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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jan 1914, p. 9

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1 *l - ^> r ' .;-vU--. W&fffüft#**' '■'W-V'*?■' MM'/// Our Special Inducement lSéS--_ "Can I Afford the Electric Lighting " but rather to have your house wired AT ONCE. To anyone h iving Electric lights installed and ready to use current by April 1st, 1914, we will make a g m , . „ ™ have vet to have our first customer who would JUDGING from the fact that h 7^ of lighting, the answer to your quest- d be satisfied to go teck t0 " y . „ J 6k gome c f the wiring contractors for a price ion certainly suggests itseU as ■ ed at the reasonable charge for the 011 r^on y0 "n oX' thaT you may have a SPECIAL INDUCEMENT to have your installation. 1 CArt Thic Affer Wb~ J Your Order In With Some Of <The Wireman Early, as they Ml be very Easy Cash REBATE to the amount of Twenty per cent o f the cost o f the wiring of the house This of course, will not include fixtures or any fittings, but will be wiring complete, ready lor fixtures to go on. This means a saving of One-fifth the Cost. ■ ^=^ ====== / <spvmour Power &nd Electric ^eymuui r u AT Y our service" Limited Phone 192 22 Miss Greta Mackey, Kinsale, is hpre Mrs. Wm. Mountjoy and Miss Katie'Mountjoy are visiting in Western Ontario -Miss Fanny Niddery has re- ttimed from Toronto and is under the S^tnr's care Mr. Robert Ramm nas D the farm of Mr. Jas. Gallagher ?or $7 000 Mr "o°: Knapp is hauling Irlvei to improve his barns next summer S Mr John Ormiston is preparing to ■'?r 0 = C am a o n ng the exhibitors at Ottawa Fam Order Fertilizer now and get it at the w old price. % Mason * _tj. I T n the IQI4 municipal contest in Bosan- Mrs. John Pye and her sister Miss Eva l township, Lambton county, Mr. Souch pleasantly entertained a nuI E be ^ William Wight, a Darlington old boy, ladies one afternoon last week....Mr.ana j n a race between six candidates . . t . Mrs. Elias Ashton had a christening party fQur seats an d won out with a splen- visiting last week _... Mr. Ashton has had a tele- * support. It is the usual rule _ for Dur- phone installed in his home... .Dr. a I ham boys to win. Mr. Wight is a o Mrs. C. W. Slemon entertained abR 111 . 5 theaverage in intelligence and having Crossing, a sunuro 01 u«i young people Friday evening who had a experience on his side should make . day m0 rmng, January 10, most enjoyable time.. ; .Congratulations ffficient and practical councillor. the heart. Mr. Lorriman. m °,„ Am,., Rrnnt over a ad- an emcient v nnexoected as then MR. Geo. T. Lorriman, Chicago, III. Citizens and the many old schoolmates and other acquaintances will be pained to leàrn that Ml George T. Lorriman, one time resident of Bowmanville but who f o°f r Chi e cSo, 2 c?ie y d ea at hTs 1 homeTn'cran^ Crossing, a suburb of that c^eurlTof SALEM Friday evening is m cnarge „ Th Tidwell. Topic for the «"SSSybSg Hand writing on the Wall.^ REPtHsÜs neoDie attended anniversary services at people atte Collacutt is visit- S r Ms e daugh,er R Mrs e . r R. W. Conklin at K Fertilizers--only a few more orders required required S complete car-load after which we have to advance prices. F. U. mason. CDJUYûUiv ' _ j to Mr. and Mrs. David Brunt over e advent advent of a little daughter Mrs. H. Rogers who spent the holidays at J?ngh " on has returned home. Her ^ ster *E s j Smith came with her R?Y\ Havia Rogers, St. Thomas who is visiting his brother, Mr. H. Rogers, is to lecture in the Methodist church here Tuesday evening evening Mr. Roland Virtue, Fenelon Fallsis holidaying with home friends Mrs. Broad and Mrs. Geo. Argue are sick.... Visitors ; Mr. andJMrs. S. Lrewin, Hay- don. at John Slemon's; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, Enfield, at Mr. Wm. Trewins, sr, Mr. and Mr?. Mervin Mouutjoy, Cart- wriVht at Mr Jas. Mountjoy s jr; Miss ?rL« McFariand, Fenelon Falls, at Mr. r j Virtue's; Mr. Joe Taylor, Cartwngh , at Sid Tiewin's. cr, j anudi y the heart Mr. Lorriman's death was en- I tlfely unexpected as there had been no We are glad to see by The . Statesman | tenons complications set mjT, and h , s of WinnfpegThat Dr. James N. Hutchm Ition^Proti'nciliChurch ' Courts and Social Reform Bodies to 1 "" re C »°" c S " tion n f O ?h a e n 0 d rin°ciples oTSu 1 " co h mmo P n P Chris- ££ l"Stn1^nSnrâS uplift. ~ be likely to result in his demise, and his sudden death was a great shock to his wife, son and immediate friends. Mr. Lorriman was fifty-seven years of age, and during his residence m Chicago had become widely known in m usi c a i circles in which he took an active part up to tne time of his death. He was member of thp Masonic Fraternity, and the Royal League which societies took full charge of the funeral services. Burial was held from the Masonic Temple in the suburb in which he lived on Monday, Jan. I2th He is survived by the widow andson, Harold S. Lorriman, 1005 E. 75th-st„ Chicago, 111. S Bamford was sent to his mother s aunt, Mrs. Stamford, a dear Christian lady When about fifteen she went to Belfast to work for the Wilkinson Linen Work. After being married five years her husband husband died and she carnet*0 Cainada, t:ak-- ing a position in the Y. W. C. Elm s -, Toronto, and afterwards lived with Mrs. McVity, 32 Murray-st. In 1906 she married Mr Fred Barns at Central Methodist church where he attended while in Toronto. On October the same year her jjo two^it girls came out in company of Miss Mary TT Conner now of Toronto. Thiee chil ren have been born them, Alfred Thomas Edwin, William Albert Douglas, aged \A years, and Frederic the baby °f 3 weeks. The funeral took place J an * 3> Rev - Dr ' Xisler of Houston, and Rev.Mr.Stoggait conducted a beautiful burial service and spoke very nicely of deceased. Ladies; of McConnell Mills sent a beautiful wr^th of white roses and lily of the valley. The school children sent a beautiful wreath besides other floral offerings. She was buried under a white mantel at Oak Spring Cemetery, Canonsburg. Ladies of McConnell Mills walked two miles m a snowstorm to show their last respects to one who had endeared herself to them. Annual meeting of Northumberland and Durham Apple Growers' Association will be held in Council Chamber, Cobourg, on Tuesday January 27th, at 10 a m for election election of officers, receiving reports and transaction of general business. Fruit sessions : Tuesday, Jan. 27th at I.30 P tp with addresses by F. W. Hodgetts, Frm Branch, Toronto; Robert Thompson, St Catharines and D, L. Pauline, Brandon, and Wednesday 28th at 10 a m and 1.30 p m by W. F. Kydd. Toronto, D. L. Pauline Pauline and Prof. L. Caesar, O. A. C., Guelph. Fruit growers should not miss these meetings. FARMERS' INSTITUTE TYRONE NOTES. DARLINGTON NEWS. HAMPTON NEWS. Anniversary services of Tyrone church were well attended Sunday, many old friends of David Rogers, of Central Methodist Methodist Church, St. Thomas, were pleased tosee and hear him. His sermons were deeply impressive and full of divine tru and were greatly enjoyed by all. The choir rendered good music. Monday evening a good entertainment to a^vell- fiiipH church was presented, Pastor rtiggs oresiding Rev. C. G. Williams, Consecon, delighted all with his interesting "Story of Sea g Life" and the many incidents in his Revs. D. Rogers, St. Thomas, and Mrs. A. GULLEY, OSHAWA The remains of a former citizen, the MRS. JEAN Taylor Merrill, Hampton ^ below The subject of this sketch was born near ( cQlden Ebenezer is an ideal place in Fdinbureh Scotland, and came to this , w bich to hold a meeting. They have one Edinburgh acou , ^ years ! of the most commodious country churches country with her f aml _y w ; t f 1 necessary appointments m the dis- old. They settled in Clarke, near New- with ne T «f Vi ary v( ^ nff Mr _ w . Ebenezer meeting was held on Tuesday Tan, 13, the coldest day on record, in a nice warm room with 20 in attendance---a. very interesting meeting. Mr. R. E. Us- borne was chairman. Mr. J. W- Clark, Cainsville, spoke on Commercial Fertil izers r and Dr. H. Reid, Georgetown, on Care of Horses, both good speakers who handled their subjects well. The lady delegate, Mrs. W. J- Hunter, Pleasant, held a meeting with the ladies m a class- i . a. kalrtTtr QJ* Miss Emma Cox has gone to Chicago to j la^Mrs^AHred " Gulley, were brought attend a nephew who is seriously ill.. • • ; | Tnrmito. Tan. 6. for interment life Revs. D. K.ogers, oi. xnw»»--, Mrs. Wm. GreeT^V visited fnends^n I H^K^^rmncTBown»»^ Port Hope recently Mrs. W. » , Walters Courtice, sang solos most accept- visited in Toronto .last week... • ^Miss WM ers Lour ^.^8 assisted ; aking Ward.Greenbank. visited friends here... | ably. . -a -- ~fnl. Mr. E. J. Burk is visiting relatives at Toronto ld . .MnM. SwUlia^caijed on Wesley Allin, Albert Goode and W D Dnwnev No. 3 have called a special mating this week, to fill a vacancy on the school board. Knight's is the place for Oranges 17c per dozen. , Cream separators--several good second hand ones at F. O. Mason s. here from Toronto, Jan. 6, for interment ?n Bowmanville cemetery Deceased was the eldest daughter of the late Steph en Cotton and Mrs. Cotton of Toronto and after her marriage with her now bereaved husband lived here tor many years before moving to Oshawa. She has been a grea sufferer and has undergone several operations operations the last one the removal of one limb 80LINA DOINGS. Ward] Greenbank, v |®tt e d.ftiuu^® hcr^. • ■ • j a ^ ; aad guccessful. Mrs. F.L Ellis has beer.indisposed late y the even, g P the bala S *Mr H Finl^', Leskardrpreached here Sunday evening - .. . .Little M^ss Grag is better.. • • Mr. and iVirs. • Dofdge^entertained her father and mother, Mr and ^rs. Chas. Horn Saturday evening evening it being their fortieth wedding day . ë . Mrs. C. Stonhouse has been quite sick, but is better. . The 33rd annual patrons' meeting o ^ m a 2 PUûûco balance of Orange days at Knight's the the week 17c doz. Report of Public School for end ing Dec. 22, '13: V--Irene Farrell, Rom Phare and Maida Amsbury (equal), Jr. IV -Mary Higgs, Alma Cuttell Harold Clemens, Edythe Clemens, Gordon Far rell* Sr III--Reta Amsbary, Irene Werry, Jr III-Earl Byam, Fred Partner, Mary tonville, where she met and was married to her late husband, Mr. Chas. C. Merrill, two years later. Shortly after, the young couple moved to Hampton 56 years ago, where she has since resided. Her hus band pre-deceased her 22 years, since nc icmu.a. v,. --■ w hich she has made her home with he at the hip taking place in Toronto about ; son _ in _i aWj Mr. Irwin L. Brown and fam- two months ago. She was removed from She.and her husband were converted the hospital to the home of her sister, Mrs. y d er the pastorate of Rev. Mr. Bryers Arthur^ Saunders, where she . 5 years ago. Through a long life she peacefully away having born her long trict. In the evening Mr. W. E. rice, Reeve, was in the chair. In addition to the speakers a program of music was rendered by Mr. W. Pickell and company, three selections; piano duet, Misses Pen- found and Osborne; vocal solo, Mr. Frank Walters. „„ At Solina on Wednesday 14th Vice President John Baker was chairman. 1 lie speakers same as at Ebenezer. Good discussion discussion and very interesting meeting. Mrs. Hunter spoke to Women's Institute in the schoolhouse. Mr. John Baker presided again at the evening meetn g. Mrs. Hunter Hunter gave à splendid address on 'Improvement 'Improvement of Home Conditions". She urged upon all to remember the motto F01 home and country". Dr. Reid spoke on "Ventilation" and Mr. Clarke qn Poultry" Poultry" illustrated with lantern slides. In strumental organ solos were given y Mrs. John.Kivell and Miss Edna Taylor. At Tyrone Mr. A. W. Annis was in the chair in the afternoon. Dr. Reid.spoke on "Care and feeding of the horse and Mr. Clarke on "Commercial Fertilizers . Mrs. Hunter held a meeting of the ladies at which there were 40 present. She organized organized a branch of the Womens Insti tute. In the evening Mr. A. ^ V *, Anr I 1 p again occupied the chair. Dr. Reed spoke on "Stable Ventilation", Mrs. Hunter on "Home Conditions" and Mr. Clarke on "Poultry". Addresses were full of information information and questions were freely as.<eg, much interest being shown by the audience. audience. Music was rendered by the Cooper children and the Clemens and Staples orchestra. Good attendance at all meet- i n g S _a very successful series. Mr. James D. Hogarth and bride have i returned from their honeymoon Miss r"w Barre" 5 look^hi^woTk' Sunday , service was conducted on tiunuay evemun IrLa 1 "sâédaV 'T n ® C ,;;h ?? 2 n rn. in the Town Hall | May Thompson, Lola Richards,Geraldine here when the secretary's report of past season's business will be presented for their consideration. Shareholders ot th Smpany will hold their annual meeting, cuLUF j rpnnrt and elect illness bravêlÿ _ and without murmuring She was a good neighbor and a faithf friend, and a woman of beautiful Çharac ter! Besides her husband, who is well known as a contractor and bmlder m Oshawa Oshawa she leaves one son Harold, who fs in the bank in Toronto The funeral service was conducted on Sunday evening sei vive u tj Vonnv. nastor Werry, Eileen mggs, May Thompson, Lola Richards,GerMdme Clemens, Gladys Collacutt; II-Cyras FTifth W "nnn1ï aVdlkS I S^dtogei? Dorotb" Higgs/johnny Set dTrto%?r 5 com£ g year at the trto e rs°woidd P ?e"pleased to have every 'J^e^tosTlH-E??!B^m^jrf' 0 ™ 0 patron and shareholder present. î^yrus Farrell, Clayton Gardiner, , A full attendance of the members 01 R ,- nton McCullough, Margaret Moore, 1 Clut> he ia 14 mecim S !. i»=.v j--11" ;" tAr - Court Archer, I.O.F., is expected at their I ... and Lewis Gardiner; Primer 1 w ith many questions of commun y Friday evening next, when the . Willie Little ana Dorothy Higgs, Vest. They have 46 members... .Mr. R. J. win take Dîace, Mr.| ^.I^Hajroto ^tiurgeg, ^ Cox J and n I e51 ; cnpnt the week-end tion. Mr: T. McGUh Enffiskffien supplied supplied Sunday week.... '-Mr- W^. A. Tic Grand Patron, gave a good ten^lecture Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. . • Werry, Kedron, visited _ at Mr. S. E. Werry's....Solina Division expects to visit Taunton on Friday evening Jan-30 Mr! and Mrs. W. Chas. Werry visited at 'Courtice.... Mr. James Jebson uwmg to a throat trouble will be unable to lead the choir for the.winter. .. -Farmers Club elected their new officers : Hon. Pres., Lran* ^Law' Wce'Pres.^S. Edgar Werry; Sec!.Tr*is a rw4 aa - Werry ; Directors, the service at the grave. has been a faithful member of the Methodist Methodist Churçh. Het love and loyalty to the church of her choice and its ministers and generous support of all good work was welï known. In her younger day she felt honored in entertaining such worthy men as Revs. Bryers, Slater, Me Fadden, Geo. Cochran, Jas. Hunter, Jas. Hannon, Whiting, Clement, and many others found a warm welcome. Eight years ago she had a slight stroke of paralysis, paralysis, a year ago another weakened her D. M» Johnston, C. H. G. Fletcher&Co. Realty and Insurance Brokers SESion if take Placeur. ^E Snider, Port Hope, H.C.R. for Cen Eal Ontario, taking charge of the cere- -Qvsters will be served to the and their lady friends during ***tim^m engine and tread power nearly Johnny Hatherley. RAMAGE, teachers. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S astobi/ and Miss Baldwin spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J.JP. Leask, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. .. .Miss Baldwin has returned to Toronto after spending a month with her ^If you want oranges go to Knight's, 17c z > r -■ «.*•■**■ _ - vv; x t a dozen* We Handle Everything * l Mrs. Fred J. Barnes, Westland, Pa. Their numerous friends and neighbors in Bowmanville learned with sorrow of the death on New YearV mormng of the dearly beloved wife of Mr. Fred J. Barnes from cerebral hemmorhage fo } lo ™8 t £j birth of a son. Since August last they have Hved at Westland, Pa, a mining town where Mr. Barnes is employed with he Pittsburg Coal Co, as house-repaire , the company having some 250 ho " s Ç.^ employees. He writes that great kindness kindness was shown bv the ladies of the camp during Mrs. Barnes' illness and generously remembered the children at Christmas time. At the time of her marriage, to Mr. Carrie s deceased was a Widow-Mao' Ann Patterson Smythe. ?he was born ât B lymena, Ireland, m June IÇ74. Her tamer was a highly respected ^citizenand a Free Mason. Her parents dytng wheq she was young .Mrs. MacKow Port Rush, near the Giants Causeway took her labile her brother now Rev. W physically and mentally. The last on Tuesday evening 13th left her unconscious unconscious and almost completely paralysed. She lingered until Saturday morning 17th when she passed peacefully away j to be with Christ which is far better. She is survived by her adopted daughter and one brother in Chicago. The funeral services services on Monday were conducted by her nastor, Rev. C. W. Barrett, her; favorite hymns "Nearer, my God, to thee and "The Sweet bye and bye" were sung, led by the choir members who also rendered that lovely song "Looking this way. The pall bearers were: Messrs. Chas. St on house, C. N. Ruse, J. T. Cole, and W. E Doidge. tier remains were laid to rest beside the husband of her youth ïn sure and certain hope of a bright resurrection. "have you property to sell? / - O DO YOU WANT TO BUY? THEN We Should Get Together. We respect the trust of our clients, are at your service. You are under n ment, if we don't suit you. Our cars - compli- Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S ÇÀ 8 TÔ B l A 948 Gerrard=st. E„ corner Pape-ave., Toronto Telephone, Office Gerrard 951 Residence Gerrard 25^6 Residence Gerrard 2322 '1 4 1 E i é 1 Wêëê • y • - v-'AfA- >• .-•y- • 71 V- ... -.17.V

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