6 - Orono Weekly Times Wednesday, November 30, 2011 LOCAL SPORTS Busy week for Orono Midgets Peewee by Ashley Bain The Orono Midgets had a busy but disappointing week this week, playing a total of four games. The first game was at home on Sunday Nov. 20, against the Woodville Hurricanes. With some great plays, Orono was able to edge out the Hurricanes with less then 10 seconds left in the third period, winning the game 2-1. Curtis Stainton and Chris Haass scored Orono's two goals, with the assists going to Connor Hegan, Dan Benedict, Colin Lamers, and Ryan Bain. On Monday, Nov. 21, Orono headed up to Little Britain to take on Mariposa. After a close game tied at 22, Mariposa was able to get a final goal in on Orono with less then a minute left, making the final score 3-2 Mariposa. Grant Palmer scored both of Orono's goals, with assists going to Connor Hegan, Chris Haass and Tyler Meijer. Orono spent their Friday night up in Fenelon Falls, taking on Sturgeon Lake. Yet again, despite Orono's hard work, one goal separated Orono from victory. Sturgeon won the game with a 2-1 score. Tyler Meijer scored Orono's lone goal, with the assist going to Connor Hegan. Orono ended its week with a home game on Sunday against their biggest rivals, the Newcastle Stars. After a close first period, Orono seemed to fall apart in the second, resulting in a 5-2 loss. Colin Lamers and Curtis Stainton scored Orono's goals, with the assists going to Josh Ruddell and Tyler Meijer. Orono's next home game will be on Thursday, Dec. 1 at 8:30. Come on out and cheer on your boys as they get their second chance to beat Newcastle. Newcastle BOWLING SENIORS Bowling Results for Nov. 22nd Top Scores 150+ GAME ONE 240 176 151 183 166 155 152 Leafs' week in review BOWLER Alec Martin Alli Strutt Arlene Watson Bertha Powell Bob Scales Elaine Doty Jack Watson Jean Hall Leo Proulx Mary Trim Mary Pierik Russell Powell GAME TWO 173 150 201 203 154 224 151 175 172 Send your Orono and Newcastle sports stories & photos to: oronotimes@rogers.com Ph./Fax: 905-983-5301 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES by Bill and Keith Qualtrough On Tuesday, the Leafs had a rematch with CYO which they beat last Saturday 3 to 1, however this time CYO reversed the score and beat the Leafs 3 to 1. The lone Leaf goal was scored by Caleb Herron, assisted by Tyler Morton and Daniel Phillippe. On Friday, they had an exciting game against Woodville tying them 2 to 2. Devon Dennis tied the score at 1 to 1 and then Daniel Phillippe tied it at 2 to 2 near the end of the game. Gibson Hegan played a great game in goal, keeping the game close. They then played an exhibition game against Port Hope on Sunday night which was another tie 4 to 4. Tyler Morton put on a scoring exhibition with two goals and an assist. Other goals were by Nathan Hutchison and Caleb Herron. Kevin Gough played a strong game in net and demonstrated a fantastic glove hand. MIXED LEAGUE Thursdays 7 - 9 pm Top Scores 150 + Results for Nov. 24th BOWLER Game Game Game One Two Three Ken Crichton Adrian deLaat Brenda de Laat Randy Flynn Fae Forget Greg Forget Robert Forget Bob Kilgar Bob Lewis Fran Madden Ray Madden Marg Moore Claudine Richards Clayton Trolley MaryLou Trolley Jack Vanderstarre Arlene Watson Jack Watson Don Wright Karen Wright 163 217 171 185 186 240 190 170 176 207 163 154 229 180 172 220 178 187 153 155 192 173 161 160 155 214 170 183 165 212 209 206 205 162 258 195 154 181 154 153 178 LADIES' LEAGUE Mondays 7-9pm Results for Nov. 21st Top Scores 150+ CARDS DURHAM COUNTY SENIORS EUCHRE NOV. 28TH RESULTS TOP SCORES BOWLER Game Game Game One Two Three Anne Arsenault Lenore Beckmann Sharon Bester Charlene Perrin Marilyn Major Shirley Moffat Mary Pierik Terri McLaughlin 155 154 161 160 185 167 164 153 180 172 169 198 188 50/50 winner: Terri McLaughlin 1st Mary Henderson 2nd Elaine Doty 3rd Mae Tabb 4th Norma Moffat 5th Norm Andrews 81 77 76 75 70 NEWCASTLE YOUTH LEAGUE Results for Nov. 19th BOWLER Game One Game Two REBEKAH HALL EUCHRE NOV. 23RD RESULTS TOP SCORES 1st Mae Tabb 2nd Helen Mackey 3rd F. VanDenheuvel 4th Ray Keats (tie) Edna Pyke 81 79 72 71 71 JUNIORS OVER 50 Cassidy 78 Dawson 85 INTERMEDIATES OVER 75 Jacob 92 122 Jordan 135 129 Timothy 96 Zachary 109 96 SENIORS OVER 100 Josh 167 145 Prentice 128 115 Sam 126 173 Taylor J. 148 129 Zach 171 139 Zoe 100 109 Pro Painting "No Job Too Small" · Ge ne r a l R e pa ir s · R e a s o na ble R a t e s · R e lia ble Se r v ic e Book your Winter Projects Now ~ Senior Rates ~ Call 905-983-5761 Clifford Francis