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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jan 1914, p. 3

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V made BaMnÿ Powder keeps fresh and moist. Besides it is lighter, finer grained and more wholesome. CLEVELAND BAKING POWDER CO., Ntw Tork. ^ DR. W. WILSON PORTER CHIROPRACTOR The cause of disease removed by adjustment of the spine. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 1 p.m to 3.00 p.m. Office : Mrs. Jas. Gale's, Queen-St Phone 73 Bowmanville W. H; ALEXANDER. V. S. Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. College. Diseases of all domestic animals treated by latest known methods. Office at his residence, King-st, East Bow- manville. Phone 193. 20-lyr LOSCOMBE & SENKLER Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public. R.R.Loscombe, K.C. B.S.Seukler, B.Â. Money to Loin. Office: Mason Block, King Street Bowmanville, Ontario. GOODMAN «6 GALBRAITH Barristeis and Solicitors. Notaries Public. A. K. GOODMAN, D. C. GALBRAITH 508 Lumsden Bldg. Yonge & Adelaide-sts. Toronto Ontario ELECTRIC FIXTURES & SUPPLIES House Wiring and Motor Installation Consult us about the lighting of your home, your office oryour store. H. HUMPHRIES, K. WHYTE, Contractor. Mgr. Elec. Dept. Phone 210. ■ Horsey Block, Temperance-st DR. J. C. DEVITT, DENTIST, Graduate of Boyal Dental College, Toronto. OFFICE: Temperance St. Bowmanville, (just off King St.) OFFICE HOURS: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. The Road to Self-Support The majority of young people desire to earn 'money, provide things for themselves themselves and eain a living. ONE SL-Rh, WAY to earn a living is to take a course in the well-known ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. Onr graduates GET and HOLD good positions owing to their superior preparation. preparation. Enter now. Write for catalog. Cor. Ynme <fc Alexander-sfrs., W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. NOTES AND COMMENTS' A leading French newspaper has asked eminent scientists to tell the public what discoveries and inventions inventions are now most anxiously awaited awaited as being likely directly to promote promote social welfare and further progress. The answers are not very satisfactory, but no really thoughtful thoughtful person will be surprised at .this. Great discoveries and invent ns are often accidental. Radium is an illustration that occurs immediately immediately to one's mind. The Darwinian Darwinian theory came in a .flash, although although it took its author twenty years to elaborate it. "Impatience is not good for science j hard work, persistence, coolness," courageous renewal of experiments are essential essential to the advancement of truth. When a problem is fully realized, science attacks it with vigor, and if a- solution be humanly possible it will be found sooner or later, for the capacity for taking pains is the better part of genius. Still, the scientific toiler knows not impatience. impatience. No More Headaches For Me This can be e your if roe experience if yoe use Chamberlain's Chamberlain's Tablets-- they feure headaches headaches by removing removing the cause-- not by smothering the symptoms--woman's symptoms--woman's surest cure for woman's most common ailments. Try them. 25c. a bottle. Druggists and Dealers, or by mail. Chamberlain Medicine Co. Toronto 2 CHAMBERLAINS 1 TABLETS . 4 ot <9 EST DAIRYING FOR PROFIT The First Step Often means so much. It has meant success to thousands of young people who wrote for onr Catalogue as the first step toward a good salaried "position. "position. Take the step to-day. Address Central Business College, College, 395 Yonge-st., Toronto. W. H. SHAW, President. Phone 90a House Phone 90b RODERICK M. MITCHELL Baritone Teacher of Singing Pupil of Mr. Russell G. McLean, Toronto. Studio at Residence, Wellington-st., East, For Information and terms apply at R- M- . Mitchell <fc Co's. Drug Store. Phone 92a & b • Bowmanville. A GOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE For over 52 years the British American American Business College, Toronto, has trained successful business men and women. If interested in the courses we give, it will pay you to write for a copy of our latest catalogue New Term begins Jan. 6, 1913. T. M. Watson. Principal. In moral science, we are bold, the discovery devoutlv wished for is some way to remove inter national national hatreds and establish good will among states and peoples. No such "discovery" is in the least likely. There are many known factors whose operation removes or diminishes diminishes irrational hatred and prejudice, prejudice, but their work is slow. Education, Education, travel, commerce, science, are among the unifying and civilizing civilizing agencies. Make the individual individual man finer and better and be will .help to create a sound and healthy public sentiment. International amity and good will imply the existence existence of such a public sentiment in every county. * A well-known Parisian, a club man and sportsman, disappeared from the boulevards and its diversions diversions two years ago and has just been found in a monastery, where he is acting as cook. He was tired of the old life, he says. No other reason. HAVE YOU made provision for employment ' during the Fall and Winter months ordo vou. wish steady remunerative work the year through. Wnte us and secure our Agent's terms. We offer the best in the business. Pay weekly, free outfit, exclusive territory. OVER 600 ACRES under cultivation. Established over 35 years. A reputation for high grade sboolc. and fair dealing. A salesman can make money selling for ns. We want an energetic, reliable man for Bowmanville and vicinity. For terms write PELHAM NURSERY CO., TORONTO, ONT. N. B. Free catalogue on request. 36-17 Our Aim Is ' satisfy all students by giving them best instruction (individual) and securing all remunerative positions. A special teacher course. In affiliation with Orillia Business College and Dominion Correspondence Correspondence School, Lindsay Business College H. A. Spotton D. C. Ross President Principal Everyone dairying for profit will find that a cream separator is indispensible. . We handle the best cream separator on the market--the Bluebell. The essential essential points of the Bluebell are : simple and durable construction, construction, close skimming, large capacity, easy cleaning, light running. Won't you call today and get more particulars ? Power for Profit <7K*. St. John--Bristol From St. John, N.B. Wed. Jan. 28 From Bristol Steamer Royal Edward Wed. Feb. 11 Royal George Wed. Feb. 26 Wed. Feb. 25. Boyal Edward Wed. Mar. 11 Wed. Mar. 11 Royal George Wed. Mar, 25 Wed. Mar. 25 Royal Edward Wed. Apr. 8 Wed, Apr. 8 Royal George Wed. Apr. 22 Wed. Apr. 22 Royal Edward to Montreal Full particulars and tickets from M. A. JAMES, Bowmanville, Agent. Buy Your Seeds From a House ^ of PRESTIGE There's a big difference between between seeds bought from established, reliable Seed men "and those bought from a bouae of no particular prestige. prestige. . Sow to growl Use our tested seeds. Write for j, handsome Illustrated Catalogue Catalogue A post card brings it by return malL . Valuable Premium Free With your first order we send you. absolutely free, an attractive p r e m i u m. See " page one of our catalogue : Darck A Boater Seed C*. [Box 1222 Ltd. London, Ont Canada \ GRAND TRUNK system low rates To California, Florida and the Sunny South now in Effect The Grand Trunk Railway is the most direct route from all points East through Canada via Chicago, Detroit or Buffalo. Full particulars at Grand Trunk Ticket Offices or write C. E. Horning, D.P. A., Toronto, Ont. J. II. H. JURY, City Passenger and Ticket Agent, Phone 78. Changed His Mind. '•'Alphonse," said the heiress, "I have been thinking." "Thinking of me, precious?" asked Alphonse. "Indirectly, yes. I have been thinking that, were you to marry me, everybody would &ay you only did so in order to get my money." "What care I for the unthinking world ?" "But, oh, Alphonse, I will marry you." "My own dar--" "And I will not have people say unkind things about you, so I have arranged to give all my fortune to the missionaries. .Why, Alphonse, where are you going?" .Alphonse paused long enough on his way to the door to look back and mutter, "I'm going to be a missionary." Let.UB place our emphasis lees on the. monastery than on its kitchen. Other French noblemen have retired retired to monasteries, but few have taken an active hand in the cooking. cooking. Very likely this particular count, only too well aware of the emptiness and unsatisfactoriness of his earlier life, yearned to turn his hand to something practical and useful. If he had been a Swedkh count he might have taken up cabinet cabinet work. If an Irish count he might have gone in for plumbing. Being a French count, he turned his hand to cooking. ...There is nothing more practical and useful than that. There is nothing which, when well done, is capable of yielding a more general satisfaction all round. Every man should be able to cook a little, and should cultivate appreciation appreciation and respect for good cooking cooking by others. Of course there are drawbacks to such a career. Few cooks can enjoy enjoy their own cooking and few get a due measure of praise for their work, however well done. Perhaps the count is an exception. Since he has kept his "place" two years, he may enjoy his work as an artist if not as a gourmet, and he may have been heartened, now and then, by a word of approbation from the brethren he serves. Such a word goes well in any kitchen. :* A Question of Height. Michael--Come quick ! Patrick is stuck in a bog up to his ankles. James--Don't worry, then, if he's only up to his ankles he can soon get out again ! Mike--Yes, but he went in head first ! t- 7 r' r * : -- I. H. C. Oil .and Gas Engines do the work of several lured men and horses. They can be used for running cream separator, churning, grinding feed, chaff cutting, pulping, pumping water, etc. I. H. C. Engines are the "most practical and economical ones on the market. Call and get a demonstration. We are agents for Lowden Litter Litter Carriers and for Renfrew Scales. S. FOSTER (Successor to Fred T/Hobbs) Just South of Four Corners BOWMANVILLE Phone 168. Wife (complainingly)--"The Wil- flinsons' house is much larger than ours." Husband--"Yes, my dear, and so is their mortgage,'.' I 1 V 141 A man who had been absent for a considerable time, and who dur- 1 in g his travels had cultivated a great crop of whiskers and moustaches, moustaches, visited a relative whose lit- tic girl had been his special favorite. favorite. The little girl made no offer to salute him with the. usual kiss. "Why, child," said • -the mother, "don't you. givç yôur old,'friend a kiss?" "Mother," answered the child, "I don't see any place. LUBYS FOR THE HAIR Restores the color, strength, beauty and softness to Gray Hair and is not à dye, At all Druggist». #Oe. • *ot. HEALTH How. to Cure Sleeplessness. Sleep is a woman's greatest aid for the preservation of her health and beauty. When she has had sufficient sufficient rest she feels fresh and rejuvenated rejuvenated ; when she suffers from lack of it she loses her vitality, grows sallow of complexion, irritable irritable of temper, and is generally run down. ! Some women's nerves are more easily excited than others, and for these the average hours of the day are too long. They go to bed tired mentally and physically, and thus sleep will not come. They lie awake the whole night through, listening to the chiming of the clock, until the striking of each hour becomes a torture. When they are thoroughly worn out sleep comes, perhaps at fitful _ intervals, when dawn is beginning to break. Otherwise they may be obliged obliged to rise without having rested the brain at all. This state may continue into the next night and the night after, that, until their nerves are on the verge of a breakdown. The best remedy to provoke sleep, when it will not come naturally,. naturally,. is to take more physical exercise exercise and do less brain work. Beauty sleep could be cultivated. The patient patient should lie down and sleep for a few minutes every afternoon. Perhaps it will not come at first, and then the only thing to be done is to sit upright with the elbows resting upon the table and the hands supporting the chin. The muscles should be relaxed and the mind allowed, to wander at will without any definite effort, and with perseverance and practice this will be found to bring sleep. Many people think that afternoon sleep is injurious to the health and beauty, but in the ease of insomnia it can only do good. Care, however, should be taken to check the midday midday nap from becoming a sound sleep, as this will arouse a tendency tendency to d^pp off into slumber at any minute of the day, which.eventually which.eventually tends to dull the brain faculties. faculties. A warm bath will often bring sleep, especially if the sufferer from insomnia feels the cold. In that event down. slipp-ers or sleeping socks should also be worn. The following following exercise, too, may be practised practised just before getting into bed. The hands should be pressed on the neck so that the blood flows from the brain. The trunk is bent at the whist and gently swayed from right to left and then round in a circle. This practice should be continued continued for a few minutes before getting into bed, and in many cases will immediately be followed by sound and refreshing slumber. A glass of hot milk last thing at night, gentle massage of the temples, temples, or a hop pillow are all aids to induce slumber which have been found to produce good results. PRODUCT OF GOLD IN 1913. Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind N on Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 yeais, has borne the signature of ^ and has been made under his per- _/t_ sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good "are hut What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Ç a stor OU, £are- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine noY other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea--The Mother s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Bad Yea Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years I p A N V MEW VO»K C ITY, Grand Central We have just received choice, lot of Playing Cards - 10c to 50c Mouth Organs, 25c to $1.25 We are headquarters for smokers' supplies. Chocolates and Candies Our chocolates and candies are always fresh. We carry the best lines, including Ford, Bruce <fc Hunt, Fry, Sevoy, Jersey Cream Co. Crumpets and Muffins Besides getting Nasmith's Bread fresh every morning we also receive Crumpets and Muffins every Wednesday and Saturday. Try them. When requiring Ice Cream ask us for. City Dairy. W. J. Bagoell BOWMANVILLE . Phone 150 Will Probably Reach Neighborhood of $4â0,000,000. Samuel Montagu Coy., of Lon don, in his Bullion Letter for 1913, says that "The British sovereign resembles a bird in its migration and nesting propensities, for its stay in a country is very short- anc perhaps only during the perioc when the crops are being financed. ' He proceeds to say that the sovereigns sovereigns continue to be coined in great numbers, of which . only, small proportion remains in Great Britain, the . great bulk being exported exported to India and elsewhere in he British Empire or in foreign countries. "British gold," he says, "has be come the handiest form of inter ALLANIINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS To Liverpool - Glasgow - London - Havre To take thfe Allan Line means that the Ocean voyage will be one of the pleasantest memories of your trip abroad. Large, comfortable steamers, steamers, replete with every convenience and luxury-- the beautiful sail down the sheltered waters of the St. Lawrence-- : the courtesy and attention of the ship's attendants--are not easily forgotten. /| »2 For rate., sailing dates and "beautiful descriptive booklets apply to local agents or THE ALLAN UNE /[ 77 Yonge St., Toronto national remittance. So much is this recognized that the Bank of France makes special efforts to maintain a -substantial stock cl sovereigns in its vaults." The report indicates a doubt as to whether the world's product of gold this year will exceed that of 1913, which will probably prove to be in the neighborhood of $490,000,000. A capacious appetite for gold was manifested by India during the year just ended, and it has been followed by indications of satiety. / J The Cook's Retort. "Mary, when I hired you you said you were a competent cook. I wish you'd cook something we can eat." _ "And I wish you'd eat something I can cook," was her reply. Pills That Have Benefited Thousands.--Known, Thousands.--Known, far and near eis a remedy in the treatment of indigestion indigestion and all derangements of the stomach, liver and kidneys, Par-me- lee's Vegetable Pills have brought relief to thousands when other specifics specifics have failed. Innumerable testimonials canr be produced to establish the truth of this assertion. assertion. Once tried they will be found superior to all other pills in the treatment of the ailments for which they are prescribed. Break Whiskey's Grip v On Your Loved Ones Drunkards will tell you with tears of sincerity that they do not want to drink. The craving coming from the inflamed membranes of the stomach drives them to it. AIc.ura will soothe the trembling nerves and remove the craving that is ruining your home and stealing an otherwise kind husband or father from you. It costs only $1.00 per box and if-it does not cure or benefit after a trial the money will be refunded. refunded. < 1 Alcura No. I is tasteless and can be given secretly in tea, coffee or food. Alcura Alcura No. 2 is taken voluntarily by those willing to help themselves. Alcura can now be obtained at ov~ store. Ask for free booklet telling ail about it and give Alcura a trial. Jury &: Lovell, Druggists, Bowmanville. Julia's Hard Luck. "Have"you heard about Julia- s hard luck " "No. What is' it- !" "She took Billie's engagement ring back to the jeweller's to be valued. Oh, poor Julia!" "Well, that s nothing. I always do • that." "Yes; but the jeweller refused to ^ giye it back to her. He said Billie / hadn't paid for it-." That's What They Do. "Have you ever noticed one odd thing about blunt people ?" ".What is'that?" "They are the ones who' generally generally come to the point." . - j . More than a Watch dog is needed needed to keep thd. wlf from the door. Consumption Takes Hundreds of People Every day and the surprising truth is that most cases are preventable preventable with timely, intelligent treatment. These appalling facts should warn us that after sickness, colds, overwork overwork or any other drains upon strength, Scott's Emulsion should be promptly and regularly used because because tubercular germs thrive only in a weakened system. The tested and proven value of Scott's Emulsion is recognized by the greatest specialists because its medical nourishment assimilates quickly to build healthy tissue; aids in the development of active, life-sustaining blood corpuscles; strengthens the lungs and builds physical force without reaction. Scott's Emulsion is used in tuberculosis tuberculosis camps because of its rare body-building, blood-making properties properties and because it contains no alcohol or habit-forming drug. Be sure to insist on Scott's. Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ontario. 13-7S Foresighted. New Maid--Would yez mind giving giving ms a rikemmadation, mum ? Mistress--Why, you've only just come ! New Maid--But- yez may not want to give me wan when I'm lavin', mum. Ty r m sr vxv The microbe never worries the man who is not aware of its existence. existence. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of See Fac-Slmllc Wrapper Below. Fond of Children. - Angry Customer : 1 See here, sir ! That dog you sold me yesterday has bitten a piece out of my little boy's log." Dog Fancier : "Weil, sir, didn t 1 say he was specially fond of children?" children?" | Tory small and os easy to take as sugar. CARTERS Little IVER PILLS. FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FF CONSTIPATION F 1 SALLOW SKIN. A THECOMPlEXtON L» , CKNV .-ill MUrrHAVeuCHATUR^^,, | FcSSrts 1 Purely ' - 1 ■ jar .ætb^i gwas-wr ÇLUFL F - sick headache. -.vd-i

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