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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jan 1913, p. 6

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ï il Z A_- mm Kt-src/V M9S8S ■ SECURITY. Genuine NOTES AND COMMENTS Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear. Signature of See Fee-Simile Wrapper Below. ▼ar7 email, easy . Je take as snga»i FOR HEADACHE. CARTERS ITTLE IVER PILLS. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORFID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION FOR SALLOW SKIMi FOR THE COMPLEXION I jOKWTJXKia MUrrHAY. ^OMATUWC, ; Purely TeyetaW Q./&sen b & / >^ GÜP.^ SICK HEADACHE. A. E. JEcLATJG-HLIN. 8 Barrister, Solicitor and Oonxeyancer. fflce:--Bleaklov Block, King Street. . owmanvllla. Me ■ When Medicine Hat, which hugs the boreal pole, gives over making the weather and takes to phrase- making, we have a breezy style. The northern clime makes for vigor and directness, for; the trumpet blast with which the Medicine Hat Call welcomed the new year to that metropolis of the winds : Week" by week and month by month new records have been established established with a regularity which would be monotonous were it not so remarkable,. and to-day Medicine Woman's Best Help to the good health which comes from regular action of the organs of digestion and elimination--to freedom from pain and suffering-- to physical grace and beauty-- is the harmless, vegetable remedy IT SATISFIES MILLIONS OF PEOPLE Worth your while to test it | body has, is an exercise which calls BEECH AMS PILLS Sold everywhere, In boxes, 25c > ROYAL PURPLE Sustains and Cheers. Hat is advancing, towards a position Stock & Poultry Specifics of proud pre-eminence among the We will send absolutely free, for cities of the plain. In the percent- the asking, postpaid, one of our age rate of increase, in volume of large 64-page books (with in business, in building and idustria! : Bert), on the common diseases oi stock and imnni'fan/'fl no n+lifir eitv ran show poultry. Tells how to feed all kinds of heavy împoi tance, no orner city can enow and light horses, colts and mares, milch cows, a like record. The Cltv ha-S found calves and fattening steers, also how to keep I herself, has realized the meaning feed poultry so^th^ they wm lay as well j and tne magic OI tne word up- recommends from all over Canada, from people 1 portunity," and the significance of who have used our goods. No farmer should be VS. the development of the past and of the present, for down the avenue of the future Medicine Hat must march to & still greater and more glorious future. . lowmanvill*. Money to loan, at reason.* able rates. 48-lyr. B.J.HazIewoodU M.D.,O.M bowmanyille. ... ONT. G OLD MEDALIST Of Trinity Un lvereity, Toronto; Four years Attending rnjBlcIan wd Surgeon atMt. Carmel Hospital Pittsburg, Ke, Oft ce and Residence Wellington St, Tel rhone No. 10R*  GOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE v For over 52 years the British. American American Business Collège, Toronto, has trained successful business men and' women. If interested in the courses we give, it will pay you to write for a copy of'our latest catalogue. New Term begins. Jan. 6,1913. T. M. Watson. Principal. Risking an anti-climax, the editor editor then goes on to say that a census census taken the "month previous gave Medicine Hat 11,000 citizens. But, he adds : "This month there has been a .substantial increase of population,, population,, and it is probable ■ that there are to-day in the neighborhood neighborhood of 12,000 persons within the city's borders." Race suicide ' is unknown there, and immigration is welcomed. We bow -to 'Medicine Hat ! «$• -- without it. . ; ' ; You can fatten, cattle and hogs in a month's less time by using our Royal Purple Stock Specific than you could possibly do without it, thereby saving a month's feed and labor and. the host to you will not be more than $1.60 for six pigs or $1.00 for one steer. It will keep your horses in show condition with ordinary . feed. If you have a poor, miserable-looking miserable-looking animal on your place try it on this one - first'and see the marvellous result which will be obtained. Our Stock Specific will increase the milk flow three to five lbs. per cow pér day, while being fed .in the stable. A. 50c- package will last a cow or horse 70" days. ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPECIFIC will • make your hens lay just as well in the winter as In the summer, and will keep them free from disease. These goods are pure and unadulterated. 'We do not use any cheap filler to make a large package, entirely ' different from any on the market at the presént time. : Speculation means risking or gambling your money, .while investment is defined, by safety safety of principal, combined ; with a fair interest yield. When we try "to interest you in bonds, we offer you the highest class of investment, where safety of principal ; is assur ed-- and 6% earned on your money. We offer bonds in $100, $500, and $1,000 denominations. SHAW'S SCHOOLS L Toronto, Canada, include the Central Business College, Toronto, The Central Central Telegraph & Railroad School, and Four City Branch Business Schools, All provide excellent courses leading to good salaried positions. Free cat- logue on request. Write for it. W. H. Shaw, President, Head Offices. Yohge & Gerrard-sts., Toronto. At the risk of seeming pedantic, we venture to remind those who have forgotten it that the Latin word for map is mappa, meaning napkin. Considering the freqùeney with which our maps have to be overhauled to z keep pace with the boundary lines changed by war, it might be a matter of economy to have, them made of cloth, so-that we Royal Purple Stock Specific, 60c pokes. : four 60c pckgs., in an air-tight tin, for $1.60. Royal Purple Poultry Specific, 25c and 60c pckgs., and $1.60 air-tight tins that hold ; four 60c pckgs. • j Royal Purple Lice Killer, 25c.. and 60c tins; 30c by mail. ■ Royal Purple Gall Cure, 25c and 50c tins ; 30c by mail. ; Royal Purple Sweat Liniment, 60c bottle ; 60c by mail. Royal Purple Cough Cure, 50c tin ; 60c by mail. Royal Purple Disinfectant, 25c and 50c tins. Royal Purple Roup Cure, 25c tins ; 30c by mail. • Royal Purple Worm Powder, 25c tins ; 30c by mail. . . . .. ' Manufactured only by ~ J. A. MACXAY & COMPANY LIMITED Guardian Bldg, Royal Bank Bldg, MONTREAL TORONTO mm could send them to the laundry with our table napkins. Thus we should be sure of owning reasonably reasonably dependable charts. WHY WE EXCEL We have the most modern, the most practical and the. best equipped school in Eastern Ontario. The courses are thorough thorough and fascinating. An entirely Canadian Business Procedure for the training of the ambitions young people of our country. O ur G raduates are successful. Ask any student or ex- student; they are our best advertisements. advertisements. Home Study Courses. LINDSAY BUSINESS COLLEGE, C. R. BOWER, W. H. SPOTXOX, Principal. President. - Enter Any Day - S-ly J As for geographical scholarship, it is quite out of the question for the ordinary mortal. Maps are indispensable. indispensable. - Even, the youngsters who mastered the map of Eur.ope last year will have to be pufthrough their paces anew when the Balkan problem'is solved. No wonder geography geography is the bete noir of the youngsters. It has terrors for the adult mind such' as few other sci- TheW. A. Jenkins Mfg. Co» London, Canada 9 P into play the -majority, if not quite all,, of the muscles of the body, and sends the blood vitalized to the ex tremities, and gives a healthy glow to the skin. _ Travellers &ay that the reason why nervous people don't exist in China is because it ;is there the custom to wear* soft shoes. There ?s, says the Family Doctor ijo doubt .that hard-soled, foot gear is .responsible for much nervous weai and tear, as well as much physical fatigue in Western lands. Tired feet and tired nerves will find àolace in a warm foot bath- with a handful of sea-salt in it. Move .the feet about or keep i nem stiff, as best please you, as long as the. water is pleasantly warm, then dry them with a rough towel- and put on a fresh pair of ^ lockings.- lockings.- Work of the British Mint. Some colossal figures demonstrating demonstrating the enormous industry of the. British Mint were given in a recent report of current coinage for 1911, when over 33,000,000 sovereigns were coined. . But such extraordinary extraordinary despatch was -even rivalled by the average output of silver during thot same period, which amounted to '.something like 50,000,000* coins, while the bronze circulation followed followed closely with 44,270,400 pieces. Indeed, so heavy in point of weight was this later coinage that , its dimensions dimensions .had to be taken, in tons, reaching 240%, 71 3/5 and 15% tons respectively for pennies, halfpennies, halfpennies, and farthings. It is also interesting to note, with regard to the gold circulation that more than 5,500,000 ounces of bullion was brought into the country ior the purpose of transforming it into sov ereigns and half-soveerigns. While worn and thin gold coin to the tune of £2,p00,000 was received back by the Mint to await reclining. . - -------* -- "A ,77 A gin a Pectoris, sudden ice-cold flame of pain" is the graphic description of Royal Purple Supplies and Booklets may be obtained from JURY & LOVELL Bowmanville ' ences possess. All Desiring the Best . In Business and Shorthand Education are invited to write for the Large Catalogue of the Popular • TORONTO, ONT. This school has now.the greatest attendance in itshisfcgry. There is a reason for it. We have room for move. This may he your best opportunity. Décida now to enter, ottr school at,an early date." Our graduates readily get positious. Cor. Yonge & Alexander-sts., W. J. ELLIOTT, Principa 1 Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. A NY person who Is the sole head of a family or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a Quarter section of. available available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan Saskatchewan or Alberta: The applicant-must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the -district Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, agency, on certain ' conditions, by father mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. Duties Six months' residence npoa and cultivation of. the land in each of three years. A" homesteader may live within within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of. at least SO acres solely owned ' and occupied py him or by hie father, mother. mother. son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a Quarter section alongside his homestead. Price 43.00 per acre. Duties--Must reside six months in each of sixvyears from date of homestead entry (including the time required required to earn homestead., patent ) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain » preemption, may take • nim^Màdifame. Sud in certain districts. Prise S3.00 per mere. Dutiee--Must reside six months' in e*eh of three years, cultivate fifty acres end erect a house worth 1300.00. .. ; ,w. cpKT.. .r " ~;v -Deputy, Minister of the Interior. H b.--Ûnantnorixed publication of this idiqttteemrr* will not he paid for For the consolation of those who have felt their limitations keenly during the war in the East it may be in point to recall the low rank 1 which geography held in Heine's burlesque inventory of his learning. learning. Geography he found to be a pure invention of the devil. The patch that was yellow yesterday is red to-day and may be pale green to-morrow. And besides, as long as there are so many , ill-defined boundaries, the best of maps will j sad. look * in parts like a badly built fence. All About Newspapers. The., first newspaper in the . world was probably the Roman "Acta Diurnae,which, it".is said, was published in 691 B.C. Later, there came the "Acta Senatus," containing containing an account of the various matters matters brought before the Senate, the opinions of the chief speakers, and the decisions of the House, which was published regularly every; day by command of Julius Caesar. This formed the earliest approach to the modern journal. The first London newspaper was issued in the time of the Stuarts.'- This was the "Weekly News," and the date of its birth about 1622. . Thé "Post Boy" was the first daily, and it began. some" seventy years later. London used to possess the cheapest cheapest journal ever published. It was called the "Six-a-Penny," and subscribers subscribers of one penny per week had the paper delivered to them every day, while single copies were sold at one farthing. Nowadays, Germany's Germany's list of newspapers is the largest in Europe. When fools are glad wise men are HER HEARIN G RESTORED. Astonishing Deliverance of Woman Thought to hé Hopelessly Deaf. NEW; YORK (Special Despatch). --Fully convinced that her hearing has been permanently restored after after years of torture with head noises and almost, total, deafness, Mrs. B. A. Barry of 555 W. 170th St., N. Y. City, has now been .persuaded .persuaded to tell the story of her wonderful wonderful deliverance. After having spent hundreds of dollars on mechanical devices, medicines medicines and doctors' fees, she decided that this latest discovery, however simple .and inexpensive, should be the last she 'would • try, before resigning resigning herself to the hopelessness of permanent and total deafness. Those interested in Mrs. Barry's case and" the hope it holds out for them may write to her in confidence for full details, which she offers "to send gratuitously. No False Hopes. "I explained to George when he proposed that, of course, - he could not expect me to cook." "What did he say 1" "That he only expected me to try."- ■ _ My Letter The World Over The Words of Harold P. Bushy, Who Was Permanently Permanently Cured of Chronic Lumbago by "Nerviline. • Three years,, ago I discovered that a man subject to lumbago might just as well be, dead as alive'." These words Q ? 6 2r t ^ e T ?' in ?°re. straightforward letter of.H. P. Bushy, a well-known man in -the plumbing and tinsmithing business business in Portland. .- "One attack came after another, and lumbago got to be a chronic thing- with me \ \ could scarcely get in à day's work before that knifing, cruel pain would attack -my back. I used a gallon gallon of -liniments; not one of them seemed - penetrating" enough to get at the core of the pain." J- read, inthé inthé Montreal Wlt- NO. 4311 Asthma Victims.--^The man or woman subject to asthma is indeed a victim. What can be more terrifying terrifying than to suddenly be seized with paroxysms of choking which seem* to fairly threaten the. existence existence of life itself.. From such a condition condition Dr. J. D.. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy has brought many to completel completel v restored health and. happir- ness. It is known and. prized ; in. every section of this broad land. - ness about Nerviline, and got five bottles. bottles. It is a-, wonderful medicine---] could feel its soothing pain-relievini action every time it was r applied. When I got the disease. under control with Nerviline, I built up my .strength and fortified my. blood by taking, Fer- rozone at v meals. This treatment cured me permanently, ànd I urge everyone to give up. the thick, white, oily ; liniments they are using, and try an up-to-date, penetrating, pain-destroyer pain-destroyer like Nerviline. • "Please publish my letter the world over. I want all to hear of Nerviline." • Don't be cajoled Into receiving anything anything from your dealer but "Nerviline." Large bottles 60c., trial size,. 25c. Sold everywhere, or The Catarrhozone Ço-, Kingston, Ont. an attack of angina- pectoris that in one of his stories, Mr. Henry van Dyke puts into the mouth of a • sufferer. In mild oases the pain is felt behind the breast-bone, Ijut it may radiate to the left shoulder and arm, or even to the right arm. Extreme Extreme weakness accompanies the pain, a band seems to compress the chest and impede respiration, although' although' actually the breathing is not" seriously, aff ected ; the skin is moist'with perspiration, and may be pale or livid. After a few minutes the pain disappears, disappears, and the patient feels as well as ever, except for a certain weakness weakness that may last a day or two. Distressing as the attack may be, angina pectoris seldom causes death, although, the underlying Cause of the attack, may. , When the attack is not the result result of organic disease of the heart or of the arteries that -feed its muscular walls, .it is: called false angina pectoris. A person whose heart is irritable may suffer from such an attack after any exertion, like running or. walking up-hill. Exposure to a cold • wind or to the suri on a hot day, mental strain or nervous excitement may bring on a seizure. Most eases of pseudo : angina are probably due to auto- toxication, or - to a disturbance in the chemistry of the vital processes of waste and repair. Often an error error of diet lies at the bottom of the trouble, and attacks can be prevented prevented for a time by à. dose of castor-oil. castor-oil. .That, however, is only, a temporary Cxpedierit, and the management management of the. affection is by no means so simple. - The condition is serious, even when due to false angina, for it means that the heart is irritable, if not actually diseased, and usually that there is some fault in the chemistry, chemistry, of nutrition". Relief j and not actual cure, is in many cases all that the most expert specialist can effect. The attack can usually be controlled by certain drugs, such as nitroglycerin.; but .they are so powerful that the patient should take: them only under the physician's physician's explicit -directions.--Youth's Companion. •• How to Cure Horse Distemper An Experienced Horseman Sol emnly Declares Nothing is So Satisfactory as Nerviline. Says Nerviline is Fine Liniment. "After fifty, years* experience in raising horses I can safely testify that no remedy gives such good-results good-results for an all-round stable lini ment as Nerviline." Thus opens the very earnest letter of J. J. Evanston, Evanston, who lives near Wellington. "I had a very .valuable horse.that took distemper a month ago, and was afraid I was going to lose him. His throat swelled and hard lumps developed. His nostrils ran and he had a terrible cough. I tried different remedies, but was" unabl to: relieve my horse of his pain and suffering till .1 started to use Nerviline. Nerviline. I mixed a bottle of Nervi line and sweet oil and rubbed the mixture on the throat and c; est three- times a day, and you would scarcely believe the- way that horse picked up; Nerviline cured him. I also have used Nerviline for colic in horses and cows, and earnestly recommend it to every man that is raising stock." , For strains, sprains, swellings, colic, distemper, coughs, and colds, no liniment" will prove so efficacious efficacious in the stable as "Nerviline"-- it's good for man or beast, for in- m FaiéHÿÿjtMlfiieiit Health Hints. According to a'Berlin nerve specialist specialist knitting in bed is an excellent antidote for tired nerves. \ k __ Salt makes an extra fine tooth" powder ; it keeps the gums hard arid rosy, and makes the teeth.brilliantly-white. teeth.brilliantly-white. v The winter cough is due. to ! chronic bronchitis. • That is to say, the lungs are "in a state of inflammation inflammation of a quiet kind, which persists persists as long as the cold weather, and which entirely clears up in the 'summer. Lukewarm water is better for the skin than that which is really hot, while in cases where soap is used too much care cannot be expended on the choice of a soap which suits the skin, arid this should be adhered adhered to on all occasions. • Walking is a fcood means of exercise exercise when taken properly, but the ordinary: listless, relaxed walk, which so many indulge in, is scarcely scarcely ; any exercise at all. Brisk, energetic energetic ' walking, v with -the: head eiréct arid the chest well raised^ putting putting into it the energy which the ternal or external use. Wherever there is pain, Nerviline will cure it. "Refuse substitutes. Large size, bottles, 50c. trial size, 25c., at all dealers, or the Catarrhozone Co,, Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston, Ont. • -------* Her Ailment. " Blobbs--Yo.ur wife suffers from nervous prostration, doesn't she T . Slobbs--Well, sometimes I think she suffers and sometimes I think she positively enjoys it. A DEGREE OF COMFORT & CONVENIENCE seldom found outside of the First Class Hotels characterizes the Dining Car service of the CANADIAN NORTHERN ONTARIO RAILWAY * The delicacies of the season prepared by a staff of expert chefs; courteous, attentive waiters, and the smooth, easy-run- ning qualities^ the cars will make your breakfast, luncheon or dinner particularly enjoyable. When next you travel utilize the Dining Car Service and bé convinced. Your town ticket agent, A. M. Williams, or your "Station Agent, J. C. Taggart, will supply you with information. Grains of Gold. Don't let a coal stove get red hot suddenly if you want it to last. It should get hot gradually. Great men do not play stage tricks with the doctrines of life and death ; only little men do that.-- Ruskin. When a man is his own enemy he is very unreasonable if. he - expects other men to be his benefactors.-- Lytt-on. Thé first condition of human goodness is something to love ; the second, soiriething to reverence.-- George Eliot. Most, men I ask little from, I try to render them much, arid to expect nothing in return, and I get very well out of the bargain.--Fenelon. When a mother detects from the writbings arid fretting of a child that worms are troubling it, she cap procure no better remédy than Miller'sWorm Powders, which are guaranteed to totally expel worms -from the system. They may cause vomiting, but this need cause no anxiety, because it is but a manifestation manifestation of their thorough work. No worms can long exist where these Powders are used. - A lot of people waste their valuable valuable .time in trying to get rid of the useless things they don't want. Father Time--"Black Knight assures a bright New Year to dll users" It's a paste -- easily applied--and gives a. brilliant, black polish that is not affected bÿ the: Ask your dealer for "Black Knight" ' and * see - for your- 1 self how easy it is . for: stoves, grates "and ironwork. : " 45 z .-."-vvv -- : • - J&jjÊÊ WÊèèêÈIÊÊ

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