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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jan 1913, p. 6

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CARTERS STTLE IVER FILLS. Blcfc Headache and relieve all the troubles fuel* /lent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress, after eating, Pain in the Side, fcc. While their most remarkable success has been shown in curing Headache^ yet Carter's Little Liver Pill» «• equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing preventing this annoying complaint, while they also correct all'disorders of the s toroach^timulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured 'Ache they would be aim os tpricelesa to those who guiler from this distressing complaint; but fortu* nately their goodness docs not endhere.apd those Who once try them will find these little pills valu» *ble in so many ways that they will not be wit* |ing to do without them. But after all sick head la the bane of so many lives tha t here is where We make our great boast. Our pills cure it while ethers do not. Carter's Little Liver Pilla are very small ana Very easy to" take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and. do not gripe or trarge, but by their gentle action, please all who lise them. CA2523 1IS2ICIHB CQ.« MSW YOlX. Ul. MU Hi9, Small Mcl A. E". McL ATTG-RULIN'. Barrister, Solicitor and Conveyancer. Ofllce:-.Bleakley Block. King Street, Bowmanville, Money to loan at reason* able rates. 48-lyr. B. J.Haziewood» M.D.,O.M BOWXAJTTILEE. . OUT, fZt OLD MEDALLST of Trinity Un v-J Iveretty, Toronto; Four years Attending Physician and Surgeon atMt. Garanti Hospital Pittsburg, Ks, O&ce and Residence Wellington Rt. Tel Fbene NTo. 10** A GOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE For over 52 years the British American American Business College, Toronto, has trained successful business men and women. If interested in the courses we give, it will pay you to write for a copy of our latest catalogue. New Term begins Jan. 6,1913. T. M. Watson. Principal. NOTES AND COMMENTS If one believed all one read, one would arrive at the conclusion that no small part of the community had set its; heart on nothing so much as on outlasting 1 the Psalmist's "limit of threescore years, and ten. To prove that the Psalmist was altogether altogether too modest . in his claims there is no conceivable excess, to which some people will, not resort'. Since Sir George Birdwood attributed attributed his successful , pursuit of "senility" to a "certain playful deviltry ôf spirit* a ceaseless, militancy, militancy, quite BuffragettiCj" all sorts of octogenarians and centenarians have been writing letters to the London Times. One correspondent boasts that his 'grandfather sustained sustained life for 101 years by reading all the leading and special articles of that paper. Other correspondents correspondents place their reliance oil "unfired "unfired food," eschew all flesh as they would the devil, sun themselves'on the roofs in a state of nature, and otherwise court that inner harmony and balance of function which is supposed to spell longevity. It is a common saying that nobody nobody clings to life like those who are about to lose it, and nobody can blame them, for life is undeniably undeniably sweet. But there is also a saying saying that he who would save his life must first lose it, and to worry too much about life and health is to violate this precept. The rules ol longevity are simple. They are summed up in three words--moderation, words--moderation, exercise, philosophy. . * : SHAW'S SCHOOLS Toronto, Canada, include the Central Business College, Toronto, The Central Central Telegraph & Railroad School, and Four City Branch Business Schools. All provide excellent courses leading to good salaried positions. Free eat- Iogne on request. Write for it. W. H. Shaw, President, Head offices. Yonge & Gerrard-sts., Toronto. Winter Term from Jan. 2 l ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. is well known as one of Canada's Best Bnsi- \ ness Schools. Our graduates are in strong demand because business firms know they render superior services. Satisfaction fol- J lows superior training bnt never follows inferior inferior training. Get the best. You want it, We give it. Write for New Catalogue. Cor. Yonge & Alexander-sts., W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. WHY WE EXCEL We .have the most modern, the most practical and the best equipped school in Eastern Ontario. The courses are thorough thorough and fascinating. An entirely Canadian. Business Procedure for the training of the ambitions young people of onr country. Our Graduates are successful. Ask any student or ex- - student; they are our best advertisements. advertisements. Home Study Courses. LINDSAY BUSINESS COLLEGE, C. R. BOWER, W. H. SPOTTOX, Principal. . President. Enter Anv Dav - - S-ly. Synopsis ef Canadian Northwest Regulations. Lan* A Viennese physician has come to the conclusion that too much sleep causes disease more menacing to life than over-eating. Gall stones, gravel and allied diseases, he asserts, asserts, come from the deposit .of substances substances that in waking hours are drained away from the organs in which they are deposited, unless tiie person who sleeps much eats little. He believes brain workers do not need as much sleep as those who work hard with their muscles' and that nervous persons should not seek sleep that will not come without effort except through physical physical fatigue. - Are there any known laws abolit the relation of sleep to individual well-being? From the variety of views given to the world on this subject it would seem that there are not. Gladstone in his later years is said to hav.e slept thirteen to fourteen hours a day ; Edison sleeps about five. Women are commonly commonly believed to need more sleep than men, but both men and women women vary greatly in individual needs. The only safe rule is for' each of us to find out how much is needed for health and vigor, physical physical and mental. Generalizations concerning sleep are misleading and sometimes dangerous.. HAVE BUSINESS VALUE. Health Are Ben Flagg. © e and Happiness Both Emphatic Assets. . _ A well man is worth more than a sick man,*, from a purely business point of view. A contented, happy woman will do more and better work than one who is discontented and unhappy. Sickness is a mater-j ial liability, health a realizable j > - commercial asset. These are facts ; Have You a Cold?--It Can realized by life insurance companies, companies, which have found that they Can increase -their dividends faster When the Ice Broke. Of all the boys in Longmont, Harry Harry Kingford - was the quietest and least given to rough sports. .That is why - it came about that the other boys called him "Sissy,". It was a name that he did not deserve, and one day something happened that' made him lose it. ..It happened all in a moment on the millpond above the dam one Saturday afternoon in December. Some of. the boys had set out with their skates, ; and as they passed Harry's home, they saw him in the yard, and - called to him to join them. "They say the ice isn't safe at the lower end of the pond," said Harry. "Oh, well, don't come if you are afraid!" retorted Ben Flagg, the biggest of the group,, and he laughed laughed in a sneering w.ay. Blit Harry ran in for his skates, •and soon joined the others on thé shores of the. pond. The skaters kept well to the upper end of the long pond, for it was known that the ice at the lower end, near the dam, was thin "and weak. But in their races and games some of the boys became careless, and before they realized their danger, half a dozen of them were well down toward toward the dam. There were warning shouts from men on the bank, and the boys swung in sharp curves away from the dangerous place. But Ben Flagg had gone too far and was flying over the ice too fast. There was a sudden bending and cracking of the black ice beneath him, and then a splash and a scream for Help. Suddenly, coming from the head of the pond, they saw the slight figure of - Harry Kingford. "Form a chain !" he. called. "Join hands and hold tight! I'll go ahead!" His coolness and leadership was all that was needed. Under his direction, direction, a dozen boys quickly. formed formed a chain. Harry thrust himself into the place, of responsibility and danger nearest* the spot where Ben fought to keep a hold on the edge of the ice. "Hold on ! Hold on!" cried Harry. Harry. '""We'll have you in a second !" He tore off his coat, took a firm hold on one sleeve himself, and gave the other sleeve to the next boy to him, who in turn grasped the hand of another boy farther back, and so on to the length of the chain. Then over the. thin ice Harry made his way carefully and quickly toward toward the open place. Just as he stretched out his left hand to clasp the exhausted Ben, the ice bent and broke beneath him, and he, too, plunged into the icy water. But he did not let- go his grip of the coat, and the boy who held the other sleeve was still on the sound ice. In an instant Harry had seized seized Ben by the collar. A moment more would have been too late. The boys at the other end-of the chain pulled their, hardest, and Harry, although it felt as 'if they were pulling off his right arm, clung tight to Ben with his left hand until they were both dragged to safety on the firm ice. Then the crowd on khe ice and on the shore shouted with joy, and as Harry and Ben were hurried home to get dry and warm there were many cheers for Harry and much praise for his-quick wit and bravery. From that day nobody in Longmont has given Harry Kingford his old nickname,, and ' if any boy should do so, he would have to reckon with Youth's Companion. "Frult-a-tlves" Cured Him Hundreds of people gladly testify to the wonderful curative powers of the famous fruit medicine, ' 'Fruit-a-tives' *. ' To those now suffering with Indigestion, Dyspepsia dr other Stomach Troubles, this letter of Mr. Stirling, the well known real estate operator of Western Ontario, shows the way to a speedy and certain cure. Gdencob, Ont., Aug. 15th. 1911 "Fruit-a-tives were so beneficial to me when I suffered with distressing Dyspe'psia, that I wish to inform you of their satisfactory results. Although I have, in past, suffered agony with Dyspepsia, I am now in perfect health. "Fruit-a-tives" accomplished accomplished the desired result" N. C. STIRLING. Children Cry for Fletcher's T Pott's Disease; Pott's disease is the name given to tuberculosis when It attacks, the vertebrae. Thé. vertebrae are the segments of bone-that form the -spinal -spinal column, and they actually support support the weight of the trunk. .As the disease progresses, the segments segments attacked are weakened by the decay of the bone until they can no longer support the body properly. properly. ; The diseased part breaks down and thé spine sharply bent. This produces the deformed back characteristic of Pott's disease. If the trouble arises a.t either end of the spinal column, the deformity may be slight; but if it begins in the middle, it is likely to be very great. The disease may occur at The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which lias been in use for over SO years, has borne the signature of and has heen made under his personal personal supervision since its infancy. #24 Allow no one to deceive you in this! All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children--Experience against Experiment. it is CASTOR IA j any 7 time from infancy to old age, - "Fruit-a-tives" will cure every trace j but it is most- common in the period of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach | of childhood from the third to the and a rntF'r >ai +' -^ ter ^' at * n 2> Biliousness j tenth year. It is the most serious ^Fruit-actives" is the only remedy in aU tuberculous affections of the the world made of fruit juices and j bones or joints, valuable tonics. j The early symptoms of Pott's dis- 50c a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. : ease are pain and stiffness. At t-hisr l At all dealers or sent on receipt of price /stage the trouble may be mistaken Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Paregoric, Props* and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. I* contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. * For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea, It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilâtes the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend. CENUINi by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. THE KAISER'S DAUGHTER. The apple of Kaiser William's eye is his only daughter, the Princess Louise Victoria, about whose matri monial future speculation is rife. She is already a prominent figure in Berlin society, having never been iU U ^' K T' kept in the seclusion which has l readl,y *> rest and simple treat for a strained back, or rheumatism, or lumbago, until the awkward attitudes attitudes that the weakened back compels compels the .patient to take are noticed. It is important that parents should insist that their child be thoroughly examined whenever it suffers from,any pain or weakness in the back that does not yield CÂSTO R S A always 1 Bears the Signature of ment. The pain and weakness may been the lot of many princesses. She ^ u 'T ylT has frequented, sinie her debut, the ! be due to other and slighter causes ; select theatres and concert hal s of i but l£ the dlsease ex,sts - the mefch<ld the German capital, and "drives j o£ examination the surgeon em- deftly her own pony-cart almost ! p ;; ys w ' U ™ ab % th ^ dla e n « sls , d ^ r - daily in the Thiergarten, where she "l*™? 11 deformity may be too . •it e i . 7 - chnrhr. -hrir» +.n.o -no route- -t-y-s has ridden from the time she was quite a-tiny girl. The princess is of distinguished presentment, and as full of pluck and spirit as . any one of her six brothers--which is saying a good deal. Dressed in superb white satin, and wearing a simple ribbon wound Use For Over 30 Years ..T<-»rr rrniTAIIB I-- O M F»AN V. NEW YORK C ITY. i is, MUSICAL LEGS AN j) WINGS. slight for the parents to notice. The treatment of Pott's disease is largely mechanical, by means of surgical appliances intended to support support the spine, and thus to prevent j How Katydids Fiddle and Seven- deformity. Furthermore, the child tcen-Ycar Locusts Drum, who is suffering from this form of tuberculosis needs the careful Many of .the little folks of field treatment that all tuberculous- cases anc * ^° res ^ have fine musical instru- require. It should have the most | ments and play them night and oay nourishing food, and be kept con- NÎ stably ill the open air, day night.--Youth's Companion. and Sanitation Prevents Cold. A new idea in school sanitation has been tested by the medical director director of Dartmouth College. About five years ago he began making making bacteriological examinations of the air of the. college halls and re fer three or four months of the year. The long-homed grasshopper, grasshopper, or true katydid, is the. leader of the band. . He has two sets of wings, the outer ones used for flying, the inner ones making up the bow and fiddle. Near the base of these inner wings is fastened a set of strong veins. When he moves them so that the veins on- each wing rub together it makes a funny little wiry sound, and that is what is called "grass- citation rooms, and soon found great periodic variation in the num- I hopper's fiddling." ber of bacteria colonies that devel- Qur common little green grass- oped on the culture media- exposed hopper is another fine player. His in the usual shallow open dishes, fiddle is attached to one wing, and He then adopted the plan of disin- | h e uses his hind leg for à bow. On From Halifax Steamer From Bristol Royal Edward Wed. Jan. 22. Wed. Feb. f Royal Edward Wed, Feb. 19 . Wed. Mar. $ Royal Edward Wed. Mar. 19 Wed. Apr. 9 Royal Edward & Wed. Apr. 16 Wed. Apr. 3<y and regularly thereafter. Full particulars and tickets from 1YL A. JAMES, BowtnanvIIe Agent for Canadian Northern Steamships footing with formaldehyde any room showing more than thirty-five colonies or clusters of any kind of bacteria to a dish. This custom has been continued, and the result this leg is a line of little beadlike lumps, from each of which grow a number of fine hairs. When Mr. Grasshopper draws this leg back and forth over his wings his love St. Tohn Virginian Hesperian Corsician Grampian Boston Halifax -- Liverpool From St. John Halifax - - Dec. 20 has been quite striking, the cases songs thrill oiit on the summer air of epidemic colds, influenza* and j 'His poor little mate tries hal'd to make the saine kind of music ; she goes through the same motions, but can never produce a single sound. She never grows discouraged! but keeps it up night and day, and suppose her lover takes the will for just the bronchitis among the students hov- ing been reduced about one-half. . -* : A Wise D og. " A party of sportsmen on -their way home after a successful day's shooting passed the time in telling j the deed and loves her do g stories, each one being an eLjsame Another Princess Victoria Louise of Germany Completely Cured By N J. person who is.the sole head of » by cutting down the death-rate than by increasing sales or by reducing expenses. Employers of large numbers of luma-n machines are realizing the surprising fact that, as a cold business business proposition, it pays, not in sentiment, but in dollars, to' take good care of their- employes. Business Business men are learning that well-fed, well-clothed men and women, working working in well-lighted, well-ventilated quarters and on schedules arranged It Quickly Cures Cough, Grippe, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Hay-Fever, Asthma, and Colds. 'Catarrhozone is not like other reined dies, hut is so in her luxurious, tresses, the Princess Princess Louise Victoria' was' seen the other evening to have on the income I parable string of pearls . which her mother, the Kaiserin, has collect- • ed and added to annually- since she 1 was a baby. She le ok ed absolutely absolutely bewitching. j Queen Alexandra, it may be not- j ed, has also given to each of her three daughters a precious pearl on every birthday. The fashion is a • pretty one, but only. practicable to royalties or the wealthy of less ex- Whooping alted rank. fort to "cap" the previous one. Here is the last story told. "I have got a- dog that makes all yours seem fools," said a little man. "I generally generally feed him myself after dinner, but the other day a friend dropped I clouds /darkened the sun for in and the poor-beast slipped my I while in the day. Some insects mind. After the meal we went into beat little drums when they want- to the garden. The dog scratched up I make music. first-class fiddler .is the cricket. His tune is loud anc shrill. One tune by night, one by day, is his rule. He has even been known to change his note when the a The seventeen-year locust has two tiny drums fastened t-o his abdomen. abdomen. They are fixed firm and tight, and to each one is attached A caterpillar eats 6,000 times its I a strong muscle which the insect a flower and laid it at my feet, with the most yearning look in his eyes --it was a forget-me-not !" Be own weight in food each month. I knowledge of psychology and physiology, physiology, actually turn out more work and better work than under .family or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter section of avail- able Dominion land in Manitoba, Sask- < atchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Fncyf on P cert y ain ma c^ndit^ni? by *father' "P aid > discontented help, working mother, son, daughter, brother or sister j under uncomfortable and insani- of intending homesteader. Duties :--Six months' residence npou 1 tary conditions. tbr d ee C yla». 1 A n homest!ad a e? d miy lfve°with - 1 F ° T re ™ 0ns Iar S e COrpora- -in nine miles of his homestead on-a farm ! bons are spending money liberally cLÛpied a p a y him aC o r r eB by°hii Lither? m£b : F P la y-g r ounds, rest-rooms, librar- -- J 1 **~" 1 les, gymnasiums, sanitary lunch- diseases of the. throat and lungs. in accordance with our modern] heals*the h ° ZOne quicIcl> soothes and er, son. daughter, brother or sister. good C sTa t nding 1 may t prl.empt ieS a tea Quart« ' r<30ms >. moving-picture shows, safe- section alongside his homestead. Price tv devices, ventilating systems and *3 00 per acre. Duties--Must reside hïi • -i j '• c Zu n u • months in each of six years from date of slmlI ar devices for the well-being homestead entry (including the time re- l and enjoyment of their employes, ouired to earn homestead patent) and ! rr - ï n. û j/l cultivate fifty acres extra. I lf one asks these men why they are A homesteader who _ has exhausted hii/doing these things thev will dis- I Approved by Doctors, Druggists, :an5 homestead^ right and cannot obtain a. L lo • J _ r % ' thousands of. Canadian . people xvhc have used it* Little drops of healinp Smoked Longest Pipe. / Though few have . heard of it, healin and s th" fhere is. an English pipe smoking that is breathld^hrotfgh th! championship, though meetings do inhaler it kills the germs that cause ; not seem to be held regularly. The last contest was held at a hall in Holborn two years ago, when a mucous surfaces so that in a short time the whole muegus lining is healed. , " If you are subject to throat irritation irritation or have a tendency to consumption consumption you should use the "Medicine that Is breathed."- ; Thousands who have used it tell of its merit.,. Air which you breathe through the Catarrhozone inhaler carries healing to the very spot affected, and there is no chance of failure by going tp the wrong place. That, is why It cure's. ere-emption. may-take a purchased home*' ! clâim any charitable Or philanthro- i Du C tto.-Mati t i 1 «, t id« .T, ri mo5th°. "fi -riç motive. "This ien'f charity," ea^h of three years, cultivate fifty acres said one firm, we wanttiha* clearly .nd erect a house worth M j understood. This is simply good Deputy Minister of the interior. " business management and common N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this ' advertisement will not be paid for sense* for weak places in the throat and nasal passages--that's Catarrhozone. , Three sise», 26c., 60c*, and $1.00, at druggists or by mail, postpaid, from The Catarrhozone Co*, Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston, Ont. , new English record was set up 'for the length qf time a pipe could be made to last. In these contests exactly exactly one-eighth' of an ounce is weighed out" by the judge, the use of adulterants being strictly forbidden. forbidden. The winner, a barber from Southampton, who had won the medal medal twice previous, coaxed his pipe into delaying its final puff till two hours and ten minutes had elapsed from the •- time- it was lit. These smoking contests are very popular in Belgium and Holland. Thé Heiress--"You must not take it too much- to heart, Jack. Although Although I have refused you there are plenty other good fishes in the sea." Jack--"Yes, I know--but not goldfish." goldfish." START NOW Susceptibility to colds, sore throats, tonsilitis and such, indicate indicate impoverished vitality--lack of reserve strength to weather changing seasons. A spoonful of SCOTT'S EMULSION EMULSION after each meal starts ' healthy body-action like a small match kindles a great fire--and more: it make• rich, healthy, àçtive blood--fortifies the tissues and stimulâtes "the. appetite--it makes sound body-strength, SCOTT'S EMULSION is the purest cod liver oil, made creamlike creamlike and palatable without alcohol alcohol or drug--the quintessence, of purity. . Reject imitations they are impostors impostors for profit. Scott & Bowné, Toronto, Ontario 1Î-58 can tighten or relax at will. It makes a, sound something like" beat ing on a tin pan and will drown out every other musical note of the slimmer da) 7 . Another queer player is the death-watch beetle. He burrows into old wood, and makes a tap-tap- tap as he pushes along. The longicorn beetle produces a rattling-sound by the friction of his scaly neck. Many others of our fairy-like friends have musical ar rangements that make us think of fiddles. In fact the violins of our own use were probably suggested by these little fiddlers of nature. To Aid China Agriculturists. The republic-of China 1 has established established a department of agriculture and-forestry on modern lines, and this institution has begun publishing publishing an agricultural journal (all in Chinese),. which . appears ■ three times a month. It is unxlerstood that a. .national meteorological service service will be established as a branch of this department^ and that it will be under the direction of Dr. Hing Kwai Fung, who was. educated at Cornell University, and who for the year past has been attached to the ! bureau of plant industry in'Washington in'Washington as an agricultural expert. Dr. Fung has started for dhina by way of Europe, where he will make à round of visits to meteorological observatories. Dec. 28 Jan. 3 Jan. 1/ Portland -- From Boston Dec. 7 Jan. 2 Dec. 21 Direct Jan. i Jan. id Glasgow Portland .Dec. 26 Jan. 9 Corinthian Pretorian Sicilian Ionian Numidian Jan. 16 For full particulars or rates, etc., apply M. A. JAMES, Bowmanville, or THE ALLAN LINE, 77 Yonge-st., Toronto. More than 300,000 marriages are registered annually in the United Kingdom. PURPLE Stock & Poultry Specif ies We will send absolutely free, for ■ K m In os k* n ?" postpaid, one of our - 1 large 64?page books (with in* sert), on the common diseases of stock and poultry. Tells how, to feed all kinds of heavy and light horses, colts and marcs, milch cows, calves and fattening steers, also how to keep and feed poultry so that they will lay as well in' w-inter as in summer. It contains S60 recommends from all over Canada, from poo pH who have used our goods. No farmer should Dt without it. You can fatten cattle and hogs in a less time by using our Royal Purple, e'eck Specific than you could possibly do witl>, , s it, thereby saving a month's feed and labo • and the cost to you will not be'more than SI.50 for six pigs or SI.00 for one steer. It will keep your horses in show condition with ordinary feed. If you have a poor, miserable-look» ing animal on your place try it on this one first and see the marvellous result which will be obtained. Our Stock Specific will increase the milk flow three to live lbs. per cow per day, while being- fed in the stable. A COc package will last a cow or horse 70' days. ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPECTFIO will make your hens lay. just as well in the winter as In the summer, an. will keep them free from disease. These. goods are pure and unadulterated. We do not use any cheap filler to make a large package, entirely different from any on the market at the present time. Royal Purple Stock Specific, 50c pckga.j four COc pckgs., in an air-tight tin, fer SlTÎSO. Royal Purple Poultry Specific, 25c and GOo pckgs., and $1.50 air-tight tins that hold four COc pckgs. Royal Purple Lice Killer, 2Bc and 50c tins; 30c by mail. Royal Purple Gall Cure, 25c and 50c tins ; 30e by mail. Royal Purple Sweat Liniment, 60c bottle ; GOe by mail. Royal Purple Cough Cure, 50c tin ; 60c by mail. Royal Purple Disinfectant, 25c and 60c tins. Royal Purple Roup Cure, 25c tins; S0c by mail. Ù Royal Purple Worm Powder, 25c tins ; sto-by. mail ,y Manufactured, only by TheW. A. Jenkins Mfg. Co. London, Canada Royal Purple Supplies and Booklets may be obtained from JURY & LOVELL Bowmanville

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