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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1916, p. 2

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» 1 ÏREtw-æK- •-.-••■<* ;■ '"•••:• ;< - ' The, Editor Talks A good friend in Plymouth, -England, -England, sends us "The Sunday Pictorial" which weekly contains a splendidly written article by Horatio Bottomley, editor of "John Bull." He is a most virile and pungent publicist. These' paragraphs will convey some idea of the character of this great English writer's literary productions. In the article from which we take these excerpts excerpts he- is making a plea for the spiritual revival of the nation. A former article had aroused the ire of some churchmen, who said his opinions opinions have little interest for any persons persons of intelligence. After referring to some spiteful utterances against him, he says: Come, come, my Christian critics-- have we made so little progress,.after all, since the gates of hell were opened opened in August, 1914 ? I had hoped that in the- -presence of this great world tragedy our old narrow, sectarian wrangles had gone for ever, and that ■we were all to-day yearning for one great Church and Faith, which should bring us nearer to God than we have ever been before. In my own war verses I have endeavored to express that view; and I venture to quote lines:-- Come, comrade, we must answer-- and let our answer be-- Why is the red blood flowing?--To Chasten you and me. "les, comrade, that's the message; so let us bow the head ; God cheer the weeping women--God bless the silent dead. And from this very moment, we'll open a fresh page; Record. our resolution--the birth of this new age-- To make our aim and purpose--that, too, will be the test-- To prove this world we live in, of all the worlds the best; And justify our mission, to put in highest place, O'er all the-Peoples .of the. Earth, - the Anglo-Saxon race. Now, may I say how I would like, to see the People spiritualized, elevated and purified by the sacrifice and suffering suffering of this war? I -am no rreügion-. ist, and as I have often said, I would rather that my tongue were cut from its roots, or my hand stricken with palsy, than that I. should speak or write a word pf insincerity in regard to a subject so grave and solemn as the ordeal through which the • world is passing to-day. God knows that it should bring to the surface the best which is in every one of us. To me, personally, it has meant a new view of life--and of death. But instead of making me an upbraider of my fellow fellow man I am disposed to be more tolerant tolerant of his faults. I remember that: There is so much good in the worst of Us, And so much bad in the best of us, That it ill becomes any one of us To find fault with the rest of us. And I want to suggest to. the priests and parsons and ministers of all denominations denominations that there is one way in which, even whilst the guns are booming booming and our brothers are falling, we may all be brought, every day of our. lives, nearer to God. proclaim the call to meditation and to prayer. Say what you will,., the instinct instinct of communion with God is a organs out of .gear. It interferes with the circulation. In addition it wrinkles the skin of., the face by acting on the deeply implanted human impulse; butyfaçial muscles: In short, there is no At has little to-do with-churches or j escaping the fatal influence of worry creeds,- with systems -of theology or -on the personal appearance. : It blasts -dogmas of divinity. It is the cry of.- good looks as a physical malady tii6 • soul for succor, the sigh :of- the would. Anger, envy, jealousy, hate heart for comfort, the yearning of j all the corroding emotions must like- man, to his Maker. In its-very mature, ; wise be avoided. Let them take posthat posthat sentiment is independent of any ! session of the mind, and beauty is formal circumstance. That is the j marred forthwith. Care as to diet, beauty of the Angelus. The evening j exercise in the open air, fresh air in- bell calls men and women not to j doors as well as out, sufficient sleep, church, but to God. It summons them-emotional control--these are the prin- not to any priestly sacrament, but to cipal ingredients in the best recipe spiritual.communion with,.the Infinite you can find for looking young long. Heart--to the Altars of Heaven. I sometimes wonder why a rite so acceptable acceptable to Protestant theology has been preserved in Roman Catholic countries and allowed to lapse in the Recently a party of prominent gentlemen from Ontario made a tour of the Province of..Quebec, and it is ! proposed that a like party or parties of Tartar from Grapes lands that followed Luther. Such -from the lower province ' shall* visit problems are too high for me. To me, this province. Travel always broad- there is an element of truth in every religion. After all, no single creed can more than lift the hem of Heaven's Heaven's great mantle of mystery. Come, friends, let us bow our heads. The Angelus is . ringing. * * * * Oils Soothe Skin Disease Let us take an item from the great Roman Catholic Church. No, my Protestant Protestant friends, don't "protest" because because it is from that Church. What does it matter ? Let us revive the Angelus Bell. Who has not seen the great picture by the French artist, Millet, depicting two gleaners in the field, with bowed heads, as the evening evening bell 'from the church in the distance distance is ringing out its call to prayer ? Let the bells of every church--Catholic church--Catholic and Protestant, High Church and To look young and continue active ens the vision and is a practical educator. educator. One ,of the delegates very wisely expressed his views afterwards in this way: The two great provinces want to know each other better. Personal visits with intimate exchange of views ought to -, do a great deal to bring The quality of cake, biscuits and other flour foods* is very largely determined determined by the ingredients of the baking baking powder with which they are made. physically and mentally is the desire : about happier relations. That was of every sensible person. No end of the case with France and England, advice for keeping people young is j which had been estranged through found. The vendors of -proprietary ; misunderstanding. French-Canadians medicines are constantly claiming ; have been too prone to think their powerful renewal qualities in their ; province as constituting the whole of products, but the remedies Nature j Canada worthy to be known. They provides free and abundant are the j do-not travel sufficiently to get views best when used as they ever should which overlook the parochial fence. There results from this attitude nar- be. In H. Addington Bruce's daily talks recently he said, among others, these really sane things : Youthfulness of appearance depends depends mainly on two things ; a bright sparkling eye and a good clear complexion. complexion. Keep the internal bodily processes processes working well, and eye and skin will remain bright and clear. For ;this reason the woman who wants to stay young-looking as long as possible matter--ought + " 1 -- ~--^-- 1 -- 1 " ! rowness, non-understanding, and appreciation appreciation of other people and other conditions. Ontario, on the other i hand, is apt to hastily assume that the French-Canadians are all ignorant ignorant and fanatical "habitants." There are some who would come under, that denomination ; but observe the French- Canadian lawyer, judge, politicmn, : statesman, and note the keen brains, the man, either, for that- the brilliant eloquence, the ready to be particularly j wit, the striking mental force; and Low Church, Established and Noncon- j careful with regard to exercise,.sleep, I you will revise previous judgment. It formist--ring out at eventide, jusffor and food. Overeating must be avoid- i may be hoped that .these reciprocal Q W irmro n nn rtnvir» 4-V* rt 4- r. n « J . vi ^ J L.w t. _ -- -- * /* ... ' most eminent scientists and food authorities are on record to the effect that a cream cff tartar baking powder is the most satisfactory because of its healthful properties. It adds none but wholesome qualities to the food and renders biscuits, cake, muffins, etc., light, appetizing and digestible* v Oil of-Wintergreen, thymol, glycerine glycerine and other healing ingredients compounded compounded in proper proportion into the D. D. D. Prescription has now become the universal favorite of skin sufferers in relieving skin disease. It is a mild wash that penetrates the pores and gives instant relief from all burning and itching. It kills and washes off the gnawing disease germs and its soothing oils quickly heal the inflamed tissues. n n p. For (5 years the D, l/« D* Standard Skin Remedy Jury & Lovell, Druggists, Bowmanville. 44-4 w Come to us and we will tell you more about this remarkable remedy. Y'our money back unless the first bottle bottle relieves. D. D. D. Soap keeps your skin healthy. Ask about it. a minute--and during that sacred interval interval let every map. uncover and every woman bow the head--just for an instant's silent communion with God. I vow there would be no real sin that night; and we should look into each other's eyes with a kindlier and purer gaze. Just a minute with God--right away from all the sordid things of the world; a thought of our own day's doings, of the poor and suffering, suffering, of the brave boys in the trenches--of those who are sleeping there eternally--and of the wounded heroes at home; a thought about the mystery beyond the grave, a thought for every friend--aye, and for every . enemy as well worthy of forgivenëss. Come, Priests and Pastors, isn't the experiment worthy of a trial ? That is my idea of a nation* not on its knees, but on its pride and dignity,--but dignity,--but ever on its search for God. Not in frenzied gusts of pious enthusiasm; enthusiasm; not at rare and haphazard intervals, intervals, but as regularly as the procession procession of the sun, let all the Churches over- j visits will continué. .The impression dull- , may be slow in making itselfYelt, but com- the idea, if faithfully worked out, means the cannot but result in more cordial relations relations between our two peoples. * * * * ed by her. So must eating, of rich foods. Indigestion means ness of eye and muddiness of plexion. Loss of sleep same. Late hours and youthful looks do not go hand in hand. Some exercise should be taken Travelling from Quebec by .way of every day, preferably in the open air. ■ Ottawa on the Canadian Northern Always, whether exercising or at | Railway we beheld in,.all, its .beauty rest, the air breathed should be as and loveliness the magnificent .grand- fresh as good ventilation can make ( eur of the Canadian Autumn. : For it. Fresh air. tones up the whole , miles at a stretch the'forest present- system, hence makes for youthful- j e d all the colors of the rainbow and ness of appearance. ! it seemed to us as if there were a lot 1 POWDER Absolutely Pure Made from Cream of Tartar, derived from Grapes Contains No Alum * * the discussion of some question, or even to think about it, the evidence .of other tints equally beautiful, and begins to come to us from one aource • Few persons, comparatively, really the whole panoramic scene extended appreciate the value of fresh air as f or hundreds of miles along that rail- they should, for fresh air and sun- wa y We felt under a -peculiar shine are invaluable as developing and remedial agents. Storm windows should have ventilating facilities and every dwelling-house should have special attention given to proper ven- spell as hour after hour we beheld!! such transcendant '.beauty, - and wish- i ed ardently that" Nature would ap-i pear in that garb throughout the year. But now- all that natural loveliness From Leave Toronto Union Station 10.45 p-m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday For Parry Sound, Sudbury, Port Arthur, Fort William, Winnipeg, Brandon, Regina, Saskatoon, Calgary, North Battleford, Edmonton, Vancouver and Pacific Coast points. Connecting train leaves Bowmanville 7.40 p.m. Mondays, Wednesday and Friday. Tickets and berth reservations from M. A. Tames, Town Agent, or write R. L. Fairbairn, General " Passenger Passenger Agent, 68 King st E., Toronto, Ont. CAHADiAE fiÜHTHEKH ALL THE WAY tilation. Besides these aids every, j las . disappeared only to return with person, old" and young alike, should , next year ' s autumn. How great the practise daily, and several times change! Frosty nights and biting every day, deep lung breathing. ' and another. Two weeks ago we referred referred to the work of the Ontario Safety League and showed how the operations of the organization would j minimize the wastage of human life. Now there comes to our notice the statement that at the 5th annual National National Safety Council reports showed that during the last year covered by which consists for the most part of persons crossing railroad tracks on highway crossings, killed because of their failure to "Stop," "Look," and "Listen." The average number of persons killed in this class of. accident accident each year during the first five- year period named was 994, while the average number of these persons killed killed each year during the second five- year period jumped to 1977, ' an increase increase of more than 60 per cent. These comparisons are most illum- mentably lax in educating the public how to avoid dangers that are common, common, and have been most deplorably inefficient in the matter of prescribing prescribing and enforcing measures to require the public to use ordinary caution, arid thus protect citizens against the consequences of their, "own failure to "stop, look ànd listen." ^ . * s ! winds have rifled the trees wonderful how the lung capacity can ; autum ' nal sp i en dors. The then gold be expanded by exercise. Then also ' with attention to these and allied de- tails of physical hygiene there must , ^ able alread also be attention to details of mental 1, v hygiene. Most of all, any tendency to worry needs to be overcome. Worry interstate commerce commission figures figures only one passenger lost his life : inating, as they would seem to show of their ,m -i a .* c< : 1( L e x n ^ on the i conclusively that while the railroads trnlri- î rai * roac * s the United States, out of j themselves, by a systematic and well- over eleven million passengers, trans- 1 directed effort, have steadily improv- ported, regardless of the distance j e{ j the record of accidents over which i 1 carried. The wonder of j they can exercise some control, yet find fnridpr in tv, • anima s ; this achievement, increases when, we ; public officials and state and national . , ^ - UiS » bu • consider the fact that m the single governmental bodies have been la- trudge discontentedly homeward m ! city of New York there are, ordinar- eri fields are now bare and desolate. In many districts the roads are near still deranges every , bodily function. ..It : «lé early afternoon for the sun soon ! ily, each_ year 600 human, beings kill- throws the digestive and eliminative You are warned by a sallow skin, dull eyes, biliousness, and that grouchy feeling. Act promptly. Stimulate your liver--remove the clogging wastes --make sure your digestive organs are working right and--when needed--take AM'S gets low and the light fails early. It ; ed by being struck by moving vehicles is still bright in the middle of the in the city streets and this city has day, but the mornings and evenings a population of less than one-half the are cold and wan. A peculiar sense 1 number of . persons carried on rail- of nakedness is on the land and all : road trains to one person killed. This vegetation. The trees have lost their j high state of efficiency in railroad summer attire. \ There is a menace in operation is further accentuated by the galling light which sweeps the ! the fact that in the same year there sky after sunset. The man of the house thinks of stoves and furnaces was but one -railway employee killed in a train accident for . each hundred Schools for scandal are somewhat crowded. Drives Asthma .Before It. The smoke or vapor from Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy gives asthma no clfAi ce to linger. It eradicates /because. Our experience with the reUef-givmg remedy shows how actual Wd positive is the succor it gives. It is the result of long study and experminent and was not submitted submitted to the public until its makers knew it would do its work well. FARE $322 DAILY BETWEEN gw BUFFALO & % and double windows, and that early loaded freight cars transported a dis- fading light .that haunts the heart. ! tance equal to 17% times around the Our summer beauty is glorious, and world, or as far from the earth to Lùvwt Sale of Any Medicine in the World, , ■ Sold î l everywhere. In boxes, 25 cents. THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT, MAY PURCHASE AT PAR DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK IN SUMS OF $500 OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. Interest payable half-yearly, 1st April and 1st October by cheque { of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of fiye per cent per annum frpm the_date of purchase. Holders of this stock,.will have the privilege of surrendering at-par and accrued- interest, as equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other like short date security. : - Proceeds of this stock: are for war purposes only. A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recognized recognized bond ahd stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications for this stock which bear their , stamp. - For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance,' Ottawa. DEPARTMENT .OF FINANCE, OTTAWA, OCTOBER 7th, 1*16, J autumn' bravely wore its crimson coat, but in the aspects now presenting themselves one sees a world bare and uninviting. "Dear as remembered kisses after death, And sweet as those by hopeless fancy feigned oh lips that are for others; . * Dear as. love,, dear as first love, and wild with, all regret,-- Oh, death in life--the days that are no more. How singular that when we begin are thousands of children who are bright but / f rail -t- not sick out underdeveloped--they pley with their food-^they catch colds easily and do not thrive^they only need the puire^rich liquid-food in to start them growing and keep Children relish ahd it carries rare nutritive streams ;and gives them âesti- food, bone-food ahd. strength-food. Nothing harmful in SCOTT'S. . rr Scott & Bowtw, Toronto» Ont. 16-4. the moon and half-way back again. * * * * Since this railway safety movement was started a little over five years ago the number of fatal accidents has wonderfully decreased. Comparing the fatal accidents on all railroads during the five-year period, frpm 1906 to 1910, inclusive, with the five years, .1911 to 1915 inclusive, the average number of employees on duty killed each, year during the first five years named was 3,572, while the average for each year of ,the second five year period named' was only 2,569, a decrease decrease of 28 per cent. This decrease was made in spite of a greater number number of men ..employed. In the first five-year period there was one trainman trainman killed out of each 155 trainmen employed, while in the second five- year period there was one trainman killed out of each 213 trainmen employed. employed. The record of passenger fatalities has improved correspondingly, as during the-first five-year period there was one passenger killed: in a train accident each year out of every 183,- 000,000 passengers carried one mile, while during the second five-year period there was but one passenger killed in a train accident , each year out of every 555,000,000 passengers carried one mile. Thus it will be seen that there has been a wonderful improvement improvement in the record, as far as employees employees and passengers are concerned. * ' * * * A peculiar condition was revealed also by the records of accidents to the people over which the railways have no, or very little, control. For the last five years' there was an average increase each year of 108 trespassers killed on the railroads. The , most startling increase was in death cases' to , other persons not trespassing The Great. Slip "SEEANDBEE" The largest rod Boat costly steamer on any inland water of the world. . tiona for 1600 passengers. "CITY OF ERIE** 3 Magnificent Steamer. -- Sleeping accommoda- ' "CITY OF BUFFALO", BUFFALO-Daily, May 1st to Nov. 15th-CLEVELÀND Le*™ Buffalo - " - 9.-OOP. M. Leave Cleveland - • 9:00 P.M. Amye.Clereland -,„.7;a<yL stahJ^dTime)^ * • .7:30A.M. Connections at Cleveland for Cedar Point, Put-in-Bay, Toledo, Detroit and all pointa West and -Southwest. Railroad tickets reading between Buffalo and Cleveland are good foe transportation on our steamers. Ask your ticket agent for- tickets via C. & B. Line. Beautifully colored sectional piussk chart, showing both exterior and interior of The Gi 8EEANDBEE" sent on receipt of five cents to cover postage and mailing. Also Ship "8EEANDBEE" sent on for oar 84-pags pictorial and descriptive booklet free. Great ask THEjCLEVELANl» & BUFFALO TRANSIT CO., Cleveland. Ohio 5L % TREASURER'S SALE OP LANDS- ' United Counties of Northumberland and Durham } , By virtue of a Warrant under the seal of the Warden and the seal of , the Corporation of the United Counties of Northumberland and' Durham bearing the date of the Twentieth day of September 1916, commanding, me ; tp levy upon the lands mentioned in the following list, for the arrears of taxes due thereon and the costs as therein therein set forth. I hereby give my notice that, unless the arrears and costs are sooner paid, I shall proceed to sell such lands or so much thereof as shall be sufficient- to discharge such arrears of taxes and all lawful charges incurred At •ed At -r THE TREASURER'S OFFICE in thp town of COBOURG^by Public Auction on THURSDAY, December 28th*; 1916 at the hour of ELEVEN o'clock in the forenoon, in compliance : withjthe provisions of the Assessment Act Pt or Description Lot erf Lot Acres 35 Part 18 & 14 Plan No. 1 lot 9 pt 18 :3i 28 Pt 9 Ptfclttt 2 Pt EJ S.W. Corner 29. 10 SPt WJ 20 Con. or Street BRIGHTON VILLAGE West Alice 1-5 North Elizabeth E.S. Railroad St 1-5 CARTWRIGHT 10 1-8 « H ALDIMAND 7 ' 97 : HAMILTON 2 85 9 4 HOPE 10 50 ^ MANVERS 11 25 MURRAY 9 70 - Arrears Costs Total 3.99 8 25 7.24 2.60 3.25 5.91 10 85 8.28 14 13 6.54 1 3.25 9.79 20 88 11.24 3.55 8.28 28.98 14,52 1.35 8.26 4.60 7.45 8.26 10.70 11.75 8.30 15.05 Full description will be given on application and at day of sale of these lots. County Treasurer's Office, NEIL F. MacNAOHTAN, Cobourg, September 20, 1916. Counties* Treasurer. {?. j

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