X M Pgsps B. itcLAXT6HLZV. Barrister, Soliciter ud S ees:--Bleak)*? Block. Kieg #w man ville. Money to loom at mklc rate», é»-lyr. B. J.Hazlewood» M.D.,O.M bowmahtille. • OHT, G old medalist of ^rrimtr an lvertity, Toronto! Tonr years Attend!*f Physician and Surgeon atMt. Qarieel Hospital Physician ^^oi^re gl ac d Keel deuce WelHegtsa ter «.Wo. 108. Bt Tel TAILOR MADE SUIT AT $15. ANXIOUS TIMES FOR PARENTS Children Often Seem Pining Away And Ordinary Medicine Does Hot Help Them Jos, Jeffrey & Son are busy these days catching up with orders for their Famous Tailor-made Suits at $15--really worth $i8 to ?20. They have an excellant auction of worsteds and tweed suitings to fcoose from. Why not have your suit tailor-made instead of wearing a misfit ready-made suit?. You never saw better bargains at this price, quality and work considered. Have your measure taken tn-dav TAILOR MOVED. Mr. J. T. Allen has moved his tailor shop to the Mason Block over, Anderson Clothing Co's Store, where he will be pleased to attend to the wants of all. his old customers and any new ones requiring suits made, clothes pressed, cleaned or repaired. repaired. Work done promptly and satisfactorily. satisfactorily. 28tf. PEATE'S CLOTHES CLEANING CLEANING AND DYEING. The cleaning and pressing works in Bowmanville is carried on by Thomas Peate, next door to Scott's Grocery. He has a solution for putting on garments garments that makes it impossible for grease and dust to remain. Old clothing renovated renovated and made to look like new. Leave orders at Scott's Grocery if no one is in whro you call. Thos. Peate, King-st., Bowmanville. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. A safe, reliable regulating medicine. Sold in. three de greea of strength--No. 1, SI; No. 2, S3; No. 3, 66 per box. Sold by all druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Free namchlet. Addr ress : free pamphlet. THE COOK MEDICINE CO., TOIONTO. OUT. (Foraudy Wiid*w.) OVER 65 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Design» Copyrights StG. Anyone sending n sketch and description may auiokly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably p^entable. Communication* Communication* strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent» sent free. Oldest agency forsccarmgpatente. Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive tptcial notice, without charge.in the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. largest circulation circulation o£ any scientific journal. Tenns for Canada, $s.76 a year, postage prepaid. Sold by fill newsdealers. MllNN&Co.^'^-New York Branch Office. 625 F SL, Washington. D. C. HAVE YOU %iatle provision for employment during the Fall and Winter months or do you wish steady remunerative work the year through. Write us and secure our Agent's terms. We offer the best in the business. Pay weekly, free outfit, exclusive territory. ÔVER 600 ACRES , The health of children between the ages of twelve and eighteen years, particularly in thé .ease of girls, is a, source of serious worry to nearly every çiother. The growth and development, takes so much of their strength that in many cases they actually seem to be going into a decline. The appetite is fickle, brightness gives way to depress sion ; there are often serious headaches, headaches, fits of dizziness, or occasional occasional fainting and a complaint of weariness at the slightest exertion. exertion. Ordinary medicines t will not bring relief. The blood has become become thin .and watery, and the child must nave something that will bring the blood back to its normal condition. At this stage no other medicine can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Their whole mission is to make new blood, which reaches every part of the body, bringing back _ health, strength and energy. Mrs. James Harris, Port Bo wan, Ont., says: "At the age of thirteen my daughter daughter began to look ver-- pale, and seemed listless and always tired. She did not take interest in her school work or in those amusements amusements of girlhood. In fact she just seemed to drag herself about, complaining complaining of always being tired ; did not eat well, and did not sleep well at night. I took her to our doctor who said she was anaemic, and advised me to give her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. She took the Pills for nearly two months, when she was as well and lively as any girl could be, gained nicely in weight, and has since enjoyed perfect perfect health. I am quite sure that what the-Pills did for my daughter they will do for other pale, weak girls. I have also used Dr. Williams' Williams' Pink Pills myself with the best results and can only speak of them in terms of greatest praise." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Williams' Medicine Co.,- Brockville, Ont. Manitoba Indians .Pass Resolution To Guard Against Fire. Probably nowhere else in. Canada is there a stronger co-operative spirit in forest, fire .protection than has been developed iby the Chief Eire Ranger of the Dominion Government Government among the rangers, Indians, Indians, trappers and packers of the Northern Manitoba Fire District, says a Forestry branch press, bulletin; bulletin; The work among .the Iti- dians has been especially'beneficial, for in the past they were notoriously notoriously careless, " especially in leaving camp-fires burning. But, largely owing to the energy and initiative of the Ohief'Ttanger, the attitude of the Indians has been changed from one of indifference to one of keen interest, so much so, that that official official writes : "The conservation of the forests has become as red-hot a topic out here as real estate in the West." Recently, when treaty-money was being paid to the Indians at Cross in One Night Broke Up a Heavy Cold, Relieved Pain in the Side, Stopped an Irritating" Cough. X "Anyone that gdes through all that I suffered last winter will appreciate the value of a remedy that cures like Nèryiline cured. mé,!' -'" These. are ; the : opening words of- the solemn; "declaration. "declaration. of iB. P. Von Hayden, the well- known i violinist. : "My^ work kept me out late at night, ; and "playing in cold, drafty places brought on a-sevére cold that* settled on my chest. I had a harsh, racking cough and severe pains darted through my Sides and settled in my . shoulders. I used different liniments, liniments, but none broke up my - cold till I used Nervi- line. I rubbed It on my neck, chest, NERVILINE CURES CHEST COLDS Very ItçÇyf When Brushed, Dandruff Dandruff Air Over, Hair Came Out in Great Sunches. >< Cuticura Soap and Cuti cu r a ; Ointment Gyred Head in Thlree "Weeks, and shoulders, morning and night, and all the pain disappeared. Realizing that such a heavy cold .had run down Lake, a special" council meeting of .my system, I took Ferro'zone at meals, seventy-five to eighty Indians..was «A was completely ,built up 15 Hallam St., Toronto, Ont. -- "About two years ago the dandruff began. My head got worse and scabs, formed on it which madett bald in places. ^ It was very itohy and gavé me a tendency to scratch it which" made it worse. I always had to wear my.hat whether in the house at work or out. Whenever Whenever I brushed my hair it sont the dandruff all over. The hair came out in great bunches until I was nearly bald and when it was at its worst it came out roots and all. "I tried-- which made it worse thanbe- Egyptians Divided -Day. „ The early Egyptians divided day and night each into twelve hours, a custom adopted by the Jews or Greeks probably from the Babylonians. Babylonians. The day is said to have been divided into hours from 293 B.C., when L. Papirus Gursor erected a sundial 'in the temple of Quioinus at Rome. Before water clocks were invented in 158 B.C., time was called called at Rome by public criers. In England the measurement of time was, in early days, uncertain; one expedient was by ' wax candles, three inches burning an hour and six -wax candles burning twenty- four hours--ascribed to Alfred, 886. called, at which an animated discussion discussion of forest fire protection took place. The Chief Ranger writes: "While the meeting was in progress, progress, the Indian Agent and party came, but to the surprise of mar the meeting held no interest till, by a standing vote, all asserted their willingness to help in the protection protection of the forests from fire. The chief and councillors wished me to convey to the Director of Forestry at Ottawa this, their resolution." Whenever possible such councils are attended by the Chief Ranger, and all Indians promising to cooperate cooperate with the Dominion 1 rangers are presented with a metal badge of office. The most intelligent of the Indians are engaged as regular regular fire-rangers by the Dominion Government and do very conscientious conscientious work. Although the patrol is difficult, being done wholly by canoe, and the weather is often inclement* inclement* the eighteen fire-rangers in this -district average about eighteen eighteen miles a day, including Sundays, throughout the ummer. During the whole sehson, no serious serious damage was done by fire although although many incipient forest fires were extinguished, a fact that speaks well'for- the efficiency of the patrol and the value of the co-operative co-operative spirit inculcated in the Indians. Indians. under cultivation. Established over 35 years. A reputation for high grade stock ana fair dealing. A salesman can make money selling for us. We want an energetic, reliable man for Bowmanville and vicinity. For terms write PELHAM NURSERY CO., TORONTO, ONT. N. B. Free catalogue on request. 36-17 Suspense. - He--Darling, why are you so sad ? She (gulping down a sob)--Oh, dearest, I was just thinking this will "be -our last evening together until to-morrow night 1 Not in Her Line. Mamma--When that naughty little little boy threw stones at you why didn't you come to me instead of throwing them back ? Johnny .(a-gecl six)--Huh! What was the use ^ You couldn't hit the side of a barn. and was completely /built up and strengthened. Since using Nerviline I have no more colds or pleurisy, and enjoy perfect health." It's because Nerviline contains the purest and most" healing medicinal principles, because it has the power of sinking through the pores to the kernel of the pain--these are the reasons reasons why it breaks up colds, cures lumbago, stiffness, neuralgia, sciatica, and rheumatism. Refuse any substitute substitute your dealer may suggest--insist on Nerviline only. Large family size j bottles, 50c.; trial size, 25c.; all deal-j ers, or The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Ont. Don't B© Sad. Upon the sadness of the sea- The sunset broods regretfully ; From the far, lonely spaces slow Withdraws the wistful afterglow. So out of life the splendor dies, So darken all the happy skies; So gathers twilight, cold and stern, But overhead the planets burn. And up the east another day Shall chase the bitter dark away ; What though our eyes with tears be wet! The sunrise never failed us yet. Jb- GUARD THE BAIT AGAINST COLDS The season for colds is at hand and unless the mother keeps a continual continual watch over her little ones cold will seize them and often more serious results follow. An occasional occasional dose of Baby's Own Tablets will prevent colds, or if they do come on suddenly the Tablets will clear the stomach and bowels and instantly relieve the baby from cold. The Tablets are sold by medicine" dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The blush of dawn may yet restore restore Our light and hope and joy once more ; Sad soul, take comfort, nor for- - gefc . . • That sunrise never failed us yet! fore. I tried several things after that but they were no good. After nine months like this I had hardly any hair left when one day I happened to see the advertisement of Cuticura Soap and Ointment in the paper. I straightway sent for a sample. After first washing with the Cuticura Soap I applied some Cuticura Ointment and I could feel a great relief. After finishing the sample I went and got a cake of Cuticura Soap and a box oT Cuticura Ointment. In three weeks they had cured my head.". (Signed) B. Horn, May 16, 1913. Cuticura Soap and Ointment do so much for poor complexions, red, rough hands, and dry, thin and falling hair, and cost so little, that it is almost criminal not to use them. A single set is often sufficient. Sold everywhere. everywhere. For liberal free sample of each, with 32-p. book, send post-card to Potter Drug & Chenu Corp., Dept. D, Boston, TJ. S. A. Grains of Gold. There never, has been a cause which was not injured by the indiscretions indiscretions of some of its supporters.--1rs. supporters.--1rs. Snowden. x Let us always bear in mind that heroes andhf roism are visible, and produced not in the splendor of triumph, but in the anguish of adversity adversity .--Lord Rosebery. Money is the last enemy that shall never be subdued.: .While there is flesh there is- money--or the want of money; but money is always on the brain so long as there is a brain in reasonable order.--Samuel Butler. Butler. There's hot a blessed thing in this world worth having without sacrifice. The big people, the people people that, have the big things in life, are those that have paid or are prepared prepared to pay the big price for them.--W. J. Locke. A man should dare to live his small span of life with little heed of the common speech upon him or his life, only caring that his days may be full of reality, and his conversation conversation of truthspeaking and wholeness.--John Morley. All He Wants. "I don't want to be very rich." "That so?'-' ' "■ "Ho. I have no desire to have a great fortune." "Then what do you.want?" "I'd be perfectly happy if .1 were rich enough to give my wife an al- i i • , j e i zjjcjaia, lowanc-e every -week, instead of hav-, lee , Price 60 C( . nt5 pH bottle . For 8al . ing to, take my pay envelope intact ail druggists, or remit direct to LIQUID Hermit In London. There was a hermit in the centre of London only a few years- ago, according to "the London Chronicle. His hermitage consisted of a cellar --the sole. vestige of a house in Clare Street pulled down and forgotten forgotten by its owners. He lived there for a long time, supported by scraps of food from the "tradesmen of the neighborhood, and might have lived there longer still if a journalist had not "discovered" him. He was interviewed and photographed photographed to "death, for the work- house authorities, nearly next door, who had hitherto turned a blind eye toward him, werè compelled compelled to oust him fron^his hermitage hermitage and make him clean and respectable--a respectable--a process to which he succumbed. and receiving an my wife. allowance from Don't Have Rheumatism Get GIN PILLS Now A SAD TRAGEDY. It often happens--your eore corn ie stepped. stepped. on. Why not use "Putnam'e Corn Extractor." It cures in one day. Absolutely Absolutely no pain with "Putnam's." "Use no other, 25c. at all dealetter - - - The world may be growing wiser, but we still have a lot to learn. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Ae. Too Costly. "I absolutely don't know what to give my cook for a wedding present." present." _ f "Then simply give her money;" f 'Oh, ho. It mustn't cost-as much as that." From Montreal Steamer From Bristol and Fortnightly thereafter Royal George Sat. Oct. 18 Sat. Nov. I Royal Edward Sat. Nov. I Wed. Nov. 19 "Royal George?' Sat. Nov. 15 Wed. Dec. 3 From Halifax Royal Edward Wed. Dec. 3 Royal George Tues. Dec. 16 Wed. Dec. 31 Full particulars and tickets from M. A. JAMES, Bowmanville Agent for Canadian Northern Steamship Sergeant-Major Under General French Try Murine Eye Remedy If yoü have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart --Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c. ye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, 50c. Eye. Books Free by Mail. An Eye Tenle Ge»d for All Eyes Mist Need Care Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago HOW TO BE A CENTENARIAN. Veteran of Boer War Who Lost Health on the Veldt Tells Experience. Good /Advice for All Who Have Indigestion Indigestion or Stomach Disorders. BOWMANVILLE TIME TABLE (Effective Sept. 16th) TRAINS LEAVE For Toronto and Intermediate Station! 9.15 a. m, 7.41 p. m. For Trenton, Belleville, Deseronto, N&panea ani nterraedlate Points; also O. O. B. Static Intermediate Points; also O. Q. B. Station! between Trenton and Picfcon. (Daily except Sunday) 11.10 a.m. -T.îlp.ra. For Coe Hill and Intermediate Station* 11.10 a.m. For Yarker, Tweed, Harrowsmith, Sydenham and Intermediate Stations on Bay of Qainte Ky. • , ; „ , ■ 11.10 a. m.. ; ; TRAINS ABRITE From Toronto and Intermediate Station! ll.10a.ro. 7.21p.m. ,-■/ Freni Napane», Belleville, Trenton an! Inbe r- a Points; ' 0 n " mediate. also Picton arid C.O.B. Points) ». 16 a. m, ,7.41 p;m. From Maynooth (C. O. R.) 7.41 p. «*- From Sydenham, Tweed, Yarker, eta - 7.41p.m. • - , . u rn daily" except Sunday unless. ether- " wise marked. Fosjariher particulars eee other advertisement. ■'r yyL^jABpêeiingdit bhi In his home at Waldegrove, ,N.S., no one is better known than Sergt.- Major Cross, late of the 4th Queen's Own Hussars. Speaking of the ill- effects of a campaign upon a man's constitution, the Sergt.-Major writes: I served under General French during during the late Boer w T ar, in the capacity of Sergt.-Major. It was perhaps owing owing to a continued diet of bully beef, hard tack, and bad water, but at any rate my stomach x entirely gave out. I was in. such a state that T could eat nothing without the greatest suffering. suffering. The army doctors did ' not help me much, and since leaving the service service I have been very ,miserable. Some few months ago a friend told me he had .been a great sufferer from indigestion indigestion until, he tried Dr. Hamilton's Pills; they cured him. I confess it was without much faith I bought a box, but the first dope made me feel better than I had been for a long time. Dr. Hamilton's Pills completely completely cured, and now I can eat everything everything and anything. I have recommended recommended them to others and in every case the result has been similar to mine." ( Quick, sure results attend the use of Dr. Hamilton*» ills! They cure disorders of the stomach, correct indigestion, indigestion, make you feel uplifted iand strengthened. To renew or maintain health, Dr. "Hamilton's Pills always good prescription. 25c.'per Many Recipes on How to Live a Hundred Years. No Occasion for Worry. "They say when" a man is drowning drowning he thinks of every wrong act he ever committed." "Well, don't worry; they'd have ample time to rescue you." Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,--In July 1905 I was thrown from a road machine, injuring my hip and back badly and was obliged to use a crutch for 14 months. In Sept. 1906 Mr. Wm. Outridge of Lachute urged me to try MINARD'S LINIMENT, which I did with the moet. satisfactory results and to-day I am as well^fts ever in my life. Yours .sincerely, his MATTHEW x BAINES, mark Bad Situation. "I don't know how we'll face our neighbors when they return." "What has happened?" "We were taking care of their eat and their parrot. /Yesterday the cat ate the parrot and then died of indigestion j; New Treatment Now Advocated Fop Bronohitis and be free of pain all winter. Mr. Robert Wilson, of Hardüeld, N.B., says : "It affords me great pleasure to convey? not only to you but also to all sufferers from Backache and Rheumatism, the great relief I have obtained from the use of GIN PILLS. I feel thankful to you. I recommend GIN PILLS to anyone suffering as I did." 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50. Sample free if you write National Drug and Chemical Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. evening?" "Technically, yes. We begin arguing arguing about that time." Liquid Sulphur is rapidly overcoming the old time prejudice prejudice of the doctors and professional nurses as a handy home remedy. LIQUID SULPHUR is being, used extensively in many of the hospitals as a disinfectant. LIQUID SULPHUR is - also a perfect anti-septic, and is used for cleansing cuts and bruises, and as an aid for healing. LIQUID SULPHUR taken according to directions is an absolute cure for ECZEMA, ECZEMA, RHEUMATISM and kindred troub- SHORTER DAYS IN LONG AGO. Contained Only Ten Hours 56,000,- OOO Years Back. In a- lecture at the Royal Academy Academy in London recently on the movement of the stars, Professor H. H. Turner stated that 46,000,000 3*ears ago there were but sixteen hours to a day and twenty-nine days to a month. Some 10,000,000 years before that the day was ten hours long, and ,going back .still- further -into tire recesses recesses of time, it was reduced to one hour. That, explained Prof. Turner, according to The London Chronicle, was when the earth and moon were close together--when If you want to know how to live to be a hundred there are plenty of people who have done it to give you advice. The worst of it is that every centenarian will give you a "■"fferent recipe. One will tell you that he never smoked and never touched alcohol, and another will ascribe his many years to the fact that since he was a boy he smoked five ounces of tobacco a week and drank four pints of beer a day. One old-fellow will declare that he has exceede-d the allotted span simply simply b.ecause he ate an apple every day before breakfast and had a cold 'bath every morning, another will ; put it down to a boiling hot bath every night and a cup of strong tea before going to bed, while a dear old dodderer of 112 or so will openly boast that he never had a bath in his life, and insista that the secret is "salt and plenty of it.'.' A Mrs. Rebecca, Law, of Chesterfield, Essex, England, who celebrated her hundredth birthday recently, gives yet another recipe, and it is probably as good as any other, though it may not appeal to every one. When asked the usual question her reply was, "Hard work, mÿ dear, and happy with it. ' ' Which is a veritable sermon in little, -L - ' . -.C High Praise. you certainly are "Marie, fright!" "I knew you would like this gown. Isn't it. too hideously fashionable fashionable for words?" Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Plenty. Tommy, having disposed of three 'helpings of sausage and doughnuts, sat mournfully regarding his empty plate. Observing his pensive expression, Aunt Sarah kindly asked : "Tommy, won't y du have some more doughnuts doughnuts "No'm," the poor lad replied, With feeling emphasis, "I don't want them I got now."^ wsmmmmmmmmm Is Having Wonderful Success, and is Making Most Remarkable Cures. For bronchitis a different form of treatment is now advocated. It consists consists of a scientifically devised vapor that penetrates to the uttermost recesses recesses of the lungs and bronchial tubes. Every spot that is sore, every -surface that is irritated is at once bathed with soothing balsams and healing essences that make chronic bronchitis an impossibility. This treatment now so universally employed in bronchi-is, throat troubles, troubles, colds, etc., is called CATARRH- OZONE. It acts just as air of the' pine woods acts, as a healing antiseptic antiseptic remedy for all diseases of the breathing organs. Just think of it--"a remedy that can be carried with the very air you breathe to the seat of bronchial or catarrhal catarrhal inflammation. A remedy powerful powerful enough to kill germ life and ye± so healing that disease flees before it. Catarrhozone is truly a wonderful remedy. remedy. In many lands it has won its way, and is affording grand results to sufferers from colds, catarrh, throat weakness, asthma and bronchitis. There is no sufferer from a grippy cold or any winter ill, that won't find a cure in Catarrhozone, which is employed employed by physicians, ministers, lawyers lawyers and public men throughout many foreign lands. Large size lasts two months and costs $1.00 and is guaranteed; guaranteed; small size 50c., sample size 25c., all storekeepers and druggists, or The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. . -- SULPHUR, 158 Bay Street, Toronto. "Laughter," says a writer, '"is the sound you always hear when you Chase your hat down the stre et." Minard's Liniment. Cures Garget In Cows. There are times when our consciences consciences must regret the fact that they can't talk a-bove a whisper. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Driven To It. "Don't blame me, judge, your hojnor, for appearin' before you in this condition. My wife drove me to drink." "She did, eh? How did she do it?" "Well, she kept naggin' at me to go out and look for a job till I got so blamed nervous and upset t-hat I didn't have no control over myself." myself." Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills they had recently parted company, in fact-, and had started on their career as separate bodies. The principle, said Prof. Turner, applied to a very large class of bodies in the sidereal system--the double stars. Astronomers knew two stars in the skv- so close together together that it never had been possible possible to separate one from another, even through the best telescopes, though it was known that one of them was very considerably brighter brighter than the other, and it was supposed supposed that one was describing an orbit around the other. At the other end of the scale there were some stars that had not completed their orbit in the century since they were described by Hers- chell. Some of them might occupy 200 or 300 years, and there were even instances in which the orbit would occupy thousands of years. The cause of the changes in the lèng'th of our day, said Professor Turner, was the effect of the tides orr the earth's rotation. The moon raised two tides--one side because she pulled away the water from the earth, on the other because she pulled away the earth from the water. water. are just the right medicine for the children. When they are constipated --when their kidneys are out of order --when ' over-indülgence in some favorite food gives them indigestion •--Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills will quickly and surely put them right. Purely vegetable, they neither sicken, weaken or gripe, like harsh purgatives. Guard your children's health by always keeping a box of Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills in the house, They B1 Keep the Childs- w «ll EDUCATION. LLIOTT'F BUSINESS COLLEGE. TO- E i . ronto. Canada'a Popular Commer cial School. Magnificent Catalogue free. FARMS FOR SALS. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. Ninety Colborne Street, I F YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A Fruit, Stock, Grain, or Dairy Farm, ■write H. W. Dawson, Brampton, or 90 Colborne St., Toronto. H, W. DAWSON, Colborno St.. Toronto. Unfailing Remedy. Mrs. Ne wed (to dear friend)-- prove a good prescription. <zbc. per Je&lou-sy will not listen to reason, box, five boxes .tor |1.00, Kingston; 'Onfc- > ~- ' -'V'". ;• ; : :f. j "What's the secret of getting a new frock out of hubby after he refuses refuses once ?" -- Mrs. Wiley--"If at first yon don't succeed, cry again 1" • "I," s-he said, "can trace ancestry ancestry back to armor and shirts of mail." "I .started to trace my ancestry ancestry back once," he replied, "but my wife made me stop when I got to the shirt sleeves and overalls." 1 1 A YCR.ES, MIDDLESEX COUNTY, L Hr soil mixed loam, 1 a-cre timber, 2 acres orchard, well watered, wire fenced, 2 story briek • house, out-buildings, well situated. Close to London Market. 2 miles to Fdectric Railway. Easy terms. Apply The Western Real Estate Exchange. London, Ont. STAMPS ANO r O! N S TAMP COLLECTORS--HUNDRED Different Different Foreign Stamps. Catalogue. Album, only Seven Ceuta. Marke Stamp 0-omnn nv. Toronto. S' NEWSPAPER FOR SALE. C OUNTRY"WEEKLY NEWSPAPER FOB Bale In good Ontario town. Excellent opening for man of energy. Write Wilson Publishing Company, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS C ancer, tumors, lumps, eto.. internal and external, cured without without pain by our home treatment. Write ue before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Oo- Limited. Oollinewor-d. ° nt BLAD- "Joseph," said the merchant t-o the .bright young man with the best references, "the bookkeeper tells me that you have lost the key of the safe, and he cannot get at the books." "Yes, sir, one of them. You gave me two, you remember ? PYes, Ï had duplicates made, in chse of accident. And the other ?" /'Oh,: sir, I took care of that; I was afraid I might los® one Of them, you. know." . "And is the other all right ?" "Yee, sir i T put it where n- REMEMBER Î The" ointment -you put on your child's skin gets into the system just as surely as food the child cats. Don't let impure fats and mineral coloring matter, (such aa many ^of the cheap ointments tcontain) get into your.child's blood I Zam- Buk-'is purely herbal. No poisonous poisonous coloring. - Use it .always;. 50c. Box at AU DntfiizU and Stores. , USE - 'ONLY AM-BUK C l ALL i STONES, KIDNEY AND T der Stonee, Kidney trouble. Gravel. Lumbago and kindred ailments positively cured with the new German remedy, '•8*nol. , • price $1.50. Another new remedy for Diabetes-Mellitue. and sure .cure, le "Banol'e Auti-Diabetee." Price $2,00/from druggists' or direct. The Sanol Manufe taring Company of Canada. Winnipeg, Man. itirnufao. Limited. HIGHEST PRICES FOR Raw Furs Wr/totorl/st W. a QOFFATt ORILLIA, ONTARIO flÛTürJp^èfcwi a 8 ? Bede for Sale. Aleo One Hundred pair Mink wanted for breedleg- 9r»hamBrae. St rethruy.Ont. Egjfc' 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 ■< 4 1 -I •« ■< 1 1 •i 1 1 * i i 1 ◄ A A À Î 1 4 '"4 • 4 4 4 -<l 4 1 :'r-i ■ 1 v ' g ■ -4 .«S 'v) : A -4 .-.til Wmm miryjm