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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Nov 1913, p. 7

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birch leads. * SSI ©F <êAMA®A .^>D OFF/c e TORONTO S ENDING money to any point in Canada, the United States or Europe is safe, economical and expeditious when this Bank s drafts and money orders are used. «34 BOWMAN VILLE BRANCH A. N. McMILLAN, Manager. Branch.» also Its Use in 1912 Was Greater Than Maple. The popular idea that h«=au«> Canada is the Land of the Maple, the maple must necessarily be the hardwood of. first importance in Canada is- incorrect, ludged y data gathered by the Branch of the Department of the Interior a.t Ottawa. .. . 1 y. There are three species qf hire of commercial importance in Canada, Canada, the black, yellow, and white, paper, birch. The -former two havf the more valuable w<"d. are confined to eastern Canada, whereas the paper birch ^ fou . n f n every province of the Domm . , ringing to the limit of tree-growth towiroi the north and growing well within the Arctic circle in the Mackenzie River basin and m the It is this wide range which contributes contributes largely to its present importance, importance, but the qualities of the wood promise a still greater use in the future, for it is a strong, hard, fine-grained wood which takes a high polish and can be stained to imitate the more expensive woods, such as mahogany, cherry or walnut walnut "Wavy" bircji is an accidental accidental form due to cross-grain^ some- what similar to "curly" maple, and is highly prized for ornamental work. In another recent report issued by the Forestry Branch on the Wood-Using Industries of Ontario, Ontario, birch is reported as being used in the manufacture of over one hundred different articles, ranging from ships to spools. As a fuel- wood, it takes first place, and it is also one of the principal woods used in wood-distillation, while its on y objection as a pulpwood is that it is too heavy to be readily floated down the streams to the mills. Birch also formed 28 per cent, of the square timber exported from Canada in 1912, according to the bulletin on the production of lumber, lumber, square timber, lath and shingles shingles for that year, which has been prepared by the Forestry Branch and Will shortly be issued. Ihe remainder remainder was largely white pine. Until 1912 the export of'square timber timber had steadily decreased since 1877, but last year showed a surprising surprising increase, the quantity exported exported in 1912 exceeding that exported exported in the previous year by almost almost 90 per cent. Rubbers aii ever-Steefclaos In One. v..w to eut en an* take off. Tit well - --Look well--We«r well. All el*ee Mr women eod children. guy them anfl protect you™If ■ n *- k'ûmüly from wlfcter Ills. 2 Caesdlse Consolldrted BcbberCa United. «tartre* 1 * the kettle and make a brown gray in the pan. Pour this over the birds and heat to boiling and put m the fireless cooker for several hours. Serve in a casserole. Sprint Chicken.--A hen, even an old one, may be made to do duty as a spring- chicken if treated^ as follows follows : Select a hen, not too fat, dress carefully, skin and place m a pan, cover with water m which a pinch of soda has been dissolved, boil until tender, remove each peace, sprinkle- with salt and pepper pepper roll in cracker dust or corn- meal if preferred, and fry in a hot pan with lard and butter, half and half. After the chicken is browned, browned, remove, add salt, pepper and a litle water to the gravy in the pan and when this comes to a W add a cup of rich milk and boil for two minutes. Serve with the chicken. Woman Is As Old As " Looks " ' weiitu to leek eld. Many In their effort te look weuthfolrenorttathe ,, beautydoetor , b ,, JprMcriP*toM.lhetemi»- toke in that they visit the wrong department In the drug ntore. ISïïS: SSÎÎiïKESï!S«h«. irt». lrr«a. larities and weakneeaea of a distinctiyfe«niDin« character i^a short time brin* the dull eyeu the <aow ■ ***** ***• ha**ard look, drooping should ere. and toe faltering step. .... To retain the appearance of youth yo>vmu*t retain health. Instead of lotions, powders and paints, ut your druggist for PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription This famous medicine strikes at the very root »Z these enemies of your youthful appearance. It makes you no only look young, but feel young. ' . ,_K - - -- " -- - Veur druggist can -- SO eee-eeirt stamps -- gleal Uiatftuta, Buffalo but reel young. Sale, N.V. and trial Pea will »o mailed y« ^223 V t-1 -- -- as preferred, with whipped Hands Across the Sea. Not a volume of The Youth's Companion is published that does not contain a number of lions by British contributore-Mr Gladstone, the Duchess o! 8»&er . land, Rudyard Kipling, Lord Ten "nyson have in years past written for this great family paper. . During-191-4 - the Duke of Argyll, formerly Governor-General of • Canada, will have something to say gbout "The Scot"--his character *d characteristics ; Jane Barlow till tell of the "Big : Houses of Ireland"" ; Sir Ernest .Shackleton will describe the qualities ..which lead to success in an explorer ; bir William Ramsay, the great chemist^ will write upon "Waste, and How to Remedy It" ; Sir John Murray will tell about "The Deepest Parts of the Sea" -, Dr C. W. eminent English physician, will de scribe "The Beauty That En- dU This tells very little ofwhat The Companion will bring its readers in 1914. As it is to-day, The Com nanion is as entertaining as J may remember it. But it is larger now with special Family Ihj£ es > Boys' Pages, Girls', Pages. There are fifty-two issues m a yeai, not tXV H Y you do not know The Companion Companion as it is to-day, let us send you sample copies containing chap- ters from Frank Lillie Pollock s great Canadian serial, "The Timber Timber Treasure," "with the Announcement Announcement for 1914. • Every new subscriber for 19U « Canada will receive free all th issues for the remaining weeks of 1913--from the time of sn^onption until January, 1915-all for *8.85. The Youth's Companion, 144 Berk lev St., Boston, Mass. ,. 0 „ --. Any Hcalachc Cured and £ve her everything she 1 -- W ^I can support her and give her her principal want." "And what is that! "Me." 11 J nVdUtiVUV VUivv, Tired Systems Re-Toned When You're Dull, Tired, Restless Day and Night Something is Wrong in tho Stomach. Dragged Down hy Asthma. The man or woman who ^continually subject to asthma is unfitted tor h^ or her life's work. Strength de parts and energy is taken &way un- tü life becomes a dreary existence. And yet this is needless. Dr. J .Lf. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy has -brought a great change to an army of sufferers. It relieves the restricted restricted air tubes and guards against future trouble. Try it. Prominent Publishing Man Says the Quickest Cure is Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Incurable. Proud Mother -- Such enormous sums that we've spent on dear Clara's voice-- Sympathetic Visitor - And you can really do nothing for it'I Selected Recipes. Baked Apples.--Select apples of uniform size, wash, - core, arrange in baking dish and fill the cavities with sugar, buttei? and spices or with plain sugar/ Bake and serve - cream. . ' Pressed Beef.--Take the' thin pieces of pickled beef and boil until weir done, then pick it to pieces, season with pepper, .salt and allspice. allspice. Put in a cloth, press with a heavy weight. When ready to" serve, slice thin. Baked Ham.--Soak the ham overnight overnight in cold water, remove to kettle kettle of fresh water and* cook enough so that the skin is easily removed, trim, press a couple of dozen cloves in the fat side and end, rub with brown sugar and place in fireless cooker between hot stones to bake. Cornmeal Mush.--Heat the water to- the boiling temperature and when it bubbles sprinkle cornmeal in very slowly, stirring constantly until the mixture thickens--about fifteen- minutes. Put in fireless cooker and cook ten or more hours. When ready to serve heat very hot. Salad Surprise.--Select turnips of one size, peel carefully, cut off top and scoop out the inside, lo this add salt and English walnuts, mix thoroughly with French dressing dressing made with a liberal quantity ot olive oil; refill turnip cups, plant mint cherry on top and serve on lettuce leaves. m Mock Plum Pudding.--To a half- pound of gingersnaps add a half teaspoonful of baking powder, soak thoroughly in a pint of milk, mix in two well-beaten eggs, a table- spoonful of butter, one tablespoon ful of sugar, half a cup of raisins, quarter of a cup of citron, half a cup of nuts ; bake in slow oven and serve hot with vanilla sauce. Cherry Come Again.--Dream one rounding tablespoonful of butter and one tablespoonful of white ot egg with 1 X A cupfuJ* of -eonfectiou- -er'8 sugar. Work-hr-one tablespoonful tablespoonful of cherry juice and one of preserved cherries chopped fine, mix with stiffly beaten white of two eggs, mound on cold dish and place whole cherries on top. Chocolate.--Three squares dhoco late, one-half cup sugar, salt (few grains), two cups boiling water six !ups «tided' milk, To Ae_ melted \ • A Set of Dainty Aluminum Moulds An opportunity, like this, to get a set of stylish individual aluminum jelly moulds free , will probably never occur again in your lifetime. This Free Offer is simply a quick way we've adopted to introduce Headaches never come to those 55? ,rie D v r ou5red Ü ( =r n by Se Vti lot Manager of the Poultry Success Magazine, ot Springfield, O, Mr. J. H. Callander, who writes. No bettor medicine than Dr.^Hamm d knQW 0 j, cupg mux.» au u*« ~ Selouscures that resisted every- chocolate add sugar, salt and1 wa fhtnl tise They cleanse the whole gtir until smooth, heattoi the svstem 1 act as a tonic on the blood, ^ iling point and place in the fire- enliven digestion, help the stomach ^ Alk)W Byto remain over For headaches, Mon 8 ^ bST ThS h trr=riPÜon m ,s° r en HarL^ 1 ^ co^ develops a pleasrng -niit e if 1 fl&vor. _ . • P Being composed of natural vege- y e àl Birds.--Cut veal m P ie< ^j table remedies. Dr. Hamilton s Pills ^ t two inches square, pound possess great power yet toey are r» ch ieoe flat and twice as large ^^wtthlhl SomïMr, and las before. Season wrth salt and You simply purchase three packages-of Shir ^f s Powder from the grocer. He will then give you, without any extra charge, three"" of these jelly moulds. Or he will give you the complete set of six different shapes with six packages. Six packages merely provide a nice assortment of flavors-- flavors that are fruity, well-pronounced. Shir , nfF ® J I !^ enced g class, delicious. You'll serve it often once you ve commenced. And individual jellies-a jelly for each attractive and fashionable table decorations that nothing les than the complete set will satisfy you. Especially wi yo Îhe set, became the moulds are in six diffeuent stynsh des.gns, and because they are made of aluminum, which every informed woman knows is the world's best material for cooking utensils. - Your grocer is probably exhibiting the moulds and ShirrifFs Jelly in his window to-day. Call or phone him at once. - -- . y.»»»/v / » î y.*.*/1 i* IOC. a package. 3 for 25c. 6 for 50c. One package makes six individual jellies. Especially delicious when served in combination with fresh or canned fruit, or with whipped cream. 106 Worms, however generated, are aariulODB ctnma ch liver, and I as beiore. , found in the digestive- tracts, where nected w ^ h co n Be quence, tood Is pr<> pepper and lay t ^ > ° £ b ^. on Lll thev set up disturbance detrimental °°^® ls I iK e Bted the blood Is pure and parsley and a strip of bacon, ^ the health of the child. There body is kept strong skewer with w^en ti>othpicks tan ïlnocLfcrtforthe littièones disease. All druggi^and | RoU in flour and brown m bntter until the hurtful totr-den. have Uorekeepere, seU ^ Ham been expelled. Mo better p P , , i ^ n ' (rom the Catarrhozone Co., But tion for this purpose can bo^ad {al '_ N . Y „ an d Kingston, Canada, than Miller's Worm Powders. Ihe> * narsley and a strip 01 a skewer with wooden toothpicks Roll in flour and brown in butter and drippings. Remove btrds to than Miller s vvuiua. a. will immediately destroy the worms and correct the conditions that were favorable to their existence. JAP EYES LIKE OURS. Judge: "You said the defendant rturned and whistled to the dog^ k\Vhat followed 1' Witness. dog !" " It is said that the late Father Stanton once met a drunken m who was clinging for euppo^rt to Hmp-post. The parson approached blm and in a friendly way suggested suggested that it would be better ^or him if he took less liquor. The wretched man turned unsteadily, still clinging to the said- "I am a teetotaller. Xes, real one 1 But I'm not one of those bigoted fellows. old year- This Woman Knows How D.D.D. Cures Skin Trouble ! , x n to take the terrible itch away. But by (This letter is just received 0 degrees I saw the big «ore getting smaller. 1 V T «° nto - I have a thankful heart today. "I am the mcthet of twelve chi rem M sütt| M2 N . Weston Rd_, J took a bad leg at the fi b,r* e jM a West Toronto. child. I was laid ^p ^ docs nothing , -- n D are past belief. E25jh3J?£?i£ iSSss: &A-6TS to tear my leg at mgh Soap. ; , bleeding mass I app » e mCi i ^ t o us and'we will sell you the I can't tell vou the ease u 8 Many _ JU>me to . ^ Qn the guaran tee that n Vme a i hire netriy feU with dizziness for * ^ " top ü, e itch at once or your money * time I have ne« j le g \ s completely refunded . K & LOTeU ' Drageisl, Formed the Same But Do Hot Open In Same Manner. We call the Japanese eyed" and the Chinese slit-eyed, and most of- us are apt to supple that their eyes are of entirely different different shape trtim our own. But such is not the case. _ The e^. of all the races are practically Rhane their difference m appear being due .solely to adrfler- enoe in the openiogxif t he , Among the Caucasians ™e eyelids are drawn open the cnite and inner ends of the hds^rto » straight, horizontal line. The litis open wide without any special effort, effort, presenting the eSect of the fU Among the . Japanese the -brown iris of the eye is Pf*» 1 LSTfoS' but in Europeans it «^tiways free^ In Japanese children the upper lid is especially marked. The inner corner of the eye is a semicircular semicircular fold, resting upon the lower lid, and even covering its edge. The outer edge is pointed, thL giving the typical almond shape to the eye. It is claimed that the flat noses of the Japanese have much to do with these special char- acte rigides of the ^eyelid. It- is a good plan when making By using lubys uair restorer Look for this label oneverçrbag hair restorer Your Gray Hair can be restored restored to its Natural Color. THO»»»H®S y " Er,TT * D At ati I Druggfeto BOo. a Bot. IT means best quality--tested 1 quality --fall measure and thorough satisfaction. CEMENT z- It is on every bag 01 V lti X Herrin Gloves give the final touch of effective TJNLESS you VJ depend^poaA Cement is dwoughly i it pa» 8 *, every test it is not allowed to leave the mill. t _ You can depend upon Canada CemcnL Be sure you get iL ^ r» A. Cement 'Company Limited, Montreal , ' ■ , 1 1£ Aa asl A ness to afliy coetume. ^,.cl'a.C-remUre-r-mbb-hnoa. Ure»d.-. knew him. ask «• Ser h« name. Btarch to shave off some fine pieces of soap and add them to the starch. This gives a beautiful glossy finish r^r U «MCtd a cure, l only goi^-- jus, " ^ r t» collars and,euffsV, and: will pre- I never expect $ „ t „ e Standard Skto Remedy l^ent Urn iron from atickmg. D. D. D. Prescription--tor ia > e «» a _ •• PERRIN nOW mm. ME DS rn" KZTLt# „ , Ar „ f-- * th 160page Writ. »r Infirm^ £8 C.«rto. "

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