Classif ied MacGREGOR AUCTION CENTRE, Bowmanville Thur-3day, DECEMBER l6th 12:00 a.m. (viewing 10:00 a.m.) Short Notice Auction selling Restaurant Eqiuipment, Pizza Shop contents, store racklng. Mfice contents, bulk flower pots & pottery pcs.. tools, plus much more. oid & new articles. Cal! ta cons ign your articles & close the year out with sonie quick cash, watch next week for detcals. MacGREGORACTO & APPRAISAL SERVICS 905-623-7949 1-800-363-6799 8 ac PETHICK & STEPHENSON Auction Barn, Haydon Sat., DECEMBER llth at 5:30 p.m. Preview 4:30 p.m. ta Sale Time Articles from an Oshawa home conslstlng of occasional chairs, lamps, dishes, electrie stove, washer, bedroom furniture, glassware, spring horse, misc. toys, butter boxes, pine plant table. depression glass and mucli more. This wfi be our last sale for 1999. TERMS: Cash, Interac, Visa, M/C. AUCTIONER DON STEPHENSON 905-263-4402 or (705) 277-9829 FAX 705-2 77-90 10 Owuners or auctioneer not responsible for accident or injury incurred at the - sale. From 401 Ext. 431 at Bowmanville, North -8 mni. on Hwy., 57 to Con. -Rd. 8, turn East at the Fire Hall. 8 ac Durlng the second week of the Annual Christmas RLI.D.E. prograxn we operated in Oshawa, Whitby, B3owmanviile, Ajax, Pickeiing, Brooklln, Port Perry and urtice with the foliowing 6945 Vehicles were stopped by RI.D.E. 170 People were given roadside breath tests 33 "12 hour suspensions" for reglstering a "WARN" 7 People were charged with DRIVING OVER 80 Mgs. Other charges such as no insurance, G2 novice driver canravntln'sAdagain .ê.Weki TiesWedesdy. eceber ,99 1 av aces INe Done lime By: Clifford Francis Father's daughter "hildren are wonderful to be nd and 1listen ta. Last night girl phoned me from isylvania. When 1 got off phone, my eight-year-old ghter, Jessica, asked me I was talking ta? When I hier, she said, "It sounds so ~way." That reminded, me as a child, 1 thought cities a million miles away, and they were wide and fiat. .eone told me that the build- ni cities were as high as the, trees, but I didn't believe o.What a surprise the first I1 saw Toranto. hildren's brains are like iges, they soak up every- I hey hiear, or told them. 1 1somnewhere that a child is 12,000 words by the liime 1are 10, and mnost average pie know 15,000 w\ords as ýdult. remnember looking ,for nmy pragram when Jessica was ia two, and shie fouind it. 1 ever remlemibered Saying1( work pragram attloud Bothby 8,ar, any mre faoourites o F11505 Tioi p oal p' rrcogI rlDec 314ý98 1;Ose Crisîmas gci-800- ,A yoa rlersted0 tweogel slatd01 oeedo hosir e . 1elreYouspeno osr0fdollars ron esacmulls chck 01,mm WE HIAVETiNNEl 241 IZZAO & MRS. POWELL S Cneamocn Rulla' indar one roof and te reouflo have been icrenible To bobm more about nor Smll-Tomn elaegy and 50w yooý cao e part o à, caîf TOLL FREÉ 1-877-241 00241 EARN BiEr, nIpors eaprsflt'a sy Worldmde conl acteo pmdcs, meonnloer,, agents, brokers avol- rtbfe.Cool a ma(al ad crse Orly $38. 101 free 1t 877 2e6 -467 Aen,ýc 01ie tale ý THE 7TRAVEL EDGEî Tom your passion for travel i010 a prof ltab l bosnosS. rarorng, lachoolog, arkelrng ssema Peroealrzed internt sile &excpîrona: L aappOolet yoa Saîrd A ýsccesstalhome basneos Esed on persnal sarv-ceTax deductîble no0estnl, tn--ogsclable 416 5t38 5088or 1-800- 41 9-4435 mne- roldgbzcom C;ASH fNCASH (DUT Coe, PaporHosless, M&M. Re- olcbeaabromal onge vodorsingor raa. No self- mg. foliîapaîtt me-Minimum 1roeslîment $13,980, t- r8885388 24 hors g -AE. TRAING EocrtIrng maIlperjcrersn campnaipfgrmrIg. We mîIprapu.reorabeappicanî Mnrlr o Eucaior Rag2islereo, Home Study Dpoma rormFnancral aso stanceo loanaer cmputer sysfemoadfn 1lceman rolsla bie No eaperrene ncasorl1-80477- 9578 wwcsrrrgcr 4EDUCTIlOPÇPS. BE A SLICCESSFU-L W b rlh 1oor 1 g rd-hm sjloycoor[Se Cal 005 or yor FREE 00 800- 267-1829 Th Wrlrg choof, 38 McArlhur Aerae, Sie22 Otlao0ON KlL 682 C'OUNýSELLO)R TRAINING INSTITUTE. Work as an Adisoos Adai rsoLr 0area whr e enroflaoio courses for Iha D lomPafor Counse fr08 gProct ce For a aseeCla- logoa cal 24hrs 1 3-800 665 7844 Te E FT EIJSIE86O RLESEVIE STOES Feto 00Holysaod sLall6raeo Vl -MJoas VO IDOO DAMES No rnhiete - No royally f000. Guaranleen boy back ýsslemrole lion fr yr inoîmol Poll&anrng ,pspynO prgram Comprle tson hepsLtoe proord)ProoFrfable Sys temr linMrmIm cash ragorLred 5S4,808 Fronancrngaaî able IoailE sapplPunlo.Pimare a s fale ancron Caa. V'el- Il fc Heaà!Ofice 65 Sondas Sî1rool 505 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý 2f,81,r1855 Ib FOR SAL SAWMILL $485 54W LODSICTO )RA S, pans baams Lrgo capcîlo RsI ammîL, ariaymhere. lo odIdsrEsmauacurrrn sm Isedgers & skddrs Fran milaion 1-800-56C 6899 befare. One evening whzefl Jessica was about six, we wëre walking home from her babysitters, and Jess asked if she wâs still "on shaky ground." Whçn 1 asked her what she meant by that, she said, 1 told her Ishe was on "shaky graund for jumping in the water puddles." I told her she was "safe and soùnd," and then had to explain what "shaky ground" and "s'afe and sound" meant. 1 told her 1 hgd been on bath, many times. 11Children usually Say what most people just thilnk. 1 arn samewhat like a child because aftèn I say just what 1 think. Children can be ,IQ innacent and funny. When Jeý, as six, she wanted to liaVe anather small gir-l sleep over, I tried ta explaini that same tnoms and dads mnight not let their little girls stay over as I was, a single parent, and also thât I would féee iiiicomfortabl@. She replied, "oh well, carli1 have a liffle boy sleep over then." It's hiard ta win over a child. Jess went and got ber picture taken withi Santa Claus at the and only $98 lmorth O's lke haing a CAV0ietre in yor own home. Frst 50 calfrs racei f ree satellite dshi Free sat efflafie wîfh purchasea. trl f ree 1-888- 528-8818. FREWORKS! FIREWORKS' Euy for the iiennium and wa wiff ship drect 10 your doori Largest %@eedionl Mu si ha over 18 Visa, Masercaro, Amercan 58epress. 1-800- 563-11 10 NO MONEY DOWNk Complote compbler package. Stale 0f hae-art computer, monitor Frea Oer. dea for chifdre-ns edocalion, business and ir enter.effLmied ANL RSTRANjSPORT I f rcshu oumbeo Drdr-rase e aW. We Agure companry drne, ong aream-,,Dner Operalorh check ouf our fuel rîcesji fo r r ryVan 8001er an ýen eck Diai sons yar n TR eeperîqe.Gond Aboracl OJ.S Abîfly Cf I 11 673656 S$COC LES HAleoLP on uer, Mk fos0 rlnysl gcooale ro Nw rods avaifable, al deier 00 usogaoaf CfVW f-80383- 3589 UNOFRT n ine, r h F0 ..c~ u frm yor Home or Office - Nu o s d abW al k yor throogh IL Sale aymeol Semce o anco bm your 000 Sldng @ $19.00. ssae.incolp ca5, 1 877e-corp 1.462677) (ToI IFree) Fax.: 8831 2(olFee). W l10crup smIhînO ne r , mpralf OU CALL ',0" arnnna $4S1toin.18,24orody 1-900 45 1-902OR F ing Sý4.MAàT$ACdD CALL 1 800 7235'2867X &el 18'min F R5 ADUTi ENTERT..AINMEN T rer Ie jSecs) 0by mal and pay es. FREE Vdeo Offeri FREEF ýaIaogue. Dis- creel. HMC Vreo 5288 Parc îoî-c, Mohîla, Ouebec, H 2V 4G7 Do e unconscioaoly acf Ouf pasl painfo jlmomnelo' CrapIer 3 DIANETIOS by L 800 ,HbLO ê.Fr04 0ou rder the Dianeics SefImprovemreol PVh1-eg$52.88 3al 6 00-561-5808 Si EELILDINGS~K§ NEWE LELBuILINSGo eL) , 0, Sas-41- 2 roo prüco 5 e ci$38000 25 40 $4 $$0.0V 30'ce d $650 35e50 $.60' 040 60 1c,80080 450: 8051,08 îesPoer1888652 TIMAESHARE ,RESALES To bo, selorfpOmi ortml Wonils LargeslReseler ERA STR OMANe 0150E 1979. Bugero c-.l 1 800 613 7887 Seles Cal f 800201 0864 Internet mme strma.c Drugiý Stor-e and gav;e hlm her 'wIsh list'. Both of uis are on oLur berot bhvo and are try- ing to be good. Jess would like a tw\in sister-, and shie doesn't care il fitey arcflot the saine age, as longý as thiey look alike. Jess wýould as iÏke a'couple of'dolîs, 5shose Is goinig to bed early, trying to play her cards righit. That's what-I tell her'to do. This is the time of the year for lots of why's, when's, how's, and a million other ques- tions. I wvouldn't have itany other way. What a pleasure.' "Ororno" by John Climenhage Duli evidence partially kept, to swim in definition. Old codes important to no one a fold up adventure which has made me dream there she is water scene whlrls of self destruction down the bathroom drain. The sun glancing-in kçitchen sink rubs off on your hand snap sounds sweet stream of birds the days dropped there by somnebody as aid as the furnace a terrible orange crackles and pants a smillng astonishment coritLiing more than love. Euclidian geometry (the language of the eye) become the ultimate symbol of marginalization. Dark triggers fai dryly, green shoots shift to ruse noon cold pools of shadowed pavement splashed under maples on main streets., J ( z w Curse our conservation taken by mechanic eyes the ghost of self dominion caught somewhere in lofty trees. Because eternlty records waste like an evident malingering of what has passed to be a brutal reply wlth white teeth lashed in wind. The superintendent is forever hankering> for fire that mirrors everytlng. Lights bats the air distance, like music, neyer lost. Water pipes and washlng machines dance across ten mile floor. Bird sounds roat around niaked a vertical unseen wlld love drama breathlng in their ears. Electrlclty the: fantastlc cement of aur hynmnless itchen. On blind word whlch began ail surrender. A mornlng of you and me brings the wlnter. What branches grow by what memories grace wil leaves retumn ta MIl February's silence and our green mornlngs. Feel fram the crowd a justlfied wailing. Beyond, the clear gods eyeing each other. The dispossession of al myth A quiet building from fresh, ground. Subscriptions $25.00 per year. o Coui me to buy or sell... Orono and area's real estate representative... Kryslyna Jones 983-6013 ASSOCIATES (DURHAM)Inc., 1050 Simcoe St. N., #103, Oshawa TEL: (905> 721-2112 Ws Affordabýe - It's Fast - It's Easy - One Bii! Does It All Norl,ýern Onfarfo S,76 - Easioln OntRrIo S 138 W&slein Ontano S 130 - Cenfral Ontano S 134 - Afi Oniàrio S,ý,qO Packges th's paper fo, JeUllls'