.......W .... ............Ju y 7~ 199 For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 BARINA HOME CHECK "1--t us make your home look li'ved ini" - Vacation Home Checking -Wedding Day Services or whenever you'rc away INSURED RWELIABLE REFERENCES (905) 786-2996 Barb Shetier - Ina Cox Serving Newto nville, Newcastle, Orono & surrounding communliies Listedin White & YiIow Pages Flowers Plus FLOWERS -G* T & CRAFTS 46 King Street East NEWCASTLE 987-1500 Betty Lycett 983-5908 Wilda middleton 983-9819 ORONO IELECTrRIC Mt. Etectical Appfiances Colour TV's- Hi-Fi's SALES AND SERVIE Hoipoint -R.C.A. White -Westinghouse~ Frigidaire - Whirlpool Wood's Freezers Magic Chef - Hoover 983-51083 GRUNDYS Country Uphoistery Qualîty Work in Upholstery R.R. 2, Orono 983-9874 Bryon Grundy 074 CATERING] - Pig Roasts ê *Corn Roasts* -*Weddings e *Bail Tournaments *Canopy Rentaiso "fRAIN OR SHINE" Havîng a party? Worried about cooking? Dont spend your time barbe- cuing when you can be relaxing with frends and family! Cail The Roaster at (905)1983-1081 Ths charcoal BBQ canl be used as a grill or rotsserie, AND, can be purchased or hired for catering. DENNMIS, Nancy Aun In treasured memory of a dear Daughter, Sister, Aunt an-d Niece. Nancy Ann Dennis (nec Hancock) who passed away a year ago. Gone, but forever wil be ti the thoughts and hearts qf your Moni, Sisters and Brothiers and their faiùles. 7 ap GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTRE, Newtonville Friday, JULY 9th., 1999 6.00 p.M. Selling the contents fromr a Mosport home and a Cobou rg home: diningroom suite, livngrcom suite, new oak, coffee tables and chairs, sofa bed, bunk beds, wall unit,, quantity of antiques and glassware, pair Lazy Boy recliners, futon, freezer, washer, quantity of good tools, gas BBQ, etc. Previeu, Frida3j after 2:00 p.m. Auction starts at 6:00 p.m. AU CTIONEER FRANK G. STAPLETON Newtonvile 905-786-2244 800-263-9886 MacGREGIOR AUCTION CENTrRE, Bowmanville SUNDAY. JULY llth 10:30 a.m. (viewing 9:00 a.m.) Take #2 Hwy. to Scugog -,St., North 1 km. Sunday's auction features a selection of Antiques & Collectables lncluding kitchen ý& pantry Ca f( ta e na M I 0 gi ag bi al Y General sewing done in mny home, 5 days a week. Phone 983-9761. tfn (r.oionialt quteftian HORSEBACK RIDING Colonial Equestrîsn Contre 3706 Rundie Rd. (Courtice) is now accepting new students-(children & acluits) for aur riding and horseman- ship programs, summer camps, etc. For further information or ta register cali: 11-905) 623-7336 Home of the Bowmanvlll Pony Club Pick a Pickle Any Pickle abinets, flat-to-wall Gherkins, Sweet Mix, H-aif-Sours, 'ough) parlour tables, Fil-Souirs, Baby Dilîs -- whiole, ýashstand, mise. tables & slice or crinlde cut .. Cantadian-s -airs, hall stand, aid tin love their pickles and, with ;o )ys, wooden pump, large miany to choose fromt, picking a 2lection of old bottles, pickie can be a dilly of a decision. amed sealer jars, soda & For more than 4,500 years. people iilk bottles (Glen Rae, have been ejoymng the preserved ýakviile, Middleton, cucumtber and -the folks at Strub [odel, Farmer etc.) Brothers Limiited ha ve turned omething for one & ail. their own famnily recipe inito a ~ALL1V ONSGN OUR 70-year North Atmerican tradition. gUArY.,A~RICLES 7-0 Strub's is Canada's lar-gest )UR SUMMER A UCTI ONS. famiily-ownied pickle produicer, %laeREGO AUCION anid 1999 marks their 70th IacGEGO AUCION anniiversary. In 1929, at the APPRAISAL SERVICES beinining' of the' Great ichaei J. MACGREGOR Depression, Michael Struib first (905) 623-7949 traded a barrel of pickles for 1-800-363-6799 groceries. Thcy muid s50 well to 7 ac customers that the 'grocer asked to buy more the next timie -and t he Strub family traditioni of producing soughit-after pickles begani. The faily t-raditioni is g a z prouidly carried on today by third anid fourth generation pickle )Iid fishing tackle, old makers. Today, Strub's processes ,uns o r related and packs more than 60 million ecessories, outdoor pickles every year, using the wooks etc. In home original Strub family recipes. Lppraisals available. 30 The family believes one of the ,ears experience. keys to their products' success is Daniel G. Banting delivering fresh tasting pickles, 905-983-6480 every time -just like graudmna tUn used t,,o make. To meet that goal, the Ontario cucumiibers used-L for Struib's pickles go fromn vinic to bnine Within 24 houri. ~ Each cucumnber is individually RIELYUÊeL E inspected to meet Strub' s exacting quality standards and every jar is finished off by hand packers to-ensure a final quality control- and to get the maximum number of pickles possible into each jar. To chili or flot to chili Why is it that some pickles are found on the grocer's sheif and others in the refrigerated section? Shelf-stable pickles are placed in a vinegar brine and briefly heat pasteurized, much like home canning, and will keep on the shelf before opening. The cold-barrel cured pickles, on the other hand, are put in a salt-water brine along with fresh dill, garlic and pickling spices to ferment, aged in barrels, then kept coldto keep the pickles at their peak flavour. These refrigerated pickles are fteshness dated. Regardless of the way you purchase your pi ckles, ail pickles must be refrigerated once opened and, for ma-ximuma taste, should be eaten within one month. Th'le different flavours of pickles are achieved tbroughi various spice combinations. in a pickle? The Struh family shares the following tips for making perfect pickles at home: " Choose the freshest pickling cucumbers for pickle making, or better yet, grow your own. " The perfect size for a pickling cucumber bas a length to diameter ratio of 3: 1. " Two- to. four-inch cucumnbers are best for homne pickling because you catinmaximize the number in a typical canniing, jar. " Wash cuIcum1bers thior-oughly and check for blemnishies prior to pickling.> *Prick the skin of each cucumii- ber once or twice lightly withi a fork to allow the flavours to penetrate fthe cucumbers.. *Experiment with flavours try adding extra garlic, green peppercorns or whole chilies. Pickle protocol So, Just hiow does one eat a pickle? Etiquette pertaining to pickles is related to the context in whichi they are served. 1If you are having a.Full-Sour Dili with your steak, it should be eaten withi a f'ork and knife. If eating a Haîf-Sour with a smaoked turkey,, sandwýich, by ah meians, pick it up and take a bite. Similarly, a prosciutto-wrapped Gherkin hors d'oeuvre is a delightfual cocktail party finger food. Canadians' favourite way to eat pickles?! Right from the The Strub's line today inicludes more thian 20 products and cani be found in supermiar- kets across Canada and select retailers in the U.S. Look, for Srub's original barrel-cured pickles i the refrigerated section and Strub's Homnestyle products in thle condimient aisle. Dili Pickles - Full Sours T ,he true garlic taste of Pull Sours goes weilwith red meats such as roast or steak and cheese. Delicious wvith a thick deli sandwichl like corn'ed bee f or pastramiiii. New Diii Pickles - Hall' Sours *The fresh cucumrber taste compleme(nts lighter flare such as fish and chiickeni. Also great with smoked turkey dcli sandwiches. Add to chopped tomatoes and onions for a homne- made saisa. Homnestyle Bread & Butter Pickles - The sweet taste goes great in egg, tuna or chicken salad. Also great for homemade relish and tartar sauce. When eaten right from the jar, it's hard to stop! Homnestyle Sandwich Snackers *The perfect sliced pickle for hamburgers and submarine sandwiches;1 they also nestie perfectly in a hot dog bun. Your favourite flavours, afready sliced. Mini Diii Pickles *One bite dill wonders. Perfect for hors d'oeuvres and for snacking. Try wrapping a piece of pro- sciutto around a mini dili and dip in honey mustard *for a savoury treat. H omeSty le Sweet Gher kins Tlry, in party sandwiches rolled up with tuna or cream cheese for a sweet surprise in the middle. Su bscrHb Wee'kly Times $25.00 a year Hooper's Jewellers... A4ntique Pocket Watches & Modern Watch Repairs Corne in and see our collection of Howard Miller Grandfather Clocks' --Sales and Service 39 King Street West, Bowmanville* 623-5747 www.appleblossomflowers.com 'Vie don1tJust specilze... Wa make every order specla.' 6Daue(qG- 3antiug fFine Firearms 6& Coffecti6(es Collections & Estate Appraisals A Speciafty In Home Service Available GUNS BOUGHT, SOLO, TRADED 5331 Main Street, Orono 983-6480 email: dbanting(@istar.ca BuY at our Market OR Fruit Market PC KStrawberrîes for only $1 .OO/qt. Fine Quality Sweet Cherries Tomnatoes - Peas - Beans South of Oroflo 352 I Y1 i 1 ls& 3s- dm ibdamff qw m fflw ý - 1