j- -N___ 2 Cnono Weekly Times, Wednesday, August 18, 1999 O.RONO WEEKLY Tiiviis Subscriptions $23.36 + $1.64 G.S.T. = $25.00/year, Publications Mai] Registration No. 09301 Publishing 50 Issues Annually at die Office of Publication 5310 Main Street, P.O. Box 209, Orono, Ontario LOB IMO E-Mail Address: oronotimes@speedllne.ca Phone/Fax (905) 983-5301 Publisher/Editor Marg Zwart The Public Should Know by Roy Forrester It was somewhat shocking ta read last week that two Durhamn Region industries topped the list of polluters in al of Canada'and placed 24th and 34th i North America. The NMFTA-created Commiùssion for Environmental Co- operation reported Co-Steel Lasco of Whitby as the number one pollutor tI Canada with Dominion Colour of Ajax tak- ing second place. The report was based on a survey undertaken ti 1996 which ti the case of Co-Steel Lasco was some fifty percent beffer than that published for the p)revious year, 1995. Both comparues state that they are endeavauring ta bet- ter conditions at their plants environmentally and this has shown up ti the one year impravement at Co-Steel Lasco from 1995 ta 1996. There is fia doubt that impravements have beun made by the two Durham industries over the past three years. One must remember thoughi that the Regian of Durham industries were being compared with others thraughaut Ontario and North Amnerica for the year 1996. With the decimnation of the Ontario Ministry of the Enviroriment under aur existing Provincial gavemmirent there is need for such as the above organization ta make public thetr reports and ta so inform the general public as ta possible polutants in their area. It is nat samethirg ta sweep under the carpet. The public must be aware. Bath industries are weil established in Durham and are part of the ecanamic thrust that is s0 important for jabs and commerce. Abave all, hawever, the health of the general public is paramaunt and must be upheld. The public should knaw. Ready (continued from page 1) generic system ta treat the leachate , said McKenizie is nat used in any landfill site now, "and no one hias proven this ta work." "The site could be active for at least 20 years," said McKenzie, "and thiere's nothing ta stop them fromn ask- ing for an extension. 1 guess what we are finding out is that it doesn't ever end." McKen- zie sees this as a plan put for- ward by a group of business men who want ta make lots of monley dumping garbage. The Waste Management Advisory Commnittee hiave put forward three recammnenda- tions cancerning landfill sites, in thieir recently comipleted report ta the Region's Waste Management Steering Commiit- tee. Recomnmiendation #6 states: The Region should con- sider a niew landfill site in the Region, but only for the garbage generated within the Regian. The other recammien- dations state that the Region should jain with the Greater Tronto Area ta look for a new site, and that the Region should look for- a site outside thie Region but in Ontaria. This site is currently being operated as Newcastle Recy- dling. The praposed expansion is ta take place south of the existing landfill site which according ta Company spakesperson, Mr, Dick Lovekin, has almast reachied capacity. The landfill site is not recognized as suchi on either the Municipal or Regian- al Official Plan. Its present zoning is 'Agriculture' and has a legal nion-canfarming status. If the proposai is approved by the Ministry of the Environ- ment, it mnust still go through the Regional and Municipal Officiai Plan Amendment pro- cedure. Councillor Mutton, who attended the meeting, along with Councilor Trimn, said the political will is nat there ta approve this thing.y Muttoni stated the EA would have ta bc conducted thraughi ail four seasans, indicating the proponients timie frame was somnewhat amrbitiaus. "Hlope- fully it will die at the Ministry of Environmient, and it won't go any furthier," hie said. The suggestion of a class action law suite was broughit up by a gentleman in the audience. Go on the offensive hie said. "'We've heard fromn people with decreased land values, the creek being polluted, quality of ife is gaing ta suffer, you dan't have ta take it " McKen-zie said "If this goes far enough, that could happen.- Arthur Black A GOOD WALK RUINED Golf. What a peculiar way ta spend ane's leisure t1ime. Hunting and fishing, 1 can understand. Birdwatching is reasonable. Stamp callecting, wildlife photography -- even train-spotting kind af imakes sense. But golf'? A pastime that encourages participants ta dress like Mascaw pimps, wear gaofy shoes with thumb tacks an the battomn, and ride around in a motorized dustbin aIl aftemoon in the heat of the midday sun whacking a liffle white baIl until it disappears down a haole? Golf. The very namne sounds like a throat obstruction. The funniest thing I know about golf is howv seriously somte galfers take it. Your typi- cal golf fanatic thinks nathing of rising at dawn and creeping fromn the house like a comman- do ta mnake his/hier way ta the clubhouse, there ta prepare the clubs and woods as carefully 'Two hunidred 'No Dumip' signis were hianded out at the end of thie meeting. It didn't go thiroughi three timies before, because we said 'no way"', said Terri McKenzie. It didn't go thirough because we worked hiard." The ToR document thiat was available at the July 22nd Pub- lic Information Sessian, is just a draft, said Miller, "and there wîil be mnany mare drafts." The second draft wich will bc out by next week will have subtle chianges. One of the and reverently as Achilles selecting spears and arraws for the siege of Troy. Comm itted golfers appraach the first green like Montgomery surveying Alamein. They mon- itor the wind, the relative hum idity. The amount of dew on the grass. The length of the grass. The niap of the grass. Folks-- we are talking about knocking a baîl into a hale using sticks, hiere. It ain't Quantum Physics. But Hell hath no fury and huinanity hiath na stubbomrness like a dedicated golfer. Last month (truc story, folks) a golfer on the second hale af the Metrairie Country Club course was shot in a drivle-by shooting. No big deal. The second hale isn't far from a highiway. Sonie redneck in a truck decided ta take some target practice anid mnajor changes, said Miller is that no City of Toronto waste will be accepted at thns site,. Omnitted fromn the original draft was the maximum tonnage. That figure is set at 1.3 illfion tonnes nmaximumn Those with comments regarding the proposed ToR could send them ta The Clar- inigton Waste Processing Cen- tre. "What we are perceiving is just oppositian," said Miller. "ýWe just don't want it, is not a valid comment on a ToR." drilled the guy as he was prepar- ing ta tee off. Shiot him in the righit hip. The news story con- tains a kicker: "Thie shooting did flot stop othier golfers en route ta the second hale, who slowed ta watch the scene, but then mnoved an." -That's how it is with truly dedicated golfers. Reininds me of the stary of the galfer ship- wrecked on a desert island far tein years, when suddenly one day -- a gorgeous womnan wash- es ashare. -She was tattered and dishev- elled, but she was clutching a. watertight suitcase. Turned out she-was the sole survivar of a cruise ship that had, foundered on a coral reef. As grateful as she was ta have survived, theý woman was amnazed at the galfer's stary., "You've been marooned here for ten years?" she mnarvelled. "It's true" admitted the cast- away. Did yau used ta smaoke? she asked. "You bet" says the man. "&Why?"ý "WellI Im pleased ta affer you your first cigarette in ten years." With a smile, the waman pulled a package af Player's FilIter from hier bag. "Wow\,! Thanks a lot!" says the man. "And were you a drinking man?" asked the womnan. "I've been known ta enjay a glass or two" said the man. "Here you go" says the womlan, hauling a flask of five- star brandy out af her suitcase. The guy takes a swig of brandy. "Say" says the womnan, It must be ten years since you, uh.... .yau know. The golfer's jaw draps. His eyes bug out. "Dan't tell me..." he gasps. "Yau mean you've got a set of golf clubs in that bag?" COME CQ4Çtiwo9 UN ïO il ~T~ - fi..- -3-. J er