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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jan 1917, p. 5

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:1 BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 11, 1917. is visit- spent at i i Don't deprive yourself of the pleasure, and healthful résulte-^ a "daily constitutional" out in the open air these wfep winter days for fear your feet will get cold. Buy shoes to suit the conditions--shoes that will keep your feet warm and dry. We are selling at special prices this week, just the kind of shoes you need for every-day street wear. High top lace and button styles for men, women and children, made of best leathers with ■olid oak soles, in the latest winter styles. HERE ARE THE PRICES Men's all felt boots, regular $2.50 for $2.00 Men's felt, kid foxed boots, regular 2.75 for $2.25 Women's felt, kid foxed boots reg $1.75, $2.25 for $1.40, $1.80 Women's felt house boots at .$1.10 Women's felt slippers at.. •" 20% discount These prices are only good for Friday and Saturday , Knox's Shoe Store The Store of Quality ând Service. ï® 1 T V l < r i Whatever the Want We Qualitv the Watchword The tempting quality of the goods we handle only a visit to our store can adequately tell. Every effort is put forth by us to provide Seasonable Goods at Reasonable Prices A trial order is more convincing. May we be favored with your week-end order ? Watch for onr Friday and Saturday bargain bill this week. It has a lot of good snaps that you cannot cannot afford to miss. W. Blake McMurtry Limited Phones 72 and 182 Bowmanville ashing machines at F. O. Mason's. JE yioor Oil--all kinds--only Seventy Five ts a gallon at F. O. Mason's. Have you seen the new Auto Strop Razor at Mason & Dale's? They are making making a special offer. Farmers save 25% by buying blankets at F. O. Mason's as they were ordered a year ago last August. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman have laid ont twenty five Ladies' Coats to be sold at exactly half-price. Conch, Johnston & Cryderman are still *owing a Superb Stock of Ladies' and Children's Plush and Cioth Coats, allmade *p in the very latest styles. Automobile Skates at F. O. Mason's The famous 5/T horse blankets at F O. Mason's. See the variety of washing machines at F. O. Mason's. Mitts and Gloves at lowest prices in town--F. O. Mason. - Do you need a new cutter? See A. W. Pickard before baying. Ladies' and Men's Suits cleaned and pressed at Couch, Jchnston & Cryder- man's. Don't miss the specials in Auto Strop Razors at Mason & Dale's. Call and secure one. Mrs. Harold Gossett, Oshawa, ing Mrs. Wesley Kerr. Mr. James Gilchrist, Toronto, Sunday at Senator Beith's. - All Ladies'Coats at reduced prices Couch, Johnstçra & Çryderman's. Report of Hospital Auxiliary Christmas collection will be published next week. Mrs. M. A. James is spending a week with her sister Mrs. W. Werry, Sohna. Mrs. Jas. Stephens, Bal carres, Sask., is visiting her aunts, the Misses Stephens. Mrs. Elizabeth Washington, Toronto, spent New Years at Rev. W. C. Washington's. Washington's. Mr. Samuel Allin, Toronto, spent Christmas with his mother, Mrs. Samuel Allin. Mr. Harold B. Mollon has returned to Hamilton after spending his Xmas holidays holidays at home. Mrs. Chas. Manning, spent New Years at the home of her sister, Mrs. o. ri. Scripture, Colborne. Mrs. Thomas Trimble and son Douglas, Smiley, Sask., are visiting Mrs. Wesley Kerr and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hamley on Sunday visited his sister, Mrs. Grace Everson, Oshawa, who is verv ill. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Grills and Miss Hilda spent Christmas with his brothers and sisters at Little Britaiii. Pte. Rov Candler, wife and two children children Norman and Stanley, Toronto, spent Xmas at,his father's Mr. S. Candler. Mrs. J. T. Gould, Oshawa, visited Mrs. W. W. Allin and friends here and attended attended the reception to Sergt. D. M. Douglass. Mrs. J. W. Noble and little daughter Helen have returned to Indianapolis, Ind., after spending New Years with Mr# and Mrs. E. R. Bounsall. Mrs. W. R. Thickson and daughter, Mrs. James Blaxill with her two daughters daughters Wilhelmine and Irene are guests of Mrs. F. O. Mason, King-st. Sunday School Times Company, 1031 Walnut-st. Philadelphia, Pa., will be glad to send a free specimen copy of The Times to any one upon request. War Pictures--see those splendid War views at St. John's Parish Hall next Monday Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Sergt. Dan M. Douglass will describe "How a British Soldier Fights." January thaw delayed not its coming this year, arriving on the 4th inst., and cont nuing for some days making pedes- trianism anything but pleasant.. To this extent we are having an open winter. If Sergt. Dan M. Douglass ever had any doubt of his popularity in this town such doubt was quickly dispelled by the enthusiastic enthusiastic welcome and reception accorded accorded him at the Opera House on Thursday evening. The engagement is announced of Harriett Harriett Ruth, daughter of Mrs. H. Mason, Seaforth, to Mr. Leroy Osborne Oke, of the Bank of Nova Scotia, son of the Rev. J. H. and Mrs. Oke, Toronto, the marriage will take place this month. Major H. W. Cooper of 21st Canadian Battalion in France has our thanks for the New Year's good wishes sent us from officers and men on a very beautiful lithographed card which reached us in prime condition on January 5 th. Mr. Felipe T. Smith and daughter Miss Annie Smith have started on their homeward homeward journey to Victoria, Chili, South America. They expect to sail from New Orleans, La., on Jan. 13 via the Panama Canal. We wish them bon voyage. Two extra large editions of the James Papers were published the last two weeks and went like good hot cakes. That's right, send this paper to absent ones--they will read it with a relish.*-We try to make every issue newsy and interesting. Miss Glenn of Glen-Charles, Toronto, Canada's Hair Fashion Store, will be in Bowmanville Saturday January 13th, at Bowman House with a full line of Ladies' and Gentleman's Hair Goods. If you are not satisfied with the appearance of your hair consult Miss Glenn. Free demonstration. demonstration. I-2W The Executive Committee ot Durham Old Boys' Association will meet at the home of Mr. W. H. Clemes, 123 South Drive, Toronto, on Monday evening, Jan. 15 at 8 o'clock, when an interesting program program will be presented. Visiting residents residents of the "Homeladd of Durham" are cordially invited. December meeting of Bowmanville's Women's Institute was held at Mrs. Gus. Bounsall's Friday Dec. 29th, Mrs. C. Osborne, Osborne, President, occupied the chair. _ A chorus was nicely sung by six little girls Miss Frances Worden recited, and Mrs, Frank Williams sang a solo and Mrs.. C. Osborne gave a recitation all of which were well given and equally enjoyed. Next meeting Saturday Jan. 20th, at Mrs. A. L. Nicholls'. Among the donations to the Children's Shelter, Port Hope, as published by the Guide are: Women's Institute, Newton ville, clothing, boots, cards, and books; Mission Band, Methodist Church, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, cards and books; Mrs. Drayton, Bowmanville, mitts and pop-corn; $3-°0 from the Primary Class, and $5.00 from the Young Ladies' Bible Class of the Methodist Sunday School, Bowmanville. Miss Mabel F. Bray, second daughter of Dr. Jas. Bray, 288 Gerrard-st. E., Toronto, who has just completed her 5th year's medical course at Toronto University is visiting her uncle Mr. F. A. Foster, Norwood Norwood Place. Dr. Bray on ceived a telegram to go to the Woman's 1 ^ Hospital, 2137 North College Ave., Phila delphia, Pa., in which institution she has been appointed on the medical staff as House Doctor. _ The funeral of the late Mrs. Thos. J. Sheridan, (Polly Trenouth) Oshawa, took place Saturday afternoon to Bowmanyille cemetery. Deceased has been ill for some weeks but the end was not expected so soon. She was well khown in this town where her girlhood days were spent being a daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Richarc Trenouth, Queen-st. Besides herhusbanc, who is in active service in England, she leaves two daughters to mourn the loss o a good mother. Mrs. Edith V. Scobell has secured the assistance in her insurance office ot Miss Neads, until recently with the late Mr. Harry Cann, and feels that with the several several agencies she handles for some of the best British and Canadian Insurance Companies and up-to-date office equipment, equipment, she is in a position to write all lines of insurance in the best interest of the insuring insuring pub ic. Any business entrusted to this office will receive prompt and intelligent intelligent attention. See advertisement , in these colums 2-2 e. o. w. . Hockey Sticks at F. G. Mason's. . ;. . 'If you need a new Cutter, see Pickard : Flashlights, from 509 up at F. O.Mason's. Buggy Rugs. large display, at F. O. Mason's. • ; Eleven different styles of Cutters at FT ,Q. Mason's. Farmers--See the bargain in halters and blankets at F. O. Mason's. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Moore, Port Huron, have been visiting her sister, Mrs. Fred R. Foley. Cold weather is coming, ice will good. Get your skates ready. Mason & Dale have just the kind you need. Prof. A. J. Johnston of Toronto University University who preaches in the Methodist Church Sunday evening has never preached in Bowmanville and he has won golden opinions in Oshawa. Hear him. All strangers welcome. Grand Trunk, Canadian Pacific and Canadian Northern Railway time tables are to change next Sunday. Several passenger trains are to be taken off and the crews will assist in moving the great congestion of freight on all these lines. Skates, skates, winter is coming and every boy and girl will be wanting a pair of skates. Mason & Dale have the ever- popular automobile akate. See then before before you buy. The Girls' Patriotic Club had the honor Saturday evening of entertaining the three returned soldiers from this town Sergt. Douglass, Corpt. Kershaw, and Pte. J. H. Edgerton, at the Tea Room Saturday evening. The special table set apart for the officers and the guests of honor was prettily decorated with flowers and Union Jacks. Needless to say the boys thoroly enjoyed thé tempting menu and appreciated appreciated the thotfulness of the Club. They were each presented with two pair socks. The death of William James Collacott, formerly of Bowmanville, occurred Tuesday Tuesday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Lawrence Brunt, 103 Highfield Road, Toronto. Toronto. Mr. Collaçutt was a resident of Darlington township for most of his lifetime lifetime and was a farmer. He was 58 years of age. Two daughters, Mrs Brunt, of Toronto, and Mrs. H. B. Walker, Colborne, Colborne, and a son, Mr. Sherwood Collacutt, I0I Highfield Road, are the surviving members of the immediate family. The funeral service was held at Mr.-Brunt's home Wednesday evening the interment taking place Thursday in Bowmanville cemetery. Watica» of Birtte# 28 cw*t#r Merrteg#S SO casts, D##tlis,BO casta, each issartlo*. Wfcas fwaerel cards ere priwted at till# eft Ice. iaaertloa free. BIRTHS. James--At Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay, Dec 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. H. R. James, of Ops, a daughter. * x ' MARRIAGES Hancock--Eckhardt--In UnionviUe. Jan. 3rd, by Rev. J. J. Ferguson, Lather Hancock, Cana, Sask., and Clara Eckhardt, MiUiken. Maguire--Martin--Af'Calgary. Alta., Dec. 81st, Alma Maria, dauzhter ot William I. Martin, Esq., and Arthur W. Maguire, formerly of Orono. Mahood--CARSCADDKN^At the Rectory, Black: stock, by Rev. J. H. Kidd, Mr. Garnet Mahood and Miss Helen, daughter of Mr. John Carscad- den, both of Cartwright. McCullough--Sheckleton--On Dec. 23, at the King-sS. Methodist Parsonage, by Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, Chas. McCullough, Janétville, and Miss Aggie Sheckleton, Bethany. Johnson--Vanstone--At the Manse, Oshawa, Jan. 3rd, by Rev. Geo. Yale, Wslter Simeon Johnson, Johnson, Foots Bay, anrt.Eva Mabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vanstone, Oshawa. Patterson--Evans--In George-et. Methodist Chnrch, Peterboro, Jan. 3, by Rev. H. G. Peever, B-D" Rev. Richard Moore Patterson, Brighton, and Mies Margaret Evans, Manvers. Oke--Hoig--At St. George's Chnrch, Oshawa, Dec. 291 h, by Rev. C. dePencier, Dorothy Los- combe, daughter of Dr. D. S. Hoig, and William Verne Oke, Lient. 286th Battalion. "Seacock--Tatlor--Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Taylor, Speedslde, Ont., announce the marriage of their daughter, Jennie Sinclair^and Mr. J. Elvin Seacock Seacock Of Orono, on Wednesday Dec. 17th. Noble--Mercer--At King-st. Methodist Parsonage. Parsonage. Trenton, Dec. Iflth. by Rev. W. D. Harrison, Harrison, John Nelson Noble and Basel Florence, eldest daughter of 'W. H. Mercer, Oshawa. DEATHS Jan. »th, William J. Collacutt--In Toronto, Collacutt, aged 68 rears. Funeral from C.P.B. station Thursday Jan. 11 pn arrival of 1.11 p.m. train to Bowmanville Cemetery. Cemetery. Sheridan--In Oshawa, Jan. 4, Mary Ellen Trenouth, beloved wife of Themas J. Sheridan. Daughter of Mr. Richard Trenouth, Bowmanville. 'Lest We Forget* E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., In Granite and Marble. Bowmanville, Ontario. NOTICE TO INSURERS Having purchased the late Mr. Harry Gann's Insurance and real estate business, I solicit a continuation of the liberal patronage patronage extended to him in all of the branches branches of the business as carried on by him. Thorough experience gained-in some of the large city offices, I can assure the pubic pubic that any business entrusted to my care will receive personal, careful and competent competent attention. Insurance is a matter of vital importance importance and we will be pleased to advise you about it. I cordially request a call from my own friends and those of the late Mr. Cann so that old friendships may be renewed and new acquaintances made, I am yours truly, ) John J. Mason. ! Bowmanville, Jan. 9,1917- Having made a satisfactory arrangement arrangement with Mr. J. J. Masoii to take oyer my late husband's insurance business, including including office and office furniture. I desire desire to thank all those who entrusted Mr. Cann with their patronage and will take it as a personal favor if all such business is continued with Mr. Mason. ! Bowmanville, Jau. 9» I9f7- Ida A. CANN. m NOTICE During DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE'S absence with the Canadian Expeditionary Expeditionary Force his Dental Office will be conducted by J. J. CRAIG, L. D. S., D. D. S., Honor Graduate in Dentistry of Toronto University. Bowmanville - Ontario Office Phone 40. House Phone 16 A. C. Macnaughton, B. A., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, 18 King-st. West - TORONTO Will be at the office formerly occupied by the late Dr. Brimacombe, on Wednesday Wednesday of each week. CARDS OF THANKS EBENEZER The young people of Tyrone, will. present present their drama "Oak Farm", in the Ebenezer Ebenezer church on Tuesday Jan. 16th at 8 p. m. Music by home talent. Admission 25c. Everybody come. Proceeds in aid of Red Cross. 2-1 w WOOD SALE Friday, January 19--Mr. Thos. Smith, Lot 34, con 9, Clarke, will sell 15 acres of standing timber in 54 and 54 acre lots, consisting of hemlock and pine, also beech, birph and maple. Much of it suitable for lumber--a choice lot of timber. Sale at 1 o'clock. L. A. W. TOLE, auct. YOU SHOULD ATTEND. Col. T. H. Race Field Secretary of National Sanitarium Association, will give a lecture in Bowmanville Town Hall on Sunday evening, January 14th, after ^hurch services, on Tuberculosis, its nat ure, treatment and prevention, illustrated with instructive lantern views. Col. Race is an old journalist, a traveller of worldwide worldwide experience, and a speaker of unusual ability. It is worth while hearing him on this Scourge, known as the "Great White Plague", besides his side lights on the present war situation. Only a collection taken for the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives. Attend--you are interest ed. j WEDDING BELLS _ULpretty wedding on FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Most Complete Equipment ~ '*"■ 1 'gnt calls SnntTay and nlgL. promptly-attended to. Bowmanville Phones 10-34 Branches : ORONO HAMPTON w ANTED--A Boy, good wages to right party --one about 16 or 17 years of age. Apply to Drawer B, Bowmanville. 47-tf. H ORSE FOR SALE--Another very quiet and reliable horse at a good bargain. Apply at once to A. W. Pickard, Bowmanville. 47-tf S ERVANT WANTED-rCapable general who can do plain cookinf?ybmall family. Apply to Mrs. G. D. Conant, Phone 221, Oshawa. Ont. 2-tf AVE YuU SEEN the new Fairbanks-Morse Z- Type Engine? Its a dandy, and the little pnmping outfit has them all beat. \Y. J. Williams sells them. H OST--Leather tie-shank, between Ridge's I ^ blacksmith shop and Vanstone's Mill, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. on Dec. 29th. Finder leave at the Statesman Office, Bowmanyille. 2-tf C LERK WANTED--For Hotel Bowman, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, clerk or assistant to whom steady employment will be given, and liberal wages. Enquire at Hotel for particulars. S. D. Ross, Manager. . 2-tf iARM TO RENT--126 acres more or less, being p*part lots 3. 4*. B.F', - bajiington,_in good state of cultivation. Good brick house, good barns with stone stabling underneath. For terms apply apply to Mrs. Jas. McConnachie, on the premises. Bowmanville 1 1-tf H OUSE FOR SALE--That new honse at the foot of WeUington-st, on the east sid e of Lib- erty-st., Bowmanville, which has every up-to» date convenience, is offered for sale at a sacrifice price $2760 00. Size of lot 66x136. Apply to THOS. ti. Hardy, next door north, or box 246, Bowman- ville. 2-lw* sOR SALE--Five dwelling honses, comer King * and Brown streets. Bowmanville, the property property of the late Mrs. Wm. Rowe, (known as the Westcott property). Will be sold en bloc or separate. separate. Any reasonable termï'may be made to suit purchasers. Apply to Ii. A, W, To LE, real estate, agent, Bowmanville. 60-tf H aving renovated my house on con- cession-st., will rent part of it consisting of bifnhanBt.ti) dlnincr room, liviner room, two kitchenette, dining joom, living room, two bedrooms-and bathroom, also back kitchen, all newly decorated and painted. 'Very convenient home for small family. Possession after Xmas. MRS. T. G. Mason, Bowmanville. 61-tf H OUSE FOR SALE--That desirable brick resi- Ballard--Lee ^ a was solemnized Wednesday, December 27, at Sunnyside farm, Oshawa, when Hermia Ethel, elder daughter of Mr. anckMrs. F. W. Lee, was married to Maxwell R." Ballard, B. A., of Moose Jaw, Sask., only son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ballard, Nobleton, Ont. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. H. W. Foley, Broofclin, assisted by Rev. W. Smith, Bobcàygeon, uncle of the groom. The bride looked charming in a gown of white duchess satin and tulle and wore a veil of tulle caught up with orange blossoms blossoms ând seed pearls. She entered the drawing room on the arm of her father, while Miss Eliza White of Whitevale, played the wedding march. Miss Nellie Ballard, sister of the groom, was bridesmaid, bridesmaid, and wore pink silk crepe. Mr. Frank C. Lee, Ottawa, brother of the bride, was groomsman. During the signing signing of the register, Miss Irene Bray, Oshawa, Oshawa, cousin of the bride, sang, "Love's Coronation". Later Mr. and Mrs. Ballard Jeft for their honeymoon in Moose Jaw, Mrs. Ballard travelling in dark green chiffon chiffon broad cloth dress and dark green silk plush hat, with persian lamb coat and muff | to match. dence on Centre-sfc, containing «lx rooms and two large balls, heated by furnace, hard and soft waterïn kitchen, fine cellar, eiectric lighted, good garden. Soldvery reasonably for immediate sale. Apply to Alex. Colville, corner Centre and Concessionsts., Bowmanville. 46-tf F OR SALE--Brick residence containing seven room*, kitchen, pantry, good cellar. Electric Electric lighted. Bnck stable and driving shed. All in good repair." Hard and soft water indoors. 4 acre land on which are apple, cherry and plum trees, also small fruits. For particulars apply on the premises to MRS. A. Gully, (nee Lovedy Hoskin) corner Prospect and Odell Sts., Bowmanville. Bowmanville. si - ** NOTICE TO PATRONS NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS Watch. Repairs Jewelry Repairs Clock Repairs Engraving A meeting of the patrons of Hampton Butter and Cheese Factory will be held in the Town Hall, Hampton, on Saturday, Jan. 20th', 1917, at ■2 p.m. for receiving annual report of last season's business. An earnest request is extended to every patron to be present. 1-3 W W. R. Allin, Secretary. The Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders Shareholders of the Hampton Bntter and Cheese Manufacturing Manufacturing Company, Limited, will be held in the Town Hall, Hampton, on Saturday, Jan. 20th, 1917, at 8 p. m. for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business as may properly properly come before the meeting. W. R. Allin, Secretary. Hampton, Jan. 8,1917. 2-lw After the holiday rush we are in a better position than ever to look after your watch, clock and jewelry repairs. . Nothing is too difficult for us to handle. We have had experience on all makes of watches, clocks and jewelry, and guarantee all work done by us. If your watch or clock is not keeping time, bring it to ue and we will make it right or tell you if it is worth fixing. Old jewelry made to look like new. Chargee always moderate moderate and the best of Service. Standard time always on hand. See omr chronometer. V>> ALEX ELLIOT Successor to C. H. Haddy Watchmaker J eweler Ingraver <-v-: K\ Farmers and Builders ! We have purchased the Builders' Supply business of Mr. Wm. Brock, and will be glad to supply any requirements of Hydrated Hydrated and Burnt Stone Lime, Cement, Wood Fibre, Paristone, Alabastine, Glazed Tile in all sizes and shapes, etc. We have a car of Land Plaster coming. Can furnish Ground Limestone ranging in size from dust to size of sand. These sown on land will materially increase production production of field crops, also good for orchards and costa very little. We sell Lehigh Valley Coal--the coal that satisfies. Give us an order. John A. Holgate & Son Office and Yards, cor. Queen and Division Streets. Telephone No. 153 office. House Phone 202. Bowmanville, Ont. The Ladies' Store StocK-talQng Sacrifice Sale of Ladies' and Misses' Coats, Suits, Skirts Must be cleared out this month. Do not delay •» if you would secure any of these remarkable bargains bargains Any Coat, Suit or Skirt at the following reduced prices: X Regular price $25.00, price $18.75" « 16 $22.00 to 68 ii $20.00, e 18 18 18.75, . 11 88 • 16.75, C< 88 15.75, 68 86 13.75, n <6 12.75, i( 86 11.25, j " r 86 10.75, «; k <6 9.50, << 86 8.75, <( ti 7.60, SI U 6.50, IS 66 5.75, II 16 4.50, Also an assorted lot of S rtf' ' ' set *.•#•* r># ##•*•••$ u 1 ■••••• eeeeee « 68 84 <8 (8 11MIMM eseeaaeaa hi mi min hi tt* 16.50 16.00 14.00 12.50 11.75 10.50 9.75 8.60 7.76 7.00 6.50 5.50 4.75 3.95 8.50 Remnants of all descriptions now on sale Telephone 106 S. W. Mason & Son Next door t3 Standard Bank Bowmanville AUCTION SALES THURSDAY, Jan. ii--The household effects of the late Mrs. Ethel Courtice will be offered for sale at the residence Church-st, at I p. mi Brown & Bennett, auctioneers. O--Cedar mops and polishes at F. O. Mason's. Mitts and Gloves--largest display le town at F. O. Mason's. Cutters^ CuttersJI Winter is coming. See Pickard before purchasing that new cutter.

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