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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jan 1914, p. 4

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X tf*iw LOU Know Its Quality Some Day. Why Not day! Mon- POSITIYELY THE LARGEST SALE1N CANADA the standard bank OF CANADA Quarterly Dividend Notice, No. 93 Notice is hereby given that a Dividend at the rate of THIRTEEN Per Cent. Per Annum upon the Capital Stock of this Bank has this lay been declared for the quarter ending 31st January, 1914 and thft the same will be payable at the Head Office i°*is =ity an its Branches on and after Monday, the 2nd Day of February, 19 , to shareholders of record of 23rd January, 1914. . The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will be held at the Head Office of the Bank in Toronto on Wednesday, the 18th of February next, at 12 o clock noon. By order of the Board. GEQ p seHOLFIELD , General Manager. Toronto, 16th December, 1913. UNIQUE GOLD COIN. Ü Recently Purchased by the British Museum. A unique gold coin has just been, purchased by the trustees of the British Museum with the assistance assistance of some private subscribers. It is the only known example of the gold coinage of the Anglo-Saxon King Offa (A. D. 757-796), the most celebrated of all the Mercian princes, princes, the friend of Cliailmagne and the recipient of many presents from that Emperor. The coin is remarkable-not only nn account of its uniqueness and of the fact that it is the earliest gold coin that can be definitely ascribed ascribed to any English king, but also because, although it was struck by a Christian king, it bears a Moham medan inscription in Arabic. s At the time of the issuing of the coin the Arabic dinar formed a large part of the gold currency of Europe Europe and it is believed that it was for this reason that Offa caused an exact imitation of an existing Arabic Arabic coin to be made for his own use. The coin is in a very fine state of preservation. The existence of this specimen has been known since 1841. It was obtained in Rome by tlie late Duc'de Blacas, but from 1841 till 1907 nothing was known of its whereabouts. * ' "Why do people speak of the human race ?" "Because men and woman are always running after each other." Do As Others Do, Take thiq time-tested--world proved--home remedy which suits and ŒÏÏ most people. Tried for three generations L/aqf corrective and preventive of tne^ numerous oÈ-ns^f' dTge!tion y and' llimfna^n'hÆn^oved to be BEECHAM'S PILLS (The Largest Sale of Any Medicine In the Werld) If vou have not tried this matchless family medicine, you do not know IVat it means to have.better digestion clearer complexion, which come after' ****m*£ u Always of the same^excellenc^--in air climates*! 1 in every season-B^echam's Pills are 'Try* Eclipse Four foi* Cokes and Pastry. It makes delicious pies, cakes and fancy pastry. It TaKes Leas Shortening - than Manitoba flour. That's why so many of the best cooks prefer Eclipse Flour-- it is economical. Sold by all Grocers. Manufactured by Fred. G. Vanstone, Phone 77. Bowmanville. T" # Order Coal Now | LEHIGH VALLEY COAL I am receiving almost daily several cars of the best Lehigh Valley Coal, shipped direct from the mines--Chestnut, Stove and pea sizes, Send your order in now and have prompt delivery E. W. Lascombe Yards and Office at Holgate's Evaporator, Corner Division and Queen-sts., opposite High School. . Phone 177. A Night in the Woods. The time was near for Roger and Fred Mason to leave the big woods, where they had been camping, lne brothers were" feeling sad, but on Saturday, just as the sun was sinking sinking in a blanket of red and gold m the west,, the two brothers saw a canoe coming dowrf the lake ; as it glided nearer they could, see. Uncle ; 7rank in the bow, and right beside aim a brown, furry head that bob >ed up and down. j "Skip has come!" they shouted,, and ran to the landing to greet him. A few minutes later the water spaniel spaniel was leaping about them and barking his delight. When mother saw Skip, she said, "Something exciting is sure to happen happen now." And something did. It was three days afterward that Roger and Fred and the water spaniel started to go down the path that led to a little pond, where father and Uncle Frank and Happy Lewis, the guide, had gone to catch some trout for s Upper. The path wound in and out through the trees, over knolls, and down into dells where the spruce trees cast dark shadows. After a- while the trail branched into two paths, and the boys went to the right. They thought they would soon come in sight of the pond, but they walked a long distance before they caught a glimpse of water through the woods. "There it is!" shouted Fred, and the three left the path and dashed through the brush to the shore. But no one was -in sight. "Perhaps they're round that point," said Roger. i ■ . The bovs and the dog made their way along the shore, and finally they gained the cove behind t 6 point. No one was there ; they shouted, but no answer came. _ "I don't believe this is the nghr pond!" declared Fred. "It doesn't doesn't look like the one. This must be the lake. Let's go back. Together they found what seem ed to be the path that they had followed followed ; they turned their backs on the lake ; but they had not gone far before the trail began to grow dim, and at last the boys could not tell whether they were walking in a real path, or in one of the narrow runways that deer and rabbits make. Then they noticed that the sky beyond the tree tops was covered covered with dark clouds. A storm Was coming, and they were lost ! They tried to find the path again, but it seemed to have disappeared completely. Skip was worried also, also, as they could see from the way in which he whined and looked into their faces. Then the first big drops of rain began to spatter through the trees, and the forest suddenly grew dark. "We must go somewhere," said Roger, trying not to let Fred notice notice the tremble in his voice. It began t-o rain harder, and as the boys trudged on, the woods seemed filled with the sound of the drops pattering against the • leaves. Suddenly Skip stopped before a huge fallen log. Sniffling as he went, he led them round to one end, where they faced a wide opening, and without a pause Skip walked in. . "The rain won't touch us if we follow him!" cried Fred. He crawled crawled into the hollow log on hands and knees, with Roger close at his heels. Inside there, was space enough for them to lie down. Skip curled up on the dry, rotted wood at their feet. Roger and Fred lay close together, together, with hands clasped, wait? ing for the rain to stop, and wondering wondering how they could find their way back to camp. But the rain did not stop, and with night black darkness came. The boys grew drowsy in spite of their fears, and finally fell asleep. The next thing that they remembered remembered was hearing a sharp bark. Then they «at up. The water spaniel spaniel was snarling and he never had before, and there, in the round opening at the end of thé log, was a black shadow with two shining shining eyes looking straight at them. Skip leaped forward. There was a strange grunting sound, a sharp yelp, the noise of something crashing crashing through the brush, and then the water spaniel came back, whining whining a little, and growling gruffly in his throat. - The brothers were trembling as they patted him- "Good Skip ! whispered oger. "You drove him away. You wouldn t let him hurt us, would you?" They sat for a long time, hardly- daring to move, while the water spaniel still growled softly. At last daylight'came. Tàe rain had stopped, stopped, and they crawled from their strange shelter. In Skip's nose were two queer thorn-like things, that he kept trying to scrape away with his paws. Roger pulled them out carefully, and the tears came into both boys' eyes at the pain they could see that it caused their pet. ' , Then they heard a rifle shot, and forgot everything else in their ex- - V Mrs. J. Westervelt of Paterson, N. J., writes; •*I hare a large family of small children, and It has sared me many a doctor's bill. For quinsy sore throat it is a king over that. My little girl has sprained her ankle and is com* imr around fine without any other doctor than Badway'S Beady Belief." _ * ' CURES SORE THROAT Apply the Belief to the throat and chest until the surface smarts and reddens. Give Badway'S Pills In such doses ns will freely move the bowels. For a sudden cold, take a large dose of RadwayLs Pills,, and a teaspoon- ful of Relief with a teaspoonful of molasses, in a tumbler of hot.water. Retire at once to bed A profuse perspiration will break out, and* in the morning the cold will be gone. BADWAY & CO., Montreal, Can. t citement. -They shouted and Skip barked. In a moment they heard an answering call, and ran toward it. Over a ridge, Happy Lewis, father father and Uncle Frank appeared, and the boys were so happy that they had hard work to keep from crymg. , , . , V On the way to camp the ooys tola of the adventure in the night, and about the two queer thorns that Roger had pulled from Skip's nose. Happy Lewis bent over the water water spaniel and passed his hands through the" .silky fur. "Here's another," he said. "What your dog ran into_ was a prowling hedgehog, and this is one of his quills. He's surely a brave little spaniel."--Youth's Companion. Companion. Mother graves' Worm Exterminator will drive worms from the system without injury to the child, because its action, while fully effective, is mild BEAUTIFUL WORK OF NATURE Wonderful Falls of Kaietenr in South America. Dr. H. E. Crampton of the American American Museum of Natural History, writing in Harper's Magazine of his visit to the falls of Kaietenr in South America, and which rank among the greatest in the world, says : "Then came the first close view of Kaietenr. Eeaving my colleague,| Dr. Lutz,, to look after affairs a£ Tukeit, and taking provisions and equipment for a field base on the Potaro above the falls, on July 19, I climbed the steep walk of the gorge to the high plateau above. The path debouched; from the forest on to a rocky plain bearing very little soil, and, guided by the roar of troubled waters, I proceeded to the brink and looked out upon a work of nature whose beauty is unsurpassed. unsurpassed. . . Qnr . "Like a vast curiam nearly 800 feet high, a sheet ef water over 200 feet in breadth poured downward from the firm, rocky brim into the depths of the gorge. The setting is superb ; all is primitive, untroubled untroubled nature, unmoved by signs of man or his works. And the scale is so grand that its full comprehension comprehension is difficult if not impossible. impossible. , ' 'Without taking into account tne broken waters at its foot, Kaietenr is 741 feet in the clear, nearly five times as high as Niagara, or it is higher than thej Metropoltiaii-building Metropoltiaii-building at Madison Square, iii New York, while at the -time I paw it it exceeded a city block in breadth. "Many falls are higher, Niagara and Victoria are far wider, but ! Kaieteur is.matchless for symmetry j and beauty of setting." When Sir John Millais was painting painting "Chill October," among the reeds and rushes of the Tay one afternoon a voice from behind a hedge asked, "Man, did you ever try photography?" "No, never," said Sir John, and he continued to paint slowly. "It's a hantle quicker," said the voice. "Yes, I suppose so," the painter agreed. Then the voice said bitingly, "An* it's mair like the place." HAMPTON MILLS BEST BREAD AND PASTRY FLOUR, BRAN, SHORTS, CHOP, CORN, OATS, ETC. ALWAYS ON HAND. CHAS. HORN, HAMPTON PHONE 129, r. 6 Buy PAGE Wire Fence Direct Money j PAGR Branch. Buy for cash at the lowest prices ever S END your next fence order to.the nearest PAUp tir „ d /pÂGEFENCE-- the kind that lasts n non fence Get the genuine well-known nign-graae -taut-el rûle-tlm.. You p.y no mo,= for ,h« , ou 'SLnr™ tSSSZm. ,e n « O, this' * the makers at these low prices. r/ie8e pWces aubject to advance without notice. PAGE HEAVY FENCE Ne. • Pas» Wlr* Th^ugkout In ao. ao »nd 40 Rod Roll», FreirM P»td Lowest Prices For Good Fence STYLO Study the prices quoted below for genuine PAGE WIRE FENCE. Compare with them the prices of other fences. Remember that PAGE WIRE FENCE is the finest farm fence ever made. That it will outlast outlast several ordinary fences. The more thorough thorough your price comparisons comparisons are, the more strongly you realize that PAGE prices are the lowest at which GOOD wire fence has ever been sold. Page Guarantee With Every Rod With every rod of Page Fence goes this guarantee guarantee i "If PAGE Fence proves defective, return it and get your money back . No quibble--no strings --no red tape--to this iron-clad guarantee. We can give it with absolute confidence, because PAGE Fence is the best fence made. Big carbon-steel wires, woven under uniform tension--with evenly spaced uprights nonslipping nonslipping knots--and .the best galvanizing money can insure; these make PAGE Fence good for a life-time, white ordinary ordinary fences may need replacing every five or ten years. boS I ® X l #5 PRICES 8 e l • t *it ■ t * l » > I i • » ' • Specing of Horizontal. In Inch.. [10, 10, 40 5 9, 10, 10......... 6%, 7, 8V 2 , 9, 9 5i/ 2 , 7, 7, TV,, 8. .. 61/ 2 , 7Vs, 9 10, 10 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 8, 6 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6... 4,5,51/4,7, 8%, 9, 9. .. 4, 6, 51/2, 7, 8%, 9, 9. 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6... 6, 6, 6, 6, 9, 6, 6, 6 4, 4, 5, 5Û, 7, 8 ÿo, 9, 4. 5, 5%, 7, 81,4, 9 Page Vence Reaches You Quickly a t <* * • * 1 i ' > à wise » I I «3 » I i » l I • • M • * i i;i » » • i ♦ * * * t i i • * « i * * t >'i • i we f r » • i « a « i • » < . i •« i • « I e • i • « t< • » ft'4 • • A V M • * «*11 a * « » a * «*» A.» • e Ci • 3' 3! 3, 4, 5%, 7, 7, 71/2, 8.. 3, 3, 3, 4, 5^5, 7, 7, 7%, 8,...;. 3, 3, 3, 4, 5^4, 7, 8V£, 9, 9. . »* **^ » • » •' 3, 3, 4, 7, -8^, 9, 9..., « 3, 3, 3, 4, 5y>, 7, 8^, 9, 9 MEDIUM WEIGHT FENCE (Maritime Province prices of Medium Weight, also Special Poultry Fences, include painting.) _ No. 9 Top and Bottom, and No. 1* Hign Larhcm 12 L T prights; No. 11 Locks 361 16V4I8 361 16%{6. 42 iey 2 7 42 16^6 26 8 3 48 iey 2 4 36 12 3 50 i6y 2 a 54 16^3 | 48 1 8 ( 60 8 l< l 48 48 1 - 4fi 46 7, 7 8, 8.... 7, b' 10, 10. 6, 7, 7, 8, 8. 3, 4, 5, 5, 6. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9 1 3, 3, 4, 5 6, 6, 6*.• » * «*«**•**>••••* | • «I* « t • I I » • • • ».« * i «:* * • « * |T t » • • .33 .32 ;• ■ « > i » • • LAJr * :* a t • 4 • ■ ^ * * • ♦ 1,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9 SPECIAL POULTRY FENCING No. 9 Top and Bottom. Intermediates, Uprights 8 inches apart. se bars. No. 13. • • • • • 1 « «.« •)• • • • PAGE "RAILROAD" GATES ft. opening .... ft. opening .... ! 13- ft. opening . ... 14- ft. opening . ... 3.80 4.00 4.25 4.50 / PAGE CATALOG 104 pages, illustrating and describing a hundred useful useful things for the farm. Many of them aren't carried by your dealer. All are sold at remarkable low prices for cash. Write * to-day for this catalog. 2iiArLC.o, zo-id. uux, BRACE WIRE, 25-lb rolls, freight paid STRETCHING TOOLS, Complete labor-saving outfit, ft. pd PAGE WIRE FENCE CO., LTD. I2I 5 King St. West . TORONTO WAIXEXV1LU WINNING When you order PAGE FENCE direct you get it without delay. Because Because we ship it from fully-stocked PAGE Warehouse near you-- not from a factory hundreds hundreds of miles away. You know what it means to be held up for fence in your busy season. PAGE Warehouses Warehouses cover Canada from St. John to Vancouver. Vancouver. No matter where you live, there's an immense stock of PAGE Fence near you, ready to ship at a moment's notice, Send Your Order To The Nearest Page Branch Mail your order--with check or money--to the nearest PAGE Branch. Tear out this price list, and mark on it what you want to avoid mistakes. mistakes. Get a lc. per rod discount for car lot orders. Get immediate shipment to your railway railway station--freight paid on 20 rods, 200 lbs. or over. If you want to order through your dealer, we'll allow him lc. per rod for handling your order. Best order to-day--before these 1 ow prices go up. Send your order to the nearest nearest PAGE Branch. 2 \

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