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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1916, p. 3

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Misery in Back, Headache. , 'and Pain in Limbs. Dear Mr. Editor--For more.than a year I suffered with misery In the back, anil headache, pain in the limbs, was somewhat constipated and slept poorly at night until 1 was about ready to collapse. collapse. Seeing an account of the wonderful wonderful qualities of K Anurie," prepared by Doctor Pierce, of Buffalo, ft. Y., I sent for a box, and before using the whole box I felt and still feel improved. My sleep is refreshing, misery reduced, and life is not the Shag it was before. 1 most cheerfully recommend this remedy to sufferers from like ailments. Yours truly, W. A. Roberts. Note : You've all undoubtedly heard of the famous Dr. Pierce and his well- known medicines. Well, this prescription prescription is one that has been successfully used for many years by the physicians and specialists of Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., for kidney complaints, and diseases diseases arising from disorders of the kidneys and bladder, such as backache, weak back, rheumatism, dropsy, congestion congestion of the kidneys, inflammation of the bladder, scalding urine, and urinary troubles. Up to this time, r Antfric " has not been on sale to the puWic, but by the "persuasion of many ppaenta and the Increased demand for. healing Tablet, Dr. P| decided to put it in of this country withi of aH sufferer^ M I know of oçe oytwo leading druggists druggists in town <rhjf have managed to procure a supply^of n Anuric" for their anxious customers in and around this locality. If not obtainable send one dime by mail to Dr. Pierce for trial package or 50 cents for full treatment. Editor--Please insert this letter in some conspicuous place in your paper. BOWMANVILLE HOSPITAL The annual meeting of the Hospital Board waslheld in the Council Room Oct. 25 when last year's officers were re-elected. re-elected. Mr. C?)Rehder, President, presided, and Mr. H. Ki Jollow, Secretary-Treasurer, presented the following report for the year ending September 30, IÇ161 which the auditors, Messrs. J. A. McClellan and W. E. Gerry, certify as correct: RECEIPTS. Balance in Bank $ 73 35 Ontario Govt. Grant 673 52 County Grant 200 00 Town of Bowmanville 600 00 Township of Darlington 5000 Patients' Maintenance 554° °9 Donations 456 65 Ladies' Auxiliary 234 34- Income, Investments HI 35 Bank Loans 49° 8fk Miscellaneous I 25 his wonderful jfree has finally [the drag stores immediate reach PROMPTLY SECÜBED1 In a'.l countries.- Ask for our- INVENTOR'S INVENTOR'S ADX"5ER,which wfll be sent free. MARION & MARION, 364 University St., Montréal. Total EXPENDITURES. Bank Loans on assessments $ Butchers Meats Butter & Eggs Flour, Bread & Meal Milk Potatoes & Vegetables Tea & Coffee Groceries & Provisions Drugs&Medicines Medical & Surgical Appliances Surgical Instruments Bedding, Napery, Furnishing* etc Brooms, Brushes; Mops Fuel Light Water Hay & Straw Ice Salaries & Wages . Taxes & Insurance Advertising Stationery Postage Laundry Contingences Repairs Balance in Bank Cash in Supt's Hands Total $8431 40 700 00 630 69 333 71 156 43 14 21 6 16 14 45 727 49 352 97 103 10 107 61 478 66 12 23 502 20 239 05 20 52 33 08 25 00 1794 00 62 14 etc 78 12 904 70 739 08 147 75 22 48 225 57 $8431 40 Every careful and observant mother knows when her child suffers from worms. She also knows that If sosne remedy be not speedily applied mucMiarm will result to the infant. The tiesy application that can be got is Millyjé Worm Powders. They drive worms from the system and set up-stimulating and soothing-effects, so that the child's progress thereafter is painless painless and satisfying. Admiral Jellicoe looks for Canadians The Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve Overseas Division will enrol 2000 men of good character and good physique for immediate service overseas, in the British Navy. Pay $1.10 per day and up Separation allowance $20.00 monthly Free Kit For further particulars apply to The Nearest Naval Recruiting Station "Fruit-a-tiros" Soon Relieved This Dangerous Condition 632 Gerhard St. Eabtf, Toronto. "For two years, I was a victim of Acute Indigestion and Gas In. The Stomach. It afterwards attacked my Heart and I had pains all over my body, bo that I could hardly move around. I tried all kinds of Medicine but none of them did me any good. At last, I decided to try " Fruit-a-tives I bought the first box last June, and now I am well, after using only three boxes. I recommend "Fruit-a-tives" to anyone suffering from Indigestion". FRED J. CAVEEN. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- a-tives Limited, Ottawa. sides and as soon as any man, woman or child eaw our train they gave us a welcome, some would wave one hand, some both, some would throw kisses with one hand and some with both hands. It didn't seem to make any difference whether they were rich or poor they all greeted the Canadians the same and we certainly felt that we were in the right place. They really know what the war means as the Zeppelins Zeppelins have shown what kind of enemy our Empire is up against. The 186th has ceased to exist as a battalion and is now part of the 30th. We were sorry to lose our battalion number but we are proud to belong to a battalion that has done such good work at the front. Good bye for this time, Pte Ed. F. Garb, 805034, "G" Company, 39th Battalion, West SandlingCamp, Army P. O., London, England. * RAMBLES IN DEVON thru the little village of Lee and on to the statioif which is called Mortehoe. {To be'continued) • v . ; . ❖---------- r ... ■ . V.Ç. MAN- SELLS PAPERS. ' Won Decoration,-tor KillingEnemy Machine Gun Company. Private George Wilson, of the Highland Highland Light Infantry, who won the Victoria Cross for great gallantry on 5 Sept. 14, 1914, is now selling newspapers newspapers on the streets of- Edinburgh, Scotland, with the much-coveted decoration decoration pinned to his vest. He has a pension of $4 a week, which includes $1 a week for winning the V.C., but Wilson said recently this is not enough to live on. Hé therefore has resumed selling papers, his occupation occupation before joining the. colors': The Official Gazette described Wilson's Wilson's deed of valor which brought hjm his decoration, as follows: "For most conspicuous gallantry on Sept. 14, near Vemuil, in attacking a hostile machine gun, accompanied only by one man. When the latter was killed he went on alone, and shot the officer and six men working the gun, which he captured." . . Mothers Value This Oil.--Mothers who know how suddenly croup may seize thieir children and-how necessary prompt action is in applying relief, always keep at hand a su yply of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, because exfterience has taught them that there i: yto better preparation to be had for the treatment of this" ailment. And they are wise, for its various uses render it a valuable medicine. COMMANDERS WITH MEN. at Went Over Parapets Side by Side Signal of Battle. When the big push on the Somme I* was about to begin and the French and British'armies werë on the keen edge of expectation, thé battalion commander on the extreme right of the British forces sent word to the battalion commander on the left of the French forces and asked him where hé would be in the attack. "I shall be over "the parapets with the first wave of my troops," was the French commander's reply. "So shall I," was- the British commander's commander's return message; "keep an eye out for me." So; when the troops were jammed AT HOME IF "YOU DO NOTliKE BETTER THAN THE mm POWDER YOU HAVE BEEN USING RETUftM FT AMD GET YOUR MONEY BACK BEST BY TEST Sloan's Liniment Robs Tooth- --ache of Its Terrors: Pain Vanishes in a Few Minutes. or to the Department of the Naval Service, Ottawa. BEAUTIFUL ENGLAND Pte Ed. Care Tells of the Lovely Rural Scenery and the People s Welcome To Canadians West Sandling Camp, Oct. 19, 1916. Dear Editor--It might be interesting interesting to know what a real Canadian thinks of England, sol will try to give some of the impressions I received since landing in this country. - We j landed at Liverpool and at once march ; ed to our train. The trains were real i curiosities to us Canadians. _ The ! coaches are about one third the size of ! ours, and have no doors in the ends or no aisles down the centre. Doors are I about every five feet along the side | and each door .opens into a room or : compartment of it's own, each room ! seats ten people--5 on a side like a bus | --and there is a solid partition between ! rooms. The freight cars are about as i big as a good sized wagon and are made to hold from 10 to 12 tons each ! Our freight cars carry fioin 40 to 60 j tons each. One thing in their favor, ! the trains travel about twice us fast as | the ones in Canada. When we starfc- i ed off we looked out to see Liverpool ! but all at once we were plunged into ! complete darkness and for several minutes minutes we could see nothing and we thought the scenery some joke-- we were passing through a tunnel. This took us to the other side of Liveipool and out into the open country so we didn't see much of the great seaport , city where most Canadians land. The people of England certainly know how to keep things neat and tidy. There are very few wooden or wire fences to be seen, the fields being separated by hedges which ara generally very nicely nicely trimmed. Weeds along the railroad right-of-way and on country roads are very seldom seen. One sees very few big barns on the farms such as there are in Ontario, hay and straw being put in stacks which are tha'tched. The r dwelling houses are nearly all built on a similar plan, lacking the 1 variety we have in Ontario. Houses are all built of brick or stone covered with slate or red tile. They have no cornice worth mentioning. It looks ns though lumber was scarce and dear and no more was used than was really needed. I shall never forget our trip across England, everybody seemed so i glad to see more Canadian soldiers I Cuming. We travelled about three miles through a pat t of London where the houses lined the _ track on both --if vou feel bilious, "headachy" and irritable-- for that's a sign your liver is out of order. Your food is not digesting-Mt stays hr thé stomach a SouF, fermented mass, poisoning the system.. Just take a dose of Chamberlain's Stoniach and Liver Tablets-- they make the liver do its work--they cleanse and sweeten the stomach and tore the whole digestive system. You'll feel fine in the morning. At nil druccists, 25c., or by mail from Chamberlain Medicine Company,-Toronto 14 Westminster Hotel, Toronto "A Real Hotel Without a Bat" Bright and attractive. Fireproof. Every bedroom bedroom has a bathroom. Elegant furnishings. Splendid cuisine. Easy access to shopping districts districts and theatres. Free taxi sertie* from Union Station and wharf. Ask for Provincial- Motor taxis. BATES! Single room, with bath, $1.50 toj $2.50. Breakfast, 25c to 60c. Lunchéén, 85c to-J50c. Dinner, 50c to 76c. Inclusive rates, American plan, $2.50 to $8.50 a day. Write for booklet to *4* JABTtt'SlMCET, TOEOTMfO. Pte. E. O. Hoar, Bowmanville, Writes Interestingly - of His Travels Thru the kindness of Mrs. "William Hoar, Providence, we ai e permitted to publish extracts from letters sent to her from Hythe, England, by her son, Edward C., who is with the 4th Divisional Divisional Ammunition Sub. Park, 4th Divisional Train, O.A.S.C. The parts of Devonshire he visited are certainly very interesting but he should make a tour of Exeter, Exmouth, Clovelly, Bude, Stratton, Hoi sw or thy, Bradworthy, Bradworthy, Kilkhnmpton, Launceston, Torquay, and other South Devon and Cornish villages to see the birthplace of many of the old residents of West Durham. . Dear Mother--In my last letter written from London Sept. 29th I had just started on my six-day leave. After After a good night's rest and a good breakfast at the Club, I left there a few minutes after eight. I walked down to the River Thames, then along Grosvenor Road past the Houses of Parliament, along Whitehall up to Trafalgar Square. From there I took the underground to Paddington." On making inquiry I found my train left at 10 30 a.m. and as I had nearly an hour to " spare. I thot I would look around as I had never been in that part of London before. The train left right on the minute and I was on my way to Barnstaple, Devonshire, where I had decided to spend my _ holiday. This train ran frem London right thru to Taunton without a stop--a distance of some 150 miles. While running along near Westbury I noticed on the hills in the distance a picture of a horse. Later I learned that this was done by King Alfred in memory of a victory over the Danes near this spot, The work was accomplished by removing removing the earth from the chalk hills. At Taunton our car was attached to another train fur Barnstaple arriving about 8.30 p.m. I got accommodation, at a private house. I had a good long sleep that night ns the time was, put back one hour. During the sunmaer months the time has been one hour fast, but on Oct . 1st it was put hack to standard time. After-breakfast I tbok a walk around the town! It has.a population of about 16000 and is situated situated on the Taw River right where .it empties into Barnstaple Bay. The Torridgè River, which is quite near., empties into the saine Bay. I made Barnstaple a centre and took short trips to the différent towns near. Monday's outing was to Ilfracombe, a lovely summer resort situated on the Bristol Channel and about 18 miles from Barnstaple. I arrived in Ilfracombe Ilfracombe a few minutes after 9 a.m. I went to the water front and soon came in view of the Victoria Pavillion. This is nearly all built of glass and makes an ideal spot for concerts and musical entertainments; Right' behind the pavilion is the Capstone Parade." This is one of the finest promenades in the country. The walk is made around a high mass of rock right on the water front, and from two sides there are paths zigzagging up the side to the top. From the top I got a lovely view of the town. Coming down from the parade I wandered along as far as the g ier. This is quite a historical place ein g built for a-very long time. In peace times a large number of people travel to and from Ilfracombe by boats of which■ therer'aie'a number running up and" down the channel and also across to Wales. Right beside the pier is a large rocky hill called Lantern Hill, and at the top of it is a very old building. It used to l:e St. Nicholas "Chapel, built for the benefit and privilege privilege of sailors, but has lately been: - fixed over and is now usèd as a lighthouse lighthouse for the harbor. Another lovely View can be obtained from Hillsboro, a high elevation of land -just opposite the pier. Most of the hotels ana other buildings are of modern architecture, which is quite a lot like those in Canada Canada and the States. Ilfracombe is the watering place for a large number of Amercians who visited England annually annually before the war.. Since the war there has been scarcely any visitors ; there, but this year has - been a little better than .the two preceding ones. About 3 p.m. I left Ilfracombe, possecLj London's Many' Marriages. The number of marriages registered registered in London in 1915 was the highest highest ever recorded--58,345, as compared compared with 43,873 in 1914 and 41,409 in 1913. The increase over 1914 is 34 per cent., but as the corresponding increase for the "est of England and Wales is only 20 per cent., there is reason for thinking that a considerable considerable number of these marriages may not properly belong to the London population. No need to pace the floor all night with the agony of a throbbing tooth. Sloan's Liniment will (fiiickly relieve the pain and give you rest. A single application and the pain usually disappears. Sloan's Liniment gets right to the root of the trouble. Like a warming balm it relieves congestion, congestion, and in a few minutes toothache toothache is reduced. To soothe the throb of a tooth that pains with neuralgia, apply Sloan's Liniment externally. Aching muscles, rheumatism, gout, bruises, sprains, lumbago, Chilblains, sprains and stiff neck can also be most effectively treated with Sloan's Liniment. Cleaner Cleaner than mussy plasters or poultices. Sloan's Liniment at all drug stores in 25c., 50c. and $1.00 bottles. in the forward trenches waiting for the enormous mine explosifs under the German communicating trenches, which were to be the signal for the assault, the British commander worked worked his way to the end of his furthest trench, and there he found the French commander. They stood there waiting, waiting, side by side, until the terrific explosions explosions tore the German trenches to pièces, then one with an "En"Avant!" and the other with "Charge!" leaped over the parapets, automatics in hand, and led the charge into the German German lines. Luckily,' both escaped unhurt, and the story of their unusual action has run through two great allied armies on the Somme. --1--- «$►-- Useless Work. A Scotch farmer, on hearing that the minister was making munitions on week days, remarked: "Munitions made_by ministers are of no use; they have been making them all the week during the past two thousand years and bring them at the de'il o' Sundays, and he's aye to the fore yet. r " The Authority. Bluejacket (to Chinese ship's steward)--Now steward)--Now look 'ere, Oswald. You can't teach me anything abaht China. I know, 'cos I've been there. For information that will lead to the discovery or whereabouts of the person or persons suffering from Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Mouth and Throat, Blood Poison, Skin Diseases, Bladder Troubles, Special Ailments, and Chronic or Complicated Complaints who cannot cannot be cured at The Ontario Medical Medical Institute, 263-265 Yonge St., Toronto. Correspondence invited. Cook's Cotton Root Compound A safe, reliable regulating medicine. Sold in three degrees degrees of strength--No. 1, $1 ; No. 2, $3; No. 3. $5 per box. Sold by all druggists, or sent "d on receipt of jsr- pi . Free pamphlet, m, THE COOK MEDICINE CO, TORONTO. ONT. (Fwewiy Wledur.) 44 Please send €*enuin© Carter's Little liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of Chewing See Fac-SlcHe Wrapper Below. [ Very mmU «uni a# uesy to «aïao 03 ÿugszw FOS HEADACHE. CARTER ITTIE i veil FILL®. rice, ess i FC3 DIZZINESS. FSH BÎLSOUSHESS. FOB TORPID LIVER. fOR CGSSTIPATiOH FOB SALL0W Sffl. FOR THE COMPLEXION .CJSKSjaron must wav. yoHA-rowt, _ Purely v is the kind the boys all like. It's sealed in a wax-wrapper. Air, moisture and dirt can't harm iti some s The chap to pass around is 'cock of the walk.' * It's so refreshing and thirstquenching. thirstquenching. Send some of both flavors. WMGLI waksfflj JWRSGLEYSw after after Write Wrigley's Ltd., rigley Bldg., Toronto» for tree copy of quaint MOTHER GOOSE book.

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