jtiwiWÿjgi S X <1 I ■ G. T. R. BOWMANVILLE STATION. GOING BAST. Express 8.62 a. m. Express 10.18 „ Passenger 8.86 p.m. I«ocal 6.40 Pas>enger 7.18 Mail 0.68 : Daily BOWMANVILLE. SEPT. 25, 1913 GOING WEST îExpress 4.22 a. m Local 7.02 „ Local 9.45 „ Passenger ' 1.38 p.m. .'Passenger 7.19 „ Mr. S. friends. Day Visitors. W. Saunders, Toronto, with >1 I I 1 I I Y OU SEE--they take extra precautions at the factory to insure every South Bend Watch , being an accurate timekeeper. They test it in an electric heated oven and then in a refrig- - crator, and put it through many other tests and it must keep accurate time under all these tests before it is allowed to leave the factory. And then they use only the best grade of material in constructing constructing them. That's why every South Bend Watch owner is a satisfied one. Because we know these facts we guarantee every South. Bend Watch we sell to give satisfaction satisfaction or money back. But we have never had to give money back yet Come in and look us over. Millbrook, at Mr. at her any C. H. HADDY The Jeweller Bowman ville then the DESCRIPTION Design Bridge model of latest design. Plates----Genuine nickel--not brass nickel plated as in many makes--insuring an • even expansion and contraction in changes of temperature. temperature. , Jewels---Selected ruby and sapphire jewels throughout -- are harder and not so easy to chip or break *8 the garnet jewels generally used* ' Escapement--Double roller--this overcomes overcomes all danger of over banking which would stop the watch. Steel Escape Wheel--Harder brass commonly used. Loyer Set---Protects you against accidental moving of the hands. Regulator--A patent micrometer nut and screw--no danger of back lash. Balance Wheel -- Compensating -- auto- rustically adjusts itself to changes of tempe» store, etc. Hair Spring -- Breguet -- the very beet made. Adjustments--Temperature isochronism and five positions. Yeïy closely rated under each one of these adjustments. Bluish--Very highly and beautifully finished finished throughout. Gold lettering. I ». » '» ». Sample Gasoline Engines At Special Prices r ^. 6 HêP. size*. They have been only slightly used. They will be adjusted and in Deflect Deflect condition and just like new before leaving our factory. P i ices and further particulars on request. THE PAGE WIRE FENCE COMPANY, Limited, Toronto, Ontario. 37-4wsn The WHITE STAR 1 DOMINION LINE V. & » % », FOR BUSINESS FOR PLEASURE Sailings from Montreal and . Quebec *Lanrentic,Sept.27 Canada, Oct. 4th "XWeganfcic, " 11th Teutonic, " 13th"; Rates from : First Class - S92 50 One Class Cabin (II) 50.00 and 55.00 Second Class. 53.75 Third Class, 31 25 and 32.53 VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE NEAR GRAFTON. 160 acres, more or Jess, being composed of parts of lot 24 and 25. con. 2, Township of - Haldimand, 2.r miles from Grafton and 8 miles from Cobourg on good rpad, -1- mile from school, 11 miles from Cheese & Butter factory, with rural mail and telephone connection. On the premises are a comfortable frame house with woodshed attached, attached, two large barns with stabling for 30 head of cattle and 9 head of horses; also large piggery, water in stables, wind mill and silo; 800 young apple trees coming into bearing; 10 acres of hardwoocl pine and cedar- well watered with never failing stream; soi* a good deep loam "well adapted for grain and stock; well fenced and in good state of cultivation. Will take .«40 per acre with half or one' third down, balancé secured by mortgage at C per cent. Owner retiring from farming. Apply on the premises or by mail to James Drumm, Grafton, Ont., R. R. No. 1. 38-tfgn Mr. J. L. Thompson, Port Hope, at Mr. W. B. Couch's. Mr. W. J. McMurtry, London, visited his brother John. Mr. W. H. Veale, Toronto, attended Bowmanville Fair. Mr. J. W. Hamilton, Richard Osborne's. Mrs. W. McCulloch, Toronto, father's, Mr. N. Horne. Mr. L. N. McNall and Miss McNall, Port Hope, at Mr. A. Tail's. Mr. and Mrs.Geo.Todd,Oshawa, guests of their aunt Mrs. L. Paterson. Mr. S. H. Reynolds, Bothwell, at his daughter's, Mrs. Ervine Foster. Mrs. Geo. P. Freeland and daughter, Toronto, at her father's, Chièf Jarvis. - Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Roenigk, Lindsay, guests of her sister, Mrs. W. F. Dale. Mr. Nelson Dingman apd Mrs. W. Mor- combe, Pickering, at Mr. W. Dingman's. Miss Gertrude S.omerville, Port Perry, with her cousin, Miss Helen Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Caswell, Sacramento, Sacramento, California, were. guests of Mr. H. A. Fletcher. Miss Helen Ford, B. A., and Miss Candace Clare, Newcastle, were guësts of Mrs. John Rice. • Mrs. Ratcliffe and Miss Isobel F. Rat- cliffe, Toronto, were guests of Miss Florence Hoar. Mrs. John Archer, Mrs. Ed. Hambly, Mrs. F. R. Heal, Toronto, guest of Mr. and Mrs; W. W. Allin. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Osborne, Mr. arid Mrs. John Allman, Whitby, Mrs. James Hern* Toronto, at Mr.' J. N. McDougall's. Mrs. I. N. Wolfe, Agincourt, Miss Mercy Walton, Toronto, Miss Laura and Robbie Watt, Newcastle, were guests of Mrs.Thos. Nichols. - remedies, tf Mr. Albert Bottrell, Toronto, is visiting his brother John. Miss FI va Power is visiting Mrs. A. Brewster, Detroit, Mich. Mrs. W. Rosevear, Toronto, is her mother Mrs. J. Johnston. Miss Alice Werry, Bethesda, visiting Miss" Helen Johneton. Mrs. Howard Hoskin, Akron, Ohio, guesf of Mrs. Chas. Wattleworth. : Rev. Norman Johnston, Fostoria, OÎî is visiting his brother, Mr. C. A. Johnston? Mr. Roy W. Warnica left Tuesday attend the Normal School at North Should you require the services of an ambulance phone io. L. Morris & Son.- Snow fell covering the ground around Lake Superior on Sept. 21, earliest in 20 years. - z ■ Miis Dtneen and Miss Helen Dineen. Chicago, 111., are guests of Mrs. Albert L. Darch. • ' _ ' Saturday you can get a 50c box of chocolates far 29c at Jury & Lovell's, will like them. Gay--At.Con, l"Gay, a : mLiSr--At Leskard, Sept. 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wild Willis, a Son. OMBOUGir--In Bowman ville, Sept. 17, to n * a „ „ ra . ®* Itombough, a son. DuPrees--Near Bowmanlille. Sept. 12, to Mr. agy Mjw.^iienwe DuFrees, a son. --® TA ^î; T ON-- In Clarke, Sept. 13, to Mr. and M 3^jjj ^«H>Ieton, a son. -In Bowmanville, Sept. 10, to Mr, and PtnDhallis, a daughter. Bradley--At Oshawa Hospital, Sept.. 13, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Edgar Brad ley,, a son, - MARRIAGES _ Gibson--McComb--In Toronto, Sept. 17, Bertha, eldest daughter of Mr. James McComb, formerly of Orono, and Mr. "Delbert Matthew Gibson, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Elliott, North Bay, Mrs. Wm. Carscadden and son, Harner. visited at Mr. J. C. Elliott's. Master Lloyd Rice who was confined to his bed all last week and under the doctor care, is ablè to be around again. All orders promptly filled for weddin„ invitations, printed or engraved; call and see samples; M. A. James & Son. Mrs. J. T. Hooper has returned from a very, pleasant visit with Mrs. E. Maxsom, Lindsay, where she also attended Lindsay Fait. - v - Rev. H. B. Kenny is attending the Alumni Association of the Theological Conference of Victoria University in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard and family and Mrs. John Beacock are enjoying a weeks at Caesarea, the home of the summer summer tourist. Colborne Fair Sept. 30/and Oct. 1. Said to be one of the best in Central Ontario. Ontario. single fair on railways. John Morrow, Morrow, Secretary. Good chocolates--Fords chocolates are known as "Canada's Best." We sell them ine good. Jury & Lovell. Misses Queenie Ramsay, Marion M. VanNest, Effa.Wight and Messrs Harvey Wight and Milton Tucker, Orono, arè attending Normal School at Peterboro. We believe we are showing the finest ,, ctIT « • • j j .and most up-to-date stock of Ladies' _Mrs. S. H. Jeffery and daughter, Mary, coats shown by any house outside the Toronto, Mrs. T. E. Hardy, Whitby, and cities. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman. Mrs W'SfeifhV m 0n ' V,SltCd at Thos. Yeliowlee,, Secretary, Toronto, m, "Jm *a a ~ Durham Old Boys' Association, wants àll t u r * fïî- iif,".-l owers, Orono, Mr. members who can to attend Orono Fair John Alhn, Whitby, Mr. Heber and Miss j and Re-Union. Single fare on C. N. Ry., ®ttibone--Martin--At Bowmanville, sept. Bjey» W.N. Arnold, Nellie B. eldest daughter daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Martin. Leskard, and Mr, Roy Petti bone, Colborne. Sleep--Brimmell--In Toronto, Sent. 10, by S. Cleaver, Mr. Samuel Luther Sleep, Blythe Mary, daughter of. the late John Brimmell, Lindsay, and Mrs. Brimmell, Toronto. Whyte--Wood--On Sept. 17, at St. Thomas' church, Millbrook, by Rev. Canon Allen, Ger-i | -v.., e „, usan ' youngest daughter of the late Archibald Archibald Wood and Bruce Courtenay Whyte, M. IX, Port Hppa*-- ^Rayner--Gibson--In St. George's church, •Newcastle, Sept. 10, by; Rev. Jas. E. Fenning, Rector, Mr.. Gilbert Bayner, Streetsvilie. anil Miss Helen Margaret, 1 eldest daughter of Mr. . J. Gibson. Newcastle. , ?, r ? w n--Perry--At the residence of the bride's grandfather, Mr. F.N. Stevens, Bowman- Ie 'S e R t -1?, by Rev. H. B.-Kenny, pastor of the Methodist church, Mr. Herbert Frederic Brown and Miss Lily Ellen Perry, both of Toronto. Toronto. DEATHS JONES--In Bowmanville, Sept. 23, Lucy S. be- loved wife of Mr. .Edward Jcnes, aged 27 years. XA F , un Êï al / ro F the residence of Mr. Fred Luxton Dnke St., to-day (Thursday) at 2.30 p. m. McCormack--lb Cobourg, Sept. 15, Anna Eliza McCormack, aged 77 years. t P°P e i at Pinehurst, Sept. 17, John David.Smith m his 77th year. Terry--In Darlington, Sept. 18,-Thirza Pearl, daughter of Mr. Wm. R. Terry, aged 3 months. Æ Se Pt-.16. Ann Chapman, relict of the late John Mason, in her 80fch year. Peterl) oro, Sept. 19, Rachael Bell agedJOO-years audio months. Interred at Poitl nope. , . 1 Yell owl e e S - -In Bowmanville, September 17. tell 1-o thank their many customers for their support in the past few weeks and ask for a continuance of saine. : Tâches bought direct from the growers have: given the best satisfaction, as shown : by - the repeat orders. They had the nicest flavor, least waste, and best color of any peaches on the market, i This firm handles nothing but the best goods, regardless of pries'. They hare the repu- . tation of having some of the best Butter oh the market at reasonable prices; fresh eggs, that are fresh, indeed. ry OUr Teas " We have a blend of tea to suit everyone's fancy--Coronation blend at 40c per lb; Peerless at 30c- Japan at 30c; the noted Himalaya in bulk. at 40c lb.* Salada at 30c, 40c, 50c; Red Rose at 30c, 40c, 50c; Lip- ton's at 30c and 40c, and Melagama at 30c and 40c lb -We have the same brand of Coffee as used at the Edward, ground while you wait; Malagama Sa van in tins. Try our Teas and Coffees vinced that we handle nothing but the best. King and White and be con- PHONE 243 BOWMANVILLE i D y- we sen mem Bartera, relict of the late John Yellowlees afred and our.customers say there is nothing*as" years. xenowiees.agea A HEAT MAKER A FUEL SAVER i - c McC o N NAcmE-In Clarke, Sept. 11, Margaret" -Stalker, beloved j\'ife of Peter D. McConnacliie, aged 60 years. ' rr, Ashton--On Sept. 20, at St. Michael's Hospital Toionto, Horace Ashton, aged 60 years. Form- erly of Solina. ^ Olemence At the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Jhomas Slemon, Hamilton, Sepf. 19, William William Henry Clemence. in his 72n 1 year. Shea--At 255 Manning-ave., Toronto, Sept. 18, ^ Vi fn! n f' ? eI o v f(l wife of John Shea. Daughi i late Patrick King, Bowmanville. ■ 1 6 r f.sidence of her son-in-law, Mr. i B r oo J- n *. Sept. 16, Betsy Harris, months^ ^ 16 ^ ate ® ,lc ^ iar d Hoar, aged 94 years, 8 *0T ■air HOT AIR Marion Down, Misses Emily and Eliza. Manning, Ushawa, Mr. Joe Hallock and sister and Mr. Will Bonnetta, Whitby, at W. W. Down's. - Having had numerous requests for the use of-an ambulance, we have added one j to our equipment and it is ready for calls on short notice. Phone ïo. L. Morris & Son. Mr. A. J. Trebilcock, Toronto, spent I ^Regular meeting of Bowmanville Sunday with his parents. I Women's Institute will be held on Friday Miss Sarah Scott, Parry Sound, was re- r-întrï J? .Hooper's, T7---r-.--Ai- j ventre-st. Members and their friends cordially invited. "Lest We Forget" E. R. BÔÜNSALL, Designer and Dealer in .Monuments; Tablets, Markers, etc., in Granite and- Marble. Bowmanville, Ontario. 'Sfefcin* New Fall Ice Cream. The Cream that advertises itself. itself. It is always good. Try a dish and you will always want City Dairy Ice Cream. We also also supply Cream in bulk and bricks in all flavors. Phone us yoür order. Nasmith's Bread Purity and Quality--these two essentials explain the great increase increase in demand for Nasmith's Bread. Try a loaf to-day. Fresh every morning. . W. J. BagQeli BOWMANVILLE cent guést of Miss Eva Curtis. Mrs. R. B. Andrews, Toronto, was guest of Miss Rundle over Sunday. Miss Ethel Freeland and Miss Fern Me Intyre, Toronto, are visiting friends here, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, will have over 200 new students this term, r. Thos. Bottrell and Misses May Bot- rell, Annie Connors were; in Peterboro Wednesday attending the consecration of j Bishop O'Brien whose mother was a Bow- nville girl,Norah Crazon. MrSrH-. Ditchborn leaves today to visit Thanksgiving Day is Monday, Oct. 20. her sister at Carbondale, Pa. She will This is a week earlier than for some I visit Dr. and Mrs.. J. 6. Mitchell, Brock- years. " "" , • I ville, en route and will accompany her Mr. Alexander MacPherson, Stirling, I brother, Mn Andrew Pollard into uncle Scotland, was recent guest of Mrs. W. C. I Sam's domain. Washington. t.-Mr. William Scott, Péterboro, an- Mr. and Mrs. George Callan and daiigb-1 n °unces the engagement r f his daughter, ter, Viola, Toronto, are visiting '-hr- • Florence Stewart, to Mr. Paul Rrn«t parents here. \ , _ _ Mr. f W. A Quibell Miss Qui&l, I feS * take pla " I oronto, spent Sunday here guests of Mr, FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son " Most Complete Equipment Sunday and night calls promptly attended to. Bowmanville Phones 10-34 Branches : ORONO _ HAMPTON I For homes, churches and schools, compare the Hec- la construction and method method of warming and distributing distributing air with othe r heaters. Get expert advice advice but use your own judgment, and we are confident confident that if you choose with regard to facts you will decide in favor of the Hecla warm air heater. For sa'e only by W.H. Dustan ■ Quality Phone 74 Hardware Bowmanville OSITION WANTED- ply to Mrs. E. Cole, ville. ■As housekeeper. Ap- lan- 39tf I -W. B. Couch. Miss Melissa E. Stevens, Manitou, Man., ! is visiting old friends here, guest of Mr. Fenton N. Stevens. rMr.Robt. Battle visited his brother, Mr. W. G. Battle, Lindsay, and attended the Central Exhibition. the first week in October. Carroll and Jusfus Miller, who have been assisting Mr. R. S. Duncan of I the Ontario Department of Agriculture, Port Hope, have returned to the Agricul tural College at Guelph to complete the course for the B.S.A. degree. Misses Doreen and Verna VanNest and Master Norman VanNest, Solina, Mr. F OR SALE--Buggy, • Cutter and Harness. Apply to Mrs. John Hoskin, corner Odell & Prospect street, Bowmanville, 39-lw L OST--Yearling Shorthorn heifer, red with some white, lost in Bowmanville Fair night. Suitable reward. Thos. Baker, Solina. 39rtf ! bright Apply j 3wsn* : WO ^BUILDING LOTS--One-fifth acre each | on Elgin and High sts., Bowmanville. Easy Oritarin T 4H<W r/tl1e«o muL ' ixvieatcr «wnuaii vaiuycst, OOlina, Mr. | _ tenns -.„ Apply to Jas. Smith, King-st., W., open-j RbberfAmot, North Dakota. .Mr. Tohn I Bo ^ anvme " " • 38tf fn ^ 1 attendance I Arnot, Taunton, and Mr. and- Mrs. Har- ' h story of the school. Ivey Hagerman, Oshawa, have been guests Walter Fowlds, Hastings, has been of Mr. and Mrs Blake Oke, Courtice. elected Reeve to fill the^vacancy caused | Mr anH m, c Pickard New Gasoline carrier outfit, capac- • 2lV ta inn .1 „zi t» ? _ a. * . r F. n by resignation of Reeve T. Howard. j _ Mr* and Mrs. William w t c i ,# _ , I castle, have gone.on a month s holiday r< . r, n •*, J* Smale, Manager Brandon I through Western Ontario- and up the Fair, Brandon, Man., and Mrs Smale were jlakes, intending to visit their sons Russell . 80 to 100 tons daily. Prie- Edwin Jennings. Leith Farm, Maple Grove! rraa, "' ,n " 37-3wsn* Bowmanville. $1.50 per hour." le It is time for your new Fall Hat. . Come to the Men's Hat Store. We have a shape to suit every face and head. New Velours, Velours, Plain Felt, Camel Hair, Brush Up, mostly with bow on back. $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00. I Reciïved This Week i I & m New Stiffs The newest, fairly crown with curl. brim bow on back. The low crown, brim, flat set. The higher crown, ium brim. for. the moderate dresser. $2.50, $3.00. low and wide med- more $2.00, m A choice assortment of -H Jardinieres in Brass and Bronze, at exceptionally low prices. Also Fern Pots and Candle Sticks. { See window display with prices attached in plain \ figures. The Anderson Clothing Co'y. W. T. Allen "Big 20" Bookstôre Phone 30 - Bowmanville guests of Mrs. Wm. Cryderman over Sun day. : Mr. A. E. Bradwin, formerly editor of the North Star, Parry Sound, has leased the Goderich Signal from Mr. W, H. Robertson. Sam Hughes would serve the West better if he could devise a combination drill shed and grain elevator.--London Advertiser. - Dr. D. S. Hbig> Oshawa, has gone on an extended trip through Western Canada. Canada. His daughter, Miss Dorothy Hoig, accompanied him. Mr. and Mrs. George Sutherland, Toronto, Toronto, and Miss Etta Jamieson, Tyrone, have been visiting at Mr. David Grigg's and attending Bowmanville Fair. Toronto is to have a postoffice which pot only will excel every postofflee building building in the Dominion, but will, when com pleted, rank with anything on the continent. continent. Mrs. I. J. Rae and Miss Nellie Rie, 2032 Washington Boulevard, Chicago, are Visiting relatives in town, making their home with Mrs. N. T obey .Sri ah ton Ensign. \ * Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Bragg, Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Jewell,Messrs., T. H. and W. J. Clemence attended the funeral of their uncle, William Clemence, Port Hope, Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Bennett, Oshawa, announce the engagement of their daughter, daughter, Florence E., and Mr. James Wilson, the wedding to take place Wednesday, Sept. 24th. Mrs. John Bellamy, Moose Jaw, Sask., spent the week-end with her brother, Mr. J. H. Cryderman. She came East to attend attend the Board meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society in Toronto. Miss Maude Clemence, Toronto, who attended the funeral of her uncle, William Clemence, Port Hope, stopped off at Bowmanville on her return and spent Monday with some of her sisters here. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Cole have returned to their home in Pierson, Iowa, after a pleasant visitvwith her father, Mr. W. C. Blackburn and other relatives here. Her sister Miss K. Blackburn accompanied them home for 9. visit. and Carl at Kingsville and Windsor, respectively, respectively, and Norman at Port Arthur. Mrs. Vermilyea, Belleville, and two grant sons, Farley and Geo. Faulkner, Dr. Dan Faulkner and Rev. A. L. Brown, Fox- boro, called on Dr. Faulkner at the hospital. hospital. We are pleased to state that Dr. Faulkner is recovering nicely from his serious operation for ^appendicitis. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman call particular attention to their very fine stock of velvets in plain, shot, corded and brocades also the wide silk ve vets for dresses and mantlé plush for coats. The finest stock of these goods ever shown in town. Your eyes will be taxed bej ond the limit if you try to read when the print blurs or try to sew when you cannot thread yoür needle without holding it away more than 14 inches from the eye. We make no charge for carefully testing your sight. Jury & Lovell. When we test eyes it is done properly. Jury & Lovell. Be one of us and meet our friends, they all want to send you post cards and exchange exchange letters with you. We have a list of people all over the world,-nothing more pleasingjand p easant. Send 10 cents for full particulars to the Canadian Correspondence Correspondence Bureau, P. O. box 891, Montreal. 38-4W * , Return of the Favorites--Perry's Peerless Players with Dan Molloy and Hazel Corinne will soon bè back again with all new shows for a short engagement engagement of only three nights. This season Mr. Perry has secured some very beautiful beautiful productions which he will present at popular prices. This Company is well known to the local people and carry all new special scenery and effects for each attraction, .which is presented complete in every detail. New vaudeville specialties will be presented between the acts. Keep the dates open--Oct. 2, 3, 4--if the Company Company you know to be.--Advt. F ARM TO RENT--ISO acres of lot 2 con..5, Dar- lington, east of Bethesda, 10 acres orchard, well watered, fall plowing done, immediate possession. Apply to M. A. James, Bowmanville. ~ 14-tf sn F OB SALE--Goocl range, also new perfection i oil stove, as good as new. Farther informa- BowSîme'- A ' MCC "" 0CH ' S ' Wellington-st., H EIFER^STRAYKD, on lot 29, con. 2, Darling- ton. Owner may have same by provingpron- and Paving expenses " T * p R. R. No. 2, Bowmanville. . ts I 1 1 K*3 h I P I 1 Are Personally Invited to Visit Our Store and Carefully Inspect Our Immense New Display of W. H. Nichols, " 38 3w* J FOR SALE--140 acres, lot 19, con. 7, ■ Darlington, i mile from Enniskillen on the mam road to Bowmanville. For particulars ! apply to E. Hanna, Hampton or Levi A. Tole town y . 36-tf ' F " OR SALE--Will sell for $300, First-class work I team,also brand new double set harness and i wagon, and also 2-year old colt broken, will make a fine driver, Uhos. Pearl, Manvers Rd., Bowmanville. 39-iws* B ROOCH LOST--Between Enfield and Hamn- ton, V1 8, C. W. ■ Sonch's side road, thence east from W. T. Taylor's corner to Guide Board corner .and then south, a gold crescent Set with pearls, three stars. Reward for return to Mrs John colwill, Jr., Hampton. 37-tfsii i Ladies' and "Misses' Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A The Bell Telephone Company of Canada Canada is soon .to print a new issue of its Official Telephone Directory for the District District of Central Ontario, including Bowmanville Parties who contemplate becoming subscribers,.. subscribers,.. or those who wish changes in their present entry should place their orders orders with the Local Manager at once to insure insertion in this issue. Connecting Companies Should also report additions and changes changes in their list of subscribers either to the Local Manager, or direct to the Special Agent's Department, Montreal. The Bell Téléphoné Company of Canada 35-2wsn : The Newest Creations in Art Production. Class, Leadership, Quality, Value--all distinctive features. features. The label, "Northway Garments," is a guarantee guarantee of quality and satisfaction. Our stock of General and Fancy Dry Goods is now . complete in all departments. I I Ex Agents for Home Journal Patterns S. W. Mason & Son Next door to Standard Bank, Bowmanville» ij^S'iwVi 1 X,