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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Aug 1913, p. 6

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mm % Nature intended that, the body should do its own repairing--and it icould do so tvere it not for the _ fact that most of us live other than a naturall&e. ^ - Nature didn't intend that we should wear corsets, tight collars or. shoes, nor live in badly ventilated and draughty houses, nor eat and drink some of the things that we do, nor ride in street ears when we should walk. The.consequence is that the body when it gets out of order must look for outside outside help to make the necessary repairs. , - For weak stomachs and the indigestion or dyspepsia resulting, and the multitude of diseases followingtherefrom, no medicine can be more adaptable as a curative agent than DB. PIERCE'S GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY. .This famous Doctor's prescription has been recommended for ever 40 years, and is today just as big a success. Restores a healthy appetite. Cleanses the blood. Strengthens the nerves. Regulates stomach and liver. Demand the original. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Sold In Liquid or Tablet form by Dealers In Medicines Send 50 ene-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing: only on a free copy of Dr. Pierce's Common Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 paces, clothbound. Address Dr. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. Honesty and Policy. 'Pa, why is honesty referred to as a policy ?" - "Probably bècause so high a premium premium is placed on it," replied the weary insurance solicitor. <n ,The surest way of losing one's own health is to be always drinking the health of others, says a wise wit. . ' Wood's Fhosphodiaej The Great English Remedy. Tones and invigorates the whole nervous system, makes new "Blood in old Veins. Cures Nervous Nervous Debility, Montai, and. Brain Worry, Despondency, Despondency, Sexual Weakness, Emissions, Spermatorrhoea, Spermatorrhoea, and Effects of Abuse or Excesses. Price $1 per box, six for So. One will please, six will cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of price. New pamphlet mailed free. The Wood Medicine Co. <formerly Windsor) Toronto, Ont GRAND TRUNK system v oINU-y LliMh, -K-tiAvrillNUr AnL SUMMER RESORTS IN HIGHLANDS OF ONTARIO . - - . Including Muskoka Lakes Màganetawa River Lake of Bays French River Georgian Bay . Timagami ! Algonquin Park ^ Kawartha Lake Full Summer Service now in effect to all of above resorts. Write for full particulars and illustrated illustrated folders to any Grand Trunk Agent, HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS - .. Each Tuesday until Oct. 28 inclusive. WINNIPEG AND RETURN.... $35.00 EDMONTON AND RETURN .«43.00 Low rates to other points. Return limit two months. y Pullman Tourist Sleepers leave Toronto Toronto 11.35 p. m. on above dates running through to WINNIPEG via Chicago and and St.Paul without without change. Tickets are also on sale via Sarnia and Northern Navigation Company. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the short 4 esc and quickest route between Winnipeg, Saskatoon Saskatoon and Edmonton. Tickets now on sale at all Grand Trunk Ticket offices. J- H. H. Jury, town Passenger and ticket agent, Phone 78. - ' iL- •The use or tma velu no is TO HEGULATE IMAGINATION MY beauty.' and instead of thinking thinking NOW THINGS MAYBE. TO SEE THEM AS THEY ABE." Sailings from Montreal and Qsebec •MEGANTIC - Sat. July 19th TEUTONIC - " " 26th •LAURENTIC " Aug. 2nd CANADA - - " gth ♦MEGANTIC " " 16th TEUTONIC - " " 23rd ♦LAURENTIC - *! " 30th *The Largest Canadian Liners Ask ike nearest Railway or Steamship Steamship Aient for Particulars. WHITE STAR dominion CANADIAN SERVICE on EXPANSION YEAR New Livestock Department Everything in Agriculture Exhibits by the Provinces ", Exhibits by Dominion Government Exhibits by Foreign Countries Acres of Manufactures MAGNIFICENT ART EXHIBIT Paintings from Germany, Britain, United States and Canada Educational Exhibits Cadet Review Japanese Fireworks Canada's Biggest Dog Show America's Greatest Cat Show AND NERO THE BURNING OF ROME The Musical Surprise The Musical Ride Auto-Polo Matches. Circus and Hippodrome Roman Chariot Races Athletic Sports - Great Water Carnival ■* 1 IRISH GUARD S BA N D Scbre of other Famous Bands Twelve Band Conçer ts Daily ~ Wreck of the Airship Withington's Zouaves New Giant Midway ' Grand Double BUI of-Fireworks I PATRICK CONWAY'S BANtTI -23 1913 Sept. 8 TOR ONTO Goosey, Goosey Gander. A miller once hàd à flock of geesë, and he lost them all except one old goose, that for a long time swam round alone on the mill-pond. Now, the miller's wife placed à number of duck's eggs under a hen, and, as soon as they were hatched, the ducklings ran to the water. -The old "goose, seeing the fright and flurry of the hen, sailed up, with a noisy gabble, and took the ducklings ducklings in charge, arid swam about with them. When they were tired, she led them to the shore and gave them back to-the care of the hen, who, to her great joy, found that they were all- safe and sound, The next day down came the ducklings ducklings to the pond, with the hen fuss ing and fretting as before! The goose was waiting near the shore. Whem the ducklings had taken to the water, the hen, to get near them, flew upon the back of the goose, and the two sailed up and down the pond after the ducklings. So, day after day, away sailed the ducklings, and. close behind them came the mother ' hen,- now quite at her ease on the back of the friendly goose, watching her gay little brood. A lady tells this story of a gander gander : "My grandfather was fond of pets, and he had once a droll one, named Swanny. This was a gander he had raised near the house, be cause he had been left alone by "the other geese. "This gander would follow him about like a dog, and would be very angry if any one laid a hand upon him. ' v v ;-'"' /■>"; " : ;* //Swanny sometimes tried to make himself .at home with the flock of geese; but they always drove him away,- and then- he would run and lay his head on my grandfather's knee, as though sure of finding com forb there. "At last he found a friend of his own kind. An old gray goose became. became. blind, and the flock turned her out. Swanny-took pity on her, led her about, and provided for her all the food she needed. "When he thought she needed a swim, he took her neck in. his bill and led her to the water, and then guided her about by arching his neck over hers. "When she hatched out a brood of goslings, Swanny took the best of care of them, as well as of their mother. In this way they lived together together for several veârs." : I , -,:"- - " ; ! Miller's Worm Powders are not surpassed by- any other preparation as a vermifuge- of worm destroyer. - Indeed; there are few preparations ; that have the merit that it has to recommend it. • Mothers, aware of its excellence,! seek its aid at the first indication of the presence of worms in their children, knowing that it is a perfectly trustworthy i medicine that will ' give immediate ' and: lasting relief. The man who said marriage was a habit was probably right, and: herein herein lies the reason why the percentage percentage of marriages among widows is so high. Once you have been accustomed accustomed to the companionship of the opposite sex it is difficult to do without it. In thousands of happy marriages, when one of the partners dies and the survivor remarries, people are | apt to say, - somewhat cynically "He (or she) has soon consoled himself or hersqlf ; and we thought they were such a devoted couple. " The real fact of the matter is, of course, that * having been devoted and happy, the survivor cannot. J bear the unutterable loneliness of single blessedness. These - are generalities. , Now come" the exceptions. No one expected that MrsDducetteTells of her Distressing Distressing Symptoms During of Life and How Site Found Relief. for .the dead Agatha this _couple would have- been ideally happy. "As. it was, they drifted farther and farther apart, arid the dead hand. separated thein. You ' may say he was weak, and condemn him as you. will, but only those who have felt the past rise up and hit them in the face with-recurring violence violence will understand the depth of the tragedy. There are certain things stronger than - ourselves . So it came about that this couple Belleville; Nova Scotia, Can!--' 'Three I parted, and Hamilton trod the years ago I .was suffering badly with same old weary round of leaving a _ the doctors woman not because he did not love iücaljéd Ch an ge_ of her, but because he did. Yt is not ü^ lfe ' T J™ - an easy problem, this, but the diat I had to stay m greatest tragedies in life occur be- M fcween those who love too much, not told me to take Lydia too . ' . E. Pinkham's Vege- T , table Compound and It was after dinner one night that it helped me from he nerved himself to the parting, the first. It is the and this time it was Evelyn who only medicine I stood by the fire, looking into it took that did help with a vague wondering, me and I recommend | Geoffrey came over to her arid A. - U £ • 1,1 i - , ' You don't know how thankful and lifting her face in both his hands! i. I give you permission | irisRpd b^ mV--' it. . , grateful I am. 1 give you permission I kissed her very - tenderly There Hamilton would marry again when to publish what your good medicine has was & ii eilce f or a moment and then Agatha died ; but he did, and this is done for me."--Mrs, Simon Doucette, the woman spoke, bow it came to pass, and-the se- Belleville,. Yarmouth Co., Nova Scotia, "I made a mistake," she said 9U f- w .,. Such'waming symptoms as sense of «X?" f<• Jor fifteen years tire Hamilton* a uffocati o„-he«ad 1 e£heaaaches,back^ for me then, I .could make you were almost ideally happy, ^ and I acheSjdread of im p endi „g evil, timidity, I «are-a little." then the subtle element of jealousy sounds in the ears, palpitation of the crept into their relations. It. was heart, e sparks before thë eyes, irregu- not - that he flirted, but with growth lari ties, constipation, variable appetite, of popularity--he was a novelist of | weakness and inquietude, and dizziness, are promptly heeded by intelligent women women who are approaching the period in | lessly--"and I CC t a some note--he attracted attention, and many women • found him interesting. interesting. A husband likes his wife to be considered interesting by other men. It confirms his wisdom in the selection of a mate. Very few wives, however, care for thqir husbands husbands to be admired by other women. women. The little Children Cry for Fletcher's I do care, and.,that's the trouble." trouble." 2 What else matters 2". You know my story V ' / "Yes"--she -...'smiled rather mirth - . .. . . _ _ 3sly--"rind I thought that to-| life when woman's great change may gether we might write over the past ( be expected. I * two pasts, for mine was not very * Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-, happy, and honestly, quite honest- pound invigorates and strengthens the ly, I cared for you, or, believe me female organism and builds up the weak- I should not have acted as I did " ened nervous system. It has carried "I know," he said. "I honor many women safely through this crisis, you for it, arid I love you for it. If you want special advice write to The pity is that through no fault of Lydia E.Pinkhain Medicine Co. (confl- ( yours or of mine the whole sorry THe Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his personal personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children--Experience against Experiment. What Is CASTOR IA Castoiia is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Paregoric, Props and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It .contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and [Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, . assimilates the Food,' giving healthy arid natural sleep. The Children's Panacea-^The Mother's Friend, ~ GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS > Bears the Signature of riff, nf QncmVi^r. -rmA» -rinitnain medicine uo. ^cvnn- yours or or started developed amazin^lv au£k f entlal) ÿnn, Mass. Your letter will business has come to grief." buaruea cteveiopea amazingly quick- be opened, read and answered by a "T Uro . , ly, until mutual relations became woman, and held in strict confidence. ,. ■ ,, ve telt> would for a long impossible. Agatha; being miser * -- J time Use For Over 30 Years ITHECVf.mtaiid'coMPANY. NEW YOU K CITY. able, was constitutionally unable to I had not occurred -to him but he I is î'?®' ? °" know wh ^* a Pa-limpse'st refrain from malangv Geoffry^equal- Vas in that unstrung ne"oi» state "No " - ly miserable, and then he' became w hen anv If " „ doubly so because a constant sue- knowledi of hum?n T, Wlth ' a L 4 n o1 ^ sc ^ 11 on wluch a record | cession of scenes entirely prevented Srlïel i weakness can has been written, a record that him doing any good work; fhZ l moral balance, and cannot be obliterated. Then later, w ^ <1 ' ^<1 this was Evelyn J when that record was no longer wanted, and when scrolls were val- She ^ was a widow, and a slight uable as human lives, the'old writr •As a consequence he took to. find- J Richards, irig relief outside his home. I Made Him Homesick. : A man walking into a restaurant inadvertently left the door open. A big man eating his lunch immediately immediately yelled, "Shut the door, you fool ! Where were you raised--in a stable 2" The man who had left the door open closed it, and then, dropping dropping into a seat, buried his face in his hands and began to weep. The big man looked somewhat uncomfortable, uncomfortable, and finally rising walked up to the. weeper and tapped him on the shoulder.- "My friend," he said, "I didn't intend to hurt your feelings. I only wanted you to close the door." The man who was weeping- weeping- raised his head and grinned. "Old man," he said, "I'm not crying crying because you hurt my feelings, but because you ask me if I was raised in a stable, and every time I hear an ass bray it makes me " homesick." . . - - ? of the . amazing ^ things m acquaintance of some years' stand- I ing was, so to speak, whitewashed q arreis pf this nature is the man- mg, but not a woman with whom ever, arid a new story written ; but n r m wmeh-trmes feed the flame Hamilton had ever been on terms underneath the old story remained, . mis^ust. ^ . Othello discovered j of the slightest intimacy. ' unobliterated, crying for a stroke er? an<i he . has had maIly foll ^ w " A chance meeting, : though, one of the sponge to bring it to light. ■ -• . - J day afforded him some pleasure, J That s the trouble .with me. I love fjeiore long matters reached a I for she was Undeniably attractive new record, but the old writing j stage in - which Agatha was never and the sequel to this meeting was insists." nappy %nless ; making herself miser- -an arrangement to go to a theatre 1310 woman subsided into a chair able, ifvthe paradox, may be ex- the following evening. They went k y *he fire and began to cry quiefc- cused;., by searching through her and Hamilton found rest and for- ly - husband s papers.and documents in getfulness. ■- I - ; "I could kill myself," Geoffrey! ° £ find ^ S <.hk After the piece they adjonrned to CO, - , !fr" Cd l : "P?, rha l- !i J • . : r ! T her l^orne for sironer and after- ougllt to have done, but all this is ™ rds " l tor ati hour smokingAnd Ronger than myself 1 don't ask| to prove him a monster of iniquity, then, now it happened the man "I'm sorry for you--I'm sorrv for and having broken her own heart knew,, but suddenly myself.' 40,000 LABORERS FARM WANTED FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA 11 GOING TRIP WEST." $10.00 TO WINNIPEG Plus half cent per mile from Wlnnipèg up to MacLeod, Calgary, or Edmonton. " RETURN TRIP EAST." $18.00 FROM WINNIPEG Plus half cent per milefrom allpoints east of MacLeod, Calgary or Edmonton to Winnipeg AUGUST 18th AUGUST 22nd AUGUST 25th with this mythical material, she, the woman rose from where she i --uuv, - - . . . . . He bent over and kissed her. womanlike, - set to break J. as slt J mg » aT1 5*' coming over to "Never believe that I don't love h13 ' ^ ? t? h J tl \ e fire P re + P ara - you, because I do. But we've got | She succeeded in making the pair OT, *> tokjng his leave, put her p art . rm - more -grieved thai I of them unutterably miserable, and hands .on his shoulders and kissed can ^11 you for you, but be a little then Hamilton took the matter in- W- • B ® f< ? re g u ÿ e - knew what Lorry for me sometimes, when you to his own handis and decided that] ^ doing , h . e had , taken her in | think o£ me> a wanderer--lonely-- something must be done. There were no grounds for a divorce, divorce, so that mo-st disastrous of all matrimonial arrangements -- separation--was separation--was decided upon. In this case neither party did. form any new attachment. Strange, as it may seem, at the back of all their biek- grippedi by a dead hand and longing | for _ human sympathy. That's my his arms and kissed her back. 'Are you angry with me for ^ that" she said "I don't know I position.^GcS'prfcy"us both!" 1 what prompted me, but I felt I 1 ^ -- * * must." '-No," said Hamilton; "I like you for it." GOING DATES --From all stations Kingston to Renfrew inclusive and east thereof in Ontario. --From Toronto and West on Grand Trunk Main Line to Sarnia inclusive and South thereof. r--From Toronto and North-Western Ontario. North of but not including Grand Trunk. Line Toronto to Sarnia arid East of Toronto to Kingston, Sharbot Lake and Renfrew, Including these points. SEPTEMBER 3rd--From Toronto and all stations in Ontario East of but not Including Grand Trunk Line Toronto to North Bay. SEPTEMBER 5th--From all station^ on Grand Trunk Line Toronto to North Bay inclusive, ^ÇdWest thereof in Ontario, including C.P.R. Line Sudbury to Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, but not including Azilda and West. ' ONE-WAY SECOro-CLASS T1ÇÏETS VILL BB SOLD TO WINNIPEG ONLY .One-way seamd class tickets to Winnipeg only will be sold. Each ticket will include a verification certificate, with an extension coupon. When extension coupon has been signed at Winnipeg by a farmer, showing he has engaged the holder to work as a farm laborer, the coupon wiil r be honored up to. September 30th for ticket at rate of one-half cent per mile (minimum fifty cents) to_ any station west of Winnipeg on the Canadian Pacific, Canadian Northern or Grand Trunk Pacific Railways In Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta,, but not west of Edmonton, Calgary or MacLeod, Alta. A certificate will be issued entitling purchaser to a second-class ticket good to return nom any station on the Canadian Pacific, Canadian Northern, or Grand Trunk Pacific Railways in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba east of MacLeod, Calgary and Edmonton to original starting point by the same route as travelled on going journey, on or before November 30th, 1913, on payment of one half cent per mile (minimum fifty cents) up to Winnipeg added to «18.00 from Winnipeg, provided the holder deposits the certificate with the ticket agent on arrival at destination, and works at least thirty days at harvesting. For full particulars see nearest C.P.R. Agent, or write-- M. G. MURPHY. D.P.A., C.P.R.. Toronto C. B. KENT, Agent, Bowmanville. I love you for it, though I've There was a sob in her throat as > , ■ , - , she spoke. "But I .do understand, o^y made you unhappy, dear. Don't think I don't under- L ? ou ha ™ n *' she sard through . , ... . .stand. . I do, because I love you-- tears; "but, oh, its hardto iet And thenceforward, though rie- because of' what I have been you 80 * erings they still eared for one an-1 ver a word of love had passed be- through." ■ - - " "It's hard to go." other deeply, and Agatha never tween those^two they ^suddenly saw ."I wish I could set you free " he « " She shouId have a little pity."- ceased to cry for the man who for each omer in an entirely new as- sa id. " J . ' fifteen years had been all in -all to P ecfc '_ barriers went by the "I don't want to be set free " I back to you; until then," and he her, while, though Geoffry found board aud a marriage was speedily she said bravely. 'Home time--who ki *f ed her--"good-bye >7 peace and a new energy for work,. . , , m „„ a,lwa}is, at the back of his mind, ,,„t, mi i, rrla8 f„ so f-rangely and sud- hcr5 loosen bu t I can't keep was a gnawing anxiety as to what | deidy . brought ab;out might have 1 -- - - p «; as _ l^PPening to tire-.woman "\tire j |.vou isTtting^vou go. Oh, I know knows--my hold may strengthen, but I can't keep My strongest hold on •2" and once meant so much to him. I an £ " « >>ut. not quite in the that though some women might ^onirarewncihation. were pos-1 person would | not. Kiss me and toll me you don't think the worse of me for taking you as I did." Wedded to Gods. Most of the dancing girls in India belonging to the temples are called the wives of the gods. At an early age they are united in * wedlock to- ! the images worshipped in the temples. temples. This strange matrimonial j connection is formed in compliance | • with the wishes of the parents, who ! believe it to be a highljr meritorious act to present a beautiful da,Ughter ;: ThsLargestSalstfAnyMsdicin*ihthm Wosié in marriage to à senseless idol../ Sold everywhere.^In boxes, 25'ccnta. sible ! It might have .been if the bave, anticipated. estrangement had been founded on To begin -with, it was quite satis- some big tangible sin or trouble, factory arid happy..: Evelyn was af- but when the tiny original, rift has feetionate and not exacting. She been widened by a - thousand and quite honestly eared for the man one intangible nothings, strange as & be had thrown over all her. re- it ^ may seem, the . difficulties of serves to win. ! bridging - over are incomparably a Nqt a nice woman," you may greater. . ; • say, but there are certain women-- So matters ; drifted on until and who is to blame • them 2--who Agatha died ---lonely, miserable, kn<)w that it is up to them to make heart-broken---and her husband rie-. the-running. . She had merely reaver reaver really got over it, as the sequel lized that any overtures- must come shows. .. from herself- and. had taken mea- ; That was Hamilton's first mari- sures accqrdinglyj; just as in one riage, and you might have- thought swift decision slie had taken her that he would not have been! in a measure of the man and felt that he very great hurry to make another w °uld be good to her. experiment, but, as a matter of What she did riot and could- not fact, it was only a very short time know was how deeply graven into before he was tied up once itiore, bis being was that first marriage, and how this came. about was curi-t Agatha was the rck on which their ous. ' " _ ' . short-lived happiness foundered, The; thought of marrying again strangely enough, the more contented with his present lot Geof- fry Hamilton became, the more her reproaches from the grave string into him. ky.-;. He became obsëssed with the idea of her years of misery. He could never get away from the thought of her. He imaged her night and day. - She walked his house and sat between between them at. meals, and the more he tried to lay ' this ghost the stronger it grew. J Ju&t as in the first marriage trouble trouble ensued .throjigh slight misunderstandings, misunderstandings, so here difficulties began through imperceptible shadows. shadows. There was. never a quarrel,- never a word of disagrèernénfc. But 'There'll he no othér- she faltered. "Good Heavens !" he muttered. ' 'How could there be 2" "I know--I know-- j And .so they parted. And so end- me you don t . . u y * , fX», ed Hamilton s .second marriage. ITTLE IYER PILLS. helps to women's comfort, physical well-being, and beauty--sure to promote promote healthy, natural action of the organs of digestion and elimination --the tonic, safe-and ever reliable CURE Blok Headache and relieve all the troubles incident incident to a bilious state ot the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating. Pain in the Side, *o. -While their most remarkable success has been shown in curing SICK When Asthma, Gomes do not despair. despair. Turn at once to the help effective--Dr. J. D. Kellog's Asthma Remedy. This wonderful remedy will give you the aid you need so sorely. Choking ceases, breathing becomes natural arid without effort Others, thousands of them, have suffered as you. suffer but have wise ly turned to this famous remedy rind ceased to suffer. Get a package this very day. down watched the snake drink the milk he had left for it. After watching for some time the mother moved forward, calling to the boy,, and upon seeing her the snake raised itself and disappeared, while she seized the child and rushed rushed indoors. Next morning, putting a plate of warm milk on the ground, the father father waited for the snake to make its appearance. It ca-me, and although although somewhat puzzled at the absence of the child, began to drink the milk, while the man raised his gun and shot it. For some time afterwards the boy came every day to the spot, and wept because his strange : companion companion failed to make its appearance. -*- THE SNAKE AND THE BOY, An Incident of the. Perils of Life in Africa. ' , Headaoh* yet Carter's little Liver Pills are " Bln Constipation, curingandp joying complaint, while they a. correct all disorders of the s tomach^timulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured A lady living in Africa was. in the aauwHi^ wo* wuwro mtuo um nus bip | i i •. f _i ii • v i*, ,v v . equally ralusble in Constipation, curing and pre* hablfc of lotting her little boy eat venting thlsannoylngcomplaint.whIle theyaiao | ^ porridge outside. One morning morning on going out she was horrified to find the boy sitting on a stone, and by his side a huge venomous snake. Alternately the amazing pair took a spoonful of _the porridge, porridge, the boy holding the spoon to the snake. All at once the reptile raised its head as if to strike, but instead., curving its head downwards, downwards, it took some milk out of the plate. In anger the boy. struck it with the spoon, saying at the same time, ■ 'No, no, Bom Slong; my turn now." The reptile only cowered down, watching the child out of its tiny eyes. ■>/ The child, finished the porridge, and putting the plate i Juba they would be almost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; bht fortunately fortunately their goodnessdoes not end here, and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable valuable in so many ways that they will not be willing willing to do without them. But after alleick heal lathe bane of so many lives that here is whet* we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not." ' ; '4 iVf : f ; z ■■■ , .'ft"- Carter's Little LiTer PUls are very «mall and very easy to take.. One or two pilla makes dosa. They are strictly: vegetable and do not grips or purge, but by their gentle action, please all who CASTS MD1SÎ8S 00^ M1WYMUL Only Flacc to Escape. "Where is he from 2" '"I don't know, but I think he was raised on a desert island." "What in. the world makes you think that 2". "He says no woman ever made a fool of him." If a man is too proud to beg and too honest to steal, what business has he in politics 2 OTTAWA Sept 5 -13, 1913 Gentrai Canada EXHIBITION Freight Paid on all Live Stock Exhibits from Ontario and Quebec joints. Two Daily Aeroplane Flights starting from front of Grand Stand. Great Spectacular Show, "Siege of Delhi," and latest creations in Fireworks. Full Programme Six Days and Six Nights. New $100.000 Implement Hall Completed. >20,000 in Premiums Exciting Horse Races ndustrial Displays 8 Vaudeville Troupes Free Band Concerts Lowest railway rates Big improved Midway. Entries close Aug2g Prize List, Programme, etc., sent on .application. .application. W- E. McMahon. Manager, v ÿS ; /-E!-'//OT r 26' Sjjtii'rké^stv Ottawa, j®* S M -V 'r ! l i # % V." ÎTOMBKÿ > - ■ mm*;

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