1"'!* CEYLON BLACK, MIXED OR LEAD PACKETS ONLY. AT ALL GROCERS. r. LOCU, IMA, RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. AU parties owing me wiil please caU an^pay the first week in October ana save all expenses. PETER MURDOCH. TAILOR MADE SUIT AT $15. Tos. Jeffrey & Son are Busy the*® ^ ays catching up with orders for their Fa ™™£ Tailor-made Suits at $i 5 -really worth $18 to $20. They have an , exc ?H*"! •election of worsteds and tw . ee ^ n to choose from. Why imt have your suit tailor-made instead" of w ®anng misfit ready-made suit? You never sa better bargains at this price, quahty and work considered. Have your measure taken tn-dav TAILOR MOVED. tailor A CURE FOR DRUNKENNESS WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL That Alcoholism is a ^disease is . recognized by Science. No ™ an ln hi ^ senses brings disgrace and rum on himself himself and family through choice. Alcura stops the craving for drink, builds up the system, steadies the nerves; it is guaranteed to cure or Ibenefit or money refunded after a fair trial. Alcura No. I can be given secretly by any wife o mother wanting to restore a dear one to health and usefulness. Alcura No. 2 1 the voluntary treatment. Can be had at our store, ; only $1.00 per box: ask for our free booklet about Alcura; Alcura; Jury & Lovell, druggists, Bowman- ville. Mr. J. T. Allen has moved his shop to the Mason Block over Anderson Clothing Go's „ Store, where he will be pleased to attend to the wants of aU his old customers and any new ones requiring SUGAR AS YOU LIKE IT suits made, clothes pressed, cleaned or re- Work done promptly and sa.is- paired. factorily. 28tf. NEW GROCERY OPEN FOR BUSINESS. FINE GrMn Sugar Tee. -- so Having purchased the grocery business formerly owned by W. W. Roberts, King St., West, I will be pleased to receive a call from all who desire choice groceries, groceries, confectionery and fruits in season. A trial order will be appreciated - promptly filled. G. A. COOK, Horsey Block, King St., Bowmanville. and MEDIUM Oimln MÏJ&3SZ « •naRwrl, pMNrcascMfW. «W* rrcryn COARSE Greta PEATE'S CLOTHES CLEANING CLEANING AND DYEING. 1 The cleaning and pressing works in Bowmanville-is carried on by Thomas Peate, next door to Scott's Grocery. He has a solution for putting on garments garments that makes it impossible for grease and dust to remain. Old clothing renovated renovated and made to look like new. Leave orders at Scott's Grocery if no one is in when you call. THOS. PEATE, King-st., Bowmanville. / z \ HAVE YOU made provision for employment during the Fall and Wintermonths^rdo^on wish i Vholmiv.tai snsîfc qwmtlty alt remunerative work the year - ns and secure our Agent's terms. We Offer the best In the business. Pay weekly, free outfit, exclusive territory. OVER 600 ACRES under cultivation. . Established_over Shears. A reputation for high grade stock and fair dealing. A salesman can make money, for us. We want an energetic, reliable man for Bowmanville and vicinity. For terms write PELHAM NURSERY CO., TORONTO, ONT. N. B. Free catalogue on request. 86-17 Circumstances. We often hear young men say that if their circumstances were different they might succeed, but as it is, there are too many obstacles against them. What did Napolon say about circum- etanos? He asked one of his marshals about a movement he had in contemplation, contemplation, and the answer was, if cir- cumstances were favorable it might be accomplished. Napoleon replied, Circumstances! I care nothing about ALLAN LINE ..........Nov 18 V ROYAL MAIL To Liverpool From Montrea Tunisian ...... Oct 14 * • • • Nov II Victorian Oct 21 Corsican Oct 28 Virginian Nov 4 .... To Glasgow Pretorian Oct .18 Nov'15 Grampian..... Oct 23 Nov 20 Scandinavian . .Nov I Hesperian Nov 6 • ■ To London and Havre Corinthian, z..Oct 12 ^ Sicilian.......Oct IQ Nov 23 Ionian Oct 26 Pomeranian .Nov 2 ........ • • • • Scotian Nov 9 For tickets and full particulars of rates, etc., apply to M. A. James, local agent or THE ALLAN LINE, 77 Yonge St^Toronto circumstances; I make circumstances Asthma Overcome. The triumph over asthma has assuredly come. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy Remedy has proved the most positive blessing the . victim of asthmatic-attacks asthmatic-attacks has ev^r known. Letters received received from thousands who have tried it form a testimonial which leaves no room for doubt that here is a real remedy. Get it to-day from your dealer. - Good Off-Season Dessert. There are several between-season lulls every year when fresh fruits are not at their best. In the late autumn there is a period when peaches, grapes and pears have passed their prime, and oranges, grapefruit, apples and nuts have not yet reached theirs. Then the housekeeper and cook must put their wits to work to give their menus flavors. Preserved ginger helps solve the problem,- so far as desserts are concerned. Ginger cream one of the good things to make with this candied fruit. The ingredients needed for it are a cupful of milk and a cupful cupful of-cream, half an ounce of gelatine, gelatine, the yolks of three eggs* two ounces of sugar, a little lemon jelly, two ounces of candied or preserved preserved ginger, some diced candied fruits, and half a gill of ginger syrup- - . , . If you use preserved ginger cram off the liquid in which it is preserved. preserved. It you use candied ginger soak it for half an" hour in just enough water to cover it, and then simmer it gently for -18 minutes. Drain and use this syrup and use the drained ginger where candied or preserved ginger is called for. Melt the jelly and pour it with the candied fruits in the bottom of a mould. Tip the mould from side to side to side until the jellv hardens, hardens, so that the ginger will be held in place evenly over the bottom of the mould. Heat the milk in a double boiler and pour it slowly over the egg yolks, beaten. Then thicken this 1 custard in the double boiler. Remove it from the .fire and add the sugar and the gelatine, gelatine, dissolved in the ginger syrup Cool it. Whip the cupful of cream, add the ginger, cut in small pieces, and stand it aside until it is almost almost set. Then pour it in the mould and let it harden. Serve chilled. Quickly Made Ginger Cream.-- A quickly and easily made ginger cream is this: Whip a cupful of cream, add the juice from half a lemon and the syrup from ounces of preserved ginger. Mix this and then add two ounces granulated granulated sugar and four ounces of preserved ginger, cut in small dice. Pile it in long-stemmed e cups and serve* - at once: Ginger, souffle must be served the moment r it is done. To make it, boil half a cupful of milk. Mix an ounce of potato flour, an ounce of sugar and ounce and a half of butter, butter, and add them to the milk.. Stir constantly until the mixture ifl "i thick aiid smooth. Then add three egg yolks, beaten, and remove im mediately from the fire. Cool it and add the whites of four eggs, whipped light. In the mean time prepare two ounces of preserved ginger by cutting cutting it in small pieces and add this to the souffle immediately after adding adding the whites of the eggs. Pour it into a greased tin and bake minutes. Serve from the tin which it is b baked, with a sugar sifted over the top. Steamed Ginger Pudding.--This is a recipe for steamed ginger pudding pudding : Heat a cupful of milk, four tablespoonfuls of granulated sugar, a little salt and four tablespoonfuls of butter in a double boiler. When hot remove from the fire arid add a cupful and a half of flour. Stir and return to the fire. _ After five minutes of constant stirring remove from fire, add three eggs well beat- and four ounces of preserved cut in small pieces. Pour The Bridies That We Build But V Never Cross. ; Lofty or low, -neath dark or sunny Through'the ' long centuries, in every clime, , The Castles of Imagination rise. And of their airy beauty Poets write, In flowing lines of roundelay or rhyme, 1 „ . Painting with glowing" words their turrets bright. But of all structures in our. Fancÿ wrought, ' . One is most famous for its uselessness. uselessness. And for the fret and trouble it has •brought. Into the lives of those who spend their force In vain anxiety, who forward We recommend Magic Powder a» being the best, purest and most healthful baking powder powder that it is possible to produce# CONTAINS NO ALUM AU ingredients are plainly printed on the label# :u maoiïTcom TORONTO. ONT.' IWNNSEG-NONIREAIt /-• / VX. ' Z. x ' • press # And strain to build the Bridge they JOKES LEAD TO MATRIMONY. ness (calculated per 10,000 ol the estimated population) than either never cross. Deep in the valley of Dishearten- ment, Over the stream of Possibility, Joining the banks of Doubt and Discontent, Instances Where They Have Been the county boroughs or the non Turned t« Good Account. h^Tetuary, March and Many a man, and many a woman 1912 (the -months of the min- for that matter, is pining" in the l s t r ik e ), there was a persistent shades of single blessedness who decline to far below the corres- d into the sunshine sunshine of matrimony had - been quick-wi see their, chance, or a might have merged into the Bjn- I ponding record of 1911. long ago if taiey "There was a still more rapid) and - -w-v ! T £ \I7 rt^FV 1 olllilv Gi UlttUi.ilLAVAlJ © 0 - 1 1 JL 116 lo W -CVO <V DU1U ü A «pAVAi » There swings the Bridge of Worry, had - been quick-witted enough to r iaten f rise, with the return of let it teach , , , nhance. or bold ^murh IF - ^ T - 1 - till July, Lo: unlike those for H1911, show a head will cure a severe headache. To maihMneat tender put a tablespoonful tablespoonful o! vinegar in the water when boiling it. ; ... ■ ,, , A tablespoonful of'vinegar added to a pot roast will make it more palatable and tender. , , , To keep white paint bright, rub it with a clean kerosene cloth after the ordinary cleaning. Horseradish is better scraped than grated and should be prepared just before it.is needed. A drop of oil of lavender on the arms and neck is sometimes a protection protection from insect bites. . < Never rub soap on a stain without without first wetting it and partly washing washing it out in cold water. Jelly should be lifted from--the preserving kettle with a silver or enamellea ladle or a cup. Wheri preparing onions, turriips, and carrots for cooking, cut across the fibre as this makes them more tender when cooked. French chalk applied to grease spots on flannel suits brings out the grease if the garment is held near the fire. To clean lacquered articles, brush with hot water and mild soap, wiping dry before the fire and finishing with a soft cloth. Do not use alkali or soda. It will remove the lacquer. „ 2! v l»tl Bee their, chance, or do 10 en< >ugh l good work and wages, till July, lesson, to the harrowed, let ^ tflke ^vantage of it when > he yJJph e 1912 figures for Greater Lon- them see 1 -uJsftw it. Though matrimony is a 1 * f - ' How much they waste on what they ger ^ OUB g t ep in .life, yet it has often never reach! . _ been brought about by a joke, for, --Florence L. Patterson, m JNa-j^ one of Lh® party had not been ufficiently witty to perpetrate it, tional Magazirie for October; or^rShV'hàd not been sufficiently sufficiently smart to see and take advantage of it, the happy union would never have taken place. , , For instance, a doctor wrio^ad been attending a lady friend for time was, on her recovery, ' 1 be. don, UU1AM.Ü iui j-i decline in June and July (the months of the transport workers' strike). In August, when, that was over, the figures rose again." Gentleman (entering)--"Do you work here, boy 1" Office-boy-- "Only when the governor is looking." looking." LIQUID SULPHUR. SULPHUR in a liquid form.assimilates form.assimilates readily with the blood. LIQUID SULPHUR for that reason reason does what nature is not always able t0 T r sirT p e HnB°turtiêa I »eked what hia'charge -would cause LIQUID SULPHUB P un " He replied that he seldom or never the blood it is a P OB1 * 1 ^® < ^ r ' 6 ^° r made a definite charge to hh ECZEMA, _ RHEUMATIS ' tiept-friends, being well content to 1 J ee J altogether at home in his new troubles arising from impure blood. le ^ matter, not only to their quar tere aboard ship. "Mmranie, Ask yprfr druggist fo r LlQUiu time, but*to their own sense of f> ee ever B0 sleepy. I want to go SULPHUR. I w hat was due. , to bed," he exclaimed, piteouaiy. Price 60 Cents per bottle. i'But are you not often very dis : getting U p in his bunk. But you ------^777--appointed with the result?" aske<i are in bed, dear," protested mum- 1 'LIQUOR KINGS WARY» Ithe lady. f * "T'*p. not in bed, was the re- "X may say that I never am, The family were - " emigrating to Australia, and little Willie did not South Africans Successfully Elude ^ t he doctor. the Watchful Police. "As you are so easily pleased, As an instance of the widespread here, then," said the lady, 8iyh*8 ramifications and cunning methods the doctor her « ^t hand, of the Rand Uquor sellers, who are | whilst she kept concealed a ch^q _ widely known *as "liquor kings," and who try to dodge the police by cue. ply- "T'ge' not in bed, 'T, bo In a chest o 7 drawers. for a handsome amount in her other hand. "How easily I could have 30 in little LO try to aoage une QU in she said a moment every conceivable manoeuvre, th^ tai^ f al)ghin g in the doctor's face following may be mentioned aa , ----- fiim thè ohe que. very latest trick which has been de- ^ «ntrary," said the doc- tected. No less d ^ . "you have only succeeded m bottles of doctored "dop" br . a ^ drawing me out. Don't insult me were found m the possession ° ^ , 0 | o «hernie. I am most gener- Pearls of Truth. The great thing in the world is not so much to seek happiness as to earn peace aftd self-respectk--Hux- *and steam for an hour, custard arid ginger syrup. ley. y'l\ï$p Q Ideas on Christmas Giving. Ideas on Ghriffcnaas giving are rapidly .changing , among the sensible. sensible. Those who think as they give are looking for a year-round service service as the important thing. In a week of shopping, with all its strain, you will not find a better gift than a year's- subscription to The Youth's Companion as it is today--enlarged today--enlarged and improved--with its new departments, the Family Page, the Boys' Page, the Girls Page ;• with 250 stories and eight great serials ; facts of Science, Current' Current' Events ; a remarkably informing informing editorial page, and a perennial supply of good fun. - No matter to whom you send ine Companion--all the family will read it. Because it compels. . Fifty-two times a twelve. 1 . , No American monthly at any the same amount of ing a laundry van in ihe vicinity the Simmer Deep Mine. The bottles bottles were hidden beneath what looked like bundles of so-called laundry. The white bosses of this nefarious traffic cannot be reached,- as they invariably work, everything from behind the scents, They are said have their residences in. swell CURE „ Blok Headache and relieve all the troubles m* y ♦>.* «vetam.euoh aa to nothing better," and he n down at the eriipty hand which he had refused to relinquish: Such a plain hint could" scaroely be misunderstood, misunderstood, especially if the lady was not "particularly anxious to misunderstand it, and in this case, at least, it resulted in a. happy marriage. . PT^buLmTatate the .T.t^uoha. Plaudnees. Nausea, Drowslnees. Distress alter en ginger, -- ■■ - * the mixture-into a buttered mould Serve with BOWMANVILLE TIME TABLE (Effective Sept. 16th) trains leave For Toronto and Intermediate Stations ^9.16 a.m, 7.41p.m. between Trenton and Ptotoa. (Daily except Sunday) 11.10 a. m. 7.21 p. m. - T or Coe Hill and Intermediate Stations 11.10 a. m. Wherever the search after truth begins there life begins. Whereyer •that search ceases life ceases. Ruskin. Thou pitiest the blind? the lame ? Why not also the wicked 1 They are wicked in spite of themselves as the first are blind and lame.-- Epictetus. ' . Blessed be Heaven, there is here and-there a man born who levés truth as truth should be loyed---^ with al his heart and all his soul. --Oarlyle's "Frederick the Great. ' Part of our good consists in the endeavor to do sorrows away, and in the power to sustain them when the endeavor fails ; to bear them nobly, and thus help others to bear their sorrows as well.--Leigh Hunt, In Great Britain and in the United United States it is instinctively felt that one nation depends for its. security largely upon the other, arid that Useful Hints. A cut l&mon rubbed on the fore- Consumption Takes Huih 5 ;ds of People for Tirker, Tw.»l, Hirowsmltt, neither nation can allow the other Kd toterm^late on Ba, .1B,. | dow „._Mr. J. Ellis Barker. TRAINS ARRIVE From Toronto »ad IntermeAtate Sfcstieus 11.10 s. m. 7.21p.m. v,na(ii. BelleviUe. Trenton and Inte r* mediate Joints: also Picton and O.O.BrPolnti) 9.16 a. m, 7.41 p. m. From MaynoothïO. O. R.) 7.41 p. m. From Sydenham, Tweed, Yarker, eto. , 7.41p.m. Trains run daüy except Sunday nnlew other- wise marked. For ftàther particulareeee other adrertleement - 1 . sppStrlng in thU paper, or apply L. M. WILLIAMS, Bowmanville Agent Literally So. "Yesterday I received an unspeakable unspeakable insult." "What was it?" "A deaf and dumb man spelled on his fingers to me that I was a liar." Every day and the su uprising truth is that most cases are preventable preventable with^fehnely, intelligent treatment. These appalling facts should warn us that after sickness, colds, overwork overwork or any other drains upon strength, Scott's Emulsion should be promptly and regularly used because because tubercular germs thrive only in a weakened system. _ The tested and proven value of Scott's Emulsion is recognized by the greatest specialists because its medical nourishment assimilates quickly to build, healthy tissue; aids in the development of active, life-sustaining blood corpuscles; strengthens the lungs and builds physical force without reaction. Scott's Emulsion is used in tuber- price offers , , reading, and none can offer betiter quality. Less' than five cents_ a week provides this best of Christmas Christmas gifts, $2.25 a year. If you subscribe subscribe now, all the remaining is- Bues of the- year will be sent free, and The - Companion Practical Home Calendar. A copy of the Calendar is also sent to those .who make a gift subscription. Send for sample copies containing chapters from Frank Lillie Pollock's great Canadian serial, "The Timber Treasure," and the 1914 Prospectus. Prospectus. The Youth's Companion, 144 Berkeley St., Boston,*Mass.. places of the suburbs, travelling to and from the city in their motors. They are on a level with the illegal gold buyers. One may rub shoulders shoulders with them in most unlikely places--the best clubs, ^ political meetings, social gatherings V-and tram-cars--and not even know it. The leaders of both gangs are pre,tty well known to the Criminal Investigation Department, but they are too wary to be caught within ^ the meshes of the law. The Prime year--'Mmifiter' s promise to adopt drastic measures for the suppression of the traffic is welcomed. * -- BldeTko. Whil. thelrmort. remarkable success has been shown in curing yet Carter's Little Liver V03M ^m^liuible in Constipation, cming^ BUILT RIGHT PROTECTING ST. PAUL'S. tL Stomach, Nerves and Thinker Re stored by Grape-Nuts Food, number of persons whose ailments ailments were such that no other food could be retained at all, is large, and reports are on the increase. 'For 12 years I suffered A lady with a fine figure, having taken a fancy to a ring which she @aw ticketed in a shop window, went inside to examine it. "It is exceedingly lovely. I wish it were mine," she said on satisfying herself. herself. "What * smaller figure will tempt you ?" "No other figure than the figure before me," he said, giving her an admiring look at the same time, "it is exceeding lovely. I wish I could tempt you with the ring. "I think I'll take it," she said, laying down the money, amidst blushes. Of course he accepted the money, but, getting her address he made such, good use of the hint that the next ring -which she got was given by him in church. irom A member of the British House of Commons had been paying attention attention to a young lady for a long while, and had taken her to attend the House until she was well post- --- -- v - , ! ed in the rules. On the last day dyspepsia, finding no food that did the sess i on> as they came out, he not distress me," writes a Wls - bought her a 'bouquet of flowers, lady. 'T was reduced from 145 to aQ< j to her < 90 lbs., gradually growing weaker <'May I offer you my handful o until I could leave my bed only a flowers?" short while at a time, and became | rep Hed promptly : unable to speak aloud. "Three years ago I was attracted by an article on Gripe-Nuts and decided to try ft. v My stomach was so weak I coula not take cream, but I used Grape- Nuts with milk and lime water. It omitting IJ 3) correot^lditol<lera9?tbe.tolil*lh ; lrtin^te«w liver sud regulste the bowels. Even lx they omy " "EAD ould be almost priceless to thc^ewhil thte die tresstBg complin t; but fort» JH SssSsssrsBugfiikisa- ACHE of BO H1M1T ÜY6S thit heT6 1* verv easy to take. One or two pilla mtitea uoe^ Th^r ere strictly vegetable sadto not « purge, but by their gentle action please au wno yw îhsm. 042IZS MIfiXCISl 00^ MW TOIL ÛÎ.U ButtlMhiMi "I move to amend by all after the word 'hand He blushingly seconded the amendment, and they adopted it unanimously. . Sailings froni Montreal and Quebec CANADA - - Sat. Nov 1st «MBGANTIC - • „ TEUTONIC • Oct 18th -MEGANTIO - Jf h ♦The largest Canadian liners in commission. RATES According to steamer and , accommodation First Class - - - * r I * V"",, One Class Cabin (II) $50. tinAêtë. Second Class - - * * |^| ^ 1 bird Class * • C31.25 and Ç32.B0 Ask the nearest Railway or Steamship Steamship Agent for particulars INCREASE OF DRUNKENNESS. If statistics High Pressure Water System Installed Installed at Top of Dome. Now that the cross above St.,--^ " f m ^ fl rsfc , building Paul's has been regilded vit -is not heipea me mflnner likely to be allowed again to gather up ™ y . the accumulations of ® thought my recovery impossible, smoky atmosphere, as it did durug "Boon 1 was able to take Grape- __ _ the previous half a century. Hy- __ and cream for breakfast and prosperity and drinks go hand m dT«t a have be.n placed ^V^.nd tonoh a^ ghV with an egg and Udin England. . There haa been the lantern below, the ball *rid Qr Nutt f or dinner. more work and more drinking dur- croes, and by means of A high. P - ie f^ m nOW able to eat fruit, meat ing the last twelvemonth, sure/tariy they_wiU ; be Whsed ^ rly sll vegetables for din- Public houses (on licenses) have penpmcally to clean the golde but fondly continue Grape- decreased by 10 per cent, since crqHv , v, . Wf Nuts for breakfast and supper. 1905. At the end of 1912 they nuffi- The hydrants have been mfcro- (<M ihe tim6 ^ beginning Qrape- bered 88,608, but the convictions duced as a result of an e^P e U jn ® n ' > | XT .. X „ T aneak a sen-I fr»r drunkenness in 1918 erwe 18,- WHITE STAR DOMINION LINE Statistics Show That Intoxication Goes With Prosperity. are. to be believed hand fm she rieryoue I" "NdrvousI l^he'd even jump at a proposal !" Old Richly--"I don't v wish you for a son-in-law.V Young Man-- "No? Well, haven't you any other good position you could give 'a fellow." fellow." culosis camps because of its rare any use in caso^ot-fire. emosis vuuy* _ _ now been:laid to « aonMer- From Montreal Steamer From Bristol and Fortnightly thereafter Roy al George Sat. Oct. 18 Sat. Nov. I Royal Edward Wed. Nov. 19 Royal George" Wed. Dec. 3 From. Halifax body-building, blood-making properties properties and because it contains no alcohol or habit-forming drug. Be sure to insist on Scott's. :r 7 Scott at Bowne, Totoafo, Ontario. 13-76 »bïe height. witil -outiet. *t di8«r- , E P °IS'S^1^XlG to We,,v=ll.,'- i- Pta.. arisen the enginer being ooupled_to the other ends of the mains. be WW Ironie om namrus «r» W ed. Dec. 3 Windsor, Ont. .1 back street, where he used to ebak| "There's a reason," and it is ex- 1 unseen, out into the open, where he lalned itt tho little bbok, "The arreted." ^ *: « .. *i în i-vU«a ■ London, with a 'total oi > 50,383» eonvUtieBB, aho-wp » far higher pro- portion of convictions for drunkea- Royal Edward aver rod the above lettert • ire A nw Ml SESS. «SS iSVJB,rtK««. T SS«i!2 Royal George Tues. Dec. l6 Wed. Dec. 31 Full particulars and tickets from M. A. JAMBS, Bowmanville Agent for Canadian Northern Steamship im