fHfegynTPTTiT-- . Br 1 -'- •; - -- r . - , v . 3§@pSfcg asfe. ' S ■ S ■■■ . .■ - •. ■■ - ■ ' . '. - ' - • ; : -- ■■ .; f - ■ ■, v - *•-. ;. - "4 5 --f - , - ■ '^r'-.w-. ■ . > .■ / :-. .•: iTHATmimi "Blue" Feeling Wkèk jM led tfis- aOœ toke yote--that's of yee that eoeetking Is WRONG It may be that your liver is tired and refuses to work, or year, digestive organs have had too much to do. and need care. Per nape you have been eating the wrong kind of'food; and you blood is too rich or impoverished. What y op need Is a tonic. Dr. Pierce's will give the required aid. Tones the entire system. The Weak stomach is made strong. The liver vibrates with new life. Thé blood is cleansed of all impurities, and carries renewed health to every vein and nerve and muscle and organ of the body. No more attacks of the "blues." Life becomes worth while again, and hope takes place of despair. - Insist on getting Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Prstident, World's Dispensary Sold bg dealers in medicines. Medical Amodiation. Buffalo. N. T. NOTES AND COMMENTS It takes a brave man^ in thèse days * to defend the old college training, which is fiercely attacked by countless numbers of assailants both at home and abroad. There are even intimations that •. it was worse thrin nothing, as when Sir Richard McBride, the prime minister minister of British Columbia,: says that those self-made men who regret the meagerness of their early schooling schooling probably would not have achieved ~ success if they had been college-trained. THE Established 1873 @F @Â1MA1À TORONTO nPHE business man who has i customers in various parts of Canada or elsewhere will find the services of this bank of invaluable assistance in collecting collecting drafts, etc. 133 BO WM AN V I LLE BRANCH A. N. McMILLAN, Manager. f| Branches also at Blackstock (R. H. Coulson, Manager), Newcastle,Orono, Oshawa, I - " Whitby, Brooklinand Newtonville. ".. . ~ - For the Kind's Use. No other race of animals can show such a history as the black oxen that draw the funeral cars of dead Japanese emperors. They are a special breed, and for centuries have been kept for the sole use of the imperial family.- The cream- colored Hanoverian horses, reserved reserved for the British royal family, are nearly as famous, but some of these animals once wore the yoke, of an alien and an enemy. When Napoleon Napoleon occupied- Hanover, in 1804, he seized all .the cream-colored horses in the royal stables, and took them, to Paris; The state carriage at his coronation was drawn by eight of thèse animals. This insult, insult, as he regarded it, made George III. so angry that he would not* use the others of the breed that were stabled in London.^ Until the fall of Napoleon, the state coach was always drawn by black horses when the king or his son, the.prince regent, opened Parliament. . -- We have the ageney for Sageine Hair Tonic, Anti Uric Pills, Rheurrio for rheumatism. All genuine B. V. Marion preparations bear that name and we can gladly recommend and guarantee guarantee them. Jury & Lovell, Druggist. Sir Richard recognizes the fact that there are different kinds of success and says that he does not underestimate the cultural worth of an academic course, but - he adds that a purely academic scholarship is not what is required by men and women who are to . grapple with practical affairs ; that too many university graduates have not been educated with a definite aimj and that much .of the curriculum of the ordinary student is futile because it is accepted by him as the conclusions conclusions of some one else, and, not digested digested arid absorbed by a process of mental effort on his own part. N "Every Woman Should t-a-tives" YOUNG MISSIONARY WORKERS SAVED THE KING. If • ' Lakblbt, Ont., May 12th. 1911 "Kindly publish this letter of mine if you think it will benefit"other women who might be afflicted with the diseases I have .had in the past, but am now, thanks : to ' ' Fruit-a-ti ves' *, completely v cured of. It is my firm belief that .every woman should take *'Fruit=a-tives" if she wants to keep' herself in good health. Before taking * ' Fru it-a-.tives ' ', I was constantly troubled with what is commonly commonly known as "Nerves" or severe Nervousness. This Nervousness brought on the most violent attacks of Sick Headache, for which I wàs constantly constantly taking doctors' medicine without any permanent relief. Constipation was also a source of great trouble to me and for which the Doctors said "I would have to, take medicine all my: life", but 1 ' Pruit-a-tives' ' banished all these troubles troubles and now I am a well woman" ■ - Mrs. FRED. GADKB. ...-50c a box, 6 for $2.50--trial size, 25c. At dealers or sent prepaid on receipt of price by Frait-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. This criticism is in line with much that is being written, but it should not be assumed from it that there has been no' change or thaii the changes have been * provokingly slow. For, as a matter of fact, a revolution has taken place in the last thirty years and it has penetrated penetrated even the boost conservative of institutions. Unquestionably, moreover, it is a response to the demands of human experience. * Still, there is a limit to the par- Off on His "Guess. Wife--I wish,, dear, that you'd settle iny last year's millinery bill. I really can't • sleep for thinking of it. , - , : V ■ ; .• V •Hub---Your conscience pricking you, eh T • • " > Wife--Oh no ; but . I need two more hats right away.. SENT SIXTY MILES FOR GIN PILLS Mr. Sid. Castleman of Larder Lake, Ont. needed Gin Pills badly. He says : "I had been suffering some time with my Kidneys and Urine. - The pain was something awful, and no rest at night. I heard of your Gin Pills and sent my chum 60 miles to get them, and in less than six hours I felt relief, In two days the pain had left me entirely-- and to-day I feel as well as ever". _ 50c. a box, six for $2.50. Sample free if you write National Drug arid Chemi cal Co., of Canada Limited. Toronto. .134- Swmmei vv r~t. u> are now pouring into the Canadian West. This country as a;whole will benefit greatly by the 500,000 new settlers bringing with them about $175,000,000 this year. The new citizens will help till thousands of acres of. new land; will help in the $100,000,000 railway extensions, and - $100*000,000 activities in city building. - : 'V.f : As an individual, you will benefit by the incoming money that will be put in ; circulation ; and if you become an owner of inside, western city property, you will be able to calculate in dollars the value to you of this great wavb of immigration. Population determines land values. This is Canada's greatest growing year, and one sure way for you to secure your share- of the general prosperity prosperity is to buy good, close-in land in Regina, Moose Jaw or Edmonton, where population and land values are doubling and trebling. This is the time to buy while prices are within your reach, on terms you can handle; Let us help yôu think this investment matter over successfully successfully by giving you complete and accurate information. information. Which Western city interests you ? .The combined combined knowledge of all our offices in the Wèst is at your service. Write us and we, will send you information that by prompt action you can turn into money; Mail the coupon to-day as the first step toward a bigger income. Offices of Me Cuicheon Bros., Limited, located as follows, cover the entire West HEAD OFFICE : CALGARY ; Regina, Edmonton, Moosefaw, Fernie, Victoria ; Great Falls, Mon ana; ~ ' ; Winnipeg, Fort William. Eastern Offices :---Ottawa, ■. Brantford - and Toronto. European Offices London, Plymouth, Eng.; Glasgow, Scotland. Mail the Coupon to Eastern headquarters at 98 KING ST. ticular rule of reason that Sir: Richard would establish. Youth is not equipped for the severest reasoning reasoning processes, and while it is taking its preliminary exercise it cannot afford to look too scornfully scornfully upon mere acquisition.. What we acquire between the ages of 10 and 20 comes easiest and stays longest. With most of us the putting off in that period means not merély postponement postponement but a complete shutting out. The dangers of exclusion are not all confined to the older training, training, and in these discussions we should guard against overemphasis overemphasis at "any point. The ; Mission. Band of the; Methodist church gave a very pleasing and success^ ful entertainment in the. school-room Wednesday .evening when the young people put on a program that would do credit to many older ones. Rev. H. B. Kenny, pastor, occupied thé chair and presented the program interspersed with a few timely remarks. After the opening hymn Misses Belle and Doris Courtice gave a. piano duet; a motto exercise "God is Love" was nicely givèn by nine girls; the band sang a "Welcoming Spririgtimè" song and Miss Grace Hutchinson recited "The Raggedy-Raggedy Man" with splendid splendid enunciation and gesture. "The Gratitude Gratitude Trèe" was well given in recitation and song by members of the Band. Miss Olive Mutton played a piano solo, Master Day Warnica read "Papa's Letter," - Miss Jane Grigg sang a solo, and Masters Arthur Arthur and . Herbert Baker played a piano duet, all executing their parts nicely. An exercise "Canada vs " China" by -, twelve girls gave a good idea of how differently things are done in these two countries. Miss Doris Courtice, Secretary, presented a very satisfactory report arid the pro gram closed with'a chorus "Springtime is here" and a hymn. Refreshments were •served by the members and a social time ( enjoyed. The success. of the entertainment entertainment is due not only to the young people but__to the Superintendent, Mts. B. M. Warnica, and Assistant supt., Mrs. H. A. Farrow, the latter being the pianist. ■ "^ .---A • ; That's Different. _/ - J ones--' ' J âmes, I heard you us ing * profanity to the horses -this forenoon." -Coachman-- f 'No, suh ; no - suh I'so very careful qb de bosses, suh T wuz -talking to my wife, suh!" " Doctors Condemn Oily liniment s The Public are Warned to Be Careful of These Strong- Smelling Oily Liniments Containing Harmful Acids, Ammonia, Etc. A course in swimming has been added to the) acquired studies in thé- public schools of Pittsburgh, and Dr. Watson L. Savage v is quoted as saying that he will see to it that every child in the city is taught-.to swim. This is a step in public. educatio^that deserves the hearty àppfdvâY every - parent and every .seeker of the public welfare. welfare. 'To ride, to shoot arid to the truth" was the ancient Persian ideal of education. Needless to say, this was for boys only ; > girls in this day fare better than when the maxim was madè. They are taught to. exercise as well as to develop their brains nowadays. Alike boys •and girls ought, to learn to swim, and the public should provide means of teaching -that most valuable and pleasurable accomplishment. IS <5? This Coupon Brings Booklet REGINA 1 EDMONTON I MOOSE JAW Check off the city -that' interests you ; then mail coupon for descriptive booklet. Key B S. Name. • • • « .. Address............ ........ £ F w J '1-4 X "' : : ?I( 8th IÜE WEST. CALGARY Swimming is a - splendid sport ;- it develops muscle rarely used in other sports and its usefulness is beyond question. Yet comparatively comparatively few pèrsons learn to swim. There are sailors who have spetit many years on the water, but are unable to keep afloat when suddenly suddenly cast .-into : the ' demerit with which they ought to be thoroughly acquainted. . Drownings are far too numerous ; knowledge of how to swim would greatly lessen their number; May the time soon come when . every. child who passes through the public schools will have learned how to swim. Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spots, How to Remove Easily Here's a chance, Miss Freckle-face, to try a remedy for freckles with the guarantee guarantee of a reliable dealer that it will not cost you a penny unless it removes the freckles; while if it does give you a clear complexion the expense is trifling. Simply get an ounce of othine--double strength--from your druggist and a few applications should show you how easy it is to rid yourself of the homely freckles and get a beautiful complexion. Rarely is more than one ounce needed for thé worst case. . Be sure to ask the druggist for the double strength othine as this is the prescription prescription sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles. * Reliable. Home Treatment Thousands of wives, mothers arid sis- terif are enthusiastic in their praise of ORRINE, because it-has cured their loved ones of the "Drink Habit" and thereby brbiight hàppine» to their homes. Can bé èiven secretly. ORRINE costs only : $1.00 per box; Ask for Free Booklet. • j Jiiry & Lovell, Bowman ville, \ Many people have clung - to the old- fashloiied - idea that a thick, greasy liniment la the best kind. Doctors eaÿ not--and they know. Recently a number of theafe white, oily liniments were analyzed, and. they were found to contain an enormously : high percentage of harmful' acids, and such irritating, chemicals as ammonia, etc. For the moment they may cause a .warm sensation when first applied, but their continued use never cures rheumatism, and only deteriorates the skin, sets up inflammation and causes endless trouble. / When a doctor warns: you to quit, using à white, oily liniment--do so. He- knows that a thick liniment can't penetrate, penetrate, can't sink through the pores and reach the seat of the pain. When asked his opinion a few days ago, Dr.' Roberts stated that he considr ered a strong, penetrating, pain-subduing pain-subduing liniment such as "Nerviline," to be superior to any of the white, ammonia ammonia liniments. In his twenty-five years of practice he. had witnessed cases of rheumatism, sciatica, and lumbago that simply would not respond respond to -ordinary treatment--but Nerviline Nerviline cured them. The same physician physician also spoke of the great advantages advantages of keeping. a preparation likt Nerviline in the house always, because because of cramps, diarrhoea, stomacf disorders, earache, toothache,- head" ache, arid such minor ailments viline is a.first-class cure, scarcely an ache or a pain» internal or external; that Nerviline won't, cure. In thousands of homes no other pain™ relieving 1 medicine is used. Fifty years*' continued success and the en~ dorsèment of the profession are. proçl that Nerviline is the liniment for home. CURED IN 24 HOURS You can painlessly remove any corn, either hard, . soft, ^ or bleeding, by applying Putnam's Corn Extractor. It never burns, leaves no scar, contains no acids; is haririless, because ^coiriposed only- of healing gunis and balms."Fifty years in use. Cure guaranteed. Sgld by all druggists, 25c bottles. Refuse substitutes. PUTNAM'S PAIN LESS CORN EXTRACTOR But - Mari.. : Was Discharged for Touching His Sacred Person. Alfonso of Spain was bom a king, bufc he nearly lost his august, life before before he had grown up to take the throrie from his mother, the Queen Regent. - The young king's foot slipped one day as he. was descending descending a staircaseT in the royal palace palace at Madrid, and down tumbled Alfonso head first. . . - .Momentarily there appeared every possibility of a broken monarchical monarchical neck ; but, in the nick of time, a Court footman leaped forward forward with marvellous agility, seized his sovereign, and was fortunately able' to effectually break the force of the royal fall. The saying of the King was, of course, recognized as a" good and happy thing, but the grandees of then Court had to put on the appearance appearance of much wrath at the violation of a fine old crusty piece of etiquette. etiquette. For had not a mere menial --no matter how gorgeous and oom- mendably self-possessed -- actually touched, unbidden the .sacred person person of his King? • _ It was insisted., that the servant should be dismissed, and so he had to be. But the Queen Regent recognized recognized the absurd unfairness of bowing'down before an ancient-tradition,; ancient-tradition,; arid the footirian who saved King Alfonso was handsomely provided provided for. He still lives happily outside the • precincts of the'palace, and keeps a grateful guardian eye on the King, Queen Ena, and the Royal- children. ' » : -- The use of Miller's Worm Powders Powders insures healthy-children so far as the ailments attributable to worms are concerned. A high riior- tality among children is traceable to worms. -These sap the strength- of infants so that they - are .^unable to - maintain the battle for life . and succumb to weakness. This, preparation preparation gives promise of health and keeps, it. - -- - Curiosities of Seed-Sowing. There are very few people who could say how many grains of wheat are required to sow an acre of land --or, indeed, how many grains there are* in a pound of wheat. As a matter of fact, there are, on, an average, ten thousand grains in a pound of wheat, and about a, million million grains are required' to sow an acre. In a pound of barley the average average number ,of grains is fifteen thousand, and it takes about two and a: half million grains to sow an acre of barley. As regards, oats, a pound represents eighteen thousand thousand 'grains, and to cover an acre of ground some three millions of grains have to be sown. Bût it takes still more grains to make a pound of rye, the approximate number number being twenty -thousand, while as many as three and a half millions of grains are Used ' in sowing an acre of rye. It will thus be seen that three times as many grains of oats are required to sow- an acre as are necessary to sow it .with wheat., NEVER ANY FAILURE OR DISAPPOINTMENT WHEN BAKING POWDER IS USED. CONTAINS NO ALUM. COSTS NO MORE THAN THE ORDINARY KINDS. MADE IN CANADA >. Dealing Gently. Cadger--"Binks has been telling lies about me again." Badgar--"He might do worse. He might tell the truth about you }> Look before you leap--you can't jump from the fire back into the frying-pan. Is CLEAN, and as SIMPLE as "A.B.C." NO chance of MISTAKES if-you use -< Ner- There is the CO RMS For courses in ail Business subjects 'leading to positions as Bookkeepers . or Stenograpliers'and'Tor Civil Service and Commercial Specialists' examinations will be conducted in Shaw's Schools, Toronto, : (The Central Business Oollege with four city Branch Schools) from July 3rd to August 16th this year. Students mhy enter enter any time for general coursés. -No vacations. vacations. Write W. H-SHAW, President, for catalog. 893 Yonge-st., Toronto. ■ .«SRjtitiOHMWI Wood's toosphodinoi The Great English jiemedy. Tones and invigorates tho whole nervous system," miikoe now 'Blood in old Veins. Ourea New- lity, Mental and Brain Wgrry, Des- „j, Secouai Weakness, Emissions, Sper- matoi'i'hœa, and Effects of Abuse or Excesses. Price (1 per box, six for *5. One will please, spe will euro. Sold by all druggists or mailed in plain pkff. on receipt of • price.) New pamphlet mailed free. The Wood Mcdlûlne Co., .. {formerly Windsor) Toronto, Ont. ous Debiliti Ask your druggist for IV Ir he cannot supply - the MARVEL. ftccepV no other, bat eend etampylbr tested book-- «èsled. - Jt gtvee full perticuBtrs eri* direetlons Invsloswe to Isdios.WlNDSORSUPPLY CO., Windsor, Ont ■ ; Qenerml AyenU tog.CsnswU. GET WELL AND KEEE" WELL. It will cost ÿou nothing to join hands with the members of the HOME HEALTH CLUB and learn the principles of home hygiene and sanitation. We Will mail you FREE printed lectures by Dr. David H. Reeder, founder of the club, together with instructions for home treatment which will restore sufferers to physical and mental mental Efficiency, Virility arid Strength, without without using any drugs containing irritating stimulants, poison or narcotics. Enroll yourself with us and help to uplift thé moral and physical standards, of humanity by clean living and by utilizing Nature's own methods. Address HOME HEALTH CLUB, 5039 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago ' " ; . •; " 3-15 > The Guaranteed st ÔNE DYE for All Kinds of Cloth." TRY IT end prove it for yourself 1 Send for Free Color Card, Story Booklet, and Booklet Booklet giving résulta of Dyeing over other colors. The Johnson-Richardson Co.vLlmltcd, - Montreal Owing to the High Standard maintained in this college, the demand for the graduates is .far in excèss of the supply This is itHqttestionabty»one of Canada's Best Commercial Schools. Its record proves it. ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. Cor. Yonge <fe Alexander-sts., Admits students at anytime, prepares them properly for choice positions and assists worthy worthy stndënts té sécnre employment. College open all year. Write now for Handsome Catalogue. Catalogue. ■ W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. ■ flOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Each TUESDAY, MARCH 4 io OCTOBER 28 (inclusive) - ' Via Chicago and St. Paul. Wïnnïpêg and return, $35.00 Edmonton and retûrn, $43.00 Tickets good for 60 days. Proportionate Proportionate low rates to other points in Manitoba, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest shortest arid, quickest route between Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Saskatoon, Edmonton. Time Tables, Land Pamphlets and other descriptive descriptive literature relative to the Grand Trunk Pacific Ry. may be obtained from nearest Grand Trunk Agent. J. H. II. JURY, Agt., Phone 78. E The map of the St. Lawrence route gratis at any Office or Agency. It in interesting stufly in distances. The descriptive Booklets and Rate Sheets likewise gratis, are an Interesting study In comparative values. The W H I T E S T A tenu tenu MINION Canndinn Service Is a service of big values. SAILINGS TUESDAYS by THE LARGEST C A N A D I A N L I N E R S "LAvmeNTic" "Neoantic "TEUTONIC" "CANADA* Ask the nearest Agent . for Particulars. WH ITE STAR DOMINION UnE ALLAN ROYAL MAIL LINE _ To Liverpool ^ From Montreal Tunisian.o, ^.. S^tt* ,Mav 3 Victorian ......,.... Thurs. May 8 Corsican., » ,,,...... » ■...... Sat. iVIay 1 y Virginian .......,......;.. ; Thurs. May 22 To Glasgow - Pretoria n,,,,.............. .Sat. May 3 Grampian ....... ♦., » .■>. . *.... Sat. Msy xo Scandinavian ..........,,. .Sat. May 17 Hesperian .................. Sat. May 24 To London and Havre Ionian •... . Sun. Miy 4 Pomeranian,,......., Sun. May n Scotian .......,.. .Sun. May 18 Epr tickets and full parliculats of ratesi etc;,' apjrfy to local*âgénts or \ : S V THE ALL AN LINE* 1 fy ::F. 77 Yonge St., Toronto HOMESEEKERSr EXCURSIONS TO- MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday until October 28th, inclusive. Winnipeg and Return $35.00 Edmonton arid Return - 43.00 Other points in proportion Return Limit two months. . HOMESEEKfiRS* TRAIN leaves Toron* 2.99 p.m. each Tuesday., May to August, inclusive.; Best train to take, as Winnipeg Is reached early morning, enabling passengers to make all branch line connections. Through trains Toronto to / Winnipeg and West Particulars from Canadian Pacific Agents or write; . <V ' M. G. MURPHY. % v ■'ily>:yy V>.V:K., C.P,-Ry. ; Toronto r C. B. KENT, Agent, Bowmanrillea. ÉÊêSSÈê ■ ' lÈSià ■ Ë -- : BV: WÈÊÊÈ ■ ■ ' M"■ ÉÉÉÉI.■■■*■' lÊ