Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Orono Weekly Times - 5 Politically Speaking by Bill Stockwell Now, let me get this straight. The fallout of the eHealth scandal in Ontario is as follows. With the Ontario auditor reporting that the province had spent over one billion dollars of taxpayers money, with little oversight, in their attempts to bring health records online, Dr. Alan Hudson, Premier Dalton McGuinty`s hand picked chairman resigned his position in June of this year, Sarah Kramer, the C.E.O. was released in June, David Caplan, the provincial health minister responsible for eHealth over the past year and a half, resigned his cabinet post in October, Ron Sapsford, the Deputy Minister, who was paid a salary of $500,000 , charged to Hamilton Health Sciences, to skirt government pay guidelines for senior beaurocrats, resigned from his position last week, vice-presidents Robin Tonna and Deanna Allen were let go in order to save some $250,000 from budget, and MPP George Smitherman, the cabinet member that headed up the health portfolio for the five years prior to the Caplan appointment, is running for mayor in the City of Toronto. Smitherman`s recent announcement that he intends to run for the mayor`s position in T.O. has already been blessed by the Toronto Star, even before nominations have officially opened, let alone closed. Last Saturday the front page of the Toronto daily was covered by a large photo of Smitherman with a heading of The Man Who Would be Mayor. If that wasn`t enough, page six was totally committed to a "put your fingers down your throat and you might feel better" news story on Smitherman, his newly wed husband, and too much information on their stunning condo apartment that sounds as though it could be used as a backdrop in the Broadway show Best Little Whorehouse in Texas. If you think that a bit harsh, the following is an example....."the condo itself, a serene contrast to his kinetic presence, with soft floor lighting and hanging lamps. Walls are a deep ruby red with finishes of black, and there is a stunning wall-to-wall city view and a long art work, divided to show Smitherman`s DNA sequence against a black background and husband Christopher Peloso`s against white. An insightful wedding gift from friends." Hopefully the voters of Toronto will look past the many puff pieces that the left leaning media will try to wrap Smitherman in and cast their vote based on who will make the best mayor for Toronto at a STOCKWELL see page 9 First Orono Guides recieved seven more girls last Monday. New Guides pictured are: back row - left to right: Katrina and Amanda, middle row: Megan and Torie, front row Emily, Savannah and Cierra.