; - f *s9 eSa • '. K >v.*i ÈSK r>. tT~^:szzj~ found in other teas ; 44 BLACK, MIXED OR j NATURAL GREEN to a Packet* Only of Imitations EA8YTOU8E 'OTOOD FORiTHETSHOES » «nilal. }| ini :: H!ji!iiii!Hiiii!ii|!!!!i!!!;;!i|ji!|I.y ---Ù •• iLii i u!iianre:aii!HHi=ii;SiU:::ÜH!!uÜ;Sr EDITOR'S JJOUQUETS. M. A. James, of . 'the Bowmanville Statesman, on August 1, entered upon his 36th year in the editorial chair of thaï: paper and we extend heartiest congratulations congratulations to him. Mr. James has given Bowman Bowman ville an interesting, up-to-date newspaper newspaper all these years, and we feel sure it will continue to be what it now is, one of. the best weekly nëwspapers in Ontario.-- Whitby-Gazette-Chronicle. ;We sincerely congratulate Mi A. James of The Bowmanville Statesman on his .tong teim,otseryiçiéiândf the àbüitywhijéh naS marked it and expressing the wish that his hopes for the, future may be more than realized. We have also to say that the Expositor can go him one better. The senior editor of ., this paper has beén on deck continuously for fourty-three years, and he has the conceit to think that he is just about as good as he ever was. Biit the senior editor of the Mitchell Advocate downs us all, as he has occupied his present present position for over fifty-three years. We think, however, that these gentlemen, the editors of the Advocate, the Expositor Expositor and the Statesman will bear . off the honors in the order named for length of active journalistic service in Ontario, if pot _ in the Dominion.--Sea forth Expositor. Expositor. A VERSE TO MEMORIZE Abolish Forever the Little Red Schoolhouse One Public School Inspector, at least, falls in with our suggestion last week in The Editor Talks' columns about spending spending that $195,000 for agricultural education. education. The country schools should have a large share of it in some form or other of a practical character, for the little red schoolhouse, he thinks, must go. Here is an . extract 'from the inspector's letter which refers 1 more particularly to that part of our article, about centralized schools, about which he seems to be more enthusiastic" even than we are, for we real- that much information about such ize schools is necessary before one can institute institute a really safe comparison with the present rurâl school in every section: _ "I was pleased to see your splendid ar- tide on the Rural School problem in this week's issue of The STATESMAN. It is excellent in every way and if I understand things aright it will be quoted in many papers. I am pretty well acquainted with the work and know of no other plan of modernizing the rural schools You just keep right on developing the principle and the country people will soon come to see the problem in the light that you do. To my mind Rowell is missing one of the grandest opportunities of his life for this plan is something worth while. The plan i is sound jn every way aiid unanswerable. I What ah immense saving there would be : in, the cost of inspection l . One inspector would be able to do the work of five, at least, affecting a saving of $10,000. Then the cost of Model SchooIs and such like would be wiped out altogether. What a big saving here I There would be a saving saving in Normal Schools if it is the intention intention of the Department to erect more. Am I not à ■self-sacrificing man ? But we must look at the general good. Things are wrong. The old system has served its day and generation and must give way, as you remark, to something worth, while. The school garden problem, etc., is somewhat somewhat of a farce under the present school system, - There is bound, to be a great awakening and you will come in for no small share ôf the praise for having brought it about. What is more large than knowledge, and more sweet? Knowledge of thoughts and deeds, of rights, and'wrongs! : A Of passions, and of beauties, and of songs. Knowledge of life--to feel its great heart beat v v . ■ Through all the soul upon her. crystal seat; To see, to feel, and evermore to know, To till the old world's wisdom till it.grow A garden for the wandering of our feet. Oh, for a life of leisure and brdad hours, To think, to dream,-to put away small things, This world's perpetual leaguer of dull . naughts; To wander like the bee among the. flow- ■ ers » V Till old age find us weary, feet and wings Grown heavy with the gold of many thoughts'. ^LL teas may look toyou tile différence in Rpse Tea is in the taste and the smell. Another marked difference is the agreeable strength that puts real quality in the cup with less tea in the pot. Will yqju try it. most guard Oil For Toothache.--When you have so unwelcome a Visitor apply Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil according to_ directions and you will find immediate relief. It touches the nerve with soothing effect and the pain departs at once. That it will ease toothache is another fine quality of this Oil, showing the many uses it has. THE CUNNING OF THE WOLF; Their Ability to Detect a Trap Is Almost Uncanny. ' V STARKVILLE Barns With Season's Crop Wiped Out A destructive fire occurred on the farm IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL, of David McMillan, Starkyille, on Monday , * . - • ' • • T; - " Mr. Harry C. Tait, "Sunnybrook Farm" Edson, Alta., under date date of Sept. 2, writes : We have had a very favorable and lovely summer but have not had oür usual rainy season, but have had plenty- of moisture but no overabundance of rain to causé the usual flooding in our creek. FREED AFTER 38 YEARS. --^ Rev. John Garbutt, former pastor of Bowmanville Methodist Church, now of Cobourg, writes us this kindly compliment in a letter regarding a young man's success after being trained in this office : "What gifts a young man of the right sort has will manifest themselves with opportunity. I do not know of an office in which a young man or woman will receive a sounder and more helpful training than in yours." . "Thank you for your notice of our Library. I wish you could see it, as visitors visitors tell us they have seen nothing more artistic anywhere. I showed Mayor James Pascoe your query about him, and he thinks there must be some connection- between himself and the Durham Pascoes. He was born about 20 miles from Plymouth Plymouth in Devonshire but.settled early in: Western Ontario and was here ahead of the C.P.R. Mr. Harry Britain and family are here, as you probably knowj.and Mrs. Britain's sister, Miss Bea Joness, has just joined the Public School staff." A. H. Gjbbard, Librarian, Moose Jaw, Sask, _ The well known strengthening properties properties of IRON, combined with other tonics and a most perfect nervine, -are found in Carter's Iron Pills, which strengthen, the nerves ahd body, and improve the blood End complexion. Wuff! It seems to be a favorite stunt A real good-looking lass Will spend most of her time in front . ' Of a good looking glass. Innocent Man Forced to Work. Charged With Murder. After 38 years in the galleys a Sicilian, Erasmus- Vassallo by name, has, as the outcome of a deathbed confession, been proclaimed proclaimed innocent and freed. . Along with three other victims, who have meantime died in -prison, Vassallo was condemned to hard labor for life at Palermo (Italy) I Assizes in 1877 on a charge of. mur j der-. He already had . .spent two years in confinement, awaitin trial, and has' never since , cease protesting his innocence to deaf ears. . The confession as to" the real, assassin assassin came from the family of the murdered man, and was dictated in the presence of a priest and a notary. notary. - Vassallo is now 62 years of age. He is. broken in health by the harsh Italian prison regime and can scarcely speak. The prison-,author! ties left him to pay his own fare from Ancona back to his. . native Palermo. _ ; - r . ■ On the three-day journey thither he neither ate nor slept.. He is. bewildered bewildered by the transformation of Naples and Palermo. On reaching his home he . finds that his wife and all his relations, save an only son, are long since dead. evening about 7 o'clock. The barns with the season's crop, a threshing mill and a large woodshed were completely destroyed. destroyed. It was only through the strenuous strenuous efforts of the fire fighters that the dwelling was saved. _ A spark from a threshing engine caused the troublé. The losses very heavy with no insurance.-- Guide. : Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly " -- - ally Spots, How to ; Remove Easily A bounty of $175 for a, timber- wolf seems rather large. At first thought, you -might be inclined to agree with a man who wrote to an acquaintance in Utah, where such a reward prevails, that , he thought it would-pay to devote his time entirely entirely to hunting wolves. The reply he received, which is published in Outdoor Outdoor World and Recreation, explains explains why so heavy a price has been put upon the head of thé "big brother to the" fox." Unless you are familiar with their habits and the country they frequent,; you cannot understand how hard it is to catch them. It is almost impossible to poison them, for the war we have waged upon them for twenty years has made them so cunning that it is very rare to find one poisoned.. Their ability to detect traps is uncanny. A man set^bhree traps on each side of a trail, at intervals of a couple of feet, and then put one .. - A - - Here's a chance, Miss Freckle-face, to try a remedy with the guarantee" of. a reliable reliable dealer that it will not cost you a penny unless it removes the freckles; while if it does give you a Clear complexion the expense is trifling. 1 Simply get an ounce of otliine--double strength from your druggist and a few applications should show you how easy it is to rid yourself of the homely freckles and get a beautiful complexion. Rarely is more than, one ounce needed for thé worst case. , Be sure to ask the druggist for the double strengtlv.Othine as this is the prescription sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to rémove freckles. Must not be confounded with common cathartic or purgative pills. Garter's Little Liver Pills are entirely unlike them. in every respect. One trial will prove their superiority. Grains of Gold. Often the Case. f T hear Wise went, broke on that deal in stock ' market," said Grouch. "That's funny," commented 'the Boob. "I thought he got in on the ground floor. "He did," replied the Grouch, "but he got out by the coal chute." When Run Down in physical condition it is usually because the action of the organs of digestion has become irregular or defective. Then there is need for a safé and speedy medicine to relieve the ills which occasionally depress even the brightest and strongest. The one remedy you may take and feel safe with is BEECHAM'S PILLS (Th« Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World) -The.first dose gives speedy relief in sick^headache, biliousness, biliousness, constipation, lack of appetite, heartburn, dyspepsia, and lasting improvement follows the timely use of this favorite favorite and reliable home remedy. You will become healthier - and stronger, and more cheerful if you let Beecham's Pills Pick You Up - !»L* . « _ . - ■ D»«ctM)«M»ith«ren^box point wmyto health and are especially valuable to sSdWa^whcr^Tn ' P e * C ^' §*' . Hc,en ». Lancashire, England. Bold everywhere m Canada and U. S. America. In boxes. 25 cents. The true way to mourn the dead is to take care of the living who belong belong tc them.--Burke. The love of liberty is-the love of others; the.love of power is the love of ourselves.--Hazlitt. ;. ' The Apostle Paul tells us that a will is of no foree where the testator testator liveth, which is good law as well as good gospel.--Lord Kennedy. ; In every life there is. a perfect moment, like'?a flash of sun. We can shape our days by that, if we will--before, by faith ; and afterwards, afterwards, by memory .--Myrtle Reed. , Most people think they, are virtuous virtuous merely because they are tame and inoffensive. Tameness is not a, virtue, it is merely the absence of vice.-- J. S. Blackie. !/.v • We do not know what ripples of healing are act in motion, when :we' simply - smile " on ;" otic ; -.another! Christianity wants nothing so much in the world as süfiny . people:-- Henry Drummond. " ; e Give us, oh, give us, the. man who sings5 at his work. Be his^occupa-1 tion what it may he is equal tp any 1 of those who follow the same pur- ! suit in dogged sullen ness. He does - more in the same time--he will do it better--he will persevere longer. --Thomas Oarîvlè. directly in the middle of the trail. He hoped that when the wolf detected detected the latter, . which he purposely purposely set in "a careless manner, he would step aside, and so spring the traps -earefully^Jiidden at the edge of the trail. Imagine his disgust, a day or two later, to find that the wolf had. stopped when he scented the trap in the trail, but instead-of stepping either to right, or left, had carefully backed out of the danger zone, and had : then made a detour round the carefully constructed snare, aiid taken up the trail again some' fifty feet farther on. It is impossible to run them with hounds, on account of the extreme roughness of. the country, which leaves the rider miles in the rear, and strings the dogs, according to their strength and endurancé, for several miles along the trail. In the meantime, the wolves continue continue to kill cattle and. sheep.; hence the high bounty. *-----u ' --Swimmers' Cramp. •: Every v swimmer, - even the expert, needs to be on his against a sudden and disabling cramp. The condition is fortunately fortunately n<3 t .very common,--at least, in the; mqst/ severe ; form,--^although" every^ summer several deaths are ; attributed to it. As a .matter • of fact, however, 7 not every ' sudden death in the water is owing to, cramp, for heart disease causes sonie of them. Swimming, it must be remembered^ taxes the heart severely ; the healthy heart *can. stand the strain perfectly well, but * weakened or diseased heart 6 m?ld no * he asked to 7 undergo: it. The cramp that attacks the swim- ™. er J 8 like any ..other cramp, but it disables the sufferer more completely completely because he has nothing firm to rest upon, and because" he may need the useless muscles to keep his head above water. It is merely a sudden, involuntary contraction contraction of a single muscle or group u musc ^ e8, Tt is far more, powerful than any voluntary muscular effort, effort, and it is exceedingly painful. It can affect any 'of the muscles of the body, but it is most common in the calf of the leg. . • Other muscles, however, especially especially those of the abdomen, are likely likely to. be affected, and. in sevère cases the pain induces nausea and faintness. • It is this faintness -and the feeling of panic that accompanies accompanies complete helplessness that make a cramp in the water so dangerous. dangerous. Strong exertion causes cramps, and that is one reason why they oc-* cur in swimming ; the cold of the water also predisposes to j^them. They occur - most frequently in growing children, and in the aged, and they are also likely to attack those who suffer from" gout, rheumatism, rheumatism, or anemia. The swimmer who is attacked'by cramp must not dose his head. If he is at home in x the water, he can thçow. himseht upon his back and float. At the same time, he should grasp the cramped muscle, knead it and rub it. Cramp seldom lasts more^than a minute, and if he can control himself, and keep his head above water for that time, he is safe. Then he can paddle gently to | shore, or float on his back until assistance assistance comes.--Youth's Companion. Companion. WÈ nijtirti't.-itïiTx mV rr READ THE LABEL COR THE F SUMER HagK> baking POWDER PROTECTION OF THE CON- THE INGREDIENTS ARE plainly PRINTED ON- THE LABEL it is tAe only well-known medium- priced BAKIN;Q POWDER MADE IN [CANADA THAT DOES NOT CONTAIN 1,4 LU M AND WHICH HAS ALL THE INGREDIENTS PLAINLY STATED ON JT H E . LABEL» z MAGIC BAKING POWDER CONTAINS NO ALUM ALUM X IS 66 MET I MES REFERA ED T O AS S U L- PHATE OF A LU Ml N A OR S O D IC A LU M I N I C SU LP H A T E ; THEPUBLIC SHOULD NOT BE MISLED BY THESE TECHNICAL NAMES. E. W. GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED WINNIPEG TORONTO. ONT. MONTREAL ; Poor Girl ! v. • -Â young woman failed to pass her examination for appointment as teacher in the public school of a small town. > Her mother was terribly disappointed disappointed and decided' to interview one of the examiners, v "I am sorry, madam." the man said, "that your. daughter did not pass her examinations, but there is nothing I can do about it. You know, madam, that no one is to blame but herself:" "Sue to blame !" exclaimed the woman, wrathfully. "Well, sir, perhaps you don't know that them about lots of. things that happened years and years before, she born." was examiners asked her questions stomach. An Easy Pill to Take.--Some persons- persons- have repugnance to pills because because of their nauseating taste. -Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are so prepared as to make them agreeable agreeable to the most fastidious. The most delicaté can take them without without feeling the; revulsion that follows follows the taking of ordinary pilla. This is one reason for the popularity popularity of these celeb rated pills, b ut the main reason is their high toni- cal quality as a medicine for the HONEST TEA IS THE BEST POLICY LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD ana »o ta WANTED--More Workers & onoe to do picture coloring for ub In l v, _ - _. , their home with our wonderful Chem- - - Process. ,Simple, mechanical work, rapidly done. All pat* t»rna furnished. Poeitively no experience required. We furnish the Prooecs and. chemical* and supply you with pictural to color, which you return to ub. Good prices paid promptly. by the weok or month. No canvaesing or selling-our traveller* traveller* eell. the goods and tim field is unlimited for our work. If you Want clean, pleasant work the year round for whole or spare time, write ub and we will send you contract and the prices we pay. COMMERCIAL ART WORKS, 315 COLLEGE STREET, TORONTO, ONT. COLD CREAMffi A delightful, snow-white toilet preparation, which makes bad complexions ~ good, and good ones better. Splendid for chafed, Chapped, sore skin or cracked lips. In 25c opal glass jars at i your Druggist's. „ 202 national Drug and Chemical Co. ' of Canada, Limited, Montreal. v/j I ! i Bedridden. "Yes, ma'am," said. Harry the Hobo, "I know I look like a itrong man, but out of my forty, years of life I've spent over sixteen years in bed." "Why, - you poor man, " replied the lady sympathetically, handing him a quarter!. "What ; has been the trouble--paralysis?" "No, ma'am"' said Harry, "jest a reg'lar habit of eleepin' eight hours a day, ma'am." [ONT DREAD N7ER5CI Prepare to enjoy its exhila- ^ rating frosts by 1 'making your blood rich, pure and active to pre- vent colds, grippe and rheumatism. ! Good - bloocl .prevents sickness and Scott's EmulsionvnU energize your. Blood s n ct create reserve ; : .Encouraged. "/ Kitty--Oh, Ethel,. Jack has finally finally proposed. I knew he would. ' J Ethel -- Why, you said you thought he .had no intention what-^ ever Of proposing. - ' v Kitty--Well, hé didn't have. strength to endure c h an gi n g seasons. v • •••'•• ^. Vi . Scott r s Emulsion is not an experiment bulhasservedhuinanity faithfully fpr fenrÿ years; it contains the purest codjliver oil--free from alcohol or. stuisjWing: chugs. - Scott*s Emulsion is nature's grcatesKblood-maker and furiushes the elemenj^ ^wess^^ for body wainnth, ricK jpbodF and healthy circulation..' r-;"- ^ Shun alcoholic mbetitutes and demand . r tha ginuina Scott's EmtUiuon AT ANY .DRUG STORE 13-73 Lamps The Guarantee That You Get the Best / That is what these Trademarks mean to you 1 OYALITE is the registered trade name for The Imperial Oil Company's pure refined kerosene. This oil is absolutely uniform, gives no smoke or soot, and is the best oil obtainable for general and heating purposes. is the trade name of the best and most inexpensive inexpensive lamp on the market PERFECTION is the trade name of the best oil heater, bar none. Owing to the unequalled distrib- facilities of The Imperial Oil Company throughout throughout the Dominion, you can get these goods everywhere --in the small country store as well as in the cities and towns. " ^ Yôu are assured of best light and most heat at lowest cost if you use Rayo Lamps, Perfection Heaters and [ J-jHYX&j THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY, Limited Toronto Montreal Winnipeg . Vancouver 2 t v wa Quebec Calgary Edmonton Halifax St John Regina Saskatoon Abo distributing «fofasM m nH toons throughout Ae Dominion ' '.'■L - . -• .. >-•