Orono Weekly'limes, Wednesday. JuIy 14, 1999 -3 Music for a summer nig ht Nancey Chîrsling's July 22nýjd recital will be hier first in Newcastle sinice shie moved there a year anid a hiaîf ago. Nancy came to Newcastle fromn Nova Scotia ini Noveniber 1997 with hier hursband David, Pastor of the Newcastle Uniited Churchi. Nanrcy hias been a guest soloist îninmaniy of the local churches since thent. As well as perforinig locaily, Nancy provided thie singinig for Uxbridge's produictioni of Dicken 1s Chiristmnas Carol iast Christmas. Her operatic debut last summner hiad Nancy singinig the role of Principessa ini a Toronto Operatic Workshop production of Puccinii's 'Suor Angelica'. Mary and Ken Nixon ceiebrated their 5th Wedding Anniversary iast Saturday with an open house for friends and faily at the Oddfeliowvs Hall in Orono. Nancy Chisling Counicillor Troy Young (L) brought greetings from the Municipality to Len and Mien Adegeest as they celebrated th eir 50th Wedding Anniversary last Saturday with a r-eception in the St. Francis of Assisi Church Hall, in Newcastle. 1,400 students in sumalemer Accompanying Nancy in her upcoingi recitai will be pianist Derek Brampton of Toronto. Bramrpton blas appeared as both a soloist and accompanist in many places at home and abroad. He bas worked as Maureeni Forrester 's accompa- nist as well as collaborating with the ikes of Yo Yo Ma, Jan Peerce and Jamnes Galway. .The evening's programi wili be in two distinict part's - the first hiaif being ciassical In nature, withHandel, Mahiler and Gounod and the seconid haîf will be devoted entirely to songs from -Nova Scotia, Nancy's home province. The concert begins at 7:30 p.m. at the Newcastle United Church,, 84 Mill St., Newcastle. Tickets are $10 each and will be avaîlable at the door, or by caîl- ing 987-4250. Asbey -Faye Burnham 'We are pieased to annouince that Asiey Paye Buirnhamii graduiated fromn Simon Fraer niversity in Buirnaby, B.C. on JuLne 3ý, 19)99 w\,ithl a BaIchejlr of Arts degree majoring ini speech paýthiology and auidiology. Proud par- enits aire Gord and Paye Burnham iof Wifte Rock, B.C. Prourd grandparents are Floyd Nicholson and Mable Cawkes of'Lnsy Ontario. Ashiey will -pursue a Masters Degree in Speech Pathology at the U niversity of British Columbia. Correction It hias beeni very graciously pointed out by, some Newcastle bal fans, that the final score reported in Caqada Day base- ball game between the Chamber of Commerce and the Orono BI A was incorrectly reported in last wveek's paper. My- initial intent was flot to give the"game any coverage, but upon hearing from a seemingly impartial fan that the score was 9-2 for the Newcastle team, 1 relented, and reported the facts as they were given to me. lin 'mfot sure what the final score of that game was, IVve now beard many conflicting resits, but in ail fairness to our Newcastle rivais, 1 seem to recail they hit 8 runs home in the first inning atone. The final score was probably dloser to 29- 2 for- the Newcastle team. .These teams will go head-to- head in a rematch later this sumr- mer, where Orono will be look- ing to narrow the gap. RECYCLEir iWe would like to wvish our big boy 'Korey Matchett' a 'Ha ppy 5th Birthday' on Jul1y l4th, 1999. Love fromn Mommy, Daddy, Kristina, Kayla, Kur-tis and Nan 1ny! PSTORAL CHARGE Mnister Rev. Mervyn Russell Secretary Marlene Risebrough 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 JULY SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday Services for both Orono and Kirby congrega- tions wiII be held at the Lang ïMemorial Chapel (Orono Cemetery) at 10 a.*m. If weather is coopera- tive, services wiII be held outdoors. Please keep your Iawn chairs'on hand. St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL ST., ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. David R. Saunders, CD 983-5594 - 987-2019 Sunday Service, Sunday'School & Youth Croup 9:30 a.m. 1 st & 3 rd Sunday of Month 1HOLY COMMUNION 2nd & 4th Sunday MORNING PRAYER DRIVE FOR FOOD BANK school this year More than 1,400 students Bowmanville H.S. are stili hitting the books in (Bowmanvilie) 331 students the Kawartha Pine lRidge East Northumberland S.S. District School Board's sum- (Brighton) 125 students mer schooi program this year. There are also 250 grade 8 The program, in full swing students enrolled in a reine- this week, lasts a total of four dial program. weeks. Secondary summer Final examis will be held sehool enrolment is as fol- July 29 prior to students iows: departing for, their summer Thomas A. Stewart S.S. vacation. (Peterborough) 741 stu dents Clarington Fire Cails 1The Clarington Fire Departmnent responded to the following cails during the peiod of JuIy 5 to July 11, 1999: 4 property fires; 4 pre- fire conditions; 5 false fire caîls; 4 public hazard calis; 3 rescues; 1il medical/resusci- tator caîls and 1 other response. Atetininne , o* o ler If You Are Receîving Demutualization Benefits, Cali Me To Find Out How You Can Minimize The Tax Consequences. Cali Investment Advisor RBC Ted Trueman DOMINION 0 SECURITIES at (905) 434-7286 Pfsoni'Vat