Or(on o We ekMy Timiie s, W e dn csdýtay, S ep te nib er il 199 9 - 1 3 Mvaission is to help people live ahome Durham Region Community Care's mission is to help people live at home wth a network of support in carlng communities., The COPE Mental Heath Program has been helping to achieve this for the past twenty-two years In communities throughout Durham Region. .Locally, in Clarilngton, COPEs community volun- teers and former consumers of mental health services have come together to sup- port aduits to live successful- Iy in their local communities., For many clients, lt's the frst time they were aware that people in their area wanted to voluntarily become involved with those chai- lenged by mental health issues. This year, in addition, to recruiting community volun- teers, COPE has a special reason for recruiting more adults who have successfully dealt with their own mental health issues. The COPE Mental Health Prograrn, working in partner- ship with the United States Support Centre and the Whitby Mental Health Centre is part of the unique "Bridges to Discharge" research study to determfine the effectlveness of peer support for psychi- atric patients being dis- charged from the Mental Health Centre. Following the eight session training course, peer sup- porters will be matched with patients who have agreed to participate in the study. They vil meet prior to discharge ,_ýand the relationshiÉp will con- tinue when the person leaves hospital. If you can offer your help as a community volunteer and/or be part of the research study, please cal Janlice Kroft at COPE (623- 4123) or Donna at the United Survivors Support Centre (436-8882). AS TIME GOES BY by Tracy Osmond A while back I attempted to explain to some of my chil- dren's friends a part of the generation gap. I said I was from the knobs and switches generation with an expression of humour and perplexation on ther faces they asked me to explain.L I tried to do this by point- ing out that our microwave has dials that I turn, and "mny" TV does too, none of those candy bar boopy but- tons. The conversation began when it was noted that the VCR was patiently blinking at US. They stilî didn't under- stand, so I began to tell them the story of my new truck. My preclous truck was a Dodge slant six 3 speed floor shift wlth overdrive. Useless, there just wasn't enough engine, it had an AM radio and one speaker, my truck, "BASIC!" My children kept saying to me "it's the 90's man get with it," 50 I did. 1 needed a new truck, I shopped around until one day, it said, pick me, pick me and I did. The truck was black, al black except for Its rimis and bumpers. it was shiny, simple people love shiny thlngs. I opened the door, an ash grey interior wlth heavily tinted windows, it smells so fresh s0 new. Those of you who know me know that I have a Siberlan Husky who now lives in there and guards it with her life. The. stories of that, but I dlgress. Stereo, AM, FM cassette, quadaphonic sound, a bass you can feel in your back, 'm sold tis is cool. The salesman gave me the keys "try it out, make sure it's what you want." I put the keys in the ignition, tilt steer- ing, alright at last I can see over the dan thing. I wasnt quite prepared for that engine as I left the lot, you didn't need nearly as much accelerator as the Dodge did. I'm sure the sales- man was saying "take it easy, safe trip, see you Soon, do we plcked it up the night before Hallowe'en, dark rainy and cold. My daughter drove me up to pick it up, she hadn't seen my purchase before. She noted how her car could just slip under my truck out of the rain except for its rear axie. Now you must follow the chain of events from here on to see knobs and swltches vs buttons. I entered the truck under the liglits of the lot, lights on etc. I closed the door and moved out onto the street. My daughter behind me in her car. As we left the street lights I realized how dark it was in the cab, lt's October, night, tinted win-' dows, rain, it's dark now it starts. buttons and swltches. 1The onîy llght avallable to me is in or on that truck, the ineirtemperature has risen to tropicals levels, the Dodge at its best was Ohio in late spring. If I wore makeup it would have been moving. Franitlc to cool down before the heat blew out the win- dows I glanced at the con- trols, they are lllumlnated and smooth, my fingers search the control borders as I concentrate on driving my black truck, down a black road on such a black ngt, did I mention myv narife is Osmond? A littie blaciv, humour, Arthur night, appre- diate it. So no response no connection with the dash controls, best I pull over. Signals on, yes they are what I amn faiiar with. Now at the side of the road straining at the brightly glowing dash I look for the temperature con- trol switch, slde bar, control, whatever, no just two bright colours hot to cold, but how? Turn on the lights and figure it out stupid. Rlght smooth dash, no knobs, no resuits, s0 open up the door stupld and the lîghts will come on! My hand tours the smooth confines in search of a lever, a bandie something! A knock comes to the door. "are you alright in there Dad", as 1 look back at my own face looking at me in the tinted glass I scream "let me out of here." She did andwith a touch ofhler flnger, fixed everytbing. I stili have the truck, and always will, 1 just can't see another change. Buttons and knobs. you know my Dad trled to explain a knob but I had my own definition. SOrono Cownry Ccde C Full Menu ' Main Street., Orono, Ontario - 983-9009 90 CASH I1C8ShDUT CkeFesi e 'iso l ' e Fl iime, paîf ime. Mnmmm vestmeO 5'13,880. i 888 8038884 24 sours fMember f B.BB>. WrE HAVE TWINNED 241 PfZZA & MS POWELL'S Cîroamon Rols'usde1 one roof 004 te reslis an b)eso roredîble To f5410 more asirOal hif Tcsn 1rategy aod hors Yeu car 0e Prd, f i. (1- 11LL FREE i 877-24f 024f HOME-BASED TRAVEL CAREER TF OlN. Ecîn mooey rehie learorog the trassi ausîneos,.orking fromt home. 100% daily support. CALL Travelsource: 1-800- 5861-99998O00a41o0 cese #222091. FREE INCOME las franchise errîlores. Selecles cIscs II hîoO fCan ada Lac co.up cosis Lîmlcu imeosuer Eeosirng locations4100 coa Jsie Ccilii-877-2f5-3984 for mer tormlso oî or 1.,ce ,,,e c.lbetylax.com CAREER OPPS. LET.1ENT rREFRESEIIýTATIETro 0 n oîg f filcr rosr , o10 g for losesier Reprsenaý hr40 o , mI r ,I:lcplfio re hrooghO , CanadoThs pol, 0 îllalor v) 0 ep iîoOridual înoslsrs reach iher rnca r eam We-il f povideyosu wcr ilng 801000-c if 'e, 404001 1411&8te 0445 res il rarorrg & IIppori.Trcoghc-,' NOrhAmerca, r peofrie oel' 4000e-average[ romes. For defa 1, calr Ilir fee 1 - 380 517 Or 4sit or Web j0Il, croreopdoly.csm hASA T IONEEAINOClasses elu November 20- 28 88Forrf Imar coniac S ohceslsrnOntoaro CAREER TRAINING Regi lera Hm id DpoaFormFîarcilOn toc5 ri '0Noepreceocsar 0 77 EDUCATONAL OPPS. COON- -LLý riTO Il oi fo0 00 felo ca pus ais ccorrspoderce courses IicadSplom - Cooroe Ig PFacice, Io begro f8 smoolh FeecaLa rogue. cari 24hrsf 800 657044ý BE A S ICCESFUL R.. cin our grear hore sfudy course. C ar5for your FREE BOOK. f-8L 287 829.ToeWroig Shool, 38 McAhur Aenoe, Sif e24,OtC11.ON', f L l8 FOR SAL~E tELP WANTEP SALES HEL> WANTED $f-OOAES$8 Afenfro suoeof s Mal-ris moneyr 041108 chOco sf5oro Necprodoco vaf h fs deîvery Fors Ra 51114 avaIlabie. Os nom f-8j038 PERSONALS on1sfsyfe Fie alf 77BREAKUF Et 88 REAL ESTATE 4oaary, 30km 9W 0f1KnIon 8940 737 STEEL BUILDNGS VACAMITRAVEL TIMESHOA EAE o 0.slo lro od e WAN TED og Gec 404 40 e -For ca ripces f-813-543- 2,6681f-800-465-WS NE Cali me to buy or sell... Orono and area's reai estate representative... Z Kryslyna Jones 983-6013 ASSOCIATES (DURHAM)Inc. io5OSÉimcoe St. N.,#103, Oshawa TEL (905) 721-2112 we,0oolsii pcoI Eetivhm nlrg o.Bali It's Affordable- ItIs Fast* It's Easy- One Bil! DoesÎiAll - Noïmcm Ontario $,6 - Easlern .14leet&,n ()rýjajj0 $130 -Cef7tra1Ot7t,9riC Nahý)n l P,ý-k,ý,jes Avd,àblýý - c"Il p,,ý P'P', tr,],Laiisl