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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jan 1913, p. 6

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ttKv, g» Â BStT it# Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 ycai-s, has borne the signature of and has been made under his personal personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and t( Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children--Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a. harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic , substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has. been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS I Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years -»MI»AWy N EW Yr»*»K CITY. HELLO, FARMER'S SONS. A free pracf : c il course ifl agriculture in Port Hope Hign School 'rom Jan 20th to Feh 28th is intended especially for boys a? d voung men who have decided to re- mam on the farm. Last winter 22 young men, all farmers' sons, from 16 *0 30 years attended the Course. All ph 1 ses of farm practice relating more closely to the bus- ' in ess and practical side of farm life will be discussed. The aim is to give the farm boy a greater interest and ihsight into into farm life, to stimulate him to enquire _ into things, to give him an intelligent idea of the scientific principles which underlie successful agriculture, to interest him in new ideas, and'to know where to seek for the latest information and assistance scie, ce can give him in his operations on the farm. The Course is free. The only expense will be for " board. Course will conclude with a two. day box packing d m- enstration in apples in which the boys will have actual practise and a two day Short Course n-Stock and Seed Judging. A farewell banquet will be given for the "'aT'oSents. Young men this is your opportunity. opportunity. Send lor a calendar to R. S. Duncan, Duncan, District Representative, Port Hope. CEMENT SIDEWALKS "Mr. EDITOR--Would it be at all interesting interesting to know that in the year 189S, when the contract for building the cement sidewalks sidewalks in Botyuanville was let, Mr. R. R. Loscombe, K.C., was Mayor, and S. C. Hillier, M.O., was a member of. the Council, Council, assented to and approved of the by-* law authorizing the contract, and was a member of the Roads and Streets Com- mitee of the Council? Would it b a - further interesting to know that during the years 1899 and I9D0, when the principal work under the said contract w s done, Mr. R. R. Loscombe, K.Ç., was Major, that Mr. J. B. Mitchel was not Mayor untif the year IQOI, when onlv a smalt ami u it of the tail end.of the work was done and the payment for same was made to the Baujc in Guelph which had an alignment .of moneys coming to the con tractors and received all moneys paid by the town ? Enough said, we think. - CITIZEN. To get relief from .indigestion, bilious ness, constipation or torpid liver without disturbing the stomnch nr purging the, bowels, take a few doses of Carter's Little Liver Pills, they will please you. GOOD GIFT FOR FRIENDS. An excellent and timely gift for your out-ôf-town fr ends and former residents of Bowmanville or other parrot Durham County ai.d a present that'. thëv will greatly greatly appreciate and enjoy would be Bow-, manville's- favorite newspaper, The STATESMAN, for a year. It will not only be a rem mbrance for the holiday season, but being like a letter from the old home town each week will bring to the reade'r fifty-two pleasant memories of the one who sends it. This popular family journal will be mailed to any address in Canada or Great Britain for 4SI per year; to U S $1.50. If you are a subscriber to this paper and are "clear on our books" for 191, $1.50 will pay for your own paper and for a new subscription for 19 * V All orders must be given into the office or s^nt to M.-A. James & Son, Bowmariville, Ont. Protect the child from ravages of worms by using Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. It is a standard remedy, and years of use have ènhançed its reputation.- reputation.- . Distended His Stomach Caused Palpitation, and Prevented Prevented Sleep---When Health Was Gone, Cure Followed Use of "Ner- viline. M , THREE SCHOOLS Lindsay Business College, Orillia Business Business College, and the Dominion Corres-' pondence School. This management enjoys an enrollment from every section of the Province and the continual increase shows the standard of the school. This management has a greater enrollment enrollment in Central Eastern Ontario THAN ANY OTHER SCHOOL. Winter term Jan. 6th. Satisfaction is evidenced by the personal personal assurance of every student and graduate. graduate. Mail courses. Testimonial Ne. 4890 **My last wish will be," writes Herrv p. Pollard, a well-known boot and shoe traveler of Hartford, "that everyone everyone with a bad stomach may learn as I did, before it's too late, that Nervi- line is the one remedy to "cure. Why, I was in mighty bad shape, my digea- tlon was all wrong, and every night I would waken with a start and find my heart jumping like a threshing machine. This was caused ______________ by gas on my Stomach pressing against my heart. When I started to use Nervlllne I got better mighty feet. It is -certainly a grand remedy for the traveling man, keeps your stomach In order, - cures cramps, prevents lumbago or rheumatism, rheumatism, breaks up chest colds' and ■ore throat---in fact there hasn't been an ache or pain inside or outside for the past two years that I haven't cured With Nervlllne. Do you wonder I rr commend ltf" For general household use Nervlllne has no equal; It will cure the aches and aliments of the entire family-- refuse anything but Nervlllne, BOc per bottle, trial else 15c, all dealers or The Catarrhosone Oo„ Kingston. Ont. NERVIUNE CUBES ALL PAM THE PRESS . The finest Christmas number to nand th's «éason is that of the K ngston Daily Standard--44 page.-. "Kii gs:on\s glowing-- glowing-- grow with Kingston". I his organ is significant of real conditions if we may judge f om thé Standard's excelI nt pro- j duction Ed tor W. R. Givens is to be smcJrely congratulate i on receiving such generous advertising patronage as to enable enable him to give the Limestone city such a holidav boost. The full page article, on Queen's University is very Interesting to outsiders and;the tnativ portrà ts of min- 1 j isters and others give it : â local flavor t ! iat will please. The Christmas Standard is a telling boost for near-lOJO-Islands- city. _ > * Social and Personal. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Beer, 438 South Chicago-sL, Los Angeles, Cal., formerly of Orono, celebrated their golden wedding wedding Nov. 28. . 1 - 1 . ■ x Dauphin', Manitoba, council favors a new power plant so arranged that a heating heating plant be connected for purpose of su>* plying heat to business and residential blocks from exhaust steam. This is along lines suggested in this journal a few weeks ago. Hope to see it put into practical operation, r An address by Mr. N. W. Rowell, K. C., Leader of the Liberal Party in Ontario, on "What Liberalism has done for Canada", Canada", given before the Montreal Reform Club, November ioih, has been printed for free distributi n. Write Central Liberal Liberal Information Office, 63 Sparks St., Ottawa, for a copy. Liberals and Couse Couse vatives alike. Common sense shou'd be exercised in present-giving always--Christmas time not excepted. Of late - years too many, peoplé have become reckless and .un àr- donably extra v- g Vnt in giving, forgetting that the spirit in which a gift is given - is far more important , than the gift. Margaret Margaret Woodward in Suburban Life, for December says truthfully: How often have I heard the words: 'T wish I were * rich at Christmas-lime, for then I cou d do so much for othe s. How strange it is that we never seem to learn the lesson that it is not the giving of things; but the giving of self which - countsl It is the spirit of Christmas which we must strive after, n it. the multiplication of gifts." The December session of the Scarboro* Junction branch of the Women's Institute, held Dec. 3, at the home of Mrs.'A. J. Reynolds and in point of interest and attendance attendance was one of the best of the season. season. Miss Lulu Reynolds, the president, was in the chair, and following an excellent excellent address by Mrs. Eairles, Mr. W. J. Fawcett, manager of the East Toronto branch of the Metropolitan Bank, gave an informal and practical talk to the ladies on general ban - ! g He traced briefly the development of the banking system to the present, and gave m my hints as to the proper methods of c inducting business. business. U ider the presidency of Miss Reynolds Reynolds Scarboro' Junction Institue is making making splendid progress, the society having for tv*o vears in succession captured the highest, honors for the best all-round display display at the Toronto Horticultural Show.. Rev. W. J. West, M. A., late of Knox HAMILTON 'T will lift up mine eyes unto the hills" says the dweller of'tbe Orient, and with less of deeper meaning, perhaps, but none the less hopefullv, we lift our eves not once but many times a day to the sombre summit f Mount Hamilton, standing sentinel sentinel wise on guard over the busy army of workers beneath. It is a great help to one just to pause for . an instant in the. midst of daily toil and breathe the rarer air, and take in the mind's view before bending again to the common task. Several Several weeks ago when the sky was intensely blue and the trees rejoicing in their final glory we took in the view from the top. Those who have done likewise will recollect recollect how beautiful is the scene which imprints imprints itself upon the vision. Trees lend a pleasing effect to the seemingly solid I blocks of brick and cement in the older portions of the city, but over in East Hamilton there is nothing to relieve the bare bright newness. And bow beautiful is the bar eirating round eky and £ j>- ping the foundations of lofty buildings whose towering chimneys moue tee parity parity bat disturb lu daszMnîg serenhy not is the least. Nkllw R. WaTTS Multitudes of People take SCOTTS EMULSION regularly regularly to repair wasted vitality and enridh the blood to withstand winter colds and exposure. It contains the: highest grade of cod liver oil, medically perfected; it is a cream-like food-medicine, scrupulously pure and healthful without drug or stimulant. Endorsed Endorsed and. advocated by medical authorities every where* SCOTTS EMULSIONdnyes out> colds--nourishes the membranes of the throat and lungs ànd keeps them healthy. .Nothing equals SCOTT*S EMULSION for long and bronchial weakness--sore, tight chests and all pulmonary troubleSi Equally good for infants, children or adults, but you must have SCOTTS» 'Scott-T„r,mlo. Ontario 12-56 'Tfil oyal tiite From Halifax Steamer From Bristol Royal Edward Wed. Jan. 22. Wed. Feb. 5 Royal Edward Wed. Feb. 19 V ■ Wed. Mar. 5 Royal Edward Wed. Mar. 19 Wed. Apr. 2 Royal Edward Wed. Apr. 16 Wed. Apr. 30 and regularly thereafter. Full particulars and tickets f^om M. A. J A ME 9, Bowmanvlle Agent for Canadian Northern Steamships LIN WHY KEEP ON COUGHING ? Here 1$ A Remedy Tfeaf Will 51op It * Do you realize the danger in a neglected cough ? Then why don't you get rid of it? Yes, you can shake it off , even,thotigh it has stuck to you for a long time, if you go about it right. - Keep out in the fresh air as much as you can, build up your strength with plenty of wholesome f od, and take Na-Dru-Co. Syrup of Linseed, Licorice arid Chlorodync. This reliable household remedy has broken up • thousands of hacking, persistent persistent coughs, which - were just as troublesome as yours, and what it has done for so many others itwill do for you. Na-Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and; Chlorodyne contains absolutely no harmful drugs, and so can be given safely to children, as well as adults. Your physician or druggist can confirm this statement, for we are ready to send them on. request a complete list.of all the ingredients. . . " Put up in 25c. and 50c. the National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada. Limited, . 317 Church, Bluevale, was inducted into the ptstor .1 charge of Port Perry on Tuesday, Dec. 10th. Rev. W. R. Wood, Claremont, Claremont, presided at the meeting, Rev. W. M. Haig, Columbus, preached the induction induction sermon, Rev. Dr .Abraham, Whitby, addressed -the ;r«in ster, a« d Rev. Wm. Rice, Ashburn, the congregation. After' the induction a réception was held for Rev. and Mrs. West in the schoolroom of the Church* From the new pastor's past record the prospects for a successful and .pleasant pastorate is anticipated. Before leaving his former charge Rev. Mr. West Wa4 presented with an il uminated address and purse of gold by the congregation of Knox church. "Bluevale, and an address and purse of gold from Ea tie's congregation. congregation. Mrs. West was presented with an address and cabinet of silver and p -arl cutlery bv the ladies of the cqngregatio ». These were tokens of the high esteem in wh chTVIr. and Mrs. Wes are held in his form r church. Large congregations assembled assembled on Dec. 8th t > hear their beloved pastor's farewell message. He exhorted them to remember the m stages g ven during his nearly sixteen years of pastorate pastorate work among them. Do not despair of curing your sickhead- à h is very dis igr-able. Take two ofCar- ter's Little Liver Pills, they will effect - a p omptandp rmanent cure. Their action is mild and natural. WINTER WEDDINGS Patte -Pickell A very pretty wedding took place at "Century Far n," the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira A. Trull, Wednesday, Dec. 18 h, at 4 30 p m., when their" daug iter, Miss Elm 1 B. Picke I, was united in the holy bonds of m itrimony with Mr. Walter H. A. Patte, Oshiwa. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Soford F. Dixon, Cour- tice, in the presence of immediate relatives relatives and friends. Lohengrin's Bridal March was beautifully rendered by a cousin of the bride, Miss Gerda M. PickelL The bride looked charming beneath an arch of evr rgreen and white roses and was dressed in marquisette over white sati -, carrying a bouquet of white roses and lily of the valley. After the ceremony ceremony the guests adj jurned to the dining room to a sumptuous repast, the tables being decorated with pink roses, smilax and lilvrof-lhe-vallev. The presents were very numerous and costly, including a cabinet of silver from_the groom's employees. employees. v The. groom's gift to his .bride was a beautiful set of mole skin furs; and to the pianist à sil ver ? mesh bag. Beneath a shower of confetti the happy couple left on the evening train for the wedding trip, the bride wearing a travelling suit of grey whipcord and black velvet hat with willow willow plumes. On returning they will reside reside in Oshawa. .. Watts--Dutton A pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Dutton, 681 Dundas-st, east, Woodstock, when their daughter Julia Mary, became the bride of William Z Watts, Winnipeg. In the bay window prettily banked with* palms and smilax festoons, and. under a bell of white c .rnatio is the solemn rites were performed by Rev. C. L. Mclrvine of Central Methodist Methodist church. The bride weo was given a- wav bv her father, was beautifully gowned Adds wholesomeness to the food. Z A plain cake, made with Cleveland's Baking Powder, is better than a pound cake costing twice as much made with an alum powder. Cleveland's Baking Powder is pure, clean and wholesome, and with less trouble and concern makes the cake lighter, sweeter, purer, more appetizing appetizing and beautiful and assuredly wholesome. wholesome. Take every precaution to avoid alum bakmg powders, as alum in food is deleterious. They may be known by their lower price. bt CAKTER'S ■ittle TlVER g PILLS. CURE St.John -- Halifax --- Liverpool From St. John Halifax Virginian - , Dec. 20 . Dec. 21 Hesperian V Dec. .28 Direct Corsician Jan. 3 Jan. 4 Grampian Jan. 17 ■ Jan. 18 Boston Portland -- Glasgow From Boston Portland Corinthian . Dec. 7' . Pretoria» ; ' ' Déc. 26 Sicilian Jan: 2 . Ionian Jan. 9 Numidian Jan. 16 , - - For fulf particulars or rate», ètc^ apply M. A. TAMES, Bowmanville, or THE ALL AN LINE, 77Yonga-st.,Toronto. Ewery Weiww Is IstsHiewd and shssld know abomt toe wonderfal Mirvel tihT SPRING VS. LAKE WATER ; Mr. Chas. M. BitiE Replies to Dr. Dan- Dear Editor--In hurriedly penning he art.cle i n "Waterworks an 1 S.ewige Wstems" winch appeared in a recent issue >f your paper, I may not have sujceedel -n making my ideas perfectly qiear and -•xact, and this I am now more than con- .tineed since a Doctor has been misled and jontused, according to his statement, in yours of the 19th inst. 1 did not intend my article would be construed as çuniemning the spring supply as inadequate or dangerous for I well know, if the proper precaution* are taken to keep puiiu ion out of tne stream, spring wd»er is ideal tor domestic use, éxeept for wüh q pur o*es. The question recurs, has u city p oper police power outside the corporate limits of the city to impose penalties against all who would pollute the spring water; or is there a - Provincial taw that covers the case of contamination of such waters? These are questions for •our corporate counsel to determine. If the fund of the law, whether it be city ordinance ordinance or provincial enactment, can be made to reach and punish such contamination, contamination, then your city wou.d have notnmg to fear in using the spring water in question, question, * But Dr, Dàndeno, in his criticism of ray article, finds fault with the statement that sunlight will cleanse water. If the Dr. will take the pains to re-read mv remarks, he will find that I was reterring only to water in motion in the open air; and I think even th s wise escu aoiari will hardly call that statement in question and thus put himself in direct opposition to science. Of course, any half-wit would know that stagnant water soon breeds bacteria, but that is not the kind my article reterred to, so the Doctor's "man of straw" was easily annihilated by him, and was made possible^ only by quoting a part of the sentence, an(f omitting the words "whether agitated by wind and wave or is carried along in a swift flowing stream." The Dr. next finds fault with the statement statement that "it is always possible that water coming from a restricted source is more or less contaminated." This all depends upon the efficiency of the law against contamination, contamination, and the power of your city to patrol the spring and prevent it, With lake; water, no such possibility of contamination contamination exists, and no patrol is necessary to be ma n ained. This was the idea intended intended to ue expressed, and which I think was expressed in language that no One, f- but the Doctor, has failed to comprehend. The Doctor next/pins issue with the statement that "modern scwice finds it one of its easiest .tasks io purify water." I am not surprised at his criticism of that prop sition, us it has only been within a period Of f.iur or five years the discovery was made, and of course a country Doctor is generally more than that far behind the times in following the wonderful strides with wjiich science is leaping forward. He tells us'JTt does not purify water to put a substance tin it." That surely is such a sweeping assertion that any e hool boy is abe to refute. Of course, it all depends upon what substance is used, but will my learned friend pretend to sav that there is no substance that can be put. into " water that will kill the germs, and thus purify the wafer for domestic use ? I think even the Doctor, upon reflection heavs better than, to make such a reckless steteoront, but if he is still of that opwrion I advise him to write to the water deparSment of New York city, where thay have experimented experimented with hypoclorite mcosmduMf ie cleansing polluted water, and may be he will jget a hitch a few yards further fan- ward in the scientific procesaion ehat will enable him: to catch at least a g,impie of the advancing column. Denver, Dec* 23,1912. Blok Headache and. relieve all the troubles in* .Sent to a bilious state of the system, such a» Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness. Distress after eating, Ifaln in th'e Si.lo, &o. While their most remarkable success Las been shown in curing SICK Headache* yet Carter's Little Liver Pills ar# equally valuable in Constipation, curingaud-pre* venting thiaaiinoyingcomplaint.'while they also correct all disorders of the s tomach^timulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even'if they only "*HEAD Ach> they would Lettlmostpriceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortunately fortunately their goodness does noteudhere.aud those wliooncotry them will find these little pills valuable valuable in so many ways that they will not be willing willing todowithontthem. But after all sick head ACHE Is the bane of so many lives that here is where we make our great boast* Our pilla cure it while others do not. Carter's Little Liver Pills are very email and very easy to take. C$ne or two pills make a doe*. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. 0421X2 lttSKQIX CO., SIV X822. Ul Uk Mftia in white satin with trim ning<$ of pearls and rose point lace. The bridal, veil was caught with carnations and a shower of white roses carried. Mi<s Fannie Dutton in a dainty lingerie gown carrying pink flnwers attended hersister,and Mr. Lionel Cockburn, Toronto, was groomsman. Miss Kathleen Rennie in a pretty dress of pink silk plaved Mendelssohn's wedding m ireh. A delectable dejeuner was served in the dining room where an effective color color scheme was carried out in red and green. The groom's gift to the pianist was a péarl brooch, to the bridesmaid a pearl ring, and to the groomsman a club bag. The gifts received bv the bride were exceptionally beautiful including a cut g'ass berry bowl and servers^ from the Dyson Co. of which the groom western western representative, hand printed china, silver, linen and two substantial ch.-cks from her brothers. Mr. ànd Mrs. Watts left on a trip to New York and Buff do, the bride travelling in a Frmch biue tailor-made suit with hat to match and a handsome set of moleskin furs, the gift of thegroom. They will reside in Winnipeg. The exile may be glad there ie no place like home. A GOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE For over 52 years the British American American Business College, Toronto, has trained successful business men and women: If interested in the courses we give, it will pay you to write for a copy of our latest catalogue. New Term begins Jan. 6,1913. ■**.* N T. M. Watson. Principal. k--miM. Il dm foil aad <iir*etloe»i*vmlo&Ble rhiSM. WBOMOaMnnPLT CO^ Wlndeoeii 1 OWMWl A«Mt( for f SHAW'S Toronto, Canada, include the Central Bn.-iuese College, Toronto. The Centra' Centra' Telegraph <fc Railrojut School, and Four < itv Branch Business Schoo s. All provide ♦-scellent courues leading t<i good salaried poaitiona. Free cat- logue on requeat. Write for it. -XV. H. SHtw, President, Head uSBoes, Yonge & Qerrard-sU., Toronto. CURSE OF FARM LIFE The outside closet--that abominable abominable accumulation of disease-laden filth--is the curse of faim life-- : directly responsible tov nine-tenths of the diseases existing in the rutal districts. There Gan Be No Doubt About This Just cor-ider. Here within a few steps of your home--poisoning home--poisoning every breath of air you breathe--you have built a pest house--a foul-smelling sink--which must be used by you and^.. your family. And you willingly subject your wife, daughters and sons- to, this risk of disease, publicity and discomfort--in all weathers --winter and summer. Probably you never thought of the outside closet in this 1 light before. Now you knoxv. Make up your mind to blot if off your farm at once. Install a Good Health Sanitary Closet--it doesn't cost much--and you'can have it right irv'your home. Think of the convenience, comfort comfort and protection from ill health. Make up your mind to have one .without another dav's delay. Let us tell you more about the Good Health Closet. Mail This Coupon to Us RIGHT NOW THE GOOD HEALTH COUPON Tlie Good Health Co. Brockville Ontario Gentlemen Please send me literature triving full particulars oi thr Good Heakb Sanitary Closet. Name Winter Term from Jan* 2 ELLIOTT TORONTO. ONT. is well known as one of Canada's Host Rosine»» Rosine»» 9choo»g. Our *rt.<inate« are in strong demand because business Arms knew fchov ren ter sttperior '♦orvlces. Satisfaction follows follows superior training bet never follow-t Inferior Inferior training. the best. You want it. We give it. Write for New Catalogue. - Cor. Yonge A Alexander-ets., W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. That tired, languid feeling arid dull headache headache as very disagreeable. Take two of Car er s ittle Liver Pills before retirng, and you will find rd ef, They never faJ tO do gOO<L x " WHY WR EXCEL We here toe meet ms i sm, toe most metical sjb4 toe bes* eemppwt eokool in Eaeterm Ootarle. The peer* es are ttaor- «s^i and faednatlng. ie entirely . Gvwadla* Uweisoee Procedure fertile training of toe ambitions yooa< people of oar ooaatry. 0«r Graduate* are saoceesfuL Ask aay sca leaS or «. ■t udeut: they are our beet advertisements. advertisements. ■mm »tndy Ceama LHIBSAT BUSINESS CBLLKIB, C. H. BOW HR, W. E. SPOTton. Principal. Ram«st. Knter Aar tow , • *-lv gillllllllllfflllllllllilllllllllllllllllllltlliillillliilllliilliiUiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiE B I SPANISH RIVER PULP | & PAPER MILLS LIMITED 1 a iHrst Mortgage Sinking Fund 'Bonds j-- . J>** S»t Deo., 19B1. Interest 1st JanKary and 1st July = PBIOB 98. YIELDING 6.207. it The surplus of liquid assets over liabilities as at 31st October, 1912, amounted approximately to $1,200,000. The fixed, appraised assets are $4,157,021.75. Therefore, the total issue of bonds is only 00 per cent, of the actual appraised assets, while the surplus of liquid assets is practically practically 50 per cent, of the entire issue. DOMINION BOND COMPANY, LiMiTEijr niMIM Bmm TORONTO VANOtUVBH sanini!

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