a 4 - Orno Wekyflmeý Wedesda.eenbel7 , 1 -999 Heu derson Tree Furm min or tykes WIN!!I This was exciting times for the local voungs-ters \who tusual- ly flnd thiemselves oni the other side of a winning score. However, this Ue, the underdog Hendersonî Trec, Farm gang, founid themnselves 'B' champs of the CRUL inor tyke 8-teamn touimamen.ýt (seven_ CRHL league teamns and one visiting teami from Oshawa) held in Bowmiianville on Decemiber 4th. Heniderson, faced the eventu- ai 'A' chamlp \wInners, Inivestors Group anid kept the score close at 3-2 uinil the last fi ve minutes of' the third period wvhen Investors wn ahead 5-2. Michael Peeters scored his first goal o f the season fromn Christoplier Kuijpers anid Stepheni Sutherland chipped in Orono's second markecr. Gaine two saw Henderson's face2 off against Skylight Donuits cominig away with a close 2-6 victory. Will Kirby also potted his first goal of the year on a break-away followed by a Trev or Heming goal from Sutherland. Game2 three, the 'B' final, was agatinst. Cedar 'Ridge Cyýclonies from Oshawa. The littie 'tree farmers' played hard nd nîeyer gave up despite pflay-, img behind until the 9:00 minute mark of the third period ov er- taking their oppo nents and eventually winning 4-3. t was a tight-checking game with Stephen SSntherland comn- ing up big scorinig ail Orono 's markers. In the end, it was Henidersoni's desire and deter- mined effort which tumed things around then culminated )anny Tresise staked the to a 4-O lead before the the first period. lbrook threatened to get n it early ina the second, Sth-eir first in a goal- -i scramible. Tresise ,red almnost imnmediately ,re thie Leaf s 4 goal lead. ýookc didn't quit however, Lded a'second about two es later. This was as close ywere to get as our Leafs ned up defensively, aI sixth early in the third the aforementioned dete- on began. The referee had to "let them play" and as scraps were inevitable. orne doesn't like to glorify tg, we'll sneak a mention tLeafs scored TKO's in ain events. Shhhhh! id by Danny Tresise' s in a huge min fPr the mnlor-s. TeCyclones alé'O layedNwell and thie gme coiild lhave gone enier way. Kuirt Sloos an1d Jordan Steceli ýjjsplit thj.,goalteýnding duties both giving- solid p)er- fonnanlices. he dthier imembers of the Hecndeýrsdn Tree Farm club are: on def-nCeý - Devon1 BomSteph-eii' Sutherland, Hunter Leech, Mchel Peeter-s; and forwards '- Ryan Brandt, Haiden NMacDoniald,- Tay lor Miller, Troy IllonTrevor1 Heming, Clinstophecr Kuijp)er, Eric Easton, Wil1 Kirby, Malckenzie Tyce. Heniderison' -s oachcs \were very leasd ~th the strong performnances put forth by ail players and say 'Way to go team!" O.rono Lum ber ,m id gets oQt-m uscle After,. a busy mnonth of and Eý Novemnber drew to a close with L ea fst three gamnes ini three ighits, the end of' Oronio Lumnberman Midget Mill Leafs enjioyed a wýelcomne break back ir thîs past week. Timie for the potting nagging littie inijuries to hecal miouth and several players to regain answen strength after battling the dread- to resto ed flu bug. MilîbrEo Sunlday, Decemnber 5 had and ad( themn back on homne ice to host minute5 Millbrook, and while it would as they be a stretch to calîl it bad blood,ý tighterg these gamies ofteni experience a adding certain aimosity,, and this beforet matchl proved nio exceptioni. rioratioi Adamn Tollett set the tone choseni alfter onily twenty four seconds resu it, in as hie waltzed ini fromn the Whileo point then lifting one up high figliting giving the Lumbermian an. early that the lead. They neyer looked back. both ma Tyler, Knight, Brandon Baker Lead pair, single Leaf goals went1 to Tollett, Baker, Knight and Ryan Homes. Assists Went to Jeff Thompson and fRyan Tresise with two apiece, ptight, Ricky Howe and Derek fleershop with singles. Chris Burrttt had a busy night in the Leaf' net and was full value for the %lctory. Being at the top of the hffP, opposing teanis will always want to be chipping away at you and the Leafs now face a rëal challenge, that- is to retum f19 the, disci- plined play thley exhibited s0 effectively'early ùp the season. The Lumbermanl have the potential to do a lôt of damage in this years playoifs, but to do se, they will need a full roster going fiat out. The Leafs are at home to face Port POrry Sunday, D ecember 12. See YOu there! StttsPharmacll::y gives imbits biffer pillto swailow Stufts Pharmnacy Novices, shuilt-ouIt Port Hope's Timbits 3- 0 ini CRI-L novice h1ouse league action- Novemnber 28th. Thec gamne was muLIh doser thani the score Hinicates featur- ing ai scoreless first twio framnes. It wasnl't untiil the third period that Orono 's Noel Sniow took mnatters into his own hlands fir- ing home what would be the evenitual game winner on a pass from set-up man Howie Sutherland. Josh McGill, deciding one goal was not enougli, potted two more both from Tyler Elsonï to ensure a Stutt's Pharmacy win. More recently, Decem ber Sth., Stutt's fell victim to Union Oul going down 6-0. Orono hield thiem off the scoreboard in the first but Union Oul went ahead by two in the second and was out of reach in the third. Fibergrate Canada atoms ,have, m ovina Orono's Fibergrate Canada AMoins had a busy time of it. on the weekend beginning with a trip to the Air Canada Centre. The team was up and on the bus at 7 arn., had a great time at the 'ACC, then were back again in Orono in time for their 2 p.m. game! The Fibergrate crew took on Preston the Mover, led by an ex Orono Leaf "Tyler Young". 1The team renewed aquain- tances f-irst then got right down to business. With Mike Hisson starting in net and looking sharp, Orono's defense really did a number on this team. Jonathan Koerssen, Brien Konopka, Josh Dobson, Justin Westerink, Sarah Donnelly and Robin Henderson were patrolling the blue line. Kenny Jackson opened the scoring with Mad- Dog Beenen and Kevin Bourke garnering assists, Andrew Fudge scored the next two Orono goals with 'assists going to Doug Deboo, Matt Smitt (2) and Justin Westerink who also played a great game. Forwards, Adam Wood,, Blain Cox and Matt Fuller also added some exciting offense to the game. After the dust settled, the game ended in a 3-aIl tie. -iTRT Sand & Grave! Oron-o Apple Blossom atoms blank Omemes The Orono Apple Blossom atoms wvhile on thie road in Omnemee, played a terrîfic gYamne defeatinig thieir hosts handily by aný 8-0 score. Passinig was the nane of this game which saw the Apple Blossoms put on quite a passing cliniç whicli led to their easy victory over Omemee.- Scoring for Orono were Lucas Leech' (2), Daniel Hodgson, Dustin Armstrong, Paul Bridger, Jonathon Picco, Brock McGill and Josh Flynn. Getting very important assists were-Hodgson (2), Armistronig (2), McGill (2), Tyler Skeltonl, Picco, Bený McKelv,,ie anid Bridger. Decembier S5th, saw the Apple Blossom iShiop seeking revenge agalinst a tough Dairy Queeni fromn Bownanivîlle in a rubber match. The locals worked very hard at their checking and passing which led to a well-earned 5ý5 victory. Scoring w, ý,re Joel McD--onald with a real beauLty, Greg Howée, TFyler Skeliton and Dustin Armstrongwithtwo. Asst went to Lucas Leech vith twoPau BridgerChis Gallaint and J1onathlan Picco. Alex Hart-our výersion, of 'Cuýjo', played a terrif-ic gamne like he does over and ov er again! Good wýork team! club visi, mats Sundin. a, TRT' Sand and (iravel noviceýs, like Stutt's novices, also travelled to the Air Canada C enter taking in a Leaf practice- and a walking tour of the ACC, an experience they'll not soon Thie inighit before in league play ver-suisBowmýiianville #2, the locals didn't have any luck at il I ptithe puck in the net andwer sht ot o th soring b; thiis fast-skating Bowman- ville club. Alex Campney played a kind f good game in net for Orono. His teammates didn't score but skated well. The "gravel pit", gang con- sists of Tyler Armstrong, Jon DeVries, Jordan McDonnell, Daniel VanderWeer, Scott Duquette, Alex Campney, Steven Donadel, Garrett Klompmaker, Ryan Wood, Gardner iCole, Kevin Jackson, Brian Knapp, Brendan Miller, Cary Konopka, Aaron West and Brian Dilloni who'll aIl be hun- gry for a win next week. MàillIbrook crew experlience - --- - - ---e