T y-i m h ij y. imfppqppqm and music by the world's great hands are reproduced for you with a brilliant vividness and richness of tone that you will find nowherçjuii, in _ Columbia Records. You are cordially invited invited to hear the following records, records, free, at any dealer in .'-J - - ". * • "5; - ? *r 7 -" ^ V' - ' : > mfmm ----1 Double-Disc < 7 ) Herbert Stuart--R2300--85c. "We'll Never Let the Old Flag Fall" "Good Luck to the Boys of the Allies" Scots Guards--P. 31--85c. The Entente Cordial March (Douglas) Namur March (Richards) Latimer and Howe--P. 19--Baritone--85c. The Veteran's Song The Old Brigade Scots Guards--P. 14--85c. British Grenadiers ; Cock o' the North ; Wearin* o' the Green ; God Bless the Prince of Wales ; Rule Britannia ; Garry Ojven ; Men of Harlech ; Dear Little Shamrock ; Blue Bells of Scotland ; Red, White and Blue ; God Save the King. Prince's Orchestra. Ellery Band, St. Hilda Colliery Band. Municipal Band of Mikn, etc., and thousands of splendid selections. selections. Hear them at any Columbia dealer's. Get complete record list from him or write us for it. The Fluffy Petticoat. There is something particularly appealing appealing to the 'dainty, well-groomed woman, about ribbon-trimmed, be- frilled petticoats; they cannot be banished banished for long from the wardrobe. This season the petticoat has returned returned in all its old-time fluffiness to keep our airy, bouffant frpcks in countenance. countenance. Paris sends us, of course, the daintiest daintiest possible of linen, hand-embroidered, hand-embroidered, lacer trimmed, ribbon-banded novelties, novelties, many of them so extremely fascinating that one is tempted to wear the sheerest of organdy, chiffon or Georgette frocks in order that their beauty may be shown. Many of these petticoats are boned, corded or wired, In order that the frocks, under which they are worn, may - have the proper swing. For the dance there are net and^ taffeta creations, made with petal up*on petal, in rose-like formation, formation, the edges of the petaled ruffles ruffles pinked or picoted. For the organdy organdy afternoon frock, the slip is favored, favored, of net and organdy, lace and ribbon-trimmed. The bodice of the slip is usually a straight, wide band ficml^owew; it iskan attractive and artistic motion. The combining : yof- several tones in the girdle, wfci<ih is usually of net or; chiffon, is another pretty yay of introducing interesting combinations; for instance, - a pale pmk negligee is girdled with a wide sash, having long ends of several folds of vari-colored net or maline, in Pink, blue, orchid and similar French colorings. spoon- hi Z-V. 'jJk Vforn Graphophone Company Canadian Factory & Headquarter* Toronto, Ont. 15 BOWMANVILLE AQENT : W. T. ALLEN, "Big 20" Book Store > Indigestion, biliousness, headache*, headache*, flatulence, pains after eating, constipation, are" all common common symptoms of stomach and liver troubles. And the more you neglect them the more you suffer. Take Mother Seigel's Syrup if your-stomach, liver, or weir .... çowels are slightly deranged or MOTHER SYRUP have lost tone. Mother Seigel's Syrup is made from the curative extracts of certain roots, barks and leaves, which have a remarkable remarkable tonic and strengthening, strengthening, effect on all the.organs of digestion. The distressing symptoms symptoms of indigestion or liver troubles soon disappear under its beneficial action. Buy a bottle - to-daÿ, but be sure you § et the genuine Mother Seigel'a yrup. There are many imitations, imitations, but not one that gives the same health benefits. 1015 Bayadere Striped Skirt. For spprts^and morning wear, the awning striped materials, linens, ducks, and canvas weaves are particularly particularly well liked. The stripes may run up and down, or around the figure as. shown here. This skirt is fashion- ed of linen, combining several of the vivid colors now modish, and is worn with a shirt blouse of voile with vest of the linen. The square neck is a becoming feature. Among the simple simple waist models of the summer are many with the outside peplum. These are of voile organdy or Georgette, in pink, blue, pale green and similar shades, intended for. wear, with skirts of black taffeta or with white and colored wash skirts. Pongee is also favored for these outside blouses. Tiny buttons, steel, gilt or gunmetal, -and a belt of black or colored ribbon are about the only trimming for these unless it be a second collar of a contrasting contrasting shade. • Collars and cuffs are interesting details details of blouses; the cuffs usually fit tightly about the wrist, flaring becomingly becomingly over the hands. The open throat is of course the modish arrangement arrangement for summer, although most of the shirt-waists and other blouses are made with the adjustable collar which may be worn high or low, as fancied. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer or from The McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Ont. Dept. W. of "SALADA" for every two cups--boiling water--and five minutes' infusion will produce a most delicious and invigorating beverage. Bl91 kLADÂ'l TEA 1 SEND FOR A TRIAL PACKET Mail us a postal saving- how much you now pav for ordinary tea, and the blend you prefer--Black, Mixed or Green. "SALADA," TORONTO Hobo's Idea of Breakfast. The hobo from the. city has different different ideas from the farmer as to working hours. The Country Gentleman Gentleman says that a hobo got a job from a farmer in the busy season. He worked till 9.30, then had his supper. At 4 the next morning he was called to get up. He ate a hearty break- : fp.st, then started upstairs again, say- ' mg: "This is the best place I ever ! Aim of Charity. ! "Sweet charity is always gratefully received." "I don't know about that. Once in London I saw a lovely lady throw a penny to a street beggar- " "And wasn't he pleased ?" "Well, he wasn't so .blooming pleased. \ ou see, it was one of those English pennies, and it hit him in the worked--two suppers in* and back to bed again." one night eye.' x Precedence. Ethel Jack, papa asked me last evening what your intentions were Jack Impecune--He didn't happen to say anything about his own did he ? ' Her Color Scheme. Her face is her fortune." Hut you can't draw on that." Why? She paints on it." U u ; It isn't difficult to retain your i fi lends if you do not put them to the gold test. i« the Best Remedy BUI I •»r»r W A? LD IK TWO SIZES ONLY, full SIZE, Price 1.00 TRIAL SIZE, Price 60e © McCall ' 6975-7115 Breakfast Set--Coat and Petticoat. skirt is of taffeta, banded in t?he same taffeta, the bands edged with narrow Valenciennes lace. The deep strap pockets on the coat give it the appearance appearance of a., sport garment. A charming little -cap of net and ribbon ribbon completes the 'set most attractive- I of ribbon, lace, or a dainty embroid- ]„ ntafn" material S,"' de . velo P. ed ery flouncing, held in place with 1 ! piam mateil & Is ' voile, wash satin, shoulder straps of- ribbon, or lace. It ! with bands collars cuff are , trim 5 ned is not unusual to see a frilly petticoat i „r ,t,„ , s ' ouffs and pockets of dark blue or red taffeta the rut n charmingly colored cretonne. A ! fles Pinked and finished with an inset a *d bewmbig" ^ 18 practical or edge of white Valenciennes, or d becommg ' [ similar lace edge. The Underbodice A Reminder. Dealer--"This is the best parrot we have, but I wouldn't sell him without letting you know his one fault; he'll grumble terribly if his food doesn't suit him." Miss Fitz--"I'll take him. It will seem quite like having a man in the house." Canada's finest Three generations of Canadian housewives have used "Silver Gloss for all their home laundry WOrk \, They know that "Silver Gloss" always gives the best results. At your grocer's. An Always Ready Pill--To those of regular habits medicine is of little concern, concern, but the great majority of men are not of regular habit. The worry and cares cares of business prevent iL/hnd out of the irregularity of life Comes dyspepsia, indigestion, indigestion, liver and kfckfey troubles as a protest. protest. The run-down system demands a corrective and there is none better than Parmalee's Vegetable Pills. They are simple in their composition and can be taken by the most delicately constituted. Laundry Starch THE CANADA STARCH CO. LIMITED Montreal. Cardinal, Brantford. Fori William, Milkers of "Crown Brand" and "Lily White" Corn Syrups, and Benson's Com Starch. 234 The foundation is not the most important thing Novel Ideas in Negligees. Negligees and petticoats for the The underbodice, to keep pace with ' a " de itredainty ?. nd fascinating the petticoat must be very dainty in- ! A JP 06 ', P 16 n ?ghgees are sun- deed. In a dark blue taffëta petticoat i pl a 1 most becoming. Chiffon or the skirt portion is attached .at the' I Geor ^ te are the materials normal waistline bo a pale pink moire ! fa J°. red f _° r th< r se air y garments, bodice. The bodice is merely a straight! the bride or the woman - gnt Who has time to luxuriate in'their [ band of moire ribbon held over the shdulders by narrow pink > ribbons. t < ? i i \ X / i / £ z / r True, you can't have a good bam without a good foundation, but don't forget either that the roof has to stand most of the punishment. Upon it -falls the .burden of resisting the destructive influences of weather and changing seasons. Now, the question is "Where am I going to find a roof which will meet these conditions?" Certainly not in wooden shingles which have rapidly deteriorated during the past few years. Not in anything so perishable as wood, nor yet iron, which lets in. driving rain, but rather in a permanent mineral composition such as Brantford Roofing. ' Now, let us look at a section of Brantford Roofing. First you notice it has . a pure, long-fibred felt base. This is thoroughly saturated with a filler coat of ^spbalt or mineral Ptch. -Then it is given another coat Finally, the surface is thickly covered with crushed slate. You can imagine what a job rain, snow, fire or heat would have penetrating a roof like that As for comparing Î A / Nature's Water proofing with shingles on the score of permanency, or protection, or appearance, or even economy, there is no comparison. You put a Brantford Roof on once* and it will 'last as long as the building; it will always look wéll and it will never need repairing. .<• - ÆïïJSw "tfi" '«"'«o'. estieUtS. charm. Pale blue, with touches of gold or yellow; rose pink, with a touch of orchid at girdle or throat; white, with pale green, and similar combinations combinations selected tc harmonize with eyes and hair. It is not unusual to find the negligee of chiffon, belted with a crush girdle of roses, or other arti- To Kill Flies in Houses. Mix two tablespoonfuls (one ounce) of 40 per cent formalin with one pint (16 ounces) of equal parts of milk and water. This mixture should be exposed exposed in shallow plates, with a piece of bread placed in the centre on which the flies alight and feed. By an early and active campaign of fly destruction, great inroads may be made upon this pest, and many valuable lives may be saved. Influenza, Pink - Eye, Epizootic, Distemper and all nose and- and oii , throat diseases cured.* thers, no matter how "exposed," kept from aving- any of these diseases with SPOHITS DÏSTEM- B COMTOTTM-D. Three to six doses often cure a thfntr fo^hr^d 11 Sl2e bottle guaranteed to do so. Best sold^hx^oU 1 °a d rnj H? 8, acts on the blood. SPOKITS is turers.' Agents" wSnted. an<3 t™" 3 8hops ° r fan uïac- BPOHK MBDICAX. 00., Chemists. Goshen, Znû., U.S.A. "No more headache for you--take these" ï ead ;= he w, ' lh °» t «'-ovins: the the hend.éhe but siv. yen . bney.nt, tone the liver, sweeten the stomach and cleanse the bowels. Try them AH Dritzilb, 25c., er by mail CHAMBERLAIN MEDICINE CO. Tereite, Oat 13 ft An Oil That is Famous--Though Canada was not the birthplace of Dr Thomas' Eclectric Oil, it is the^ome of that famous compound. Front' here its good name was spreid to .Central and South America, the Wfest Indies, Australia and New Zealand. fThitr if far afield enough to attest its eJcéUe nee, for in all these countries it is on sale and in demand. FARE DAILY BETWEEN BUFFALO & CLEVELAND Sick Headache and,relieve all thjatrophies incident incident to a bilious state of the system, such as Plaziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after ns tlrws T>nln Im il. • 1 _ a _ tt) 11 . » » eating. Pain in the Side, fys. While their most arkable success has been shown S remarl in oaring - Headache, yet . Carter's Little Liver Pills. are ^uWlyvaluaVlo in Coj isUpalion, curing and,pre- [ Tentlng this ànnoyltié coinplalht,while they also , oorpset alldisordcreof ihestomachistithtilato the liver and. re^ulato thehowels. Zven it they only 1 cured --- -- She Could Write, Anyway. A lady who lived alone had taken into her _ service â young girl from the country. One day both mistress and maid were going out, and in such circumstances, it was usual for the key of the back door Ho be hidden in the garden. The hiding-place had been pointed out to the girl, and when she went out she was careful to secrete the key in the place indicated, but she j pinned on the door a piece of paper on which she had written. "Shall be back soon. Key under the flowerpot flowerpot on the window-ledge!" -4 I 1710 Great SW P "SEEANDBEË" M tioÆ^00^ e ^£* U7 StCamer ° n " 7 water of the world. Sleep, accommoda- * a • CITY OF ERIr." 3 Magnificent Steamer. "CITY OF BUFFALO I* DT , T ^ .. _ _ . BETWEEN to k BU £ F é^P" Daî ^» May let toNov. 15th-CLEVELAKD to Arrive Cleveland - . n.'iS a ÎÎ* Leave Cleveland - - 9:C3P.M. I sllM.^ | E V E LA^D^BUF F ALO TRANSiT r.n n.-iJ-r teecttnd" - ' - 7:11:Mi . Rafti tickCïï 'ISe 0 VeP C d 0it ^ "-i on our steamers. Ask your tf vÛ! C. & B^Liae^ C °° d f ° r ^^=VurL.L:on sfflsE^ANDBEE^^°" 1 1 Bhowin g ^ «terior and interior o~f ^ - t ■ to ¥ Corns cannot exist when Hfifloway's Corn Cure is applied toithemfbecause it goes to the root and kiljs tlfe growth. Ach* they .would.be slmoet. priceless to those who tllffsis #K/\rvt l i ■ .Î I. . i --. ^ -- Z 1 A. Æ -- try-find Uwvzituc pm* huu* able in bo m»ny way.* that th^y will. not 'be,grilling 'be,grilling todo without thorn. But after aU*ick bea4 Brantford Roofing Company, Limited Brantford, Canada For Sale by F. O, Mason 7145-7042 85 Awning ^Stripes in a Morning Dress. Hill* beoe of somkny iives thafchete is where We make our great boast. - Our puls cure it while others do not. . ' Cyty's ,Little Liver Pills are very small and to take. One.or two pille make a doe*. Ahoy are Striotly veg^tahlo ana do not gripe ox aselhi Ma'g Lpss. "Ma was terribly .disappointed " "Why?" ' * . "Pa fQtind- Ç2 in ; an old vest, and she'll .never forgive, herself for over looking it.' For a Fair Deal. Wife--John! One of the twins has swallowed a cent. Husband-r-Well, give the other one a cent to swallow. I'll play no favorites favorites in. this family I The upper edge of the bodice is effectively effectively trimmed with spiall silk, rosebuds. rosebuds. Breakfast Coat ancL-Eetticoat. One of'the novelties of the season is the breakfast set. consisting of coat, petticoat arid, boudoir cap* / Thé coat and skirt illustrated" here show a particularly good ctimbihatidhj^the coat is developed in pongee, p"d the CO., K01K. ». w m i06: Shocking. They were engaged to be married, and called each other by their, first names, Tom and Fanny, and he wao telling her how he had always liked the name of Fanny, and how it sounded sounded like-music in his ear. "I like the name so much," he added as a sort of clincher to the argument, "that when my sister Clara asked me to name her pet terrier, I at once called her Fanny--after you, dearest!" "But I don't think that was very nice," said the ,fair girl, edging away from him. "How would you like to have .a dog named after you?" "Why, that's nothing," nothing," said Tom airily, as he saw he'd made a mistake. "Half the cats in the country are named after me!" Et 4 No child, should be allowed to suffer an hour from worms fthen jpttfnpt relief can begot ma simply.but^ftrqng remedy- Motbcr Graves' WopifiExterminator çettqd Hoot CompKifil ['■greèâ-ôli etrceglK--N"o". 4j-Sl : * iNo. a,.-S5 per*og. .Sold. by all = dcuegttta,.or >*nt id' on . receipt, of price. Addreka: ' . - brep ai- Free' pamphlet. • But He . Gets it. "Dr. Blank frequently accepts fees from his patients." "Ypu .don't .say ,so." "He settles with the heirs." a m er no Tuesday, March to Octob "All Rail* 9 Ejrery Wednesday During Season Navigation "Great Lakes Route 9 * 2£ ne r5f re on,the jyrwrica.where last year Canada's Greatest Wheat Crop was produced there is a home waiting for jrou. The THE COOK MKOICINET CO^ - Didn't Want it. "My boy, repiember a rolling stone gathers - no zpqss." "That ? s so, dad, but then I've no TW0MT0. 8NT. (Firawl|)8MMr.) use:for moss anyhow. take .you. there, give you all the information about the best Piece*, and help you to eucce**. Particular* from any Canadian Pacific Ticket W - B HOW * rd - rWrict ,p wenge r / C.7B. KENT, Post Office, Town Agent. m & s « r A I i t S* z- t: I rk