le, at the buffet varlous other i-nay also be a SECTION A Decorative 1Slelgh Ride - a desigin f'or a coffee table - 1. Sh7elley, Jackie lý,rtley 4. Minnie Zegers 2. ittIe Blessings -- design using ýconjes and/or seed pods - 1. I1sabelle Chalice 2, Minnie Zegers 3.Ire Harris 3.ý Froxsty - white and gr-een mantie arrangement - 1. Jackle Klirtley 2. Lorna Atklnis 3. Miie Zeger-s 4. Shelley Etmnanskie SECTýION B 4. Dininer is Ready - pair of homnemnade napklni rings, uslng natural materlal, mcel. napklns - 1. Arme Anderson 2. Jackle Klrtley 3. Lorna Atklns 5. Ail for thie Birds - fea- turing simali bird feeder or tray - 1. Jaekie 1Kirtley 6. Christmas Greeti-ngs - decorated homiemýade Christmnas card - 1. Minnie Zegers 2. Aime Aniderson 3. Pat Bales Winners In the Photographie competitton included - Carol Mostert, Pat Bales, Shelley Etmanskie, Isabelle Challice, Anne Anderson, Irene Matchett, Inez Harris SPECIAL PRIZES i. Judges' Choice - donat- ed by Din1 Schoenmaker - Jackie 1Klrtley 2. Most points i all shows, donated by Flo Sharpe - Lomne Atkins 3. Most points by new exhibitor donated by Carol and Cor Mostert - Irene Matchett 4. Most points in entire show - donated by Orono Horticultural Society - Jaekie Kirtley Next meeting Is the St. Patrlck's Show on March 16, 2000. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Anna Bragg. Toplc "For the Birds" Submltted by Dorothy Barnett MAIN ST. ORONO PUB1jLIC NOù'TlIC ".E Contact Numbers for 199912000 Winter Season December 2, 1999 to April 7, 2000 The Public Works Department can be contacted for emergen - cies relative to road maintenance or conditions at the following telephone numbers during the 1999/2000 Wnter Season: HAMPTON OPERATIONS CENTRE............ 263-2291 Monday to Friday - 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. MUNICIPAL OFFICES................... ... 623-3379 Monday to Friday - 8:30 arn. to 4:30 p.m. AFTER HOURS EMERGENCY....... ........ 623-5126 fCUNC ;=Î,, 0 ONTARIO Stephen A. Vokes, P. Engineer Director of Public Mrks Municipality of Clafrington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanvilie, Ontarjo LlC 3A6 Publication Dates - Mdnesday, Deoembe r 1,& 8, 1999 1RPO. *# 62501 the Anderson. _qow RIESUL, 9 ex-ibitors 28 entries ultura t Dec. 2 music was greated wlth