Orono Weekiy limes, Wednesday, dune 9, 199-Q -7 a m At the recent Career Fair held at Clarke High School, Anthony DiBartoloieo dlsplays the car he worked on at Home Town ire & Auto. By Crystal Crimi On Wednesday June 4, Clarke High School held its annual Career Fair for studenits enrolled in the co-op education program. 1The Career Fair is a final project for ail co-op students. A display of the co-op students' job placement is made, giving other students a chance to learn about particular job placements that their fellow students have been involved in. Students are evaluated on the visuai aspect of their dispiay and the content of the answers they provide for questions such as, what the stu- dent iked and disliked about their chosen field placement. The Career Fair was held in Clarke's cafeteria where dozens Message from the Principal Dear Parents/Guardians: As the 1998/99 school year comes to a close, 1 would like to thank our school coni- munlty, on behaif of the staff of Orono Public School, for their continued support as we work in partnership to pro- vide the students wlth learn- ing opportunities and experi- ences to achieve their potential. This has been a 'Year of change with the full impie- mentation of the Math and Language cunriculum in al grades and the initial impie- mentation of the other sub- ject area curriculum docu- ments. The implementation of the Ontario report card pro- vided a communication tool for staff to present individuai student progress based on the four leveis of achievement of colourful and informational displays were set-up. Students brought in animais, engines, tires, and other things that they deait with at their co-op place- ment. HomeTown Tire & Auto's co-op student took classmates outside to give themn a live demonstration of a car engine be had installed in his car. Another, who co-oped at a restaurant, brought in a platter of food., A student from an animal sheiter, brougbt in an injured dog, and another stu- dent from the zoo, brought in a parrot.- As weli as live demnon - strations, many students had video components to their dis- plays and examples of their work. Most students involved in the co-op education program, that are standardized throughout the province. The report cards will be distribut- ed on Monday, June 2lst with the pa rent response form to be returned by Friday, June 25th. This year, our students have participated in a wlde range of extra curricular activities which Include the ArUts. sports and interest clubs. A speclal thank you to the staff for their commitment to provide the students wlth these opportunities and expe- riences. The volunteer program is an integral part of our schooi. Through parental involve- ment in School Council, indi- vidual and smail group assis- tance, pediculosis checks, hot lunch progranis, grandfriends program and many other activities, the students bene- really enjoyed their placement and have real.1y been influ- enced by ît ffPr their future career choice. "I iearned so much stuif abdUt nutrition and body health câre," says Tracy Schillings who'> placement was at Lake Ridge Heaith. Kelly Holmnes who has been at New castie Public School since the second seiliester began in February, says, "MY co-OP placement has influenced my decision poâitivelY when choosing a câreer route of working with special needs children.". The co-op program has proved itself t@ be a valuable learning expérience for ail those involved in it. fit significantiy. Thank you to ail who have pâticipated thiÉs year and we lWok forward to your involvemtÈnt next year. .As suniffer break approaches, wÊ wish one and ail a safe, restful and enjoy- able season. See you in September!!H!! Silver Bireh AWards Luncheon On Frlday, JumIe 11, Caitlln Camneron, jennilee Hodgson, Amanda Stewart and Nicole MacDonald will be attending a luncheon'to acknowledge this yea 'r's wiiners of the Silver Birch PAward. This award, which i@ voted on by Grade 5 and 6 students across Ontario, recognizes the best Canadian âuthors of fic- tion and non-fiffion books. There are ten books In each category ând students were expected to read as mnanýy books as possible before voting. r~he minimum numbher of books required to cast a ballot -,a@ five in each category. Our schooi resuits were very close. FifteeT'i of the twen- ty'books received at least one vote. This demnonstrates the superlor quality of wrlting and suggests that the stu- dents enjoyed a wide varlety of fiction and non-fiction books. CAREER FAIR The students selected to attend the lunch have ail read more than seventeen books and qualified to attend the officiai announicement of the Silver Birch winners at the St. Lawrence North Convention Centre in Toronto. Mr. Wtheridge will be accompa- nying them to this event. Area Chess Tournament Students from Orono Publie School were hosts to chess teams from Newcastle P.S. and Newtonville P.S. on Monday, May 3 1. There were six stu dents on a school team and the tour- miment format was struc- tured to allow the chess play- ers to test their skilis and to interact wlth students from other schools. Each student piayed five games wlth a point system in place. At the end of-fthe tour- nanient, the school teani with the most points was present- ed with a certificate to be brought to their respective schooi for dispiay. Congratulations to the members of the Orono chess team': Christopher Lunn, Alexander Topper, Christopher Hamilton, Kyle Ostrander, Chandler Zedlc, and Dents Beenen. How Does Our Garden Grow??? The Grade 5 students, Mr. Spurreil and Mrs. Cameron have completed the restora- tion of the garden at the front of the school. Thank you so much to those individuals who donate d perennials for the gardenand assisted in the replanting process. We are ail enjoying the blooms. A beautiful resuit., Three Piteh Tournament The raindate for the Three Pitch Tournament is Thursday, June 10, at Kendal Bail Field. Best wlshes to the team and Mrs. Brown the coachi. Teami members are: Kristen Verkuyi, Andrew Klrkbride, Brandon Allin, Kyle Rtchie, Ryan Knox, Robyn Henderson, Amanda Chatterton, Hilary Barnes, Joey Robertson, Gavin Ferguson, Kaltlin Whelan, Sarah Hallk, Jenniiee Hodgson, Kyle Johnston, Derek Vanderweer, Kaitlyn Leech. Dancefest On Wednesday, June 23, members of the Dance Club under the direction of Ms. Neuwirth and Mrs. Osmond will be participating in the annuai Dancefest at Orono Park. We look forward to watching their performance at thids event. Track and Field and Primary Play Day Staff will be organizlng these hall day events for the students as part of the phys- icai education program. cqc/1001 4ew~ Orono Public,,School GANARASKA REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Weekend Supervîsor The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority requires a weekend supervisor at the Ganaraska Forest Centre. The Ganaraska Forest Centre is located on Cold Springs Camp Road , approximately 5 km northeast of the village of Kendal. This is a part time position mhat involves working between 12 and 20 hours on weekends. DUTIES: « Supervise weekend community groups renting the residential facilities and camping at the Ganaraska Forest Centre. *Attend the gatehouse at the Ganaraska Forest Centre sellinig day passes and memberships for use of the Ganaraska Forest, *Provide information to the public on the recreational use of the Ganaraska Forest including the user fee programi anoi other regulations that apply te the forest. *Assist with light maintenance duties at the Ganaraska Forest Centre. QUALIFICATIONS: *Self-motivation and the ability te work independently as well as in a team *Ability to communicate effectively with the public *Experience in working wîth cash an assei. Apply in writîng to: Mr. Steve McMullen, Ganaraska Forest Co-ordinator Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority PO. Box 328, Port Hope, Ontario LiA 3W4 Fax: (905) 885-9824 - E-mail: grca@eagle.ca Competifion closes June 23, 1999