12- Orotio Weekly lrnmes, Wectiesd.èy At~~ 7 19 Cil for input on panfi0 sh limit revilew for Kawarthas As part of its comm,>,iitmienit to cansuit wlth local angljers, the Minlstry of Natural Rescurces w-ill survey 50 resorte, cottages and camps throughout the Kawartha Lakes to determinire if catchi and possession limiits are needed for panfish tis sumi- mer, Gu-ests at these locations are being provided with sur- veY formns to complete durig their stay. I addition MNR has asked 240 local anglers to participate by filling out similar formes. MNR. i wlll alsoi interview anglers perlodical- ly tbroughout the sumimer ah) boat launch and shore acces areas. The public con,-sulato procese was begun in -jJuly 199,7 by the -Peterboroughl Dititof IMNR ini respons e to concerns voiced by the Public about the Impact of' unre- Stricted harvest on panflsh populations. A focus grocup of anglers, resort ownmers, con- servationIsts and others has been meeting periodlcally sixice then to review exsting information and determine what additional Information is needed. A survey of a board 'base of people interested ni the Kawvaha Lakes panýrfilhery was undertaken !ri29198 to gather public opinion oni pan- fish Ilimite. Tis sur-vey idi- cated that '75 per cent or anglers catch fewer 1than 50 panfish on a daily basis, and passess fewer than 200. The focus group bas recommend- ed that an addltional survey be uindertaken. in the sum- mner af 1999 to further ref'ine the survey results. Surveys must be campleted and returned. ta MNR by August 31, 1999. The results of this year'sc e3urvey will be revlewed wlth the focus group, and recom- mendations regarding pan- fllh limits will be developed using the exlsting infrnation as well as the survey results. The panifish species under review are bluegili, pumiipkin.- seed, yellow perch, rock bass and black crappie. The Kawartha Lakes areai ,neludes the 17 Kawartha Lakes and connecting rivers from Canal Lake ta lIe Lakze mu Division 6, and sections ai the- lower Trent iver and Crowe River sye tem l DivIsion, 7, as described i the Ontarlo Recreatianal Flhlng RZegulations. Anglers who flsh for pan- fish i the Kawarthia Lakes and who would like to partié- 'ipate i this summer's angler survey, shauld contact by phone, fax or Éin persan: MNR's Peterborough Di)strict Office, First Floor, South Tower, 300 Water Street, Pete.rborough, 8:30 --5:00, M,,onday ta Friday, (705) 755- W001 (phone) or (705) 755- 3125 ('fax) or contact Tomn Cumby (705) 755-1999, Boat in g satety has become a central issue School is over, summler v/acatîins are starting and over. two millon recr-eationial water- craft will be in uise across Canada this sumimer. Boahing safety has beoea cnt issu an he ater ..îereare 'a s 1; ot a lnisg j t 0Ip dl Cluianlat hi lxg b'~atng nihpo invLve sm Yall open pawer Kimupinski, a 14 year old girl from Roblin, Manihoba whlo risked her own life ho save bier 2401b uncle, woïlo nearly drowned ini a boating misha. . he ws flot wearing a personfoatodeice ahthe, tmme.up The ASB'S lsa rcag- orizase tilie areas afbaatnn- MAin isters (contlrued f rom page 5) Canadian imnports of' bee-f cattie were depressing Amierican prices. The federal and provin- cýial oe1et and industry are cooperating closelY on the paral le! counhervailing duty case. Commnerce made ts pre>. lininary rulinig in that case an May 4, at which imne it foôund insufficient evidence ta justify imposing a provisional couinter- vailing duty against imiports of Canadiail beef. "Ali the U.S. process hias found is thiat North Amnericani cattle prices last year were nat covering cashs of production, which is no suriprise ta cattie producers on bathi sides of the border." said Agriculture anid Agri- Food Min ister Lylei VInilIi ef. "orhAmleràican prices are -determined 5by N orhhl American sÉupplies, lot Canadian supplies, and 1h is udc ro us ,to iallege lthat Candianl catIle are responsible- for low prices in thle U.S. whien the U.S industry is eighh timles larger thani ours. 1ht is regrettable that particular groups fail ho rec- ognlize that it is a Northi Amierican ctIle cycle thiat dic- tates the mnarket on ail sides of the bor-der." "Canada is clearly disap- pç)oiteýd w this prelimninary ruling," salid International Trade Mý,inister Sergia Marchii. "Thils is n iportant ,trade issue for- nation nmju shtbe indicated. Nominahors shiould be sure ho include documentation to back uip the nomnination ( media clip- pings, brochures, etc.) Th'le address and telephione inmber of the noinee should be inicludled to assist thie CASBA commiritee ini contacting the individual. Boating Safehy Tips 1 . Always wear a personial floatation device whien boatinig. 2. Don't drinik anid boat. 3. Be sur-e ho have sufflicient fuel S~ ~ M fiet S lll qu 5 25,I x Il u x u Caniada anid the Gjovermlent is wxor-kiIg Closel Y with htie indus- try to ensure thiat the U.S. inves- tligation is conducted according to inteý-rnatIional trade rls Caaais keepilig ail options open f or possible responses including Lhlen i nder the 'North iAmerican Free Trade Agreemnit or the World Trade Or-ganiizationi,' Minister Marchi, Eoth ministers said the Canadian cattie industry oper- ates as part of a North Amierican cattie ecolinmy ;inwich iprices, regard less of borders, will fromn timie to time flot cover dhe cost of production. Thli minlisters said it is unfortunate the investi- gation coincided withi a low point in thie Continental catle price cycle \which hlas beeni exacerbated by soft global demand and record North Amierican supplies of cattie. T'oday'ýs ruling meains that the US, wil egin ýollecting a pro- v i sona 1 du ty ofï 4. 73 pe-,r cenut as sonas tlie preliin lary rul1ing is Puliilshied ini the Federal Regste, epecedsomietime next Week, Thi nxt stepis iin the U. S. process wiinc!tLude a final anti- dumping duty deteriniation and a dceermination of inJuzy. Only if the final result of the dumping investigation con- cludes that Caniadian imports have inijured the, US. cattle inidustry, wiJll th duty be uphld.ki Both i nisters said they are, confident the Caniadian industry will be vindcicated in the final rulîng expected later this year, If the finlal ruling Supports the Canadian position, an', provi- sional duties collected will be returnied. Fred Devries Proprietor Clarington board (continu-,ed fram pag ca)me iin she reported. Green said shie would like ho "increase m-emibershiip ta represent ail areas and types of binîiess in Clarinigton.'" "Athracting new business ta the Municipality le anc of thle key undertakinigs of' the Board," stated Green, and ta achieve that she will work closely wilth JennIifer Coo(ke cf the Muinicipal Marketing and Taourism iOffice. Victoria Green John Wells introduced the web page hie designed for the Board of Trade which can be founld ah: www.clarington- boardoftrade.com, (no clash), Ron Collis was acciaimed ho the posiion on the 13 member Board of Directors vacated by Rick James, Thec business portion cof this meeting, which waF lbeld Pah Clarington Beech Centre was completed wthin ant hour, and members wvere given the oppor- tujnity ho ïnetwo'r-k with each aller, FRED'S AUTOBQDY LTD. 1631 Baseline Road, Unit 1 Dowmanivllle, Ontario LIC 3 L4 Tl(905) 636 ~»pJ h i i -i-~ N ,~ -/ 1 ~ I lia' i i t ~ ~ BS'I'IIE I 1< i i3v~ d îîo i lectri uic M iete Sîîîrîut-iu t \1'-b f i~jJ() Bt pitw 15~ 0< ~, ,' nt t i t-tii ira < '-q 1mb k i Miii St UVono. Un'ario LOB I '~1O ~-~O3 S ~S t 69 N Northcut~ EIIiott E Funeral Home THOU{t{TFIJLNr ~ I1{VI(I ~(ON II~RN i Ïanuli Own<~d Iiu~uws~, Offèring. I i adîtionil t une n ~cu Pnaî rang~d & I îcpuid ~n x îu~ ~ îern'iuuu Xî Alici nativ~ s lu I adîtîcual Funetals Oui ut I uw n Shîppinti OR~ KLIJPER.~ PRISILflKN I lilîvisinu Siruaci Buwînanvîtte ()ntuuîu t il 2/8 623 ~66~ uit S i RUE i P \RKiNIt cýý