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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1913, p. 2

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' «.v'.ïyé »•?•&.<* i-sti •' ;/-- i|p|@||||Ppg ■•^v ; B5S ■S r>- r.-. NOTES AND COMMENTS Even at a meeting of scientific leaders "sensational" assaults are made these days on modern èduca- tional. systems. Not that men of science expect radical changes to be made in a day; not that they fail to realize that readjustment of education to new needs is necessarily necessarily a slow process. But even the scientist is human, arid when terribly terribly in earnest, his style may become become a trifle lurid. You Get Bilious I Because Your Liver is Lazy You get a bilious attack when your liver refuses to do its wor lc The bile does not flow. You "become constipated. Food sours instead of digesting. You have that "bitter as gall" taste. The stomach becomes inflamed and inflated-f- tums sick---vomiting, and violent headache.--The best preventative and cure for biliousness is Chamberlain's Tablets. They make the liver do its work--strengthen the digestive organs, and restore to perfect health. 25c. a bottle , Dealers and Druggists, or by mail. 1 Medicine Company, Toronto. --All CHAMBERLAINS TABLETS 1 EST E THE Established 1678 Thus at the meeting of the: British British Association Principal Griffith, a noted educator, roundly condemned condemned modern education. "We teach what we shouldn't and leave untaught untaught what we should teach," was the general count. Special counts followed. We do not teach eex hygiene hygiene ; we do not emphasize character character building ; we fail to put common sense into education; we send too many men and women to college and not nearly enough of them into vocational schools. ©F ©AMJMBA TORONTO S AVINGS deposited in this bank draw the highest current rate of interest. Withdrawals of part or the whole amount may be made whenever whenever desired without delay. All this is true. Yet any student of history, political and educational, educational, knows that our defective system represents wonderful progress when compared with the educational educational conditions of, say, twenty-five years ago. In Britain a verifable revolution has resulted' from the extension and improvement of elementary elementary education. Blit new conditions' conditions' <tnd new requirements have acutely presented certain educational educational problems, and it is for practical practical educators who know life outside outside of the schoolroom to work out solutions of these problems. There is, happily, much constructive activity activity along this line, and results cannot be long .in coming. It is a pathetic mistcike to accept drugs or alco- _ holic mixtures when nature craves nourishment to repair the toasted body and restore the vigor of health. For jÇprty yeârs die best physicians physicians have relied on the wholesome wholesome predigested nourishment in Scott's Emulsionwhichis totally free from alcohol or opiates. Scott's Emulsion sharpens the appetite--renews blood nourishes nerves--strengthens bones and restores the courage of health to make life Bright. Scott's Emulsion sets in action the very forces that promote health; it is pure, rich strength. is-so » 'OKON' OCEAN'S TOLL OF LIVES. Our Aim Is to satisfy all students by giving them best instruction (individual) and securing all remunerative positions. A special teacher course. In affiliation with Orillia Business College and Dominion Correspondence Correspondence School, Lindsay Business College H. A. Spotton D. C. Ross President Principal *3M BOWMANVILLE BRANCH A. N. McMILLAN, Manager. Branches also at Blackstock ÇR. H. Coalson. Manaeer^ Ncwcswtle. Orono. Oahawrn. £} XMAS IN THE OLD LAND Special Christmas Sailings via Allan Line To LIVERPOOL CORSICAN-- 25 Nov. From MONTRI >VIRGINIAN-- 6 Dee. From HAUFA3 TUNISIAN-- 10 Dee. From ST. JOHÏ To GLASGOW 48S888£ri kN It bo§Ton nd •IONIAN-- 13 Dee. From PORTLAND «These Steamers call at Halifax, sail lag 12 ami 14 Dee. ] respectively. Science, what stupidities are uttered uttered in thy name by cocksure dogmatists dogmatists ! A man calls himself & psychologist and in the name of his science talks wild nonsense" on & variety of questions that require general knowledge, vital experience and brain power. And here is Sir Almroth E. Wright, an eminent British physician, who poses as an authority on the many, sciences involved involved in the question of woman's place and function in modern society. society. He has " published a book which he calls "The Unexpurgated Case Against Woman Suffrage," but which is better described as 'The Complete Anti-Feminist." I I * LAN L!MI 95 King St, W. TORONTO ' TELEGRAPHY I I s and all.the duties of a Station Agent are easily learned at home by means of our New Home Study Courses»*.^ We invite you to write for particu- ■*' lars and sample lessons. It will pay you well to learn these things. Write Shaw's Telegraph and Railroad Railroad School, Yonge-st., Toronto. W.H. SHAW, President. I I I BLACK KNIGHT I ) STOVE POLISH % A HOUSEWIFE IS JUDGED BY HER KITCHEN FOR A BRIGHT STOVE AND A BRIGHT] REPUTATION, USE BLACK KNIGHT. No Dust No Rust THE F F Dalley G. ltd. Hamilton. Ont. Sir Almroth makes no weak concessions concessions of any kind. He declares that "man is the master" ; that the feminine mind is inferior to the masculine ; that society rests on physical force ; that woman ought to be grateful for all her blessings, since she never could get them by fighting ; that women are constitutionally constitutionally narrow and "personal" ; subordinating justice, law and all abstract ideas to their likes and dislikes dislikes ; that only unmarried and unhappy unhappy women want the vote ; that the remedy for feminine unrest is heavy emigration to the colonies. 0RR1NE FOR DRINK HABIT So uniformly successful has ORRINE been in restoring the victims of the "Drink Habit" into sober and useful _ citizens, citizens, and so strong is our confidence in its curative powers, that we want to emphasize emphasize the fact that ORRINE is sold under this positive guarantee. If,' after a trial you get no benefit, your money will be refunded. ORRINE costs only $i.oo per box. Ask for Free Booklet at Jury & Lovell's Lovell's drug store. claimed his neighbor, "it can't be very pleasant for either of.yez!" Poor As He Was Homely. An Irishman, whose face was so plain that his friends used to tell him it was an offence to the landscape, landscape, happened also to be as poor as he was homely. One day a neighbor neighbor met him, and asked :--"How are you, - Pat 1" "Mighty bad ! Sure, 'tis starvation that's starin' • J y The Neighborly Spirit. The neighborly spirit is^an excellent excellent thing to cultivate, although not, p^-haps,-as it is cultivated in the following story : "How do you like your new home?" a friend asked a man who had recently moved into- the village. village. "Pretty well." "Have you called on your neighbors neighbors yet- ?" "No," the newcomer admitted, "I haven't. But I'm going to if any more of my wood is missing." A book of this sort -relieves the 'author and does little damage to the movement he assails. It is too full of -whims, crochets, fallacies, prejudices, gross misstatements of fact to hurt the so-called feminist movement. Even opponents of woman woman suffrage or any other particular particular proposal will laugh at its violent absurdities. NO OTHER COMMERCIAL SCHOOL ever had truer ffieHÛs among its graduates graduates than the popular May Be Reduced by Half Through Use- of New Chronometer. "Captain, that computation represents represents a lot of mental labor." "Yes, it doe^, but there seems to be no way of avoiding it." "Could" the computation not be made mechanically by an instrument instrument for that purpose ?" "No, it could not. If you will come xlown into my cabin I will show yon the impossibility of constructing constructing an instrument for doing such work." - This' conversation took place aboard the steamship Columbia on i the 18th of July, 1901. Captain Peter Peter A. Doran and Horace S. Butterfield, Butterfield, of Portland, Ore., were the parties, to it. The captain had stopped the vessel to "swing -ship," a process by which the deviation of a vessel's compass is determined. Thé operation had taken two hours, and Mr. Butterfield, ia manufacturing manufacturing watchmaker and jeweller, had been an interested spectator. Further Further conversation in thé cabin laid the foundation for the invention- of an azimuth chronometer, the greatest greatest device of the age for the benefit of "those who go down to the sea in ships." Ten years later the finished result result was achieved- in an -instrument that is fundamentally new, both as to the results obtained and the mechanism involved. It secures immediately and automatically results results which have heretofore been possible only after long and complicated complicated mental labor. Among them are the following determinations : (1) The position of a ship at sea may be found, or the latitude and longitude of any spot on the surface surface of the earth determined. (2) The true directions may be determined determined independently of the compass, compass, and compass errors detected and corrected. (3) local time may be accurately determined. (4) These determinations may be made at any moment of the day or night when the s»n or a known star is visible, even though the period of visibility is A 7 ery short. The big value of the chronometer lies in the fact that it provides a way of overcoming the "moods" and changes to which a ship's compass compass is subject. Since all vessels are dependent upon the compass for keeping their course, it is. necessary necessary that frequent observations be taken in order to ascertain its variations. variations. These observations require certain favorable conditions, and involve calculations that would make a professor of mathematics shudder. . They also involve frequent frequent delays -when cloudy skies make sun and stars invisible. Besides Besides eliminating these delays, the new chronometer, through keeping vessels in their course, will reduce the sea's toll of lives by half. **.-- To New Customers ArS-' ELECTRIC CURRENT from Now to end of 1913 FREE. Or A TREE LAMP for room in your (Louse. Have your àpuse wired at once in orden to get full advantage of This offer. TORONTO, ONT, Meritorious work for the students lias been an active agent in the upbuilding of this College. This school offers the best advantages. Students may enter at any time. May we send you our handsome Catalogue ? Cor. Yonge & Alexander-sts., W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. w The Seymour Power & Electric Company Limited Phone 192 King-st. A "LIGHTNING CALCULATOR. 5 5 [PROMPTLY SECUHEDI In all countries. Ask for our INVEN TOR'S ADVISER,which will be sent free. MARION & MARION. 364. University St., Montréal. DRUNKENNESS CAN BE CURED ALCURA WILL DO IT. me in the face." "Begorra," ex- Explaining His Taste. "Binglewood has put that wild boy of his on a farm and the youngster youngster writes home that he likes it." "Likes iti: .Well, fanriitig ain't what it used to be." ALCURA, the widely known treatment for Alcoholism, can now be obtained at our store. It is guaranteed to cure or benefit, or money refunded. Remedy that has been tried by thousands and found to do just as it claims. Drunkenness is a disease. Those who are. afflicted with the craving with the craving for liquor have to be helped to throw it off. Alcura No. l can be given secretly in coffee or food. Alcura No. 2 is the voluntary treatment. Help your loved ones to restore themselves themselves to lives "bf sobriety and usefulness and to gain the respect of the community in which you live. Only $i.oo per box. Ask for free booklet. booklet. Jury & Lovell, Druggists, Bowman- ville. Mille-r'.s W- >rm. Powders -will drive worms from the system without injury injury to- the child. The powders are •so easy to take that the most delicate delicate stomach can assimilate them and welcome them as speedy easers of pain, because they promptly kill the worms that cause the pain, and thus the suffering of the child is relieved. With so sterling a remedy remedy at hand no child should suffer an hour from worms. Dire Distress. "Excuse me, Wombat," said the well-dressed one, "but personal friendship prompts me to speak." "What is it, old chap?" "I fear that, unless you improve your personal appearance, you may lose your job." "I hope not." "You need a new hat." "Urn." "You need a ne>w suit." "Urn." "You need shoes. Man alive, your feet are on the ground !" "Quite true," admitted Wombat, with a sigh. "Then take this week's salary and spruce up." "Can't squander any money on myself, old man. My wife is worse off than I am." * ■ "Dear me ! How is that?" '-'She needs inew feather in her hat." ' ; Y- . ; : • The First. "Did you ever really love any girl before you met me ?" asked the beautiful one. "No," replied the titled foreigner, foreigner, "you're the first girl I have ever known who had money in her own right-." Patient in Asylum Cannot Bead or Write--Solves Mental Problems. A doctor in an asylum at Nantes has discovered among his patients a "lightning calculator," who, although although he can scarcely read and cannot write, solves mental arithmetic arithmetic problems involving large numbers. Asked "How many seconds are there in 39 years, 3 months, and 12 hours?" he gave the correct answer in 32 seconds. Explaining how he calculated the number of seconds in 30 years, he said : "I know by heart that there are 31.536.000 seconds in a year. I multiply multiply 30,000,000 by 30* That gives me 900,000,000. Then I multiply 1,- 500.000 by 30 and get 45,000,000 ; 30,- 000 by 30, which gives 900,000 ; and ! 6,000 by 30, giving 180,000. I add ! all these products and get 946,030,- 000 seconds in 30 years." This answer answer was given in 14 seconds. Let the small boy make the noise of the neighborhood and he cares not who does the work. When frying fish, sprinkle salt into the frying pari instead of on the fish. This prevents the fish from sticking to the pan. v/&«2 séLosesne, Z 5 Skin Sufferers--Re ad ! Out of the Frying Pan. "When she riiarried, ten years ago, she stated frankly that it was simply to avoid working for a liv- We want all skin sufferers who have suffered for many years the tortures of disease and who have sought medical aid in vain, to read this. x We, as old established druggists of this community) wish to recommend to you a product that has.given many relief and may may mean the end of your agony. The product is a mild, simple wash, not a patent medicine concocted of various worthless drugs, but a scientific compound made of well known antiseptic ingredients. It is made in the • D.D.D. laboratories of Toronto and is called the D.D.D. Prescription Prescription for Eczema. This is a doctor's special prescription-- that has effected many wonderful cures. The effect of D D.D. is to soothe instantly, instantly, as soon as applied; then it pene trates the pores, destroys and throws off all disease germs and leaves the skin clean and healthy. We are so confident of the marvelous power of D.D.D. that we have taken advantage advantage of the manufacturers guarantee, to offer you a fû'1-sizé bottle on trial? You are 40 judge the merits of the remedy in your o wn particular case. If it doesn't help you, it costs, you nothing. D.D,I). Soap is made of the same heal ing ingredients. -Ask us about it. Jury & Lovell, Druggists, Bowmanvi tie. mg ) ) ren. "What -does she do all the time ?" "Takes care of seven small child- )) _ A man's best friend is a woman who can keep him fro-m inaking a fool of himself. : these dainty aluminum Jelly Moulds FREE • - -• : i ' : vf-'; VTA Unreal pleasures are the most expensive. It requires a tactful man to . remember remember a woman's birthday and yet-forget her age. A cut.ham, which will not be required required for use for several \ days, should have a little vinegar smeared smeared over the cut end. This will pre- <*ent:>it -from becoming mouldy.. ri^ When through old age the bodily functions become sluggish? Na-DruLCo Laxatives 'give gentle, timely and effective aid, without discomfort or distress. 25c.r a box at j r our 'S; ' 173 T HIS chance to get a complete set of six different . aluminum. jelly moulds .free will be eagerly grasped by up-to-date hostesses. (First : because the moulds are made, of aluminum, recognized to be the world's best material for cooking utensils. Second : because the moulds are in the fashionable individual sizes and every one a different shape.-. But this offer is only good for a short time. It's simply our quick way of introducing ShirrifFs -Jelly. We give you the moulds as an inducement to try ShirrifFs Jelly at once. Just go to your grocer and purchase three packages. packages. He will give you three moulds free. Or six moulds--the complete set--with six packages. Six packages simply provide a nice assortment of flavors, enabling you to provide a variety of desserts. Can be served plain, with whipped cream, or in combination with fresh or canned fruits. Your grocer is probably displaying Shirriff's. Jelly and the moulds in his window. Call or phone him at once. Don't miss' this opportunity to add these six dainty and stylishly designed jelly moulds to your collection of aluminum aluminum ware. ioc. a package. 3 for 25c. 6 for 5 oc * 107 Hatful am tMfHphl c*. *C«*a4«LU^lM. ,

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