OF CANADA Quarterly Dividend Notice No. 92 Notice is hereby given that a dividend at the rate of THIRTEEN PER CENT. PER ANNUM upon the capital stock °f this Ban ^as been declared for the quarter ending 31st.of October, ' the same will be payable at thé Head Office in this city and .tt Branches on and after Saturday, the first dajr of November, 1913, to shareholders of record of 23rd of October, 1913. By order of the Board. NOTES AND COMMENTS Now is the time when the differ- ence of opinion over the opening car windows is accentuated by TO BENEFIT of the sharpness of the weather, and there is much virtuous indignation manners. Should yQ u ouhvho air GEO. Toronto, 16th September, 1913. P. SCHOLFIELD, General Manager. 155 over car strike the man in front gives you an overdose of fresh or ask him politely to close the window 1 Some time since an inventive inventive correspondent of a contem- porarv solved the problem by fold ing' and holding up his newspaper in such a way that he shot the wind into the neck of the fresh- air enthusiast, enthusiast, who soon dropped the window without a word. OTHER You May Publish My Letter About "Fruit-a-tives" A. E. McLATJGHIIN. ■flarrlster. Solicitor a.nd Cob veyKncsf* Office:-- Blea.lt ley Block. King Street. Bow mar. ville. Money to loea et ree»oa- able rates. B. J.Hazlewoode M.D.,O.M BOWMÀNYILLE. . ONT. OLD MEDALIST of Trinity Un ailroad and Telegraphy Course» of the most complete and modern kind taught right at your own borne by Shaw ■ Telegraph nod Railroad School,* Gerrard'St. East, Toronto. Write for particulars and sample lessons. V W. H. Shaw, Pres. G lverelty, Torontoi ï'onr year» AttondL* clan and Surgeon at Mt. Oarssel Hospital - Physician and Surgeon ' P1 0fi b re g 'acdKeeldenc4 Wellington «t. tcrtNo. 10?. In all countrlès. Ask for our INVEN TOR'S ADVISER,which will be sent tree. MARION & MARION, 364 University St,, Montréal. THIS ■i y is a HOME DYE that ANYONE, can use WHY WE EXCEL DYOLA Th-e correspondent displayed a truly . admirable finesse, and it is a pity that we cannot always have bad car manners corrected m silent and skillful way. For the student of efficiency, however, we offer the - following : The offence consisted not in opening a window but in holding an unlighted cigar between the lips, the object being what is called a dry smoke. The smoker was innocent of evil intent and unconscious of wrongdoing But there was a regulator aboard who hated the weed and its votees, and he said to the smoker with all the meaning lie could put into the sentence with the help^ of gesture and reproving look . is not a smoking car. Mr. Jones is proud to acknowledge the great debt of gratitude he owes "^Fruit-a-tives". He is glad to have his letter published in order that other sufferers may be induced to try these wonderful tablets made of fruit juices. Sarnia, Ont., Feb. 5th. 1911 "I have been a sufferer for the past 25 years with Constipation, Indigestion and Catarrh of the Stomach. I tried many remedies and many doctors, but derived no benefit whatever. Finally, I read an advertiseme'nt for "Fruit-a- tives" I decided to give "Fruit-a-tives ' a trial and they did exactly what was claimed for them. I have now taken them for sonic time and find they are the only remedy that does me. good. I have recommended "Fruit-a-tives" t to a great many of my friends, and I cannot praise these fruit tablets too highly" PAUL J. JONES. 50c a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited. Ottawa. THE JUSTICE'S JOKE. While Chief Justice Sir William -This Meredith was lately hearing a case he was disturbed by a young man who kept moving about in the r.ear of the room. , "Young man," called out the Chief Justice, "you are making a We have the most modern, the most practical and the best equipped sohool i'i Eastern Ontario. The courses are thorough thorough -and fascinating. An entirely . Canadian Business Procedure for the training of the ambitions younj people of our country. Our Graduates are successful. Ask any stulenb or «• student; they are our best advertisements. advertisements. .Home Study Courses. LINDSAY BUSINESS COLLEGE, C. K. BOWER, W. H. SPOTTON. Principal. President. Enter Any Day 1W --> ^The Guaranteed **ONE DYE for All Kinds of Cloth. Clean. Simple, No Chance of Mistake#. TRY ! IT l Send for Free Color Csrd ami Booklet. I The Johnson-Richardson Co. Limited, Montreal SONG. Which School Shall 1 Attend? An important question 1 All business Colleges are not alike. Careful judgment judgment is abso utely necessary. Write oday for the Catalogue of the ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT, It will help you to decide. This school is conducted on the highest, plane of efficiency. Wb are proud of its record. Students admitted at any time. Cor. Yohge & Alexander-sts., W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. By E. Pauline Johnson. . The night-long shado-ws faded into " gray, . Then silvered into glad and gold sunlight, Because you came to me. like a new day Born of the beauty of an autumn night. The smoker -took the hint rn good faith and explained that he did not intend to light his cigar. But this did not satisfy the regulator, who returned to the charge - with increased increased impressiveness, of manner till he had made his motives clear. Then the smoker took his cigar and jammed it against the nose of the party of second part until it was crushed into fragments. He enforced enforced his lesson with words that are not good to print, and when quiet reigned agârn, it was the regulator regulator and not the smoker m ho had left the car. The 1 * TELEGRAPHY « ■ silence that enfolded me so l°ng. ' s . v . Stirred to the. sweetest music lire has known, Because you came, and coming woke the. -song That slumbered through the years I was alone. W I and all the duties of a Station Agent are easily learned at home by means of our New Home Study Courses. We invite you to write for particulars particulars and sample lessons. It will pay you well to learn these things. W* Write Shaw's Telegraph and Rail- û road School, Yonge-st., Toronto. 5 W. H. SHAW, President. So have you! hr ought the silver from the shade, . The music and the. laughter and the day, So have you come to me. and com- ming made This life of mine a blossom-bordered blossom-bordered way. --In The Canadian Magazine for October. * Selfishness, impertinence, insensibility insensibility all crop out, and the style of treatment must vary to. suit the need. The artful turning of the wind was a g'reat device in the first- instance. The cure by means of the crushed cigar was perhaps trifle strenuous, and yet it was the Sir W illiam Meredith. a highly satisfying not only to doctor but to the lookers-on. Some time each one of them had been suffer.er in some way from the science of the person who claims sursoie proprietorship . in a public conveyance, and the exhibition 1 gave them a deep and lasting joy. noise great deal of unnecessary What are you about t ' "Your Honor," replied the young m- i man, "L have lost- my overcoat and I am trying to find it." "Well," .said the venerable justice, justice, "people often lose whole suits in here without making all that disturbance." disturbance." /4 V I « Miller's Worm Powders work so effectively that no traces of worms can be found. The pests are macerated macerated in the stomach and pass away Her Best Bargain. An old lady accompanied by her daughter who was, about to be mai - ried, went to Dublin to make some in the stools without being pereep- r< !h ases . Having finished shop • •IT. rn I_ - ^ O -ri ûTlt.l VO flTIn F. . 1 1 I 4- i y-x 4- r A GOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE For over 52 years the British American American Business College, Toronto, has trained successful business men and women. If interested in the courses we give, it will pay you to write for a copy of our latest catalogue. New Term begins Jan. 6, 1913- T. M. Watson. Principal. tible. They make an entire and clean- sweep of. the intestines, and nothing in the shape of a worm can find lodgement there when these powders are in operation. Nothing could be more thorough or desirable than their action.- * pmg spare Always a Better To-morrow. So long as a man has the courage t-o face one more day so long will he be a factor in the race, for material success. He whose past looms up constantly in front of him, who as they had some time to lives in retrospect, has cheated the è they strolled into the Phoe-, boatman of the Styx and emnnnb klv fp P.Hnn tired, they the machinery of ; this world. To to be up and doing to-day nix Park, and feeling tired, they HAVE YOU made provision for employment during the Fall and Winter months or do you wish steady remunerative work the year through. >> ote ns and secure our Agent's terms. Me offer the best in the business. Pay weekly, *ree on tilt, exclusive territory. OVER 600 ACRE3 under cultivation. Established over 35 years. A reputation for high grade stock and fair dealing. A salesman can make money selling for ns. We want an energetic, reliable man for Bowroanvilie and vicinity. Eor terms write y" KNIVES AND FORKS. sat down on two chargeable chairs. Shortly afterwards the collector came around and demanded twopence. twopence. The old lady asked, What for ?" So then the collector explained explained that if she wanted the chairs they would have to pay ^ The Former Was Used Long Before I penny each for them. "Oh," said the Latter. PELHAM NURSERY CO., TORONTO, ONT. N. B. Free catalogue on request. 86-Vi LEARN THE AUTOMOBILE BUSIN during the winter months - and be- prepared for the opportunities of the early cpr«ag. TAKE A'COURSE IN THE BIG TORONTO Y. M. C. A. automobile school Dept 10 275 BROADVIEW AVENUE „W*eTer Free Booklet to-day Table forks did not come into anything like common use in England England until the seventeenth century ; and even then they were used for serving food rather than transferring transferring it from plate to mouth. The mpdern Persian regards the fork as an object worthy only or contempt. So, too, did our * or ®" fathers regard it. Your sixteenth century ancestor, in fact; when dining dining out, found, and only expected to find, laid on the table before him a trencher, a napkin, and a spoon. He provided his' own kinfe, as a matter of course, and occasionally, no doubt, found other uses for it on his return journey home ; whilst at the end of each course he would wipe his spoon, just as the modern Frenchman wipes his fork, dexter- ^ ously in a piece of bread. . i And then, of course, even after ifc - had been accepted as necessary to every table, the fork for a long while had to contend with the rivalry rivalry of the knife. Indeed, down to one hundred years ago, the latter was. very much more popular than the former for lifting food to the mouth ; whilst even to-day there are old peop 1 » to whom, despite the mandates ' of Dame Etiquette, j cheese neve.r would he cheese unless; unless; they could bit-e it--and thereby seemingly endanger lip and chin-- from the end of a ;'aazp piece Sheffield cutlery. the daughter, joining m, /'we ll take half a dozen, and I think its the best bargain we've, made to- , day. live is -- . ,, . not to be counting on the things that were, but to' figure on the things that are and will be, not to say that to-day is not so good as yesterday, but to declare that tomorrow tomorrow will be the best day the universe has ever seen. And tomorrow tomorrow is always a better dav than to-day. We shall all be further along the. road, we -shall all know more, feel more, approach a litLe closer the goal which is yet hidden. The man' acclaimed as successful never feels his spirits flag, never lacks the courage to face another dav, never looks .backward excep to "profit by his experiences. HAVE YOU CATARRH? testi Chas. M. Bice, Denver, Colo. - Four hundred ' years ago to-day Vasco Nunez, de Balboa discovered the Great Pacific ocean, thus finishing finishing the work Columbus started to do when the finding of America deflected deflected him from his purpose. In commemoration- of . Balboa, s remarkable achievement every ship on the Pacific ocean within reach of wireless telegraphy from San Francisco Francisco dipped its flag yesterday in due acknowledgment of the event. The did Spanish cavaliers who figurecDSo conspicuously in the discovery discovery and settlement of this continent continent were survivors of an epoch rapidly passing. , Cervantes ^had" not yet laughed them out of existence, but the hey- dey of their glory had vanished or [ was vanishing. . The ideals of chivalry were even then an anachronism. Most of the adventurers of his race in the new world were poorly fitted to meet the conditions of life to be found here, but Balboa -was a born leader of men, -with a genius for organization organization and for government that enabled enabled him to get order out of chaotic conditions. . Among all the so-called gallant swashbucklers who- swaggered across our primitive stage Balboa alone knew how to govern his own men, and what is more,, how to conciliate conciliate the natives. He could be severe enough when required, or when that seemed to be the only alternative, but his policy was generally one of kindness, kindness, and he was greatly esteemed by the aborigines. Columbus, Pizarro, Cortez, were all heartlessly cruel to the simple- minded Indians. Balboa alone treated them as men and-with uniform uniform kindness, and though then names probably cover more pages of history--tragic history it may be called--neither Cortez nor. Piza-rro had t-lie real greatness of mind which, so distinguished Vasco Nunez de Balboa.. • .. By the concerted action of small plotters he was deprived of the honors honors due him, and we. see him meekly surrendering to t-he then newly appointed appointed Governor , Pedrana-s the very colony which with so much pains -and consideration he had built, and set out across the Isthmus Isthmus to discover the land afterwards known as Peru. Upon the Pacific side of the Isthmus he had hastily built two -small vessels for the expedition, expedition, but was gruffly recalled by command of Pedrarias before he had set ' sail. Only a short time later - he was beheaded, solely on account of jealousy. Deprived of his shrewd common sense and force of leadership, the colony of Darien, which he founded, founded, dwindled, and at last perished. Of the many Spaniards who trooped across the Caribbean. Sea, actuated, actuated, as they undoubtedly were, by an insatiable greed for plunder, only one .proved an exception and was worthy to rank with Christopher Christopher Columbus, and so, to-day, and in pure deference of his noble qualities as-well as in commemoration commemoration of his great discovery, the name of Va-s-c-o Nunez de Balboa is honored and his memory glorified. Though four centuries look - down upon his unblemished record they but hallow" and mellow the event. Humility, charity, truthfulness, were his prime characteristics, and while his conscience was firm and lofty, he was never austere. Recognizing Recognizing these- superb qualities of mind and heart, humanity-, after 400 years, but- honored itself in memorializing the generous-hearted Balboa, the intrepid and immortal discoverer of Earth's greatest and grandest.of oceans. . Wherever a noble and high moral impulse or mighty t-h plight evolved, whether utterance is found in the chisel of a- Praxiteles, the brush of a Murillo, the voice of e Gladstone, the strain of a Mozart or in the sublime justice of a Bal boa, it is the creation of a disem bodied universe, and becomes part of the commonwealth of mind. Denver, Sept.. 27; 1913. hlldren Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has "been I® me lor over 30 yeais, has borne the signature of In use ior 'And has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this» All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Exncri monts that trifle with and endanger the health of ritiiiirpn--Exnerience against Experiment. Infants and ChÜdren-Experience against What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OU, Paregoric Paregoric Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant/" It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Its age is its guarantee. It destroys NY orms For more than thirty years it 0 .0*1 substance. bccn S ln c'o C nsto™t use ior the relief ol Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Biarrliœal It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, Mdmllatcs the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea--The Mother s Friend. z?7 GENUINE CASTORIA always Bears the Signature of For Over 30 Years TEA DRINKING HABIT WRONG! If tea be properly made drawing 1 ^ UiU | no t longer than three ; minutes by the clock the amount of tannin e.x- Caffeinc, Most Virulent of Poisons, is in Tea. 'The spectacle of a working-class girl having tea fob breakfast, tea for dinner and tea for tea, represents represents to - ray mind a grievous^ physiological physiological and social wrong, is the deliberate opinion of one of the most eminent British physicians. tracted is comparatively small, and the ill effects are 1 not so great, especially if it is taken with solid food. If taken unsweetened and without milk, as the Ching-pe and Japanese drink it, it is easily digested, digested, the full flavor is enjoyed and there need be no ill effects. .... -- ' - hich ost eminent unusn , mV, exceB sive drinking|of tea which In the.light of the latest scientific. certain persons tea drunk- analysis of this «ry popular bet r- ^ d k as bad {or the system as al- Thè chemists cohol could be, and the poor vie- me cnem * soon become nervous wrecks. age, no one can .this mighty warning. have shown that there is 3 per cent. / fact tliat if m ilk be poured of caffeine (the same alkaloid as ^ compound is a coffee) in tea, and that there » , ^ leathery drink from 16 pr cent to 15 per cent, of . m l ^5 _ strain the digestive tannin, besides the other elements ^ an ostr i c h. and that tea in the tea. The caffeine, former y P kén of j n this way is a corn- called theme, is the most vim le. , ^ ause 0 f' organic; indigestion, of poisons, but it would not be^so mon cause, u & mon cause. of bad"'if there were not also the tannin, tannin, one of the most powerful astringents astringents known to chemistry. The longer the tea leaves are allowed^,. the larger the ; t-he year before, it More Tea Drinkers. f The consumption of tea in England England again increased last year over to steep or draw is now 6.46 annum, or amount of tannin that is, extracted pounds per head per . . . i xi «1/ -nnnnds .T>er man from the leaves, and the greater t-he . very nearly 6/ a pou deleterious effect- upon the system j woman and child in .hich absorbs the baneful brew. Kingdom. per the United CY Vr* Whenever you feel a headache coming on take NA-DRU-CO Headache Wafers They stop headaches promptly and. surely. Do not contain opium, morphine, phenacetin, acetamlld or other dangerous drugs. 25c. a box at your Druggist's. • 125 NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA. LIMITED. Query. Lady Customer (peeved)-J've come to return this paper-cutter. It's not ivory, as represented. Storekeeper (musingly)--I wonder wonder whether that elephant had false teeth 1 Some Diet Maxims. Proverbs in various languages impaired? Does your throat get husky or clogged? Modern science proves that these symptoms result from run down health. Snuffs and vapors are irritating and useless. You should buildy our general health with the oil-food in ^Scott s Emulsion-iXs nourishing powers will enrich and enliven the blood, aid nutrition and assimilation assimilation and assist nature to check the inflammation and heal the sensitive membranes which are affected. CO NA-DRV1 JRUBY COLD CREAM of Friend---'Were.you smitten by your wife before you married her l Penhecker--"Yes, but not half so much as I have been smce. Scott's Emulsion will raise your standard of health to correct catarrh. Shun alcoholic mixtmrc* and insist on SCOTT'S Imparts a soft and velvety,chl; rm to the complexion, and counteracts the effects of raw, cold winds and over-dry indoor air. Splendid tor cracked lips And chapped hands. In 25c- opal glass-jars, at your Druggist's. 200 NATIONAL DRUa AND. CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED, MONT«* Al ~ gather round the w T ell-known ad-' vice "After dinner t sit a while; after supper walk a mile. If u would be ill sup and go to bed' another way in which the truth is expressed; the proverb that says, "Who goes'supperless to bed, all night tumbles and tosses," is in apparent contradiction to it; but it is ea-sy to see that what is here meant is the restlessness which follows follows fastings ; supper taken at a suitable and sufficient time before, retiring to rest being rewarded b) quiet slumbers. The waning digestive digestive powers of old age are perhaps hinted at in the saying, ' 'He wrongs not an old man who steals hxs supper." supper." Codrington, in his "Collection "Collection of Proverbs/./gives the secret of long life, "To rise at six and dine At ten, to sup at six and go to will make a man live bed at ten, ten times ten. ! J \ ) / By the way, how many of / your acquaintance let their rel^on interfere interfere with their business!