X. There Is Still Time. You Are Not Too Late To get 3 15c cakes of PalmoUve Soap absolutely absolutely FREE. Several customers who have tried this soap have come back for a second order. It sells itself after once lised.- Here's the Free Offer : given Three 15c cakes of Palmolive Soap away with every 50c jar of Palmolive Face Cream. Buy a jar to-day. Any Man Who Buys a Pound Buys Another We believe most men are connoisseurs on candy ■ for we have noticed that when a man buys a pound of ^ NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES. He always comes back and buys more. Men tell us that Neilson's Chocolates are the very best kind-to take home. You'll- say so, too, when you take home a box of tl,ese p chocolates. Put up in half, one and two pound boxes. From 25c to $1.50 a box. R. M. Mitchell & Co. Sole Agents for Neilson's Chocolates THE POSTOFFICE PHARMACY PHONE 92 - BOWMANVILLE Have You Promised ^ Your Daughter a Piano • Then Be Sure It Is A Dominion Piano i 1 | 1 m. STOP THINK READ THINK of the pleasure it will give your little girl to have a piano. THINK of the pleasure mother and father will have listening to their daughter's playing. THINK of the pleasure a piano gives the whole family. THINK what a disappointment it will be if she doesn t get a piano --a Dominion Piano--for Christmas. THINK of the many advantages for a girl or boy to be able to play a piano. THINK why there are over 80,000 Dominion Pianos bringing daily cheer and gladness to over 80,000 families. . THINK of the highest grade of materials and most painstaking workmanship used in a Dominion Piano. THINK of the guarantee of absolute satisfaction that goes with every Dominion Piano or Player Piano. ^ , THINK of the easy terms by which you may have a Dominion Piano in your home. STOP THINKING but ACT--Write, phone or call on the local Dominion Piano agent to-day for handsomely illustrated catalogue catalogue and terms. James Deyman Phone 54 BowmanviUe MASONIC. Jerusalem Lodge Elect Officers-- Official Visit from District Deputy Grand Master. An exceptionally large turnout of mem bers of Jerusalem Lodge, A. F. & A. M., No. 31, G.R.C., was present at the regular monthly meeting held in the magnificent Masonic Hall, Wednesday evening. Maj. W C King, W.M., presided, and after conducting conducting general business the officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: F J Mitchell, W.M.; W C King, I.P.M.; W J Bragg, S.W.; Gus Bounsall, J.W.; John Lyle, Treasurer; J S Moorcraft, Secretary; C Arthur Cawker, S.D.; H T Knight, J.D.; R Movse, Tyler; J A McClellan, Geo W James, Auditors. One candidate was initiated in the First and another raised to the Third Degree, after which B W Squire, D.D.G.M., Oton- abee District, No. 20, Norwood,, gave the members a practical address on the work and progress of Masonry throughout the Province. Several visiting brethren were present and among those who spoke were J S Chapin, Toronto, and Rev S F Dixon, Courtice. MUSICAL EVENING HAMPTON MILLS BEST BREAD AND PASTRY FLOUR, BRAN, SHORTS, CHOP, CORN. OATS, ETC. ALWAYS ON HAND. CHAS. HORN, HAMPTON PHONE 129, r. 6 BOARD OF TRADE MEETS. The following notice was sent to over IOO members of the Board of Trade and other citizens :--"Is the Board of Trade to die? We have called two meetings with no results. This is the last, unless more interest is shown. One or Two cannot do all thie work. Every one must help, etc." About 25 of the more progressive citizens answered this call by attending the meeting in the Council Room, Thursday Thursday evening. - Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle, Vice President, occupied, the chair and referred to the work accomplished by' the Board during the past year. Secretary C. H. Anderson reported a membership of 76 and spoke of- the several inquiries received from American manufacturers wishing to locate in Canada. J. A. McClellan presented the treasurer's report showing a deficit of $139.45. Election of officërs resulted as follows: President-- Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle; Vice-- C. H. Anderson; sec'v.-Treas.-- F. R. Kerslake; Executive Com.--J. B. Mitchell, C. Rehder, Geo. W. James, D. Harrison, Dr. B. J. Hazlewood, T. D. Kerr, C. Wattleworth, Wattleworth, F. A. Haddy. The annual fee was placed at $2 and a committee of the President, Secretary and L. A. W. Tole was appointed to map out a plan for increasing membership. It was strongly recommended to have a regular monthly meeting. Other questions questions discussed were offering free sites to industries, electing a council of "doers" (not dreamers) the housing problem and the Christmas Fair. The committee to arrange for the Christmas Fair was, T. H. Knight, J. H. McMurtry, Harry Allin, A. L. Nicholls, J. H. Cryderman, Geo. R. Mason, L. A. W. Tole, Jas. Deyman. Boost Things. Don't sit supinely on your roost, but come along arid help us boost, for better things of every kind, and leave your kicking clothes behind. O let us boost for better streets, and softer beds and longer sheets; for smoother lawns and better lights, ahd shorter-winded blatherskites; blatherskites; for finer homes, and larger trees, for bats and boots and bumble bees; for shorter hours and longer pay, and fewer thistles in our hay, for better grub, and bigger pies, for two more moons to light the skies. And let the wolves of war be loosed on every man who dosen't boost. November SALE BARGAINS In All Lines of Furniture Our Dining Room Suites are in different finishes finishes and are greatly reduced in price. We are also showing a splendid assortment of Bedroom Furniture at specially low prices, and intending purchasers in these lines can save money by buying buying now. . We sell "No Brush" Furniture Varnish, applied with a cloth. Makes old furniture look like new. Just the thing for the woodwork of your house, hardwood floors, linoleum, your automobile or buggy. L. MORRIS & SON Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors P hoses 10 mtfc'dA and Better GAINS F ridayauc/ Satu r day, Nov.21 and22 r E ARE DELIGHTED to have so many who know good values take - - advantage of our week-end bargain days and supply themselves with goods, useful and serviceable, at greatly reduced prices. It will inteiest you to come and see for yourself. Come early the morning is the best time to shop. W Mission Circle Gave a Delightful "At Home" and it Was Well Patronized. Seldom have the music lovers of this town enjoyed an evening morethan they did Wednesday evening, Nov. I2th, when under the auspices of the Mission Circle of the Methodist Church, they assembled in the commodious home of Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Tilley, Queen-st. The guests were welcomed by Mrs. Tilley and Mrs. W. B. Short, President of the Circle, and when all were comfortably seated--and the attendance attendance was very large--Rev. H. B. Kenny, pastor of Methodist Church, took the chair and presented a program of which every number was worthy of special special mention. Misses Bertha Osborne and Helen Mitchell gave the opening overture "Lastpiel" on piano, which proved a delightful delightful foretaste of what was yet to come. The chairman, in his brief address, referred referred to the organization under whose direction direction this program had been prepared, the Mission Circle, and its worthy office in interesting and training the young women of the church in missionary work. A duet by Mr. R. M. Mitchell and his pupil, Miss Florence Allin "O that we two were Maying" so delighted their hearers that they returned and gave a pleasing encore "It was a Lover and his Lass." Miss Rilda Slemon ably provided the sole reading of the evening "The Cremation Cremation of Sam McGee" by Robt. Service. Mr. Chas. Wattleworth sang "Dear Love, remember me," on receiving a hearty encore, encore, responded with an old favorite "Mary of Argyle". Misses Ethel L. and Florence VanNest furnished an amusing vocal duet "The Music Lesson"; it was well given and the audience - insisted on an encore which they readily gave, "Love ; Divine". Miss Mayme Shaw, whose selections selections are always highly appreciated rendered a piano solo "The Two Larks" and for a recall "Humoresque", another .ovely instrumental number. Mrs. C. A. Cawker, without whom a gathering of this kind would be incomplete, sang "I îéar you calling me" and "Goodby, Rose." "Somewhere a Voice is Calling" by Mr. I L t yre, Toronto, Anglican, told of success R. M. Mitchell was a much applauded Q £ every-member canvass in his con- gregation> r esu it being wonderfully suc- LAYMEN TALK MISSIONS Inspiring and Profitable Conference Conference at Whitby. Sunday evening Nov. 2nd Editor C. A. Goodfellow of Whitby addressed audiences audiences in the Disciples and Methodist churches in this town on Laymen's Missionary Missionary Conference to be held in the Baptist Baptist Church, Whitby, on Monday Noy. 10 and requested these churches to send representatives. representatives. Owing to very unpropi- tious weather conditions Rev. W. N. Arnold Arnold and Mr. Fred A. Haddy were the only Bowmanvillians who attended, altho some ten or a dozen were named as delegates from the Methodist Church. At the Official Official Board .meeting Friday evening Mr. Haddy gave a very interesting report of the Conference. The Chronicle and Gazette of Whitby of last week gave a good report from which we summarize. About 100 persons were present. The subjects discussed were of live import, import, and were ably and interestingly j handled, the general theme of the Conference Conference being "The Problem of Missions in the life of the local congregation' This theme was divided into eight sections, sections, and each v as the subject of an address. address. Rev. George Yule, Oshawa, spoke on "Missions in the Life ot the Church' Four things make a church a successful missionary church--prayer, men money, and Pentacostal baptism of the Holy Spirit. Mr. W. C. Senior, Toronto, Secretary Laymen's Movement in the Baptist church, spoke on "Development of a Missionary Atmosphere in the Church." We live in atmosphere. To cultivate a missionary atmosphere is to talk about missions, sing about missions, have missionary charts for the eyes to see, and pray about missions--in missions--in short, make atmosphere or life of the congregation electric with missionary missionary thought, feeling and desire. Ladies of Baptist, Methodist, and Presbyterian Presbyterian Churches served free luncheon in their respective school-rooms. These were very enjoyable gatherings, affording Opportunity for conferring together upon matters of denominational interest. Mr. Samuel Jeffery, Port Perry, was chairman over afternoon session. "Missionary "Missionary Literature for Men", was handled by Rev. K. J. Beaton, of Literature Department Department of Laymen's Movement of the Methodist Church. Rev. R. M. Hamilton, Hamilton, General Secretary Laymen's Missionary Missionary Movement Presbyterian- Church in Canada, discussed "How to conduct the Every Member Canvass." Rev. E. A. Me- Flannelette Fifteen pieces striped - Flannelette, good weight, 30 to 33 ms. wide, special Friday and Saturday at. •............... 8-£c * Silk 40 in. wide Black Mousseline Silk, nice bright finish, reg. $1.35, Friday and Saturday...95c yd. Tabling 58 in. Half Bleached Damask Tabling soft finish, reg. 60c yd., Friday and Saturday 48c yd. 70 in. Bleached Damask Tabling, reg. 75c, Friday Friday and Saturday ...55c yd. Table Napkins Bleached Damask Table Napkins, special Friday and Saturday..... .. ....10c each. Flannelette Sheeting 70 in. Flannelette Sheeting, heavy weight, reg. 45c, Friday and- Saturday 32c yd. Glass Towelling Bed and blue check glass towelling, good width and weight, reg. 1 0c, Friday and Saturday 8c yd. Silkoline 36 in. Colored Silkoline for curtains and comforter comforter coverings, reg. 18c and 20c, Friday and Saturday 15c, yd. Wadded Comforts English Turkey Chintz and American Silkoline covered Wadded Comforts, well filled and good size, reg. $2.25 and $2.50 for. ,$1.90 each. Handkerchiefs Ladies' plain linen and embroidered Handkerchiefs, Handkerchiefs, reg. 10c each, Friday and Saturday -- 5c. Stockings Heavy Worsted Stockings, ribbed, all sizes 5 to 10, special Friday and Saturday 22c pr. Ladies' Dresses One piece and Balkan styles, navy and red serge, with lace or net yokes or fancy trimmed, reg. $10.00 and $11.00, Friday and Saturday...$7.75. Children's Dresses Children's Navy Serge Dresses, nicely trimmed,- sizes 20 and 22, reg. 2.00 and $2.25, Friday and Saturday .. $1.65 each. Men's Department Sweater Coats Men's Sweater Coats without collars, in navy, brown and mixtures, reg. $1.25, Friday and Saturday Saturday < 5c each. Men'sHeavy Sweater Coats, with or without collars, collars, in. all the leading colors, reg. $1.75 and $2, Friday and Saturday.... $1.45 each. Men's Heavy Sweater Coats with collars, all colors, colors, reg. $4.00 and $4.50, Friday and Saturday for $2.45 Shirts Men's Heavy Grey Flannel Shirts, English make, large body size, neck sizes 14 to 164, special Friday Friday and Saturday $1.00 each. Boots and Shoes and Leather Goods Suit Cases 12 only Suit Cases, some with straps, all with lock and clasps, 22 in., 24 in., 26 in., special Friday Friday and Saturday $2.85 each. Men's Boots . Men's Boots, broken lines, in gunmetal and patent patent leather, buttoned or laced, reg. $4.50 and $5.00, Friday and Saturday $2.75 pr. Grocery Specials International Poultry Food, the food that makes the liens lay, Friday and Saturday, 2 lbs. fo*' 25c. Marmalade in 5 lb. pails, reg. 75c pail, Friday and Saturday 65c. a pail Fresh Mincemeat, 24 lbs. in glass gem, special Friday and Saturday 30c gem. Grape Fruit 4 for 25c Fresh Oysters and Haddie. A m McMtirtry & Company Limited The Big Departmental Store. BowmanviUe PHONE 83 54 Vi number, and on being recalled sang "Sympathy". "Sympathy". Mrs. Cawker sang "When the Heart is Young", and Mr. Wattleworth sang "Sweet Goodnight". The accompanists accompanists were: Mrs. R. M. Mitchell, Mrs. A S. Tilley, Miss Ma vme 'Shaw,.Mrs. Chas Wattleworth. It is doubtful if in any other town of its size can be found such a j number of musical artists capable of pres-; anting such a high-class pregram, and there are many more good vocalists and instrumentalists iri BowmanviUe. Dainty refreshments were served in the dining room where Mrs. Short and Mrs. Clarence Meath poured coffee and the members of the Circle were intent on providing for the wants of the guests, serving sand- cëssful. Contributions to all purposes had been doubled or trebled by the systematic systematic method of giving. Mr. Senior I delivered another capital address on duties duties of the Missionary Committee. Evening meeting was preceded by a banquet- to which over IOO men sat down. Tables were spread in Methodist schoolroom schoolroom and were served very acceptably by Mr. Chas. Tod. Mr. F. V L. Fowke, ex-M.P., Oshawa, chairman, gave an eloquent address. The speakers of the even ng were Mr. James! Ryrie, Toronto, who discussed personal responsibility as to the expenditure of our me wants vi me cat», j ^ . - . u wiches arid cake. Later, gramophone ! money, and made a strong.plea for meth- « . • . _ -- -- V-- if m DViïlnl r\A o n/1 outfÀm in aivincr • to the Lord S -UN? selections were given by Master Philp Tilley, and a jolly social time spent. The "At Home" was a pleasing success in every way and reflects much -credit -on Madame President and her efficient staff of assistants. The . Mission Circle are most grateful to Dr. and Mrs. Tilley for throwing open their beautiful home for the occasion arid the hearty reception they accorded the visitors. Proceeds $35- Couch, Johnston & Cryderman call special special attention to their big stock and big value in fine Furs of all kinds--see them. For Infants and Children. The Kind Yob Have Always Bought Beara the Signature of od and system in giving to the Lords cause, and Rev. Dr. Endicott, Methodist Foreign Missionary Secretary, who spoke on "Philosophy of a Distorted Vision", a brilliant address of 75 minutes which stirred stirred his audience and held thëm in rapt attention. attention. He related some of his experiences experiences in China, where he had been a missionary missionary for nearly 20 years. Editor John Murkar, Pickering, moved | and Mr. Patton, of Oshawa, seconded this j resolution which was unanimously carried: carried: "The men gathered in this - County Conference do hereby agree--That the | Every. Member Canvass, helpful iq many ways, offers the very best solution of the financial difficulties of our congregations, both for missions and current expenses, that every member and adherent of our J Churches should be a regular contributor to the funds of the Church, and that we believe every Church would be helped and strengthened by joining in the simtil-. taneous Every Member Canvass." This Beautiful Pearl and Amethyst LaValliere •for only 14 Other LaVal- leries for as low as $1.75 A LaValliere wi 11 please her A LaVàlliere of dainty design makes the nicest kind of a present, and one can be obtained at a very modest price. You will find a • large stock of LaVallieres. of the very latest pattern on display at oiir store. Come in arid make your selection now while there is a large stock to choose from. I ■■ -■ r i ■--i ■ ■ mm --■ i « C.H. HADDY The Jeweller BowmanviUe W. H. ALEXANDER, V. S. Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary lege. Diseases of all domestic animals treaj.. by latest known methods. Office at his residence, Kmg-st, East Bow- manville. Phone 193. 20-lyr "GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Barristers %nd Solicitors. Notaries Pcblic. A, K. GOODMAN, D. G. GALBRAITH 508 Lumsden Bldg. Yonge & Adelaide-sts. Toronto Ontario ELECTRIC FIXTURES & SUPPLIES House Wiring and Motor Installation Consult us about the lighting of yonr home, your office oi yonr store. H. HUMPHRIES, K. WHY ft, Contractor. Mgr. Klee. Dept. Phone 210. Horsey B1 vk, Temperance-st. Funeral Directors - Embnlmers DISNEY BROS. BowmanviUe Phone 9, Day or Plight Up-to-date Outfits - Prompt Attention Reasonable Prices. DR. W. WILSON PORTER CHIROPRACTOR The cause of disease removed by adjustment of the spine.' Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, Ip.m to 3.00 p.m. Office : Mrs. Jas. Gale's, Queen-St* Phone 73 BowmanviUe One door west of Bank of Montreal MSl " *-v :;.r. .Æ.-- v 'A',-.- ■-r-iev-r '-.'.•'VY- U -•.LvV.--- ■u.-.i:- -VV j. -JXs, ■.>.•*('■nLi-y. RODERICK M. MITCHELL Baritone Teaclier of Slusius Pupil of Mr. Bussell G. McLean, Toronto. Studio at Residence,. Wellington-st., Ea,st, . FOr information and terms apply at B. M 1 . Mitchell & Go's. Drug Store. .Phone 92a & b - BowmanviUe.