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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Jun 1999, p. 2

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p ( -CI2 Oroýn-D Weky'DneWednýesday. 4June 2. 1999 ORONO WEEKLY TMMvES Subscriptions $23.36 + $1.64 G.S.T.= $25.00/year Publications Mail Registration No. 09301 Publishing 50 Issues Annually a the Office of Publication 5310 Main Street, P.O. Box 209, Orono, Ontario LOB iMO E-Mail Address: Phone/Fax (905) 983-5301 Publisher/Editor Marg Zwart As good as his word 1 have tried, to the best ofimy ability, throughout this election camipaign to give equal coverage to ail the candidates. Letters to the Editor -were printed as they came in. 1I had no influence over the amnounit of letters suIpporting(- one party over aniother. If one party seemred to get more positive press than aniother, ifs because Roy Forrester is sucli a die-hard Liberal, and cani't hielp himrself wheni extolling, the virtues ofhlits Party. I did niot go looking for photo opportuniities, if they presented themiselves, 1J made use of the Situation. Temiptatin to break miy coininitment flot to interview candi- dates,«-as tougli, when the Green Party candidate Set uip shop a few doors down the street last weekend. Incidenitly, you won't see any Green Party signs planted on anyonie's lawn anywhere. Their party spiel is 'Seeds flot Signis'. Whien I left Gail Thompson's rid- ing office on Moniday, I did so with three sunifiower seeds wrapped up in sorte old curtain mnaterial, an orig-inal greeni water colour, and a Greeni Party flyer titled 'Tax Resources Not Inicomnes'. Thompson hasni't had timie to actively camrpaign this vast rid- ing, Sinice presently she ]ives ini Northumberland County, however, she bias beein ivolved in sonie of the leader's debates. Tbompson was looking forwvard to Tuesday niigbit's ail candi- dates debate at the Oronio Town Hall,> hosted by the Oronio District ComunlILity ,'Association. This debate, originally scheduled f'or Moniday, was mnoved to Tuesday at the request Of inIcumibenit.John 0"'Toole. At that tine, he assured Associationi Presidenit, Glenin Legault hie would be there. lu fact Legault said O'Toole gave hlmii severail assuîrances that lie would indeed showv up for the debate. As far as covering the evenit iin the local print media, Tuesday nighit is dead. The election would be over before the debate could be written uLp. Six o'clock last week Friday evening, OToole informed Legault he would flot be able to make the Tuesday night debate, claiming he had important phone cails to make that evening. If O'Toole wins bis seat back, he might want to explain his actions in one of bis 'Keeping In Touch' columns. These notes were taken at the Municipality of Clarington Council Meeting of May 31, 1999, 7:00 P.m11 1 year extension sought Autobody sbop operator, Jo Domnitrovic asked council's permission to operate bis busi- ness for another year. Because Domnitrovic's shop at the corner of Pebblestone and Courtice Roads, is on land zoned agri- cultural, he is in contravention of the zoning by-law. Last year Domnitrovic asked for and was given one year to find a suit- able location to relocate bis 'business. On Monday, Domiîtrovic said he hiad four real estate agents loQking for a suitable location for a sbop, but nothing is available in Courice. Councillor Young confirmed that agents were indeed look- ing for locations for the Domnitrovic Shop. Councillor Rowe felt Domiïtrovic would not find a suitable location in Courtice because lie las to look for industrial zoned land and flot the cheaper agricultural zoned land. Council has asked staff to bring back a status report on the Domiïtrovic situation in two weeks. New arena manager Comrmunity Services Director, Joe Caruana, intro- duced Mr. Dan Cousins, newly hired Arena Manager for Clariugton. Cousins comnes to Clarington from Chicago where he operated a multi- faceted arena complex. Prior to Chicago, Cousins was employed with he City of London Parks and Recreation Department. Cousins replaces Scott Rose who beld that posi- tion for the past 8 1/2 years. Guides Millennium Garden The Girl Guides received fu11 support, and the help of the Community Services Departmnent for the-Ir Milennium Garden. in a letter to Council the Girl Guides - Blue Heron Division explain they hope to, place the Garden on the nortli west corner of Highway 2 and Regional Road 57. The Guides would like responsibility of this project for 3 fr11 years. Afier that period, states the letter, the land will lie returned to its original condi- tion '(remove plants and replace sod) unless the Municipality of Claringtou and Blue Heron Division mutually agree to continue the arrangement. t is boped the project could begin this falî. Food vendors stay Council passed a resolutiont introduced by Councillor Mutton, and seconded by Councilor Trim, that would allow two refreshment vehicles in Newcastle to operate within 60 metres of an eating estab- lishment. The Municipal by-Iaw that regulates the licensing of these veicles states tbey cannot con- duct business within 60 metres of any eating establishment, In this case, the vehicles operating as Mrs. Di's and the Hut will be allowed to carry on business at 20 and 80 King St. W. respectively. Free meeting space denied A request by the Orono and District Community Association (ODCA) for free meeting space was denied. COUNCIL NOTES LLetteffr to Dear Editor: I clearly remember my childliood vacations when Dad would rent a car for two weeks and we would liead across the country on a road trip. As we passed througb different regions of the country we noticed some roads were full of potholes. Dad would laughi and say that tlie people here must not pay their taxes. I guess that statement miust have stuck with me over the years. As I have travelled the high- ways of this province the past few years I've noticed the pot- hoies have gotten pretty big. I've also noticed a shortage of nurses in our bospitals and a lack of textbooks for my chul- dren at school. I've also uoticed some of the classes I enjoyed as a pre-teen like home eco- nomics and woodshop (family studies and design & tech.) have disappeared due to cuts in education. t h eEditor D I guess what I'm trying to say is we must not lie paying our taxes! Maybe this is not the time for taxcuts, (especially if you have to borrow the money to pay for them). Mind you f don't like paying taxes any- more than the next guy but 1 do realize the importance of the services my tax dollars pro- vide. Maybe if's time to decide which is more important, the educaion of our cilidren and the health of our province or a few bucks in your pocket ( that aren't likely to stay there wben you bave to start paying for private scbools and private nurses.) Maybe Mike Harris is biead- ed down the wrong road - the road full of potholes! I urge your readers to think carefully about the future of Ontario when they cast their votes on June 3rd. Yours truly, A. Stewart Glenni Legatult, President of the ODCA, acting( on decisionl miade by the group at their iast mieeting, senit a letter to council asking themi to waive the nior- mial rentai fee of $10 per hour at the "Orono Town H all1, or reduce that charge to a nominai amiount. T'le letters asks that consideration be given for one year. As a newly formned group, Legault states in his let- ter, our financial resources are quite limnited. "A s Mayo0r 0of this Municipality, I advise Nyou, that cannot be doue," stated Hlamre. She went on to explain, that a unanimuous decision was mnade by the Orono Towýn, Hall Board to deny this request Mhen it was mnade to themi by the ODCA, "Our- Towvn Hall Boards do an excellent job," said the Mayor, -we cannot interfere or wve Nould ]ose every volunteer board memcn- ber." Hamire suggested that with a miembership of 20, if éachi ODCA miember paid 50 cents, the roomn, in the basemnent of the Town Hall that rents for $1 0/hour would be paid for." The motion to deny was unanimnous. Idling GO Bus Seeing as how the GO Bus sits and idles for- 20 minutes at the Newcastle Pire Station, before each run, Couincillor Trimi sugg,(ested it would not be too mnuch extra for that bus to swing up to Orono and provide public transportation to that area. Councillor Trimi asked Couincillor Novak to bring this mnalter up at the next Regional Transit Committee Meeting, as she sits on that coinmiittee. OMISSION: Omission: last week's photo of' the Orono United Church's Hymn Sing was provided by Mr. Jake VanDerSchee. <I

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