Wednesday, May 20, 2009 Orono Weekly Times - 3 WOES Continued from page 2 waste, we asked people to think about it, and to weigh their garbage. At that time, there was no compost recovery or blue box in our garbage plan; we took our plastics to a plant in Lindsay that recycled them into furniture, and we lugged newspapers to a central depot. I had a strong commitment to the environment, twenty years ago, when I purchased the licence plate 3BIG RS. Our systems, and our understanding, have grown by leaps and bounds since then. I'm bothered by the fact that our own household still creates garbage, but it is lessening, and will continue moving in the right direction with improved methods of re-use becoming available. On countless levels, our world is engaged in a huge learning curve, a forwardmoving process that has the potential to make or break the health of our people, the quality of our air, and the future of our planet. Incineration is a defeated slog into an uneducated past. Pat Irwin Lycett Orono the implications of your decision. It is so frustrating to know and understand how unsafe the incinerator will be, how detrimental to our community it will be, and yet you are now committed to making this happen. Gord, you still have time to change your mind. You can still file for a "motion of reconsideration" and recall council and rescind your vote. There is more to be gained politically by stopping the incinerator as the people are not willing to host it. Those that were pushing for the incinerator will not be reelected and those that stood united against the incinerator will be rewarded by the people. There is much to be gained by advocating for legislation to press for more compostable materials in packaging. Dr. Aubrey Kassirer Orono RESCIND Continued from page 2 information had been released, yet you changed your mind. Vital information was hours away from being released, yet you changed your mind. A man has a right to change his mind, but it would be interesting to know the real reason you switched your vote. Certainly something good must be coming your way, in order to sell out this entire community for incinerator technology that thousands of doctors around the world agree is unhealthy. And we still have to bury onethird of it as toxic waste. Why you would supposedly depend on the opinions of a few farmer friends instead of unbiased health experts is shocking to me. So many of us are talking and are upset at your vote and picture by Donna Wood Eric Lambier performed a Mother's Day concert at the Kendal United Church on May 10th. The event was a fundraiser for the church. PARASITE Continued from page 2 and Robinson for forfeiting FLIP-FLOP Continued from page 2 In deciding to side with Mayor Abernethy and Regional Councillors Trim and Novak to accept breadcrumbs from the Region as compensation for 25 years or more of pollution, I hope Councillor Robinson has also considered a graceful exit strategy from a political career that just went up in smoke. Sincerely, Louis Bertrand Bowmanville one of our community's few levers to ensure a strong voice in the remaining stages of the decision making process. My children and their soon to be acquired health issues congratulate you all. Steve Kay Bowmanville ~ Happening s ~ Wednesday, May 20, 2009 Clarington East Food Bank Annual General Meeting - 7:30pm, Newcastle United Church. Wednesday, May 20, 2009 Energy From Waste meeting - 7pm, at The Regional Municipality of Durham Headquarters at 605 Rossland Rd. E., Whitby. Wednesday, May 20, 2009 OronoAmateur Athletic Association Annual Meeting - 7:30pm, Orono Arena. Everyone welcome. Saturday, May 23, 2009 Grannies Gigantic Garage Sale - 9am-3pm, Parking lot, west side of CIBC, Hwy#2, Newcastle. Proceeds to Stephen Lewis Foundation for orphaned African children. Saturday, May 23, 2009 Old Tyme Country Dance - 8 pm, Newtonville Town Hall. Featuring the Emily Creek Band. $10/person; lunch provided. Call 905-786-2507. Monday, May 25, 2009 St. George's Anglican Church - Salad Buffet Luncheon 11:30am-1pm, $10; Salad Supper 5:30pm, adults $10, 6-12yrs. $5. Call 905-983-9252 or 905-987-4945. Tuesday, May 26, 2009 Citizen's Info Night: Incineration: Health & Financial Concerns 7pm, Newcastle United Church Hall, speakers: Dr. Debra Jefferson, MD; Liz Benneian. Thursday, May 28, 2009 Orono Horticultural Society Spring Flower Show - 7:30pm, Orono United Church. Guest speaker: Gini Sage, Master Gardener; Topic: Irises. All welcome. Tuesday, June 2, 2009 Big Brothers & Sisters AGM - The Beech Centre, 6pm. Please RSVP by Monday, May 25, 905-623-6646. Thursday, June 4, 2009 Blossom Tea & Penny Sale - doors open at 12:30pm; bake sale starts at 1:15pm; Draws start at 2pm. Admission $1. Hampton United Church, CE Wing. Saturday, June 13, 2009 The Sadies, Live in Concert - Orono Town Hall, doors open at 8pm, show begins at 9pm. Tickets $20 at Don's Auto, Hwy 115 and Hands on Music, Bowmanville.