II I I I P ' ' i ' y ^ ' ' HSiüs mâm tsaSm feW kIW " fcf. 1 m %-■ U _ quality and value, when delicious h««t en «H •^a« ~ '<HX** SA -ru *t*r«W <>> * *>-<.w»«*ie « i^'H*'W»i be had on demand. J<r -.■r.ySr-rfr^-xr- ^'^twnp^^-' ^yTfr*-- -t-'-t ^ ■ Every Weak Throat Quickly Siren gihened And Bronchitis " BRAVO! YSAYE! Practical Hoc Management. Swine offer a greater opportunity for improvement . arid upgrading than any other class. of live stock. There is no reason why any farmer Grand 9 Results Follow the Direct 'Breathing Remedy,- Which Cures Without Drugging. Bfaçk Green or Mixed. Sealed Pfàkets Only. ; sample Paoket on Enquiry. AdJre»e:"«*LÂO*. Toroote Mint there to no priosphorun. The ; inosqulto-trap to m ahortjtoss cylinder, about six Inch» in length and one hxch in diameter. The interior surface of it to coated with Balmain compound, compound, and the ends are 'sealed. On the outer surface ofthe glass there is a coat of adhesive substance like that oh ordinary fly-paper, and the : tube, hangs by a string in any conven- 'Exposure to daylight causes the Balmain Balmain paint to collent and storeup buu- ' light, which it throws off at night. The faint, steady glcrw attracts the insects, and as there is no heat about i *>., ii®hL the mosquitoes settle upon i t he .glass, and are caught by the ad- fa QStV'ft. V7hen it is nenEsnrary to clean the trap, you take a piece of wood--a match will do--and scrape off, the sects, and then apply a iresh coalmg of the .adhesive. * v. raising Imgs should have a- herd ^of a; Open [op Tub ||: Room itoW< n w? fa WK8* The Wrlnge Bt#r4 extends from tte «Me, pet of the Tray of the cover. "Thli mllow» practically the whole top of the tub to open up-- ».v.« it eaiy to yaUn and take out clothes. A'o other wàsher%as a» large on opening. 1Vo other washer can be worked with crank handle at eid* as 1 veil as top lever. ■Do you use Maxwell's "Favorite"'--th« churn that makes quality better l Write us for cataloguas U your" dealer doe* act handle them. 89 ST. HARPS, Out scrubs ànd inferior individuals Starting with a pure-bred, sire and Continuing to use a sire of-the same breed, but a few years are required required to establish, at little expense, a grade .herd equal to pure breds to every way, for pork production. No class of animals increases so rapid- ly v and none so readily letains acquired acquired characteristics. Even when started with an inferior lot of sows, a uniform herd can be developed by using a good boar and each sue The country is fairly wild; over the wonderful recovery that, throat . sufferers sufferers are making every day with Ca- tàrrhozbne. From ocean to ocean come letters telling ; of rapid cures-- and cures when the. complaint. ^ was chronic and long- standing.' It'sv,a brand new principle"" upon which Ca- tarrhozone works--not a single dose of medicine to take--nothing to upset the stomach or spoil digestion. You can breathe ' through 'the Ca- tarrhozone Inhaler medicated air'that is full of healing,- soothing balsams, full of piney antiseptic essences that resemble the air of the pine woods in the Adirondàcks. The pjney vapor has a truly marvelous 'action on weak throats. It brings strength and health : An amusing story is related about M. Ysaye, the.famous violinist, by the Ttaile Beige. During his visit to America the artiste was the guest .of a New York millionaire who in his early days was a shoemaker. shoemaker. After dinner his host importuned, Ysaye to play, and when he hesitated hesitated remarked: - "A. man should never be ashamed of his art." Thereupon Ysaye played to his host. . Having returned to Europe, the violinist invited his former millionaire millionaire host, who happened to be in Paris, to dinner. Driring the even- ceeding year rejecting all inferior I to the bronchitic, stops that hacking, ceeding year rejeewng aii xu i irritating cough, - prevents hoarseness ammals from the ^ re ^f i ll ^ e R ' ! and difficult breathing. You can't The boars should be carefully ^ee- | find anythlng for weak-throated peo- lected to insure prepotency, quality ]ple on ear ti! more beneficial than Ca- and soundness. Keep him in prime ; tarrhozone. It means heaven on earth condition, free from parasites or l.^o the -man that has had bronchitis. Even an empty head may contain a lot of useless " information.. Immortality __ awaits the genius who invents wireless, politics- t UFO MAXWELL A SOM, A NEW MOSQUITO-TRAP. Depends on Use of Paint Invented By Dr. Balmain. Some one has invented a night trap for mosquitoes ,which, according to Chambers's Journal, has proved high- ly successful under exacting tests. The contrivance depends on the use of the luminous paint that Doctor Balmain Balmain invented some years ago. In this LU BYS HAIR RESTORER Restores GRAY' Hatr to its NATURAL Color, makes it grow, and cares Dandruff. Xt ALL DRUGGIST9 SO CENTS A BOTTLE 1M disease, give him plenty of exercise exercise and not too heavy service, writes Mr. J. G. Fuller. The sows must have the same quality and size, as the sire, and in addition get sows from the large litters of prolific dams. ' A. dozen sound teats and a quiet disposition should be required. Once a sow has demonstrated her value, keep her as long as she is vigorous rather than depend upon untried ones. Rations for breeding swine must be planned according to the needs of the animals. Breeding animals should be grown and not fattened. They need plenty of exercise and a variety of nourishing food, but not fat-forming materials. Corn alone is a very bad feed for sows _ hnd should never be given exclusively. Change the food to suit her condition. condition. When nursing a litter add wheat bran and oilmeal to the rations. rations. r The care of the young pigs is the foundation of the fattening -of the market animal. Wean the pigs at eight weks after they have been .trained to eat a ration of shelled corn «and slop in sufficient amounts to avoid a check on their growth catarrh or throat irritation. You will realize this the first time you use Ca- tarrhozone, which is a scientific preparation preparation specially designed for dis eases of the nose, throat and bron chial tubes. Get the large size; it lasts two months, costs $1.00; medium medium size, 50c. ; sample size, 25c. All storekeepers and druggists, or The Ca- tarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. GERMANY'S WEALTH. . ...iiniiinnt»ni(iiniililllHMMH , * , *HIIIIHI|HHIimHV^ Mïipl» best yeast in the world. decline the numerous inferior IMITATIONS THAT ARE BEING OFFERED .■■Mg ■ 1 M g g ^ g^ ^ g g g ^*■■ ---■--- - w eT^l^cSan^Kted. S £ a^TO WON TO ONT. MONTREAL. There is nothing purer than hon. esty ; nothing sweeter than charity, nothing warmer than love ; nothing richer than wisdom ; _ nothing brighter than virtue ; nothing more steadfast than faith. Husband--"W>nt to. go to the theatre to-night ?" Wife--pointedly--£'I Wife--pointedly-- £ 'I have nothing to wear. Husband--"Then Husband--"Then we'll go to one ol those moving picture shows where it's dark." and the Do you feel constantly tired so that every thing is done with an effort? It is an indication that the Kidneys are not doing their work "of filtering the impurities from the blood GIN PILLS will help you. They restore the Kidneys to their qormal healthy condition and give you back your old time energy id doing. From all Druggists, socts. and 'desire to be up anc per box or 6 for $2.50, or direct from National Drug and Chem. Co. ol Canada Limited, Toronto. your money back if Gin Pills do not cure. - 180 UfAUTCn--More Workers &,, c r no to^'Vti t '^ ■e fiai ■ ta» . , procaw. Simple, mechanical work, rapidly done. All pew * -- - *--*nish thi terns furnished. Positively no jrience required- We furnish the Prooess and. VaTii"and^eunnly" "y ou " with pictures to color, which you return to ns. Good ^^nâid nromptly byAhe week or month. Ho oanvsesinr or eeUinr-otw £at- KjS? 53i t£?SSS and the field to unlimited for our work. If you want cle*n. oilers eeu tub , n« and we will send pleasant work the year round' for whole or spare time, write us and we will #e: . J VM nor S1S COLLEGE STREET, TORONTO, ONT. you contract andtheprices we pay. COMMERCIAL ARTWORKS, It Is Between $75,000,000,000 $78,000,000,000. Karl Helfferich, director of Deutsche Bank/Berlin, has completed his report to the Kaiser of the wealth of the German nation. It will he published published a few weeks hence and will he sold for $30. From proof sheets seen it appears that Dr. Helffcrieh estimates the aggregate aggregate total wealth of Germany at from $75,000,000,000 to $78,000,000,000 The wealth of France is placed at i $60,000,000,000, that of England from $57,000,000,000 to $65,000,000,000,^ and j that of the United States at $124,- 000,000,000. The German per capita wealth is placed at from $1,100 to $1,200, that of France, $1,425; England England from $1,250 to $1,385, and the United "States $1,360. , The annual income of the German Mr. Eugene Ysaye. ing a pair of boots much the worse for wear were han-ded t-o tiie guest. "My dear friend," said Ysaye, "do me the favor of mending these boots for me." ' The millionaire was speechless with amazement. "A man should never be ashamed to exhibit his art," added Ysaye, I with a significant smile. -- , „ ... J tvtVv-v I neonle is placed at between $9,000,- when removed from the_dam. Mark I 000,000 and $10,000,000,000, of which the pigs of each litter by the ea_ notch system and discard the u runts or separate them for special care. Provide dry sleeping pens and ample ample runs. Sanitary quarters and bedding, with careful -feeding; can alone prevent serious losses from the many diseases and parasites which are common to swine. . Seasonable Orchard Notes. about one-sixth is used for public purposes. The amount used for private private purposes could not be ascertained definitely, but is estimated, approximately approximately at $6,000,000,000. From the deposits in German coni- mercial and savings banks it is deduced deduced that the Germans save $1,UUU,- 000,000 a year. Adding the automatic increase in values , to the estimates the annual increase in the aggregate wealth is $2,500,000,000. -«F -- NvUDRU-UQ CUCUMBER - ;À nOS'ïï WITCH H AZEL CRPAM Asoothing, coolinglotion--the very best thing you can use for the chafed skin, chapped hands and cracked lips which "raw cold weather brings. 203 25c a bottle, at your Druggist's. ' HATiONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, UMITED, MONTREAL #z SaifTéir Sugar Taste. St. Lawrence extra granu- j»I lated li now sold In" three different different size* of crystal^ 5 all ;>| choicest and purest ceneengar. Fine Grain (red label) : In this every grain from top to bottom is-about the sise of a pin point. " edi Mediwm Grain.(blue label) : Like small seed pearls, even and white and marvels of sweetness. Coarse Grain (green label) din Are you going to leave your young trees unprotected, from the rabbits and mice this winter 1 _ It seems like a great waste of time and money. _ , If you are going to' allow the mice and rabbits to destroy the fruit trees, why not stack them up in rows ready to be eaten and save the time necessary to plant them 1 If your small fruit did not bear this year as you hoped, try raising a few stands of bees next year. Their value in pollenization is rarely rarely understood. There is no doubt that the ba,na- na has, to a considerable extent, displaced the apple, and if the latter latter fruit is to hold its own, more care must be taken not only in its cultivation, but in its attractive ap- pearanqe in the city markets. Keeping the nests and the poultry-houses poultry-houses clean means work, of course, but how can. one hope to succeed in any business without work. There is no secret about the success success of a- man who adopts the best methods and works on them. Suspicious. A negro woman in Savannah was preparing to get. married. For four weks before the ceremony .she saved her wages and immediately after the wedding she hunted up her mistress and asked her to take charge of the fund. "I'll take it, of course, said the puzzled woman, "birfc Mandy, w: n't you heed money to spend on your honeymoon ?" . - "Miss May," said the bride, "does you cthink Ise goin' to truit -myself widk strange niggah an' all dat money on me ?" *- FREE PRIZE TO GIRLS BEAUTIFUL FRENCH DRESSED DOLL- 18 inches tall, eyes open arid shut, real eyelashes, completely dressed in. satin, with lace and ribbon trimming. Beautifully . trimmed hat and real shoes and stockings. Send us your name and address .and we will send you 30 sets of Season, Scenic, Floral and other Postcards to ? sell at 10 cents a set (six beautiful cards in each set.) When sold send us the money, and we will send you the doll, all charges prepaid. Write to-day and earn your doll now. Address Address A FOOD DRINK KOMER-WARREN CO. Dept. 5. TORONTO SricrUeSfcé Yee »-- - M rruer. * • Like""small diamonds and almost as brilliant, .but. quickly melted. g very grain, no mattes its sise, is finest extra granulated pure cane sugar, shown by analysiS 9^9a/ioo to.iooX-Pure. The weight is guanmteedas well es the quality. -> * Bags loo lb#., as 1^* *° lbs. Cartons s lbs., s lbs. $L Lswrsses Sugar lUfissrisa, Lhsltei. ■sstissL 4 Facts About Tuberculosis. The tuberculin test will detect over 98 per cent, of cases. Bad sanitary conditions and tuberculosis tuberculosis go hand in hand. A cow may be in thc~best of flesh and yet be badly affected by tuberculosis. tuberculosis. The tuberculin test, when properly properly applied, has little or no effect on milk production." Do not introduce a cow into your herd unless you know that she has beèn tested by a competent veterinarian veterinarian and found free from tuberculosis. tuberculosis. , , When tubercle bacilli are found in a cow's milk, it does mot always mean that the cow's udder is affected affected by the disease. . " . „ --*-- ItnOH H3M0d 3Hi... SPECIAL." Tinkle ! Tinkle! Wilbur--Do they always keep Horizontal Model STEAM ENGINE Qne of the moat complete model •team engines, turned out, and rung like sixty, spurting steam and making making ae much fun aa though it were running the electric light plant in ▼our town. Has brasslacquered boiler, with safety valve, blued steel fire box with spirit, (burners, and blued steel chimney. '■ All running -parts of beet quality metal. . Send ue -your " naine "and addreei and. we wifi sepdVou_ 40 eete .of Season, Birthday,' Floral and -other postcard# to sell at .10 cente, a set (six beautiful cards in - each set), when sold send us thé money, and we will send yon . the engine, all charges .prepaid, Addr« that big bell on the cow ? Papa---Yes, Wilbur. .. / Wilbur--I Suppose it, is to keep hér from falling asleep in this quiet place. /. '• / Which Brings Daily Enjoyment. A lady doctor writes : "Though busy hourly with my own affairs, I will not deny myself the pleasure of taking a/few minutes minutes to tell of, my enjoyment dailv obtained from my mormngjmp Postum. It is a food beveragé, not an irritant like coffee. "I began to use Postum 8 years ago, not because I wanted to, but because coffee, which I dearly loved, made my nights long, weary periods to be dreaded and unfitted me for business during the day." Tea is just as injurious as coffee, because the drug, caffeine, is found in both tea and coffee. "On advice of a_ friend, I first tf iéd Postum, making it carefully as suggested on the package. As I had always used "cream and. no su&ar," I mixed.my Postum so. It looked good, was clear and frag rant, arid it was a pleasure to see the cream color it as my. Kentucky friend wanted her coffee to look-- 'like a new saddle.', . . * "Then I tasted it critically, for I had tried many 'substitutes' for coffee. T-was pleased, yes, satisfied satisfied with my Postum in taste and effect, and ain yet, being a constant user of it all these years. I continually continually assure my friends and acquaintances. acquaintances. that they Will- like it in place" ol coff«pv :and recéiv'e' benefit from its use. ' p have gairied weight, can slhep ari^ ain > h<>t.nervous. - Naine giveri^-tiyi Canadian Postum Co., Windsor! Qnt. Write for the ? v \ X >7 Pi ti* HOMER-WARREN CO. DE>Tà ,|k TORONTO. X'-., Economy. Persevering Percy (who-has just paid a-begging visit to a neighboring neighboring house)^--iStr^ke me pink, 'Briery, if that ain't 'the most poverty- stricken 'ouse I ever struck. Why, blow me, if there ain't two ladiçs playin'. ;on the .same planner. . Men are just as sympathetic as women, but they haven't the knack iof showing it:V." v The o nly in price is book, T'The 1 Rôad to Well- little ^ ville/ M ÈSî/XS J ; t$ : : Postum -comésSv.in, two forins,: _ Regular HostUBi^niusT ; be . well boiled, ,;>. v 4:x.f.-Xy. ' >-X' Instant;Fostuni is a. soluble powder. powder. ATêasp^rifuldis^lvèà quickly quickly in a. cup pi:hot watCi> and,^ with cream/arid sugar, viririhes a ^delicious beverage .instantly. Grocers sell both kinds/_. ? ' ■ ■ f 'There's %-rèason" "for; Postum. h makes concrete that you can depend upon to. «Unfactory results, whether you use It,for a sdo or » garden walk. . , t . High quality and low price arc made possible by efficient organization and manufacturing economies due to a large and growing demand. . .° . > See that every bag of cement you buy bean the "Canada" label--it w your guarantee of satisfaction. ■> , ' ✓ Canada Cement Company Limited, Montreal Wr'zU for a fret copy of tbs book " What the Farmer Can Do With Concrete. " ïî2' ; /' rX; f-Z.' 4 -*-* 'V ' . - . ' • .-.-V* r-iv;V ■ mm S t. ... I Sag B m wËÊËÊËm