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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 May 1913, p. 7

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BOWMANVILLE TIME TABLE (Dally except Sunday) * ' TRAINS LEAVK * For Toronto and Intermediate Stations 9.15 a. m. 7.44 p.m. For Trenton, Belleville, Deseronto, Napanee and I Ü^HK dîate Points; also C. O. B. Stations tfTt 'Between Trenton and Picfcon. 11.15 a.m. 7.24 p.m. For Coe Hill and Intermediate Stations 11.15 a. m. For Yarker, Tweed, Harrowsmith, Sydenham and Intermediate Stations on Bay of Quinte Byv 11.15 a. in. TRAINS ARRIVE From Toronto and Intermediate Stations 11.15 a.m. 7.24 p.m. From Napanee, Belleville, Trenton and Intermediate Intermediate Points: also Picton and C.O.R. Points 9,30 a.m. 7.44 p.m. From Maynooth (C. O. R.) 7.44 p. m. From Sydenham, Tweed, Yarker, eto. 7.44 p. m. For farther particulars see other advertisement appearing in this paper, or apply A. M. WILLIAMS,. Bowman ville Agent GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM In the Spring- Most People Need a Tonic Medicine CALIFORNIA MEXICO FLORIDA AND THE SUNNY SOUTH The#<6rand Trunk Railway is the most " direct route from all points East through Canada, via"Chicàgo, Detroit or Buffalo. ONLY DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE round trip tourist tickets, giving choice of all the best routes, together with full nformatlon, may be obtained from any Grand Trunk Agent. No matter where you are going; we will deliver your tickets to your home or office if you call up Phone No. 78. J. H. H. JURY, Agent GRAND TRUNK ÏVIÏÏŒ HOMÉSEEKERS» EXCURSION To MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN SASKATCHEWAN and ALBERTA eachTUESDAYuntil Oct.28inclusive WINNIPEG and Return - $35.ocr EDMONTON and Return 43.00 Proportionate low rates to other . points. Return limit two months. . Setters' Excursions To Alberta and Saskatchewan Every TUESDAY until April 29th inclusive, inclusive, from stations in Ontario, Port Hope, Peterboro and_ West, at very- low rates. : ^ZThrpugh coaches and Pullman I - " v Sleeping cars are operated to _.1PEG Without changes, leaving Toronto 11.00 p/m. via Chicago and St. Paul on above dates. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route between between Winnipeg - Saskatchewan-Edmonton. Saskatchewan-Edmonton. Berth Reservations and particulars from Grand Trunk agents. No matter where you are going we will deliver your tickets to your home or office if you call up phone No. 78. I. H. H. Jury, agent. New Téléphoné Directory. The Bell Telephone Company of Canada Canada is soon" to print a new issue of its Official Telephone Directory for the District of Central Ontario including Bowmanville Parties who contemplate becoming subscribers, subscribers, or those who wish changes in their present entry should place their order with the local Manager at once to re insertion in this issue. Connecting Companies Should also report additions and changes in.their.list of subscribers, either to the Local Manager, or direct to the Special Agent's Department, Montreal. The Bell Téléphoné Company Of Canada. Lsn« Synopsis #1 Canadian Northwest Regulations. A NY person who is the sole bead of e family or any male over 18 years old. may homestead a quarter section of avail, able Dominion land in Manitoba, Bask- atchewan or Alberta..- The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Bub-Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, agency, on certain conditions, by father mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. Duties Six months' residence. npoû and -cultivation of the. land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within within nine miles of bis homestead on a farm el at least 80. acres solely owned and occupied py him -or by his father, mother, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in good standihg may pre-empt a Quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 per <sR>re. Duties--Must reside six months IngBfcch of six years from date of homeeteadr efctry (including the time required required to earn homestead patent ) and cultivate fifty acres' extra. A homesteader who -has exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain a One of the surest signs that the blood is out-of order is the pimples, unsightly eruptions and eczema, that come frequently- with the change from winter to spring. These prove that the long indoor life of winter has had its affect upon the blood, and that a tonic medicine is needed to put it right. - Indeed, there are few people who do not n^ed a tonic at this season. Bad blood does not merely show itself in disfiguring eruptions. To this -same condition , is dùe attacks of rheumatism and lumbago ; the sharp stabbing pains of sciatica and neuralgia neuralgia ;• poor appetite and a desire to avoid exertion. x You cannot cure these troubles by the use of purgative purgative medicines--you need a tonic, and a. tonic only, and among all medicines there is none can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for their tonic, life-giving, nerve-restoring powers. Every dose of this medicine medicine makes new, rich blood, which drives out impurities, stimulates every organ and brings a feeling of new health and energy to weak, tired, ailing men, women and children. children. If you are out of sorts give this medicine a trial and see how quickly it will restore the appetite revive drooping spirits, and fil your veins with new, héalth-giving blood. You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from ■ The v Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. CHAS. MARSHALL CURED BY DODti'S KIDNEY PILLS. Mrs. Marshall Tells How Her Husband Husband Suffered,'and of His Speedy Recovery When He Used the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy. REBUILD BURIED HOUSES. Pompeiian Buildings Now Give Better Better Idea of Old City. When first they began to dig out long-buried Pompeii, everything found there was taken to Naples, leaving . nothing in the excavated places but the bare ruined walls. Of .late years a more rational plan has been followed, of leaving in place everything but the smallest objects of interest and reproducing roughly the houses uncovered. Under the present director, Prof. Spinazzcla, this idea has been de veloped still "further. He has almost almost entirely rebuilt some of the houses, using all the material found, even to the fragments of the roof tiles. ' ; On the famous, street^ Abundance, Abundance, tie. has built even the upper stories and balconies and restored ttie windows and facades. . This gives a new idea of the -style of the city of pleasure. A recent uncovered fresco represents represents Venus standing on a' chariot drawn by - four elephants. Pleasing the Public. Passerby (stopped by beggar) -- How is this? Only last week you sat. here with a deaf and dumb card ; now you're begging on account account of a broken arm. Beggar---Well, sir, business is business, and you know the public must have variety. It Doesn't Work. "I wish my dollie didn't have such rosy cheeks," said.little Bea : trice.;; ; / 7: / *"OJhi, that makes her look strong and healthy," replied her mother. "Yes, that's the trouble," rejoined rejoined the- little miss. "When I want to play that she is very sick she looks so fat and healthy that I can't feel one bit sorry for her." THE BEST MEDICINE I HAVE EVER USED Parkinson, Algoma, Ont;, May 5 (Special)--Living . far from towns and with doctors . not within easy reach, many ' of the settlers have found Dodd's Kidney Pills an inestimable inestimable blessing. One of those is Mr. Charles Marshall, Sr., whose recovery frbm a severe case of kid ney disease has recently been the causé .of much satisfaction to his family and friends. "My husband , was suffering very much with his hack and legs," Mrs. Marshall says, speaking of tier husband's cure. "He went to see the doctor, and he told him he had urinary trouble, but he did not seem to get any better. ' "Then I sent for some Dodd's Kidney Pills. Since taking them, he has no more pain in his back and legs, and his ottier troubles are all gone. Z : -'v _ ■ ..Z . "J am indeed thankful x for what hydrographer of thé United I Dodd's Kidney Pills did for my States Geological Sur vey, who says ! husband, "and I hope other suffer- that the loss of life and'damage to I ers from Kidney disease will bene- property in the Ohio floods could ! ex ^ e ^' and use not have been helped by any hu.- Urinary troubles arè caused by man agency. The deluge of water I diseased kidneys. So are back- was of such - gigantic proportions ache, rheumatism," lumbago, and that no' reservoir system could tiei heart disease. The. natural remedy M. O. Leighton, devised to take care of it. -•ir is to cure the kidneys by using Dodd's Kidney Pills. : - ■ ,, ' .' *- ; • Are Quickly Helped Permanently Cured Release, Yes, and a Cure for Lum-1 hago is Now Known. Perhaps He'll Break It. Don't sell your old lawn mower. | Lend it to your neighbor. "Why have you cut that lady who has just passed ? "\ Yesterday you were most cordial towards her." 1 'That is my dressmaker, and I paid her bill this morning:" v ' Tortured With Terrible Itching- and Burning. Scratched Until Tore Flesh, Lay Awake for Nights at a Time. Used Guticura Remedies and Found a Cure, St. Ola, Ontario.--' * When I was ten years old I began to be tortured with a terrible Itching and burning of the skin; and was told it was eczema. ; I have had it right along for seven years steady, it 'getting worse every year. I was affected from head to ankles, "it seemed to appear like hives at first, then I would begin to scratch until I tore my flesh. It would always be at Its worst at night. I" have waked myself up at nights scratching and my fingers would be just, stiff and cramped from scratching,.jo that I would be hardly able to straighten them out. My, how I have suffered I My face and whole body would be just a mass of blotches red às fire and after having soap and water on my face then I would begin to bum. I have Iain awake for nighty at » time when my eczema was at its worst,. *'I would be tortured for months at a time. I was getting not only disheartened, for -nothing helped, but completely disfigured Many Homes Are Made Unhappy and Cheerless by It. The. man or woman : with a grievance grievance is a candle of liÿyt compared with thé habitual 'grumbler--the one whom nobody can ever satisfy, and .who thinks the 'world is all go- ing to pieces because people will not do just exactly what this particular particular person thinks is right. Such an one gets up on his wrong side in the morning, and nothing goes right all. day. He grumbles at the weather, grumbles at his breakfast, grumbles at. his clothing, grumbles at going out, would grumble all the same if he had to stay in ; grumbles at his wife, grumbles at his children, children, and at last grumbles himself away to his work. When he comes ho-m.e it is the same old story, and. his wife gets any youthfulness she might retain crushed out of her ; the children are indifferent, it is I like the pattering of rain on a rainy day--they have'been used with it all their lives and they have ceased to regard, it, and so it goes oh, until some day when it is more than usually depressing, or when the woman's overwrought nerves give way, and . there is a little scene. But a .grumbler never thinks him- CLARKS also, but dame fortune smiled upon me one i self in the -wrong--it is another trial day in the summer of 1910 and laid before | he has to contend with, and possi- my eyes an advertisement of Cuticura ( bly he may think himself a kind of Bemedies. I mmd them according to dJrec- • marfc , r ft his w if e > s cantrips, while tions and after a few applications I began n ,• v, , . » -, , , v to feel and see relief ahead. It is nearly i aU tile time the plain fact of the - . _ • matter is that he is the one who is responsible. six months' since I.first began- and I can i truthfully say I've found a cure." (Signed) Miss Louise E. Wilson, Dec. 12, 1911. Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment are sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. For a liberal free sample of each, with 32-p. book, send post card to Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Dept. 38D, Boston, U. S. A. EXECUTION BY DROWNING. YOU CAN EASILY PROVE THIS. To cure Lumbago-- eurély it's a good thing to know how.- This information meant to Jno. E. Neave the- difference between invalidism and robust health. Writing from his home near fern wall, he says:--"A severe and prolonged attack of Lumbago in my youth rendered me at all times liable to, aches in the--back and ] Port. Mulgrâve. loins. So established became the prédisposition, prédisposition, and so frequent the. attacks, I confess' I ; accepted « the condition as my particular weakness to be borne with às much composure as any evil circumstance circumstance might - permit. One day' an Unusually Unusually bad attack developed, and unfortunately unfortunately there was "no medicine of any kind in the house. I sent tof a neighbor neighbor for help and received with a strong recommendation a ".bottle of Nerviline. | .wich My friend was surprised we didn't use Nerviline, saying that they found use for it in their family: almost every day. So quickly did Nerviline ' check the attack, and so grateful was the relief, that I was in. a day on the high road to recovery. recovery. I have cured my tendency to Lumbago Lumbago with. Nerviline, and consider It thé most 'powerful pain-subduing liniment ever made." For curing colds, hoarseness, "tight chest and winter ills Nerjiline is a marvel; marvel; as for Lumbago, Sciatica • and Rheumatism. Rheumatism. Nerviline is considered to be without a peer. v In the home it is especially valuable, because it cures cramps in half a minute, stops nausea, LINI- Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. . Dear Sirs,--Your MINABD'S MENT is our remedy for sore throat, colds and all ordinary ailments. It never- fails to relieve and cure promptly. . CHARLES WHOOTEN. 'The Reason. Customer--That was the driest, was I ever tried to flattest sandwich chew into. .Waiter--Why, here's your sand- You ate your check. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E; W. GROVE'S signature ir on each box. E5c. ■ \ : Impossible. "How do you get rid of the bores that come to .your office?" 1 "I don't." , ^ •. •Unard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cost "My dear, listen to this, and tell me wtiat - you make of it !" exclaim- controls "vomiting anA^iiS'"stomach! If d J he elderly English lady to tier For internal or external use, wherever husband, on her first visit to the there -is pain, apply Nerviline. • Get the States. She held the hotel menu 50c. family size bottle; trial size 25c., at almost at arm's length, and spoke all storekeepers and druggists, or The in a tone of horror, "Baked Indian Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo. N. Y. ^--*- "The best. medicine I have ever used", is what thousands of mothers say of Baby's Own Tablets. Once a mother has used the Tablets for her little ones she will use ho other medicine and never fails to recommend recommend them to her friends. Concerning" Concerning" them Mrs. John Thompson, Thompson, Coutts, Alta., " says : "I have given' Baby's Own Tablets to - my Daby for constipation and think them the best medicine I have ever used. Please send me two more k)xes, as I would not car é to ibe without them. ' ' ; Thé Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wiliams' Wiliams' Medicine Co., : Brockville, Ont. • pre-emption, may take a purebaeed'home- lead In certain districts. " acre. Price ' $3.00 per Duties--Must reside six months I* each ^f three years, cultiva te jlftr .acres •and erect a house -worth -$30$JK. v ; : W. W. COBY;- 7 Deputy Minister of the Interior. N.B.--•Unauthorized publication of this *drerticcme*i • will M bs raid for. ' The Original Lemon. The lemon, which is. going to be dear- this year on account of a shortage in the crop, has a very clear history, says the London Chronicle. Unknown to the Greeks and Romans, it was introduced into Spain by the Arabs in the twelfth century, and in 1494 was bëing cultivated cultivated in the Azores and shipped in large quantities to England. The lemon tree, of which there: are forty-seven varieties, is particularly particularly fertile, a good specimen in Sicily ripening as many as 3,000 lemons during the season. , . Change of Venue. ; There was," and is, .in a Western city, a lawyer who will do almost anything to get a delay. He had before a magistrate a case. of a horse^ running at large, which* usually usually involves a fine of about two dollars. ' He asked for a continu- pudding ! Can it be possible in a civilized country V* . Try Murine Eye Remedy No Smarting--Feels Fine--Acte Quickly. It Was Quite a Common Thing in the Middle Ages. This mode of capital punishment has not long ceased in Europe, and is probably still in use in other parts of the world. As early /as the first century of our era the Germans Germans Executed the meaner and more infamous çririiinals by plunging plunging them in bogs and fens. In the Middle Ages executing by.drowning was so common that grants, of the right to inflict capital punishment ran " '.with pit and gallow." The pit or well was for drowning female delinquents, delinquents, but the .penalty was sometimes inflicted on men. The doom of the parricide,was to be tied up in a sack and cast -into the sea. Drowning seems to have, been regarded regarded as a mild form of the death penalty, for. in the year 1666 a man convicted of theft and sacrilege was : sentenced to:;be water, "by the Queen's special grace." At this date the penalty had grown nearly obsolete in England,- but in Scotland it survived until 1685. The last execution in Switzerland was in 1652, in Austria 1.776, in Iceland Iceland 1777, and in Russia early Inutile Inutile eighteenth century. One of the most eccentric modes of inflicting the penalty was adopted in Saxony in the year 1734; A woman convicted convicted of child mu rde r was - s ewn tip in a sack, along with a cat, a dog and a snake, and then thrown into the water and drowned. '. Nice. Willie's Mamma--"Is J ames a nice boy for you to play, marbles with ?" Willie--"Sure ! I can beat him every time. r CITY COUNCIL. DOINGS; To put through the -license reduption will require some \ tall hustling. Meantime Meantime lots of corns will be tramped on. Why She Held It. She held her breath, But riot, through fright, She'd onions had . For tea that night* GLOVES If you are looking for a pair of gloves that are as tough as a Mexican Snake whip and that will give you full satisfaction or a new pair free ask your dealer for H.B.K. Pinto Shell Gloves These are the best wearing gloves ever turned out from a factory. Send for Interesting story "The Pinto's Shell". HUDSON BAY KNITTING CO, Canada's Expert Glove and Mitt Makers. MONTREAL. Couldn't Breathe Through His Nose Stuffed With Catarrh FARMS FOR SALK. H.-W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. Q. OOp STOCK FARM- OF 600 ACRES LX with Three HoÙBëR; large Rank Bam. Muat he Fold 'quick. Price ia very low. S EVERAL 1 Catarrhozone Inhaler the One Means of Relief, and it Cured Quickly. DESIRABLE L FARM» IN Manitoba. Alberta and Saskatchewan that" can"be bought. Worth the money for onb'k rale. The extraordinary efficacy of Catarrh- ozone is without a parallel. A- sneezing cold is cured in ten minutes, a harsh cough is eased in an hour, the most; offensive offensive catarrh is thoroughly thoroughly drawn from the system. In case of asthma and bronchitis the relief and certain cure that comes ' from the healing balsamic extracts in Catarrhozone is simply wonderful. ■'For more than twenty twenty -years I. suffered with a cough, bronchitis, asthma, and nasal catarrh," catarrh," writes J. F. Fenwick, Fenwick, of Staunton P. O "Every attack I had seemed to grow worse, and I could hardly breathe on account of an accumulation of phlegm in the nose and throat. One day I tried Catarrhozone, and in ten minutes was, wonderfully relieved. relieved. I could breathe freely and naturally naturally through the nose, and blood spitting spitting was stopped--the phlegm was cleared away and my regular breathing restored. restored. No remedy can domore than Catarrhozone." Catarrhozone." There is no remedy so certain and safe as Catarrhozone, but being a good 'remedy 'remedy it is imitated. Beware of the sub- stitutor. Large Catarrhozone lasts two months, price $1.00, HAVE OVER ONE HUNDRED GOOD farms in different sections of Ontario on my list. If yon want a farm consul* tne. ' "• H W. DAWSON. Toronto. S EVENTEEN . ACRES--3 MILES FROM London - market; soil gravelly clay loam. Will exchange for city, town or village property, or for larger farm. The Western Real Estate Exchange, London, Ont. MALE HELP WANTED. O UT OF EMPLOYMENT? SERVES YOU right. Learn barber trade ; always sure employment for barber. Our im- nrove'd methods, constant practice and instructions qualify . you. for position in short -tiTnc.^ Send for catalogue. Moler College. 221 Queen E.. Toronto. STAMPS AND COINS s TAMP COLLECTORrs-- HUNDRED DIP-. it. Catalogne. Mark* Stamp ferent Foreign Stamps. Catalogne Album, only" Seven Cente Comnanv. Toronto MISCELLANEOUS G anger, tumors, internal and external, cured wtth- LUMPS. ETC, out nain , by our homo treatment. Writ* nu before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. Colllngwoort Ont RUSSELL-KNIGHT MODEL "38" Cost $5000 Price $2000 J-JAS been overhauled and is in splendid condition. Smaller sizes 25c. I Fully equipped, and 50c. 1 At all storekeepers arid drug- f gists, or The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston, Canada. ' *---- FED BY PEN FILLER. The cure is "Putnam's," the old reliable corn • extractor that : has been curing corns and ' warts for years. "Putnam's" never fails, 25c. at all dealers. M#' a mm Try It for Red, Weak, Watery Eye» and ■M Cr U. % m~ Granulated Eyelids. Illustra ted ance. "On what grounds ?" de- x in each Package". Book MURINE is com- Ë onnded by our Ocullita-not a "Patent ledlclne" but used in successful Physl- bye clans' Praetlce for many years. Now dedicated to the Public and sold by Druggists at 25o-60c per bottle. Hurin*. i Salve in Aseptic Tubes, Z5c-50c. Murine Eve Remedy Co., Chlcaee inanded the judge. ■ 'To ascertain the horse's age." "What has the Gamble-with your wife if you'tnust Playing ^afe. I want 3^ou to understand my word is as good as my bond." "That's why I am playing safe and insisting on the cash." " PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. horse's age to do with it?" ■' "It gamble. It keeps the money in the may be . a case" for: the juvenile [ family court;, your honor ; maybe it is a, juvenile horse." . ; ~ A Remembered Grudge. Ullnard's Liniment Cures Dlstemfier. There are said to be more than Queen, Wilhelmina's recent visit 500 ; separate muscles in the body, to Paris has moved à Paris cor res-: with an equal nuinber of nerves. pondent; to; tell again the" story of and blood vessels. "A woman's heart, ' ' says the Chinese prbberb, "is like the moon. It changes continually, but' it al ways has a man in it >) \ Good men can-more easily understand understand bad_ men than these can understand understand the good. (tmard'e LMHment Cures Gelds, Eta. ED. 7. ISSUE 19--'18| governefises ]' ' the days when her Majesty of Holland Holland was the most popular young personage iri the» world. ■ In the revived edition, the story is to the effect that she found it hard to learn English, and perhaps for that reason did not love "England. "England. The first map of Europe she drew' showed an enormous Holland, a fair-sized Belgium and France, but an aliriost impercepitble Great Britain. " ' To draw particular attention to the diminutive island representing England, she wrote below it., "Land of Miss S." (her English governess). governess). Z . ' - Years later .the young Queen said to the. minister plenipotentiary of England : . " - ^ "Be sure to tell her Majesty, Queen Victoria, that I love English- .women, $dl Englishwomen - • ' Tô/whiéh the minister' bowed, and the" Queen added": v - ï ^ :■ £0%;c• All Englishwomen who 'aïe riot" Your druggist will refund money If PAZO OINTMENT fails to euro any case of Itching, Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Pile* in l to 14 days. 50c. Medium--Shall I call up the spirit of your dead wife ? "Half a moment moment while I put out my cigar ; she never allowed me to smoke." Mlnard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Not a Ylinute Wasted. "Can't I. get my pants pressed while ' you cut my hair ?" •. "Certainlj*, sir." "All rights-- Boy. shine my shoes at the same time and hand me that newspaper. By the way, get the restaurant next door to send in a couple of sandwiches, and I can be eating my lunch.". " Dr. MbrHe's Indian Root Pills . exactly meet the. need which so often arises in every family for a medicine to open up and regulate the bowels. Not only are. they effective in all cases of Constipation, but they help greatly in breaking up a Gold or La Grippe by cleaning .out. the system • and purifying the blood. In the sanie, way they relieve or cure B iliousness, Iridigestiori, Sick Headaches, Rheum- . atism arid - other cômmoii ailmerits. • z 111 the dullest sense of'the-word» Dr. MdfséV Indian. Root Pills are ô | A Ho tsewhold Rtn«Ay- Schoolboy Brings Baby Rabbit Through Critical Period. RUSSELL MOTOR CAR COMPANY, LIMITED 100 Richmond St. West, TORONTO . MAIN 2072 Phone, A babj' rabbit, the property of a Horley (England) sctioolboy, has been successfully reared with a fountain-pen filler a,s a feeding- bottle. . Jack St. Jo-hn : Smith, aged 13, was ' walking in the grounds of the Bur stow Preparatory School, near Horley, when he sa^ a rabbit run down a hole. He dug around the hole, and two feet below the sur- faee found a two-days-old rabbit, no bigger 'than a full-sized mouse. There was very, little 'fur on its body, and its eyes were closed. Wrapping it -in his handkerchief, Master Jack took it home. . The rabbit was. housed in a chocolate box. It was trio: young to lick or chew anything, so a fountain-pen filler was obtained and a drop of milk squeezed into the rabbit's mouth.After: a time Pin cher, asit was called, opened its mouth eagerly eagerly when it felt the: first drop of milk and sucked away at the filler. During During the first critical days Pincher emptied a filler of milk three times every two hours. keeping Him Truthful. "Do you believe everything . he tells you ?" . - "Yes. You see I long ago gave up asking him questions that I know he'd lie about." Second Thought. Von Blumer (roaring with rage)-- Who told you to put that paper on the wall ? . Decorator--Your wife, sir.;;... Yon Blumer--Pretty, isn't it ? Z ; A f Moriffmcntril Minority ; ; ; 7 ; . Conside)rmg thé niimber of people who try :to enjoy life, the successful successful percentage, is powerful small. He--Their marriage seems to have turned out well, after all. She-- Yes. You see, they both belong to several clubs and don't meet often enough to get tired of each other. Apply Zam-Btik to all wounds and sores and you will be surprised how quickly ft stops the smarting ana brings ease* It covers the wound with a layer of protective protective balm, kills all poison gérais already in the wound, and •prevents others entering. Its rich healing herbal essences then build up from the bottom, fresh tissue* 2nd in a wonderfully short ft*™ the wound frhealedl • t ^ am . B uk'» popularity li based on roerH. Ioii.uuon.rc-crwork cure*. Be sure and $et the real thing. "Zam-BulT te printed °» *\ er 7 peoket ol the genuine. RUoee el! other», 60c all dmggiete end etwee ce Sem-Buk Co., Toronto. 4 4 4 4 4 * 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ^î^WÈÈÊÈSÊ z. itëë y.r- v. • - :»L>i» îr.-P.■ Zf+'Ztrïïi:

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