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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1916, p. 7

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'y.U. J; HAZLEWOOD, M.D.. C.M-. y^rpaTJij OVT* ^ r^oLD medalist of trinity uni- - "■* versltr< 'o~S<w<)nta. Four ye*r* AtteDdlû<numâga kb<1 Bury eon at Mt. OarmelfHespltalTHieiburg. Ks. Office -«.ndr Residence, Wellington St Telephon»-_No. *108. GOODMAN & GALBRAITH . Barristers and SoUeitors, Votaries FabUo< iUMWMA* l ^vB.C.CALBRAITM SOS^upsaden Bldg., Yqnge & Adelaide '.Streets, Toronto, Ontario. W. H. ALEXANDER, V. S. c.Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary Veterinary Collegre. Diseases of all domestic animals treated by latest known mpth-. ads lOftlce at his residence. King-sL East, Bowman ville. Phone 193. 20-lyr WANTED NOW Beliable salesman to act as agent in Durham County PAY WEEKLY Outfit free, exclusive territory and money making specialties. Our agencies are the best in the business for we sell the highest grade of stock at most reasonable prices and guarantee deliveiies in first class condition. Nursery stock is selling well this year and good money can bs made in this district. For particulars write Sales Manager. Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto, Ont. 40-14 IN EVERY EMERGENCY You will find some use for Trade Petroleum Jelly It relieves rough, chapped hands, broken blisters, burns, cuts, insect bites and skin irritations irritations of all kinds. Sold in handy, glass J^otfles and tin tubes, at chemists and general general stores everywhere. Refuse sebstitaties. : bôokleti CHESEBROUGH MFC. CO. (CowoBdsteS) 1880 Chabot Avo. Montreal SemksSuatt Flougfb. Dfd. I» Machinery Vfd. Dominion Bo wer A Transmission. Canadian Consolidated Felt Ffd. Hleotrloal Bavalopmant Bonds. Ontario Fmlp m Paper-Bonds, flpanlah Direr Bonds. WILL SELL Peoples loan. j, Dominion. Bnploslves. Guelph 8 Ontario Doan. Xlordan Paper Bonds. Busalan Government Bonds. British Bxobeaner 6% Bonds. Anglo -French Bonds to yield, 61%. ' We buy and sell all Unlisted Securities. Securities. Correspondence Invited. Macdonald, Bullock * Co. 84., BAY STBEBT TORONTO - ONT. RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANV1LLE. Grand Trunk Railway Going East Express 8 52 a.m. rExpress 10.29 a.m. -JPlutocnger 3.29 p.m. Local 649 p.m. Passenger 7 18 p.m. Mail " . 958 p.m. : Daily Going West .•Express 4.22 aum Local 7.00 a.m Local 9 45 a.m Passenger 1.36 p.m : Passenger 7.02 p.m Canadian Pacific Railway Going West Going East 6.07 a.m. daily 10.46 a.m. daily X8.26 a.m. riailyt 3.21 p.m. dailyt 4.27 p.m. daily X7.52 p.m. dajlvt 7.48 p.m. dailyt 12.57 a.m. daily x North Toronto Station t Except Sunday C. B. Kent, Agent Canadian Northern Railway Going East Going West tT Express II.59 a.m. r Express 9 06 a.m, *1 Express -6.33 p.m. Express 7 40 p.m % Daily except Sunday. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,--Last winter I receivëd great benefit from, the use of MINARD'S MINARD'S LINIMENT in a severe attack of LaGrippe, and I have frequently- proved it to be very effective in cases of Inflammation. Yours, W. A. HUTCHINSON. RAILWAY SYSTEM GRAND TRUNK HIGHLANDS OF ONTARIO CANADA THE HOMEOFTHE RED DEER AND MOOSE OPEN SEASONS DEER--November 1st to November 15th inclusive. MOOSE--November 1st to November 15th inclusive. In some of the North- ern Districts of Ontario, includ- 1 ing Timagami, the open season is from November 1st to November 30th inclusive. ]#frite for copy of "Playgrounds--The Haunts of Fish and Game", giving Game L^ws, Hunting Regulations, etc-, to C. E. Horning, Union Station, 44-tf Toronto, Ont. Phone 78. J. H. JURY, agent & Notice Court of Revision FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. End of Friendship. -How did they ever come to She- marry ? HeT-Oh, it's the same old story. Started out to be good friends, you know, and later on changed their minds. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget In Cows. On. the Border. "Watch yourself, man! Be more careful with that rifle!" the range officer officer exclaimed angrily. "You just missed me that shot ? " "Did I, sir?" the badly rattled recruit recruit responded. "I'm awfully sorry, sir--I'll try to do better next time I" GAmWBdbOfieaiflffiB5B8. r The Russians Are Now Using Them __ai the Front. The mobility of advancing troops and their ability to hold a position successfully depends upon the bringing bringing up of supplies from bases beyond the reach of enemy shells. The task is still more difficult when sudden assaults assaults call fpr heavy reinforcements of fighting men and munitions at scattered points. The motor truck has answered admirably upon many occasions, but railways, when available, available, are still better. Steam traction, however, is not practicable where coal and water are not readily at hand, and, besides, the coal-burning SOLDIERS* bÎ53 engine is not so economical as might QQftfc/lfttspl*' be desired. ' *--*"--' "" ---■- --• The Russian armies have suffered from a deficiency of coal and.steel locomotives, locomotives, but they have made great use of small, light, gasoline locomotives locomotives which are. easily and cheaply built. These sturdy little tractors are to locomotives what the army mule is to the horse. They are trustworthy, trustworthy, and hard-working, and need little care. All they ask is narrow- gauge tracks laid upon almost any kind of roadbed and enough gasoline to feed their motors. The Russians use them not only to carry forward supplies to the advancing troops but to haul ammunition and food to the trenches." Each locomotive weighs about seven tons, but it can draw over : a rough roadbed at least thirty tons of load. I The tractors operate on high and low gears. On low gear they do four miles an hour, and at full speed about eight miles. They can 5 run with equal. facility forward or backward. One of | I their good points ig. that the exhaust; • can be muffled, so ' that they make ; very little noise--and of course they make no smoke. tala la about 36 lxonra perfect and freak. Send for our. Special List of 9 From $2.00 to $8.00 Some* recent orders : Weatmount Solera* Solera* Wives' League, 1,506 boxes ; ?8rd egtment, 960 boxes, &c„ Ac. Quickest ! Surest ! Cheapest ! We Can Send Anything ! fan. Soldiers' Supply Ass'n Drummond Building, Montreal. His Basic Thought. Victim -- What has happened ? Where am I? JUST THE THING FOR LITTLE ONES Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine a mother can give her little ones. They regulate the bowels; sweeten the stomach banish constipation constipation and indigestion; relieve colds zmd simple fevers and make teething easy. Concerning them Mrs. Herbert Johnston, Maymont, Sask., writes:-- "I have used Baby ? s Own Tablets for • Those long winter.nights you will need Indoor recreation. recreation. Why not lnstal a Home Billiard Table ? Write for particulars of . * ■ our famous Maisonette Table, for cash or on easy terms. BurrouShes & Waffs, Lfd. Makers to H. M. the King. 34 Church 8t., Toronto Doctor--You have been seriously ,, , . , „ , . . injured in a trolley accident. But ! f ouryearsand^findthem cheer up--you will recover. Victim--How much ? The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowinantille having constiucted na J.ocal Improvements Improvements sewers on Scngoc, Concession an 1 Ontario streets, and Granolithic Pavements on Church, Horsey and Elgin streets. And a special Asiessroent Roll for levying fron age. Tax for same has been prepared and is open for inspection at the office of the Clerk for at 1-ast Ten days next before the day appointed appointed for the sittings of the Court of Revision. A Court of*Revision will b j held on the 17th day of November, 1916, at 7.30 o'clock at the Council Chamber in said Town for the purpose of hearing complaints against the proposed assess ments or the accuracy of frontage measurements and any othercomplaints which persons interested interested may desire to make and which is by law cognizable cognizable bv the Court. JOHN LYLE, Clerk. Dated at Bowmanville, «. ctobev 30, 1916. Mortgage Sale Under and by virtue c f the Powers contained in a certain Mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by Public Auction ON THE PREMISES, on TUESDAY. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER Hth. 1916, AT 2 P.M., by JAMES BISHOP, AUCTIONEER, the following lands and premises--ALL and SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate situate Iving and being in the Township of Cart-", i i the County of Durham, and Province of On tar.o, containing by admeasurement One | Hundred Acres be the same more or less, an l ; bting composed of the North half of Lot Two. in 1 the Fiisc Concession of the Township of Cart- j wright. j ~-,On the said lands are said to be a Frame Hoù-te j id Bank Barn with Stone Foundation. There 1 also said to be some standing Timber on the ; .nos. I The said Lands wild be offered (or sale subject : to a Re.- erre Bid. j _^$KRMS OF SALK--Ten per cent of the pnr-t price to be paid down at the time of sale j sufficient to make up $500 to be paid within ! Thiitv davs afti r date of sale, and balance se- j cured' bv first mortgage of the land, to be ap- j proved bV mortgagee's solicitor, payable $50 per j vear for f mr years and remainder at end of. tive>| vears. w ith interest at 6% per annum. Further i particulars, terms and conditions of sale will tie j made known at the time of the sale or by apply- ' ing to the undersigned. G. P. CONANT, Osh aw a, Ont. Solicitor for Mortgagees. Dated this 23rd day of October, 1916. 43-3w Weed's in old Debility, Mentai denev, Loss of T7i4 Great Englisk Remedy. Tones and invigorates the whole nervous system, makes new Blot YV ood eins, \Qmre» Nervous .or S5. One will please, six will core. Sold by all druxfiste or mailed In plain pke. on receipt of", price Vempampklet mailed free. THEWOtiD ■■EDICINKCO., TdtQRTO, QlfT. (hresdy Wtséw.) ; Guard Your Baby's Health Cheerful, Chubby Children Make the Home Happy Weak, puny babies are a constant care to tired mothers and arc subject to many diseases that do not affect healthy children. Keep your children in good health. See that their bowels move regularly -especially during the teething period. This is a distressing time in the life of every child and the utmost precaution precaution should be taken to keep them well and strong. By the consistent use of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup it is possible to avoid many childish ills now so prevalent. It is a corrective for diarrhoea, colic and other infantile ailments. It soothes the fretting baby and permits the child to sleep well and grow healthy. It brings comfort and relief to both child and mother. Mow's Soothing Syrup Makes Cheerful, Chubby Children Is absolutely non-narcotic. It contains contains no opium, morphine, nor their d£fir*tiyei, It b sashing ant and harmless. For geh< paotiBrMs.aUwmof thfwld used-ft mi îrorasoe ' of babies been beneAte- Ji»4 ; Iff the thing for babies and young children." children." They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. CLIMATE LESS SEVERE. What Study of Larger Glaciers B. C. Has Revealed. in localities visited and definite locations, of certain strata and fossil beds. = The party broke camp at Banff, Alberta, September 30, which proved a fortunate move, as the next day a heavy fall of snow covered the entire region. <*--1 Why Not? Jimmie giggled when the teacher read the story of the man who swam across the Tiber three times before breakfast. "You do not doubt that a trained swimmer could do that, do you?" "No, sir," answered Jimmie, "but I wonder why he did not make it four and get back to the side where his clothes were." Is Through; the Rich, Red Blood Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Actually Make. The-blood is responsible for--'the health of, the body. If it, is good, dis* ,ease . .cannot- exist. If it is bad, - the door, is shut against good health, disease, disease, is bound to appear in one form or another. One person may be seized with rheumatism or sciatica, another with anaemia, indigestion, heart palpitation, palpitation, headaches or backaches, unstrung unstrung nerves, or any of the many other forms of ailment that comes when the blood is weak and watery. .There is just one certain, speedy "cure ---Dr. Wiliams Pink Pills. They make new, rich blood, and this good bipod strengthens the whole system and brings good health and happiness. Thousands owe - their present good health, some, life itself, to the . pills. Miss Devina Laliberti, St. Jerome, Que., says:--"Last year I seemed gradually to grow weak and run down. I did not sleep well, had a poor appetite, appetite, and grew pale and generally languid. languid. I consulted a doctor who told me I was anaemic, and gave me a tonic. This I took faithfully for some time, but it did not help me, and I appeared appeared to be growing worse, and finally finally I was hardly able to go about the house and almost wholly incapacitated for work. While in this condition a friend advised pie to try Dr. Williams Williams Pink Pills, and I got several boxes. It was not long after I began their use when I could see an improvement, improvement, which just manifested it- ! self in an improved appetite and better better rest at night. From this on the improvement was rapid and I was not long in regaining perfect health. I think Dr. Williams Pink Pills are a real blessing for all weak girls." You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at<50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Brockville, Ont. . -- * UNIFORMED RAT-CATCHERS. Dr. Charles D. Walcott, secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, and Mrs. j Walcott have just returned to W%sh- 1 ington after several months' field 1 work in Canada. Accomplished by ! only a packer and cook, they spent I most of the summer and early fall on j the continental divide, which forms : the boundary line between Alberta and ! British Columbia, south of the Cana- j dian Pacific Railway,, studying the j Cambrian rocks, containing the fossil ! remains of the earliest animal life, j Owing to the heavy snowfall of the j previous winter, and the fact that i most of the geological formations ; which they wished to examine were in j the deep snow about the. timber line, j little pfogress, was made in July, in ! August, however, sections were ex- ; amined and measured in the Mount i Assiniboine region, and from there ! northwest to the celebrated Kicking j Horse pass, where the Canadian Paci-. i fic Railway has bored a double loop I through the mountainrin order to obtain obtain a feasible grade on the western side of the pass. ^ Some years ago Dr. Walcott found a remarkable fossil fauna in boulders which had been carried into Kitcking Horse canyon by glaciers that have long since disappeared. This season hé located the source of these boulders high up in the mountain cirque, where a portion of what must have been a great hanging glacier is still active. Mrs. Walcott, formerly Miss- Mary Vaux, of Philadelphia, who has studied glaciers for several years, and is well known as an Alpinist, visited Glacier, British Columbia, where she measured the position of two large glaciers, and determined that the front ice foot in each case had retreated at the rate of 100 feet a year during the past two years. Steel plates were placed on the ice bn the. present surveyed boundary. boundary. lines. The plates will be buried, beneath the winter's snows, but, since their positions are relatively low as to altitude, the snow will be melted off next summer, and their locatiohs then will indicate the amount of forward forward flow of ice during thé year. Mrs. Walcott's studies prove that the ice has been steadily retreating during the past six years. Her measurements measurements agree with observations made in ' Alaska, and indicate that «the" climate is not as severe as on the Pacific Pacific side of the continent as it was a decade ago. During the field work a large number number of photographs were , taken, including including a dozen or "more .panoramic views, exposures being made on continuous continuous films eight feet in length. Besides being of great scenic interest/ thèse' photographs form valuable pictorial pictorial records showing the general Granulated Eyelid* C Eyes inflamed by expo- V .uretbSM, Basil and Wind luickly relieved by Marine !ye Remedy. No Smarting, just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist'* 50c per Bottle. Marine Eye SilvemTubes25c.ForBeokotlheEyeFreeask Druggists or Marine Eye Remedy Co., Chlcafll Lost. "Can you direct me (hie) th'other shide?" "Over there, of course.". "Jusht been over there (hie) they tol' me it wash over here." Are the Germans Living Up To These Rules?. Even in war there is a method of "playing the game," and there çre certain things formulated by military law, written or unwritten, among civilized nations which, even when they-are at daggers drawn, they must not do* These laws forbid the use of poisoning poisoning the water source of the enemy; they prohibit murder by treachery-- tl^at is tq say, the : assuming of the uniform or the displajpng of the flag of the foe so as to lure him into a position from which he has no escape. Equally, the slaughter of those who have surrendered is prohibited, whether whether they have done so at discretion or upon conditions. Then arms or prejudices which cause unnecessary pain or suffering to an enemy must not be used, neither must a flag of truce be abused to gain information concerning the strategical position of the enemy, and in the interests interests of art and posterity, there must be no reckless destruction of valuable property, such as churches or ancient buildings, whether public or private. The .laws of war also declare, among other things, that only fortified fortified cities shall be besieged. Open cities, towns, or villages are not to. be subjected to siege or bombardment. ♦ Couldn't Stand Them. A well-known Clyde shipbuilder tells -the following story: "Whenever I see a toothpick I think of a dinner , that was given in Rome in honor of two Turkish noblemen. noblemen. I sat near the younger of the noblemen. He glittered with gold embroidery and %great diamonds, but nevertheless I pitied him sincerely; for he was strange to c our table manners "and some of this errors were both in- dicrous and painful. "Toward the end Of the dinner a servant brought to the young man a plate of toothpicks. He waved the plate away. " 'No, thank you,' he said. T have already eaten two of the awful things. I want no more'." 'Killing the Calves --All sorts of excuses are offered for the high pnee^of beef, the most plausible being being the alleged demand for veal---"the killing of .calves which should be allowed to grow into regular beef." You cannot have beef if you eat it as "veal," but you can have Shredded Wheat Biscuit which contains more real nutriment than beef and costs much less. Shredded wheat biscuit is the whole wheat «team-cooked, shredded shredded and baked. Make it your "meat" for ten days and see how much better you feel. Wholesome and strengthening strengthening for any meal with milk or cream or in combination writh fruits. Made in Canada KKBD POTATOES S H5BD POTATOES. IRISH COB- bier*. Deleware. Carman. Order at once. Supply limited. Write for Quo- stations. H. w. Dawson. Brampton. 3fEW8PAPER8 PQ3 BADE P ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB Offices for sale in jrood Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting Of all businesses. Full information oa .application .to- Wilson- Publishing Com- pony. 72 West Adelaide Street,- Toronto. anSOEDEAZTEOVS. C ancer, tumors, lumps, etc., internal and external, cured without without pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. Collljtigrwood. Ont Profession Once Prominent and Honorable Honorable in England. The death of the oldest rat catcher in England reminds one that this profession is not so prominent to-day as it once was, says the London Chronicle. Many boroughs at one time kept their municipal rat catcher, and at the head of the profession stood the Royal Rat Catcher, "an honorable office," as a newspaper of 1741 called it in recording the appointment appointment of 8^ Mr. Gower to the post. And this royal functionary had a uniform uniform befitting his office, scarlet embroidered embroidered in yellow with rodents destroying destroying wheat sheaves. When buying your Piano insist on having an "OTTO HIGSL" PIÂNO ACTION vc an Minard's Zdniment Cures Distemper D. C. M. It . was not the intention of the weaver, about whom London Tit-Bits tells, to/pose as a hero. He joined the army at the outbreak of the, war. From "somewhere in France" he wrote home that among other things he had had a D.C.M. When he came home on a short furlough, furlough, to his surprise the mayor, councillors and town band met him at the station and conveyed him to the town hall for a banquet. Speechless, he went, through, everything. During, the coursq, of .his speech the mayor said how proud they all were of him, £nd that he fully deserved the Distinguished 'Conduct Medal. Then a light appeared in the "hero's" eyes. "Distinguished Conduct Medal!" he said. "What they gave me was a District District Court Martial for pinchin' . a .qhicken!" s The official salary of an admiral of the Fleet is £2,190, apart from extras. extras. The Germans Are Overtaken. The British and French have gotten so far ahead of the Germans in artillery artillery that the Krupp works will add 20,000 employes to increase their output. output. It is hardly likely that this will meet the emergency. France and England have far more iron establishments establishments than Germany and they are now completely organized for the manufacture of arms, and their out- j put must he much greater than any- I thing that Germany's single establishment establishment can produce. IÎ is said that the guns on the Allied front in France are so close together that there is hardly room .to walk between them. DRBK HOT WATER FOR INDIGESTION : jCompl she finds this an easy task, if she? uses Zam-Buk. This herbal balm not only keeps the surface skint smooth and soft, but penetrates tq and feeds .the underlying tissues? It stimulates the cells to healths; action, and produces vigorous circulation, circulation, which by carrying a way all impurities creates a perman-j èntly clear complexion. How, much more satisfying than a| temporary complexion produced by powders and cosmetics I 60c. box, ill djru&iets or Zam-< Buk Oo.,. Toronto. 5 /"j A Physiéibn's Advice "If dyspeptics." sufferers from gas, wind or flatulence, stomacn acidity or sourness, gastric catarrh, heartburn, etc., would take a teaspoonful of pure bisyra- ted magnesia in half a glass of hot water immediately after eating, they would soon forget they were ever afflicted with stomach trouble, and doctors would have to look elsewhere for patients." In ex- planation_of these words a well known New York physician stated that most forms of stomach trouble are due to stomach acidity and fermentation of the food contents of the stomach combined with an insufficient blood supply to the stomach. Hot water increases the blood supply and bisurated magnesia instantly neutralizes the excessive stomach acid and stops food fermentation, the combination combination of the two, therefore, being marvelously successful and decidedly preferable to the- use of artificial diges- tents. stimulants or medicines for indigestion. indigestion. Certainly Fast. "Maud's husband and Kate's are fast friends, arén't they?" • "Maud and Kate think they are. They both get home about 2 in the morning." For Catarrhal Deafness and Head Noises Here in America there is much suffering suffering from catarrh and head noises. American American people would do well to consider the method employed by the English to combat combat this insidious disease. Everyone knows how damp the English climate is and how dampness affects those suffering: suffering: from catarrh. In England they treat daftarrhal deafness and head noises as a constitutional disease and use an internal internal remedy for it that is really Very efficacious. Sufferers who could scarcely hear a watch tick tell how they had their, hearing hearing restored by this English treatment to such an extent that the. tick' of a watch was" plainly audible seven and eight inches away from either ear. -Therefore, if you know someone who is" troubled with catarrh, catarrhal deafness deafness or head noises, cut out.this formula and hand it to them and you will have been, the means of saving some poor sufferer sufferer perhaps from total deafness. The prescription^ean be easily prepared at home for about 75c. and is made as follows follows : From your druggist obtain 1 oz. of Parmint (Double Strength), about 75c. worth. Take this home, and add to it J pint of hot water and 4 ounces of granulated sugar : stir until dissolved. Take a tablespconful four times a day. Parmint is used in this way not only to reduce by- tonic action the inflammation and swelling in the Eustachian Tubes, and thus to equalize the air pressure on the drum, but to correct any excess of secretions in the middle ear, and the results results it gives are usually remarkably quick and effective. Every person who has catarrh in any form should give this recipe a trial and free themselves from this destructive disease. BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to F eed Mailed free to any. address by America's the Author f*. Pioneer H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. Dog Remedies 118 West 31st Street, New York YOU CAN'T CUT OUT A Bog Spavin or Thoroughpîn but you can clean them off promptly with and you work the horse same time. Does not blister or remove the hair. $2.00 per bottle, delivered. Will tell you more if you write. Book 4 M free. ABSORBINE, JR., . the antiseptic liniment for mankind, reduces Varicose Veins, Ruptured Muscles or Ligaments, Enlarged Glands, Wens. Cysts. Allays pain quickly. Price 21 and 22 a bottle at druggists or delivered. Made in the U. S. A. by W F. YOUNG, P. D. F., 516 Lymans Bldg., Montreal, Can. Ibsorbine and Absorbine. Jr., are made in ' Canada. She Had. Lady (engaging nurse)--Have you had any experience with children ? ' Applicant--Sure, and I used to be a child myself. "SUMMER THROUGH THE WINTER" HT CALIFORNIA. Get away from the cold, disagreeable winter. California temperature is from 60 to 75 degrees, thb year found. It is not expensive-to Spend the entire winter there. Bungalows rent from 523.01) per month up. Special Winter Tour Fares. The famous Los 'Angeles Iqpiited, a fast, re- finecLand exclusive through train from Chicago to Los Angeles, leaves Chicago 10.00 p.m. and arrives Los Angeles 4.30 p.m. the third day--less than three davs en route. Write to B. H. Bennett, Gen. Agt., Chicago & North Western Ry., 46 Yonge St.,' Toronto, Ont. He tvlll send you dis- criptive literature and train schedules, help you plan an attractive trip, , and make reservations for you clear through to the Pacific Coast. WANT For Ail Departments Steady Employment Good Wages APPLY MeptatRilfeCo.,Lt!l. MERRITTON, ONT. If Minard's Xriniment Cures Diphtheria. . Locomotive- and Eléphant. To Stanleyville, 600 miles beyond Çukama, a good steamer service is op.erated, says the Christian Herald. From that point to' Mahagi, on the west shore of Lake Albert, no work has been done, but thé survey gives a distance of. 5.48 miles! From Mahagi the Uganda Government steamers ply on the Nile as far as railhead south of Khartum, where the Sudan Government Government trains and steamers and the Egyptian Railway take the traveller through to Cairo and Alexandria. This line, when. coiftpleted, will be more than 6',000 miles long. The traveller traveller may be forced to wait now. and then, while the crew "shoos" a lion or a belligerent elephant off the track, and sometimes the engine and elephant elephant may meet head on. Advice. "Weigh your words," said wise old' v Tait, "unless you do they'll have no weight." | ÎWtTHuriUg t m ant. Cures Colds. &C. j Faster. 'I'm surprised to hear of Maud being being engaged to Mr. Gàyman. He's- so awfully fast, you know." j "Oh, I don't know; apparently he wasn't fast enough to get away from ! Maud." A RARE XMAS GIFT By sending now for our Price Beautiful Musk Ox RO .You will have nice time to look it over for your Christmas buying. buying. A fortunate purchase enables enables us to offer these RARE and BEST STYLE Robes at prices less than half their usual cost. They are a rich brown-black, with beautiful lystre and perfectly perfectly tanned, unsurpassed for warmth and appearance. The very thing for ■ Auto, Carriage, or Sleigh Makes also a luxurious Floor Rug for the Home Purchasers are advised to make an early selection as the Musk Ox is becoming exceedingly exceedingly scarce ; the skins therefore will soon be unobtainable. Write to-day for price list from the largest dealers in Canada. LAMONTAGNE, LIMITED P.O. Box 1410 338 Notre Dame St. West 1EOHTRÉAD. Manufacturers of Quality Harness, Trunks, Bags, Etc. Established . 1869. ' ED. 4. TssuëTt--'Ï6!

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