " Work with your scbool friends on a contest to create a coat of armns for your com- munity " Get your biking neiglibours together to organize a neigh- bouïhoodI bike safety session G (et your off ice to spend a day doing odd jobs for seniors or people whio neeod sup port Gifiscm be anything your imag- ination orresources will1 allow. How do 1 get the Catalogue ofPossibilities? The Catalogue of Possibilities can be downloaded off the inter- net, at or picked up at your local Community Foundation office. For the price of postage, you cmn also receive a catalogue by mail. Caîl Our Millennium at 1-877-880-6455. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE ORONOl WEEKLY TIMES 9 8 3-5 301 Hooper's Jewellers... A ntique Pocket Watches & Codrn andseocoletion o oinad e otcolecaiono Howard Mller Grandfather Clocks -Sales and Service - Hooper's Jewellers .39 King Street West, Bowmanville* 623-5747 Kicking -The jTobacco Habit Together V No need for nags Remember positive change bappens wben we bave a positive attitude. Youir friend lias to want to quiit for bimsewlf a n ot for you. V Be uaderstanding Keep in mind that people smnoke for many reasons, like coping with stress or dealing withi difficult situations. If mont is tbinking of quitting [et lier know tbat you under- stand it will be difficult and y ou il l support ber in trying to adopit a hecaltbier lifestyle. v Seek out the "C's" Convenience and Couinselling, Help yýour friend or family miember find aIl the options available for hielp. Somne stop sm1oking- systemis are easily avaiable off tbe shielf in your coun]Isellingl- is ontly, a pbone cýaîl 1a\ay oun g et adv ice ab)out starting onl a stop soigprogr-am by caling, toll-fr, ee: 1-888-730-4636 And Nov,... Theù'y're Ready to Quit! Once your fiend or family member bi las decided to qulit sminiýLg, bere is how you canl V Celebrate the dmy Plnafin activity for the dpsignated uitn day". If your sister is tyn to quit, tre:at ber to a day spetin her favouite ay. aybe a gamne of tennis or a mlassage?, SeBe a support system Find ways to support your friend in a 'positive way. Maybe offer to be her exercise buddy. (Why not get ber a free day pass for your gym? She migbt end up joining.) Or orgmnize a designated dinner- date when you cmn relax mnd chatabout tbe week's stresses. V Be forgiving Tbis a difficult time for your loved one. Try to be forgiv- ing of irritable or edgy moods and steer clear of situations that should be avoided. V Create a smoke-free zone Wben your friend first quits offer to help dlean the bouse and the car. Nicotrol and the Stop Smoking Nov!_ program suggest that you rid both places of ail smoking reminders as a symbol of disposing of an old way of life. Also, make sure to sit in Ilnon-smoking" sections of' restaurants and try not to frequent areas where smoking has been associated. 6l9aie( q . Banting 7ine f Firearmns e&rCo((&ctibûks Collections & Estate Appraisals A Specialty ln Home Service Availabje GUNS BOUGHT, SOLD, TRADED L5331 Main Street, Orono 983-6480 email: dbanti FRESH ASPARAGUSA 57~' Fruit arket We now have Fresh Asparagus grown right her on Fred's Farm. Corne on in an pick up a pound or two for-supper or even five or six for freezing SPECIAL .... 10 lbs-.'of Mclntosh C. Gr. $295 South of Orono Hîwy. il15/35 983-5628 1