~~-Or~n1~Week1yTimes, Wedxesd~y, 4un~ % 1999 ~. KENDAL NEWS O'Toole goeès back to Q ueen's Park' chnoSavage - Stephanie Rutherford Stephanie Rutherford (teft) & Echo Savage (right) No wfld turkey encounters this weekl Instead, a stunning vic- tory by twa local youths in the H-unter Pace for horses and riders mun through the Ganaraska Forest, but starting and flnishig at Sandaraska Park. Echa Savage, age il and Stephante PRutherfard age 12 edged out ail the other competitors, most of whomr were aduits, i the hardest Field, # 1. The actual time that they had ta corne as close as passible to, but not less than, was 1 hour, 36 minutes. The girls' actual lime was 1 hour, 37.76 minutes and the second place finishers had 1 hour, 37.96 minutes. Wlnners by 20 one hundredths of a second! Their wlin was true team-wark. Stephanle felt thadt toward the end they should be trotting rather than walking, and sa they sped up some. Once they finished, Echo noticed that their resuits had been hIcluded iField #2, an eas- ler course, not # 1. After one or two Icorrect "corrections" iclud- ing a second place finish, thlngs were flnally straigtenied out, and there they were..WINNERS! They recetved a beautifu big trophy for their efforts. The girls are very experlenced riders who have been rldlng horseback together sice Grade 3, and are now i Grade 6 at Klrby Public School. TIûs Is not a race for the hIexperienced rider! They were understandably very exclted about their resuits. They felt wonderful to have acleved such a resuit agairnst ail the aduits i the category. Their extremely proud parents are Laura and Jlm Savage of Kendal and Janet and Dlck Rutherford of, Klrby. Many congratulations to bath of you. girls! At Kendail United Church we again had a good crowd, and expect an even larger one next week with four baptismis beig performed! The music chosen by Rev. Sullivan this week, was very upbeat and cheerful. We again Passed the Peace, - the congregation greeting each other and shaklng hands saylng "May the Peace of the Lord be with you." It Is nice for many of us to be able ta welcome visitors ta aur ser- vice Ithis manner. Rev. Dr. John Sullivan read a short book for the Chlldren's Word. It was a retirement present for hlm from a frend, written by Dr. Seuss and entitled "O What a Long -Way to, Go." Tt was entertalning for bath chlfdren and adults, and sent the mes- sage that whatever stage of life you are at, "if you have brains hi your head and feet I your shoes, that is, bath brainsy and footsy" there are new roads ta explore and areas ln whlch ta delve. ln essence one keeps learnlng bis/lier entire Ife. Then the youngsters proceeded ta Sunday School. The message, 'Moving Day" was based on the story of Abra m and Sarah's story. Abrani at the age of seventy- five flollowed God's word and took bis wife and other mem- bers of faxnly ta the new land ta which God led hlmn. We ail have "mavlng days" and often fnd that they are confuslng and frustratlng. Surroundlngs are no langer famillar, and we have ta establish new personal rela- tionsbips and new routines. Life lsn't as wonderful as we had hoped it would be. It can be liard work ta get used ta the miany new and different encounters. It can also be energizing and hivigoratingl God w.11 help us, Just ask hlm. Hle wfil also forgive aur mtistakes as we fumble about getting used toalal the new and différent in aur lives. Again, Just ask hlm for for- glveness. Prayers of Celebration and Conceru Pat Atktns continues ta, be i aur prayers. Pat is recov- ering from the klidney fallure last week, and Is doing better now. We ail miss you and. want yau back well again. Eleanor Foster's daughter Car olyn Byers reports that Eleanor returned home on Conservative Candidate John, O'Toole won ail but 4 of the 181 polis in the Durham riding, claiming 57% of the vote. Pockets of support for Minnie, where he won the poils were, two in North Oshawa where he won by 41 votes, and two in Bowmnanville where hie won by eight votes. On election night, O'Toole said, "I knew wewere doing wveli by the growing number of volunteers we had every wee-k of the campaign,," We can look forward ta mnanaged change in the next four years O'Too!e stat.ed, "a ittie siower Pace.', Underfunded famiiy sup- port and child services in Durham Region wili be high on O'Toole's ist of things ta tackle i this terni of office. Althaugh O'TooIe could flot explain his where abouts Monday fromn her pacemaker implantation operation and is doing fine. We are so glad that her recovery is comiing along and look forward to see- ing her again. 1Bob Brooklng Is recoverlng from a heart attack a week ago, but wasn't doing well again this Saturday in Lindsay Hospital. Our thoughts and prayers are with you Bob, as weil as your farnfly. Bob's sister Mrs. Dave Puck lives near Kendal. Ruth Andrews continues to recover satisfactorlly. and Joyce Boudreau was feeling well enough ta return ta church this week. We are very glad to see you agai Joyce, and pray for your continued recovery. The liturgy was read this week by Jean Hoy. Upcoming Events June 13, Sunday Kendal's Clcken BBQ 5:30 -7:30 p.m. Mduits $10, 6 - lyear olds $5. Fandlies $25. Tickets available - The Bridai Path 623-0351 In Bowmnanvllle and Joan Anderson in Kendal 983- 5371. Don't wait to get your tickets - they go qulcklyl Jun 16, Wednesday - Clarlngton Food Bank Annual Meeting 7:30 p.m., Newcastle United Church. Ailiterested persans welcome. July lst, Thursday - Beef BI3Q Supper at Newtonvflle. Wrtnkles show where smfles have been! Tuesday evening, he did say that was the only mistake he made during this campaign, adding, "I hope 1 haven't offended anyone." O'Toole was to appear at the Ail Candidates Debate last Tuesday evening in Orono, sponsored by the Orono District Community Association, but pulled out a few days prior. The next day it was reported he had been spotted an the 11:00 p.m. niews, attending a PC rally in 'Woodbridge. Speaking from his post election party, Liberal Candidate Garry Minnie-stat- ed, "I feel really ýgood- about the campaign we led. What happened here is a reflection of what happened across the province." Tories hung onto their majority Province' wide, Af ciaiming 59 of the 103 seats. Ridings were re-aigned for this election and 27 seats were eliminated. But Harris man- aged to hang on to about 45% of the papular vote. In the Durham Riding, one that was also re-aligned, PC incumbent, John O'Tooie received 57% of the popular vote. 11 Local resuits, (east of the Clarke/Dariington Townline) reflect those right across the riding. Millaire- Naturai Law Party - 0.5%, Minnie - Liberals". 32.1%, Morrison - NDP - 9.3%, OrToole - PC - 57.1% and Thompsan - Green Party - 1.0%. Voter turnout iocally reached a high of 67% in Kirby and Orono, with a low of -60% in Newcastle. Average voter turnout across the ridingwas 65%. Peterborough Victoria, Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board Thursday, June 10, 1999 30 Middle Road, R.R. 1, Bowmanville, Ontario Sehool Tours - 6:00 to, 6:45 p.m. Musical Entertainment - 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. Officiai Opening & Blessing Ceremony. 7:00 to 8:30 p.m., Open House/Tours/Sociai in Cafeteria - 8:30 to 10:00 p.m. "Filled With The Spirit" Caroline Burke Board Chairperson Don Foiz, Director of Education MILLAIRE MINNIE MORRISON OTOOLE THOMPSON Natural Law Liberal NDP P.C. Green Party Kirby 2 162 39 327 5 Kendal3 166 39 347 14 Orono 7 351 97 560 18 Newcastle 10 645 199 1167 16 Newtonvlle 2 104 44 265 3 00, ýF