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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jan 1913, p. 7

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- i '" h'& ' 'T ^ "* \ * ' V-T- ' ? ' £ÜPüm /. > Wm - *1 / ••< 816 THE WEARY SMILE THAT COVERS PAIN Fashion Hints Women are Themselves to Blame for Much of Their Suffering. Women are weak, jet under ;a THE MAN BEHIND. * Viscount Eeher is the man behind the ocenes. He does hot obtrude hie personality on the public, but his remarkable abilities have raised him to a position ol the highest influence. influence. and this position is consoti Yovr Looks 1 Quite Satisfy You? Fashion Favors Skirted Coats. smile they will try to hide pain and <late< j j, y the fact that he stands suffering that any man could not aloof from party politics, bear patiently. _ If, women would Statesmen of both parties seek Fashion's edict, at the present only remember that their frequent j^- a< jyfo e on affairs of State, and he Fine Results In Two Weeks. DMI11CÜ 9 ©UlU/, OrV Uit3 picwouw * •<? a . . « • f faakîs Wt VU AllOAlV VI csuaa. **v thne, is to trios e the skirted cost at failures of health arise from teel v • ; follows modem developments with 5» Wr<»fc,"»Tttough"the model 1« or impure blood ^their lire» would cut »o that when opened and turned be «mootiier »nd they would longer back" it will still look finished, but revers have, for the moment, disap peared in favor of the military retain their natural charm. When the blood fails then begin those dragging backaches and ityle and the small roll of fur stand- headaches ^ sleep that lug high on the throat. The front | «auses darlr. line, under the eyes of th» garment is trimmed with , dizziness; fit, of depression pal hand, of oord or braid which loop ifcher, which is repeated in the k< Tipper parts of the shoes, unless, as is frequently the case, the shoes be made of the same material as the •osfcuma. Skunk fur trims nearly all.of the best-winter gowns, while marten and other long-haired furs are high in favor. The muff has become become a part of the fur-trimmed gown, and with its huge proportions its cost often reaches several times the price of the frock it accompanies, accompanies, - ... Skirted coat effects, ^if long enough, are always becoming, and while a girdle is often apt to be trying to the woman not possessed of a-.-^sylph-Uke figure, most wonderful wonderful changes can be effected by the belt's being placed at just the right line; besides it is not a belt Intended to be drawn tight to the outline of the waist. Not yet has the normal waist line been accepted in coats, but a much longer waist is fashionable. Double-breasted ef- dull and the complexion blemished. Women should know that much of this suffering is needless and can be promptly remedied. Purify and enrich the blood through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and vour suffering will vanish. Thousands of women know that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have brightened their lives by making the new, good blood of health, and so toning up all the vital organs into healthy, vigorous action. Here is an instance from among many. .Miss Cora A. Cornell, Cornell, St. Catharine*,; Ont., says: "Ever since the age of fourteen I have suffered terribly with pains in my back, and severe headaches. 1 was also much troubled with indigestion indigestion and had to . be extremely careful as to my diet, and sometimes sometimes did not feel like eating at all. Some two years ago the headaches became so bad that I had to give up my position, which was clerking in a store, where, of . course, I was constantly on my feet. I took a po~ the keenest interest, yet he never seems to be busy, and conveys the impression of a man who is blessed with any amount of leisure. Lord Esher has never been in the army, yet he is recognized on all sides as a great authority on army matters. He played a big part in the re-organization of the War Office at the close of the South African African War. and he is credited with a big share of responsibility"for the fc- £.V. 9) If Tour Color Is Bad, If You Suffer From Pimples, Here is . Good Advice. 8EULL OF PREHISTORIC MAN. Until She was Nearly Crazy, Began with Watery Blisters. On Ears, Eyes, Hands and Ankles. Could Not Sleep for Scratching. Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment Cured. Miss Nettie É. Callaghan, a well known y dung lady in Middleton, ' writes as follows : VI was affected t for two years with a rash, and ugly ! looking pimples that spread over my face. My coldr was poor, and my blood evidently completely out g^p and Ointment and they gave of order. ^ Certainly it was ft most soso. I used them about four mon AW. f.v fects are in the lead, and both the. gition in an office, where I could . . , , --*• « i ; , . » . i '.V.'^^VAV.W. «ViVHMÎfi MM»V1,1mY.V.'i »' upper part of the coat and its skirts fasten quite far over the left side, but in a straight line from bust to the hem of the coat.. From a practical practical stand-point it is far wiser to have the gown that is to be worn under a Russian coat made with waist and skirt separate. It is a great relief not to wear always always the same waist, and now that fashion sanction* the separate white blouse, there can be such a variety given t<o the coat costume as to render it far mo-re useful. These white waists are made of cream white laces or satin and are exceedingly exceedingly becoming. e Many are distinctly distinctly novel in design and shape, although although one and all are on the blouse order.' The supple brocades are much in demand for-this Use as are also the chiffon velvets and soft satins brocaded with velvet. Ornate buttons of one kind or another decorate decorate the handsome-st blouses ; these may either be in wide contrast orijn strict harmony, as the individual individual prefers. ' Among the new styles for midwinter midwinter are many odd combinations. Take, for example, a charmeuse frock in rose pink, with a long- skirted coat of mauve chiffon rounded rounded at the fronts and trimmed with, a heavy veil of white fur which runs under the girdle and over the shoulders. shoulders. edging a broad bertha effect. . There is no other trimming on the gown excepting the black velvet ribbon lacing across the front of the bodice. Another marvellous creation creation was of brocaded velvet trimmed trimmed with a band of dark fur swirled around the body in serpentine effect from shoulder to hem. Bias lines in decided contrast are becoming more and more popular, but the style is not for the average figure, and before before one adopte it the mirror should ' bo most carefully consulted. One of the smartest ideas for the house dress is the draped tunic, that suggests the pannier or Russian blouse, with the lower edge gath ered. under.. At the present moment moment everything indicates that this will be one of the most popular for the one-piece indoor be seated most of the time, but even Lord Esher. then I suffered terribly most .of the time. As the medicine I had been t taking did not help me T finally de cided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I got a supply, and soon felt they, were helping me and I continued continued taking the pills for several months until I felt perfectly well. Although my doctor advised _ me not to go back to my old position, I decided to do so, and have not felt any ill effect. I never have backache now, seldom a headache. dwn, for it is quite unlike any- m 'jpthing that has been worn for a long time; it is graceful and becoming and does not in the least interfere with the long, slender lines that women women are so fond of. The? style calls for very supple material. The upper upper part of the .bodice is decidedly novel ; there is an attached top to theijftoulder and sleeves and .is madqin two pieces ; the sleeves are cut on kimono- lines, reach just below below the elbow and are finished with a turnback cuff and. straps and buttons buttons over white moire sük. -- --. Old Servian Capital Restored. i Oekub, the capital of the old Servian Servian empire, now for the moment restored to the new Servia, is associated associated with one of the few real love affairs of a Turkish sultan. It was here, after the fatal field of Eos- iovo', that Bajazet arranged terms cf peace with the Servian king Stephen. Stephen. One of the most important stipulations was that. Stephen ghould hand over his sister, the Lady Deepina, as wife to the sul Un. It was a lucky deal for the Servians, for it is written that of all his wives the sultan held the Ledy/Despina dearest, and for her aAke testored her brother the city «nd-dtstle ot Semendna and Colum- tgrium, in Servia. She allured him |o drink wine, forbidden the Turks fcv their laws, and caused hpn to de- in sumptuous banqueta, which now did. • and all traces of the indigestion îelp someone who suffers as I used He is a permanent member of the Committee ôf Imperial Imperial Defence and a Royal Trustee of the British Museum. He has dabbled dabbled in authorship with the greatest success. In collaboration .with Mr. A. C. Benson he edited Queen Victoria's Victoria's letters, and he is also the author of "Footprints of Statesmen" Statesmen" and "The Yoke of Empire." Lady Esher is the daughter of M. Sylvain- van de Weyer, who was Belgian Minister to England, and she is the only living English peeress peeress of Belgian parentage. She was only 16 when Lord Esher married despairing sort of a case, because various treatments did but little to Help me. * A friend of miné in Toronto. Toronto. Ont., advised me to get Dr. Hamilton's Pills, so I sent at once for five boxes. In two weeks I felt like new--looks improved, spirits rose, and I felt I was getting well. I have used this remedy for a long time, and now wouldn't be without it." ' ' If you are in ailing health, have blood disorders, stomach trouble, or headaches, Dr. Hamilton's Pills will help you quickly. All druggists druggists and storekeepers sell Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake arid .Butternut. 25c. per box, five for $1 00. Sent postpaid by the Ca- tarrhozone Go., Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston, Canada. * • Brunswick 8t.. Fredericton, N; B.-- " I bad a very bad case of oezuraa. The troublé besan with waltery blisters and Itched and burned until I was nearly crazy. It was oh my ears. eyes, hands and ankles. I could not keep the bed clothes over me at night for the smarting and Itching. ' My ears' would swell. I would scratch until the blood would run and then form a scab. . I felt As If I could take a knife and cut the flesh on my hands! It would disfigure my face and make It smart and burn and swell. I could not sleep at night for scratching.' ** I tried everything-1 heard of without getting any benefit. I used lots of home remedies, such as lard and sulphur, and also was treated for It. Then I tried Cutlcura më great ease. Iusea tnem aoout rour months and I am happy to say I am never troubled now. The Cutlcura Soap and Ointment cured ,me completely; (Signed) Mrs. A. 8. Thompson, Thompson, Mar. 9, 1912.; The regular turn of Cutlcura Soap for toilet and bath not only tends to preserve, purify and beautify the skin, scalp, hair and bands, but assists In preventing Inflammation. Irritation Irritation and clogging of the pores, the common cause of pimples, blackheads, redness and roughness, yellow, oily, mothy and other un- wholesomfrcondittons of jthe sldn. Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment are sold throughout the world.. Liberal sample of each mailed. free with 82-p. Skin Boole* Address poet card Potter Drug Sc Chem# Corp., Dept. 44D, Boston, U. S. A. Important Relic Found la Sussex Excites Scientists. One of the most important prehistoric prehistoric finds of our time and one which is causing great excitement among scientists has been made in Sussex, Sussex, England. „ A few weeks ago men. quarrying in a deep gravel pit turned up a human skull. It was in fragments, but there was enough of it for the experts to form a conclusive judgment. judgment. It turns out to be the skull of a paleolithic man and is by far the earliest trace of mankind that has yet been found in England. It dates certainly froni the beginning beginning of the Pleistocene period. It was found in association with the bones of one of the most ancient types of elephant. The stratum in which it lay was the beach of a very old river bed. ^ There is no doubt at all of its authenticity. authenticity. The skull belongs roughly to the same age as the^ famous famous Heidelberg skull and is quite as early as anything which has been found in Europe. The skull resembles, the Neander- Just what you need after a hard day's work--A Refresh? Inf cup of UPTON'S TEA does farthest for the money FARMS FOR SALS H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Celberoe Street Toronto. H undred acbkb-county Good House; Bulldiagoi Orchard Cbenn and on .easy * torn» a. HALTONi 8 EVENTYSIX ACRES WITH GOO» buildings and anplo orebard; snows flr# TnV». frnrn TTnmilton. H. W. DAWSON. Toronto. O NE HUNDRED County; eoll thal specimen, but belongs to a MANX HAVE QUEER LAWS. D nblic Reading of Laws Every July 5th Is Still Observed. much lower and more primitive type of mankind even than^ that. The experts have been able to come to a definite judgment as to the kind of brain once housed in these amazing bones. It was certainly a very different brain from that possessed by any living race. The experts will not venture an opinion as to thé date of the Sussex Sussex man, but most probably he lived millions of years-ago. ;-- -* : ACRES IN OXFORD nice clay loam ; five acres timber; three acre* orchard, one- rtorv frame house; a number of ootbulld- i'nge; close to market, railway station «ni large cheese factory. Rural mail deliw erv. Would exchange "for city, town w village property or for • smaller farm. The Western Real Relate. London, Out. AGENTS WANTED. OME WORK, $7 TO 116 PER WEEK-- H ^ We want 'reliable parties to knit for us at home, whole or spare time. We furnish machine, yarn, etc. Rend your name and addrem at once for full particulars. particulars. The Canadian Wholesale Distrv bating Co:. Dept. W., Orillia, Ont. STAMPS AND COINS. TAMP COLLECTORS--HUNDRED DIP- is, Catalogue, Marks Stamp ferenV Foreign Stampa i Catajogue, Album, only Seven Cente. Company. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS Cramps at Require Prompt Remedy LUMPS. ETC- C ancer, tumors, . , _ Internal and external, cured _wltb- out oaln bv our home treatment. Write _ - - Heal a» before too late. Dr. Bellman Medl Co.. Limited. Collingwood. Ont. The Isle of Man presents many curious features, none of which is more curious than its laws. For instance, the Legislature is called the House of Keys arid was ir other limes a judicial body charged with thé duty of interpreting the laws. Any person so bold as to slander this House of Keys was liable not only to .a fine in the amount of $50, but to the loss of both his ears. Two deemsters were once appointed appointed to execute the laws, which be- We publlah «Impie, straight teatlmoni- fore the year 1417* was uncodified, Culture Defined. Gabe-r"What is culture ?" Steve--"Culture is when von apeak of the house beautiful when you mean the beautiful house." Agonizing Pain Prevented Keeping Nerviline Handy On the Shelf. by ( 1 ALL- STONES, KIDNEY AND BLaD- X der Stones, Kidney trouble, GraveL Lumbago and kindred alimente positively cured with the new German Remedy, "Panol." price $1.50. Another hew remedy for Diabetes-Mellitue. and sure cure. M "Sanol's Anti-Diabetea." Price $2 00 from druggists or direct- The Hanoi Manufacturing Manufacturing Company of Canada, Limited, Wtnninesr Man. A Case In Point Illustrated. TAKE NOTICE. to > t Bold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six x>xes for. $2.50 from The Dr. Wiliams' Wiliams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. * BERLIN TO HAVE REAL QUIET. And the Streets Are to Be Kept Clean and Safe. Police regulations intended to make Berlin (Germany) streets quieter by day and night, to oome iinto force on April 13, include the following : Persons may not walk more than three abreast nor stop or congregate congregate for any period of time. Persons Persons with umbrellas or walking Their son ried. recently to Heckecher, the daughter of a New York millionaire, and another eon married Miss Zena Dare, the well- known actress. One of their daughters daughters married Mr. Vyner Broojce, eon and heir of the English Rajah of Sarawak, and one day she will help to rule in Royal state over half s' million people in a country aa big aa the British Isle*. Deadly cramps---the symptoms are not to be mistaken. Suddenly and without warning the patient experiences such agony in the stomach stomach as to contort the countenance and cause him to cry aloud for help. Then it is that the wonderful power of Nerviline can make itself 125EgglncubatorS|^R[ •nd Brooder roe 1 If erdered together, Frslfht and duty paid * Mlfi dMerlbM then. Bend forlttodsy. OrtUi.1 to enr K.R. stetioe a Can,da. Hot water, ur taitig^ d.obl. I shipped fro» nearest Caaadiaa vantiMM. WISCONSIN INCUBATOR CO.* I Bex 239 Racine, Wie., U. *. A. ale. not press agents' interviews, from : nd there were known as breast and heir, was mar-. . Trom all 7% ltnimYnt 7 the ' ! aws for the reason that, they were cures eo quickly. to Miss Antoinette be*t œ of" HônLhm d Remedies /" ' imparted to the deemsters m j ««Last summer I was stri " - * *' ret, to be kept by them within the! ^ {rightful atlack c f cramps. I long naîn in. mÿ stomach STEADY HAND. A Surgeon's Hand Shonld be the Firmest of All. "For fifteen years I have suffered - -- ..J MÎNAED'8 LINIMENT CO., LIMITED. striken with secrecy of their-own breasts as feared the pam as they chose or during their whole wou]d kill service, though they were authoriz-j 1 €8 bulged out and the ed to impart and explain to the ve j ng ; n m « forehead stood out like !.. i populace as much of these special j w bin-cords. 1 . _■ _L J «A » ëîéna flOATTk Y Ethnology. Teacher---"Name some of the man-hunting tribes." Pupil -- "The English suffragettes/* suffragettes/* FILES CURED IN t TO 14 DAYS Tour druggist will refund moriey if PAZO *v *«» «« -j * *r- T, w r--7" w OINTMElvr fails to cure any es* of Iteb- not hide them ; but if he steal a ca- laws as should at any time seem wise and expedient. Certain of the Manx laws, as set down after the codification, are extremely extremely quaint. Here are a couple couple of extracts from the Manx rulings: rulings: "If a man steal a horse or an ox, it is no felony, for the offender can from .insomnia, indigestion and nervousness as a result of ooffee d rinking, ' ' said a surgeon the other IvUB Wlvn UUlUrOUM Wi .»a.« 6 ----- llw Vu. sticks must not carry or swing them day. .(Tea u equally mj in any manner designed to imperil cause it contains caffeine, the same the safety of the ----- u - No~ windows or doors of houses, flats, shops, or restaurants, in which music is being played, may be kept open. ; " No whistling, singing, shrieking, skating or. loudrtalkirig of. any kind designed: to etidanger the quiet of the streets shall be permitted. Teamsters in ■„ charge of wagons, trains or trucks loaded with resounding resounding metal' of any kind are forbidden forbidden to drive in a manner, «calculated «calculated to T cause nerve-shattering noises. . v - '- # -- No papery remains of fruit, cigars or cigarettes may be thrown into the street, and the dragging of clothes of any kind, women's dresses, dresses, etc., or anything else capable of producing dust is prohibited. Householders are required in winter winter to keep the footpaths, in front of their premises clear of snow and ice between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. After 10 p.m. in the case of sidewalks sidewalks dangerously- icy, sand or ashes must be sprinkled. ' «• :--- ' lug. Blind, Blsedlng or Frotrudiu* Fila# in S.$e 14 days. 60o. your drug found in coffee). 1 "The dyspiepsia became eo bad that I had* to limit myself to one | cup at breakfast. Even this caused me to lose nay food soon after 1 ate it. "All the attendant symptoms of indigestion, such as heart burn, palpitation^ water brash, wakefulness wakefulness or disturbed sleep, bad taste in the mouth, nervousness, etc., were present : to such a degree as to incapacitate me for my practice a surgeon One-sided. Gibbs--It's easy to trade reputation for money. Dibbs--Yes, but you are up against it if you want to trade back. "My cries attracted a neighbor, who came to my assistance, and in a moment or two handed me half a teaspoonful of Nerviline in some sweetened water. ^ "It seemed as if an angel had charmed away the pain. ^ In ten seconds I was well.^ Nerviline has a wonderful name in this locality, and is considered best for crariips, diarrhoea, flatulence, stomach and all my If Toronto Keeps Growing And If Is Sure To Figure your profit In five years i--Six- roomed House with all convenience», $1,644 to $2,180, bringing In 422 to «I per month rent, and ean be bought with $540 or $408 down. WNi toon pay. for Itself. Write for particular*. J. B. LeROY & CO. TORONTO 771 Queen E„ •« '«°* Mlnard'o Liniment Cures Colds, Ete. News to Him. Miss Hardsdme---Eileen told me she and Artie are engaged. ; Miss Pert-Does Artie know about it? COHSUMpTION All oufforlng from Consumption, CourHs, Colds, Bronchitis, Laryngitis, Weak Lun*o, or a Weak Throat, should write for partie pon or a pig, he shall be hanged "in case of theft, if it amount to! bowel disorders, I urge the valus of sixpence, halfpenny, it friends to" use Nerviline. shall be felony and death to the offender, offender, and under that value to be whipped or set upon â wooden horse, which shall be provided for such offenders." "MANLEY M. LEGRADE. "Williamsburg." Some Women Want a Lot. Manager (five and ten-cent store) --"What did that lady who just went out want ?" -- Shopgirl--"She inquired if we had a shoe department/' c No home is safe or can afford to miss the manifold advantages of having Nerviline on hand in case the On July ft every year the Hws of ; c f accident or emergent sickness, e Isle of Man are still res . aloud j Large family , size bottles of Nervi- to" the assembled people from the | line/ 50c. ; trial size, 25c., all deal- top of Tynwald Hill. This is said i ers, or The Cattrrbozone Co.. But- to be the most interesting and archaic archaic legal ceremony observed to day in Europe. ; Only One "BROMO QUININE" : That It LAXATIVE BROMOÇUININE His Reply. At a wedding the best-man no ticed that one of the guests, a gloomy-looking young man, did not seem to be enjoying himself. He was wandering about as though he had lost his best friend. The best- man took it upon himself to cheer him up. "Er--have you kissed the bride ?" he asked, by way of introduction. introduction. "Not lately," replied the gloomy one, with a far-away expression. expression. "The result of leaving off coffee ! cûlârs'ôf'mÿ médioino. it never fsils. arid drinking Postum --was simply " t 0OFELAND,Sii Fape*Ava^Toronte, Ont! marvelous.. The change was 1 wrought forthwith, my hand steadied steadied and my normal condition of health was restored/* Name given upon request. Read the famous: little book, 4 "The Road to Well- ville," in pkgs. There's a reason." - Postum now comes in concentrated, concentrated, powder form, called Instant Postum. It is prepared by stirring a level têaspoonful in a cup of hot water, adding sugar to tas.te, and enough cream to bring the color to golden brown. Instant Postum is convenient ; there's no waste ; and the flavor is always uniform. Sold by grocers 60-cup tin 30 cts., 100-cup tin 60 cts. ■ • / ' À 6-cup trial tin mailed for grocer's grocer's name and 2-cent stamp for postage. Canadian Postum Co., Ltd., Windsor, Ont. *-- -- A Look Ahead. . Mrs. Justwed--"Just think of it, dearest one. Twenty-five years from day before yesterday will be our silver anniversary." Look for the eignatare of B. W. GROVE. Cure! a Cold in One Day. Cures Grip, la Two Days. 25c. Millard's Liniment Cure* Distemper, Quickly Extracts Corns Gives Instant Relief Uncompromising. John Bright's voice was unequivocally unequivocally for peace. Says the London Nation : - e He was walking, once past the Crimean Monument in London with Jj one of his sons, then a lad. Every one knows that the word "Crimea" is engraved on the monument. The boy pointed to the monument, and to the word upon it, and asked : *'Father,. what is that ?" "That," said John Bright, pointing pointing also to the word, "is a >rime." thought may bo had To nee Pntnam'a Cora - Extractor la to at quick relief. - Tha atlas dlaappeare. toes feel better at once, another application or two and the corn goes away. Nothing ever known nota eo ellek ae Putnam's Extractor -- It's eo ware, eo paln- bn, sn dead -oertnln te root ont ";éày. kind grow ea fieot-od sever falls, Be. Iceland May Drink. To drink or not to drink? That is the question now provoking a lively discussion in Althinç, the Parliament Parliament of Iceland, at its sessions in Reikiavik, the capital. The new King of Denmark is preparing to visit Iceland, which is a part of his possessions. But in the island there u a rigorous law which has been in force since the -beginning of last wear interdicting the use of alcoholic alcoholic drinks and champagne under the severest penalties. Now it js asked what is to be done when a banquet is tendered to the sovereign. sovereign. Will they ftll the glasses dr will they leérd-theto wpfyl Ï-Jiïam : d , îocàs^ dia^a^ ! 'U ; d ;; 'lMK body irith indriey; v / Not That Bad. "I say," said a passenger on a trolley car, "don't you ever go any faster than this?" "If yer don't like it .yer can git off an' walk," snapped the conductor. conductor. / , : "Oh, my no," said.,the passenger. "I'm not in such a hurry as that/' Mlnard's Liniment Cure* Garget In Cows. As She Saw It. ; A lady out shopping ordered an umbrella stand sent home for her vestibule, and only reached home late in the evening, where she had left her new maid in charge. "Well, Mary," she said, "did packages come ?" v "Yes, mum," was the reply. The waggon cum wid th' cuspidore for th' umbrellas." any DODDS KIDNEY Vy PILLS - / i , --rr". V\\xx^p,S^ \ s l 1 KIDNEVJx, ED. 4. ISSUE 1- Regularity- el the bowels is an absolute necee- mty for. good health. Unless * the waste matter from the food which collecte there is got rid of at least falo, N. Y„ arid Kingston, Canada/ Y ' Maid--"Oh, ma'am, what shall 1 do? The twins; have fallen down well !" Fond Parent---- f< T the me, how annoying I Just go into the library and get the last number ! of the 'Modem Mother's Magazine/ Magazine/ it contains an article on how to bring up children." ja#ju"" Try Murine Eye Remedy -- -- WBf# UnKni.Mtnir-Vm!i Vln»-- AetaOnlrdrlv. Mo Bmerting-Feela Fine-- Acte «joloàdy, mm mm Try Itfor Red, Weak, Watery Kyee And W V 8a m^ Orennleted Eyelids. Illustra. t«l Book In e*eb Psckage. MURINE Is eon»» pom Med nnded by our Oculists--not a "Fntsn* Iclns" but used In suocseeful Phi q q gj clsns* Practice for_msny years. - No 1 dedicated to the Publie and sold by UruMlsts at 8So-B0c per bottle. Murine Eye Salve In Aseptie Tubes, IBoAOet Marine Em Remedy Ce., Chicaee Many a man calls it last winter's overcoat, when as a matter of fact it is a 1909 model. Mlnard's Liniment Cures" Diphtheria. •nee a day, it decays and poisons the wholeb<My,i Lî,! *~' 1 * fy, causing biliousness, indi- • gestion and sick headaches, Salts "and other harsh mineral purgatives Irritate the delicate lining of the bowels. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills--entirely vegetable-- régula»' , the bowels effectively without weakening, weakening, sickening or griping. Use : Dr. Morse's M - ladlaa a«otTUl! LACC CU!T»m5 nil 4M etCMKt ' L r"/ : Wrltelo Geld MSdsliet. The Good Old Times. We often talk, enthusiastically about the "good old times," but probably the present day is more comfortable to live in. How would the majority of the women of the present century like to be put back to the year 1670. for instance? During During that year the following remarkable remarkable Act of Parliament was passed in England : "That all women of whatsoever age, rank, profession, or degree, whether virgins, maids, or widows, that snail from after the passage of the Act impose upon, seduce seduce and betray into matrimony any of his Majesty's male subjects, by scents, paints, cosmetics, washes, washes, artificial teeth, false hair, Spanish Spanish wool, iron stays, hoops, high- heeled shoes, or bolstered hips, shall incur the penalty of the laws now in force against witchcraft, sorcery, and suchTike misdemeanors, misdemeanors, arid that the marriage; upon conviction ,' -shall- -stand hull an i - J That when you put * salve onto y out child*s skin, R passes through the pores and enters the blood, Just as surely as if you put h Into the child's stomach? You would not put a coarse mass of animal fat# colored by various mineral poisons (such as many crude salves are) Into your child's blood by way of the stomach? Then why do so by way of the pores? Take no risk. Uee slwsyi the pure h rbal essences provided ia Zsm-buk. Z m-Bok cootaine no trace of any snimsl •«! or til, and no puieor.ous mineral col r- log euttcf. From atari to finish tt us purely berbeL It will heal sores, ulcers, abscesses, abscesses, eruptions, varicose wkere, cuts, burns sod bruises m^re quickly than soy otoer fc dwn preparation. It b $ tLeptic, quickly stops the smarting of a ■urs at cut, cures pti».»» ifliamed sores sod blood •poboa)a" • It is s combination of heattog power and scientific purity. As* those who have proved h. 1 3 1 srv.. WtHwaA

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