--Z- r^' : ' We Invite Your Attention BOWMANVILLE, APR. . 26. 1917 at r> i 1 > The Model Grocery For this Week End, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 26, 27 & 28. 10 Bbls Granulated Sugar, "Redpath" 20 lbs for $1 87 200 lbs Choice Table Butter, per ib 43c 20 BushelsJLu-rnips, per bu 45c 15 ljx>x£§>aisins in packages, Seeded 2 pkgs for 27c Seedless 2 pkgs for-.• 33c 5 Cases Clark's Pork and Beans, large tins, 2 for..... 34c 150 lbs iWsh Pork Sausages, 2 lbs for 38c 12 doz.Pure Gold Jelly Powders,ass'd flavors,3for 25c 100 lbs Shelled Almonds and Walnuts, per lb 54c 10 Boxes Fancy Mixed Biscuits, 2 lb for 29c 25 Large Bottles Liquid Veneer with a 25c dust cloth 49c 50 tins English Breakfast Cofiee, 2 tins for 49c 100 lbs Fresh Ground Coffee, reg- 45c for 39c 25 tins O'ive Oil, a snap, each '. 59c 10 boxes soap "Cosmo" 6 bars for 25c 10 boxes Soap, extra value, 8 bars for 24c 1 Bbl. Pickled Roll Pork, per lb 27c 5 Cases Choice Red Sock Eye Salmon, 2 tins for 49c Corn 2 cans for... . 24c Peas, 2 cans for....24c - Beans, 2 cans for...24c Tomatoes, 2 cans...34c Beets, 2 cans for...34c 25 Case? Vegetables Only 4 cans of each to a Customer 10 doz. Fancy Brooms, going higher 49c 3 Cases Spic à Span cleansing powder, 3 tins for 24c 50 lbs Fearman's Mince Meat, a snap, 2 lbs for 25c 10 Cases Campbell and Snider's Soups, ass'd, 2for 29c 100 lbs Baking Powder, Rose Brand, per lb,,,,, 17c 5 Cases Boy Scout Sardines, reg. 10c, 3 tins for 2oc 10 Cases Ammonia Powder, 3 packages for 24c 100 lbs Lima Beans, 2 lb for 28c 7 bbls. Rolled Oats, still advancing, 5 lbs for 29c 3 Cases Mozens Pete Pois extra fine French Peas, 2 for 29c 3 Cases Fancy Prunes, 2 lbs for 34c 200 lbs Natural Figs, nice for puddings, 2 lbs for 28c W. Blake McMurtry Ltd Highest Cash Price paid for all Farm Produce. Phones Nos. 72 and 182. Bowmanville. JsTBoi. Exclusive Style is always found here. Wjr. don't mean extremes, but sane, dignified exclusiveness, such as the woman who cares insists upon. Let us show you the New Models Knox's Shoe Store The Store of Quality and Service. (i^m-a-phones I have a number of Gram-a- phones to be sold at greatly reduced reduced prices for quick sale. Also a verv choice lot of records. Apply to D. P. COWAN Phone 270 - Bowmanville Mrs. Wm. Street who has been nursing Mrs. Thos. Robson has gone to Toronto. Does your kitchen need a new Linoleum? Linoleum? Mason & Dale, Hardware, can suit you. Mrs. Richard Hallowell and Miss Alice, Starkville, recently visited Mrs. W. W. Down. Mrs. John Mackay, Greensville, is visiting visiting old friends here, guest of Mrs. Rd. Jarvis. "That is just what I am going to do." What? Take my best girl to Opera House May 24th and 25th. Come to Methodist League Monday j April 30. Solina Leguers will present ! "The Danger Signal". Admission 15c. j "The making of Canada's Flag" in the ! Parish Hall, Friday April 27, will be a j splendid drama. Don't miss hearing it. ' Mrs. J. L. and Miss Glayds Westaway, I Port Hope, were the guests of Mrs. Chas P. Wood, 109 Lewis avenue, Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bonisteel and son Gerald, Belleville, recently visited her mother Mrs. Jas. Knight, Lake Shore Farm. We handle the famous Bayne buggies and they are good ones. See us before buying. A. W. Pickard, The Garage Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Couch, Johnston & Cr> derman have laid out fifteen Ladies' Suits regular price from $13.00 to $25.00 all to be sold at one price $7.50. The screamingly funny farce "Mrs. Temple's Telegram." Opera House May 24th and 25th. Don't forget to make the date with your best girl. Misses J. and A. McAndrew 80 Bins- earth Road, Toronto, and Dr. and Mrs. William A. White, 46 W. 43rd St., New York City, have been making a pleasant sojourn at Atlantic City, N. Y. An Ottawa despatch says there are reasons for believing that negotiations are in progress between British, United States and Canadian authorities, looking towards the purchase of the entire North Americian wheat crop of 1917 at a fixed price. Woman's Institute meets at Mrs. G us Bounsall's on Friday, April 27 at 3 p. m. All donations and gifts in aid of patriotic fund. Good program. Every member attend and help in a good cause. Dr. J. C. Mitchell, Medical superintendent superintendent of the Eastern Hospital, who recently recently underwent an operation at the General Hospital, returned to "The Residence" Residence" yesterday. The genial doctor is still a bit weak but otherwise feeling fine. -- BrockviUe Recorder. Samuel Palmer, postmaster at Desboro, was fined $50 for writing a letter for a farmer named Schwartz, ordering a case of whiskey fr*m Hull, P. Q. Schwartz cannot write, and the postmaster wrote the letter for him, and thus, innocently enough, became the agent for the booze dispensary. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Bounsall have received received a cable announcing the safe arrival in England of their son Chas. H. Bounsall who went from Cobourg with the Heavy Battery. A. Laurence Mingeaud son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mingeaud, was with the same company. Glad to hear of their safe arrival. Kill flies and save lives. Çobourg tax rate is 32 mills. Mrs. F. A. Pàrrett is ' visiting friends in Hamilton. Reserve Friday April 27th for drama ifi Parish Hall. * Mr. Thos. S. Holgate has gone W est on a business trip. Liberals, attend annua meeting at Or- ono next Tuesday. Miss Mildred Willmott has returned home from Picton. Capt. W. J. Hoar is in Kingston taking a course at the I. S. of I. Mrs. D. McPherson, Toronto, spènt the week-end with Mrs. J. N. Lawrie. Miss Luella Hepburn, Kedron, is visiting visiting her niece, Miss Nettie Ormiston. Mrs. M. Clendinnen, Stouffville, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. L. Cornish. Bargain--Peter Piper's Pickles in 157 varieties. Opera House May 24 and 25th. Methodist Leaguers invite you to hear the "Danger Signal" next Monday evening. evening. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Bragg visited his niece, Mrs. John Barrie, Newtonville, Sunday. School Report, locals, Orono news, Editor Editor Talks and Chas. Bice's article on inner inner pages. Mrs. Wm. Drummond is home from a very pleasant visit with friends in Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. Col. P. J. Rowe, Whitby, was recent guest of his mother, Mrs. J. C. Rowe, and other relatives here. Mr. Byron S. Vanstone, Toronto, spent Sunday with his brother, Mr. F. C. Van- stone, "Cedar Cliff." When first we practice to 'deceive oh! what a tangled web we weave-- Opera House May 24 and 25. Mr. Fred Betts, Niagara Falls, who has been visiting his sister, Miss Elsie Betts, has returned to the Falls. Mrs. S. L. Perry, Toronto, is visiting her father, Mr. F. N. Stevens and her brother Mr. W. E. Stevens. Miss Cora Charters, Chicago, 111., is visiting visiting her sister, Mrs.(Rev-) W. G. Clarke at the Methodist Parsonage. Mr. W. J. McMurtry, Toronto, was in town Friday visiting his brother, Mr. John McMurtry and other relatives. Miss Frances E. Conley of The Statesman Staff is visiting her mother, Mrs. John Ferguson, St. Catharines. Be sure and see us before buying your new tires--we can save you money. A. W Pickard, The Garage, Bowmanville. Mrs. Thos. Sleeman and daughter Audrey, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mrs. W. J. Clemence, Kingston Road East. Mrs. A. B. Rogers and son Wilfrid spent the Easter holidays with her daughter Vera and other friends at Codrington. Miss. Elsie Betts and her brother, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, were guests at the home of Mrs. Jas. Scarfe over the weekend.--Cobourg World. Miss Mae Bottrell has gone to Toronto where she has accepted apposition. Miss Rogers takes her position in the Canadian Express office. We congratulate Miss Margaret M. Gir- ven, sister of Mrs. Alex. Elliot, on receiving receiving her B. A. degree from Queen's University, University, Kingston. Are you suffering from "Locomotive attacks you"? An eminent specialist on this complaint will be at Opera House May 24th and 25th. Prof. M. E. Wright Listowel, continues ill and Mrs. E. D. Bennett is acting as supply. His Bowmanville friends hope for a speedy recovery. Cobourg Heavy Battery, Lieut. N. C. Bilton officer in charge is recruiting another another overseas draft, This Battery has recruited 459 men since the war began. Wanted: A position as butler in high class family. Highest' references given and required. Apply personally to Wig- son, Opera House, May 24th and 25 evenings. evenings. Get after the first fly vou see and kill every one you can. Do not take it as trouble but as a duty. Flies are disease carriers and are enemies to cleanliness and healthfulness. Fall wheat and red clover have been considerably injured by spring frosts and some meadows have suffered, too. Hope the fine weather will bring out better conditions than appear at this writing. Orders have been issued from the Immigration Immigration Department at Ottawa that Judge Rutherford or any other representative representative of the late Pastor Russell is not to be admitted to Canada buring the war. The Girls' Patriotic Club wish to have the name, number and address of all Bowmanville Bowmanville boys and those who have enlisted enlisted from Bowmanville for Overseas. Please leave at P. C. Trebilcock's store. "The Danger Signal" presented with such success by Solina young people, will be presented in the Methodist Schoolroom Schoolroom on Monday April30. Admission 15c Patronize Red Cross Collector --Persons who do not GIVE old papers, magazines, rags etc. to the Red Cross may sell them to L. Pike the collecter who will pay the highest prices He will be pleased with your patronage. Mrs. W. E. Jackson, King St. desires to thank the ladies of Bowmanville for the box of good things sent to her husband, Pte. W. E. Jackson, who went from here with the 136th and is now with the 87th Batt. in France. At a public meeting held in Fenelon Falls Master Gordon Menzieswas presented presented with a medal for his bravery shown by saving the life of the child of Rev. H. W. Foley of Bobcaygeon from drowning a couple of years ago. St. John's Sunday School are putting oh 'a drama in the Parish Hall on Friday, April 27th at 8 p. m. entitled "The Making of Canada's Flag", consisting of drills, patriotic songs, demonstration of signalling, signalling, etc. This will be a splendid entertainment entertainment and no one can afford to miss seeing it. Admission 25c; children 15c. The Kaiser hasn't licked the world, but he has accomplished some wonderful feats. He has almost federated the British Empire; he has given the women of Great Britain the vote; he has brought about in Russia the most remarkable revolution in the history of the world; and it begins to look as if, over the job of putting him out of the way of doing harm, John Bull and Brother Jonathan may come to be real friends The Lord sometimes uses queer instruments to work His Will.--Simcoe Reformer. Wbat is the difference between bicycle and a Raycycle. Ask F. C. Pethick. The Churches Rev. H. B. Neal preaches Educational Sermons at Newtonville next Sunday. Bay of Quinte Conference will meet in First Methodist Church, Picton, Thursday Thursday June 9. If you would enjoy a pleasant evening go and hear "The Danger Signal" at the Methodist Church next Monday evening. Rev. H. F. Thomas, Newmarket, will preach in St. Paul's Church next Sunday. The I. O. O. F. will attend the morning service. Rev. Dr. A. C. Crews, editor of "Onward" and other? Sunday School pub-, lications, will preach in the Methodist Church next Sunday. Good music. Strangers welcome. Quarterly Board of the Methodist Church, Port Perry, have extended a unanimous call to Rev. W esley Elliott, Brighton, to become their pastor for the next Conference year. Tuesday evening, April 17th a committee ot Epworth Leaguers met at the home of Mrs. F. A. Haddy and packed twelve boxes, containing comforts from the League to be sent to members overseas. His many friends in this district will be pleased to learn that Rev. S. F. Dixon, Stirling, Ontario, is now on the road to health again after his recent indisposition. Through the kindness of his Board he was privileged to spend several weeks at Clifton Springs, N. Y„ and has greatly benefited by it. Rev. Capt. H. B. Kenny was in Mill- brook over Sunday guest of Rev. and Mrs Wm. Higgs and preached in the Methodist Methodist Church on Sunday evening to the pleasure of his many admirers. Capt. Kenny is always virile and broad in his views, and his stirring address to the young manhood will long be remembered. ■Millbrook Reporter Prof. Willard, tenor soloist and Musical Director, and Mrs. Willaid, Organist, will have charge of the Service of Praise and choir in Methodist church on Sunday, services, when Rev. A. C. Crews, D. D., will preach. Voluntary subscriptions and collections are asked for Connexional Funds. It will be a big day for this church. Strangers welcome. Church of Christ--Wednesday evening, April 18th, Loyal Daughters Bible Class was entertained by the Loyal Sons. A very pleasant evening was spent. Friday evening pupils and parents of Beginners Primary and Junior classes were entertained entertained in the school rooms to supper and games. It was a most delightful event. Rev. G. C. Weisman will preach next Sunday. Visitors and friends cordially invited. About fifty members of the Young Ladies' Bible Class of the Methodist Sunday Sunday School met at the home of Miss Catherine Warnica, Vice President, on Friday evening when a "sock shower" was held and many other good and useful useful things given for the boys at the Front. The evening was pleasantly spent in amusements of various kinds, after which lunch was served and a hearty vote of thanks moved by Miss Eva Smith and seconded by Miss Spry was accorded Mrs. Washington and Mrs. Warnica for opening opening their home and for the pleasant evening evening afforded. Epworth Leaguers experienced a great treat Monday evening when Rev. R. A. Delve, Courtice, gave them a very fine address on "Canada and her Resources" in the Methodist School Room. Miss Lola Soiich read the Scripture lesson and Miss Catherine Warnica read "Native Born". An excellent musical program was also provided consisting of a piano duet by Misses Marion Pickard and Muriel Dech, vocal solo by Miss Evelyn White accompanied by Miss Reta Cole, and a piano duet by Misses Edith .Pinch and Jane Grigg. Mr. Frank Walter, Courtice, contributed a vocal solo to the delight of all. President Claude Ives occupied the chair and closed with the Mizpah benediction. benediction. Next Monday evening the play "The Danger Signal" will be given in the school-room at 8 p.m. Admission 15c. Don't miss it. Rev. Samuel Sellery, B. A., B. D,, Cobourg, Cobourg, formerly pastor of Grace church, Napanee, has been unanimously invited to the'pastorate of Bowmanville Methodist church to begin with the next Conference vear. He has been Associate Pastor of Cobourg Methodist church during Rev. H. B. Kenny's year of absence and has won the hearts of the people of the countv town, so that they have become much attached attached to him. He is a splendid preacher with a good voice and very faithful in pastoral duties. A member of his official Board writes that "his work all round has been most acceptable and our church and people have been well satisfied. We consider consider ourselves fortunate to have had his services during the absence of Mr. Kenny. He, is a worker in the Epworth League and gives a -5-minute talk to the children Sunday morning before his sermon proper." It is earnestly hoped by the Official Board that Rev. Mr. Sellery will accept the invitation. invitation. . TEA ROOM MENU Saturday, April 28th. Afternoon Tea 3.30 to 5.30 p. m. Toast 5c Cake 5c Tea 5c Ice Cream and chocolate sauce 10c Supper served from 5.30 Fillet of Veal ") Potato Salad " ( Jelly C 25? - Bread and butter j Apple Pieund Ice Cream ioc. Ice Cream and Chocolate Sauce ioc. Cake 5c; Tea or Coffee 5c. Read the advertisements. It pays. Horse and buggy for sale. See advt. Methodist choir practise Friday night. Oddfellows attend St, Paul's church at II a. m. next Sunday. Meet at Lodge room at 10.30 o'clock, sharp. Mrs. Harvey Rogers who has spent the winter with her daughter Mrs. Ernest Robbins, has returned to her home in Cambrav. Lady Van says if you were bom between between March 20 and April 19 you will dislike manual labor but will be Willing to become an ornament at any time; you want to "boss" everybody, and stick to your opinions like a crab. John Bright, Dominion live stock commissioner commissioner and president of the Central Canada Exhibition Association, died at Ms home, Ottawa, after an illness of three weeks. He was in his fifty-first year, and was appointed to the important Federal Federal position five years ago. He came to Ottawa from Myrtle, Ont. - Fire following lightning destroyed the fine barns .of Kerr and Davidson pure bred stock breeders, of Ashburn, Friday night April 20th, together with practically all the cattle, horses, sheep, and implements. The pure bred stock alone was worth thousands of dollars and formed one of the largest and the best herds in Ontario. Albert Sparks, five years, John O'Don- nel, four years, and Arthur Miller, three years, was the sentence imposed by Col. Farewell on three Toronto youths for breaking into T. G. Whitfield's drug store at Whitby and -stealing $200 worth of goods. Russell Darsey, Oshawa, told of going with them to the place where the loot was hidden. He. was arrested on a chargé of receiving stolen property. Notices of Births 50 cemts; Marriages BO cents; Deaths, BO cents, each Insertion. When fnneral cards are printed at this office. Insertion free. BIRTHS. Chapman--In Orono, April 16th to Mr. and Mrs. Percival J. Chapman, a daughter. Kimbalj.--In Clarke, March 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kimball, a son, (Jared Austin). ~ MARRIAGES Burke--Anderson--At St. Angnstine, Florida, April 11, D. F. Burke, Port Arthur, Ont., and Mrs. E. M. Anderson (nee Vance) of Toronto. Wright--Smith--At Toronto, April 18, by Rev. Mr. Mitchell, Millie Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Smith, to Gordons. Wright, all of Orono. DEATHS Cameron--In Hoboken, N. J., April 6, Mrs. H. L. Cameron, eldest daughter of Mrs. Allan Cook, Oshawa. Nott--In Oshawa, April 17th, Annie Edna Greenaway, beloved wife of Mr. Wm. B. Nott, in her 34th year. Penfound--At the residence of Mr. S. Snowden, Snowden, Maple Grove, Darlington, April 20, Thomas James Penfound, aged 69 years. Waldon--At Port Hope, April 21st, Mary Elizabeth Huntington, widow of the late Henry Waldon, aged 72 years. Jones--Killed in action in France, Sunday, April 16th, Richard W. F. J ones, in his 34th year, Major 124th Battalion, Pioneers, C. E. F., eldest son of W. J. Jones, Bowmanville, Ont. Porter--In Jarvis, Ont., on Thursday April 19, Isabella Hanna, beloved wife of Mr. William W. Porter, in her 64th year, Interred in Knox Church cemetery on April 23, 1917. Jolliffe--Reported killed in action in France, on Monday, April 9, 1917, Lieut. Reginald H. M. Jolliffe, 38th Battalion (Canadians) B. E. F„ France, 23 years of age, in his third year in Victoria College, dearly beloved son of the late Rev. T. W. Jolliffe of Bowmanville, and Elvira A. Jolliffe, 88 Walmsley Boulevard, Toronto. "Lest We Forget" E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer In Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., in Granite and Marble, Bowmanville, _ Ontario. NOTICE During DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE'S absence with the Canadian Expeditionary Expeditionary Force his Dental Office will be conducted by J. J. CRAIG, L. D. S., D. D. S., Honor Graduate in Dentistry of Toronto University. Bowmanville . - Ontario Office Phone 40. House Phone 16 A. C. Macnaughton, B. A., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, 18 King-st. West - TORONTO Will be at the office formerly occupied by the late Dr. Brimacombe, on Wednesday Wednesday of each week. H OUSE TO LET--Five roomed house on King- Street, apply Mrs. Thos. Hoar. 17-tf G GOD GENERAL SERVANT--Wanted once. Apply to Chas. Rice, Ontario-st. at G IRL WANTED for light housework. Good wages, Apply to Drawer B, Bowmanville. 10-t H ORSE FOR SALE--Horse, Buggy, Cutter and Harness. Must be sold. Apply to A. W. Pickard, The Garage, Bowmanville.17tf tGGS FOR HATCHING--Best laying strains I of White Rocks. $1 setting. Apply to Sam- * uel Allin. Shoemaker, Bowmanville. 15-4w H EIFER FOR SALE--Holstein Heifer, 11 months old. Apply to Geo. Tabb, Horsey Block, upstairs opposite Post Office. 17-1 w S EED POTATOES--Six Weeks and Delawares, while they last $3.00 per bushel. Apply to Howard Conch, R. R. 4, Bowmanville. phone 146 r 13 17-lw F OR SALE--English Linoleum 5Jx4£ yards, cost $22 will sell for $10. Apply to F. H. Bounsall, next to Dr. Hillier's office, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. 17-1* E GGS FOR HATCHING--White Wyandottes, best laying strain of trap nest birds. Nonsetters. Nonsetters. 76c a setting. J. D. Stevens, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Phone 176-r 4. 17-3w* H IGHEST PRICE PAID--For scrap and metal, also poultry and eggs by the Bowmanville Bowmanville Iron & Metal Co. Joe Rosenvolt, Proprietor, Proprietor, 7 Argyle-st, or phone 289. 17 O LD FALSE TEETH--Bought in any condition. $1 00 per set or seven cents per tooth. Cash by return mail. R. A. Copeman, 2679a Esplanade Esplanade Avenue, Montreal, P. 16-13w* S OLLY SOLO WITCH--Who has moved heie from Toronto, buys all kinds of junk, eggs, poultry, and sweet butter, paying the highest prices in Eastern Ontario. Leave orders at Jack Campbell's. Brown st., Bowmanville. 16-4w F OR SALE--Five dwelling honsès, corner King and Brown streets. Bowmanville, the property property of the late Mrs. Wm. Rowe, (known as the Westcott property). Will be sold en bloc or sep- arate. Any reasonable terms may be made to suit purchasers. Apply to L. A. W. Tole, real estate, agent, Bowmariville. 60-tf F OR SALE--At a bargain--horse, buggy and harness. Horse bay, 9 years old, quiet to drive and free, good to work single or double, not afraid of autos, cars or threshing machine, a very desirable family horse or farm. McLaughlin McLaughlin buggy, almost new, good set of harness, blankets, whip, etc. Am quitting keeping a horse so here is a bargain for some person. Apply Apply at Statesman Office. 15-tf railwayTHme tables FOR BOWMANVILLE. Grand Trunk Railway Going East Express 8 52 a.m. Express io 31 a.m. Passenger 3.29 p.m Local 6.49 p.m Mail 9.58 p.m Going West Express 4.22 a.m Local 7.41 a.m Local IO.41 a.m Passenger 7.01 p.m Canadian Pacific Railway Going West Going East 6.07 a.m 10.46 a.m 4.27 p.m 1257 a.m. C. B. Kent, Town Agent Canadian Northern Railway Going East Going West Express 11.42 a.m Express 9.36 a.m . Express 6.40 p.m Express 7.31 p.m S' Ï Our line of beautiful Jewelry is the best we. have ever shown and that means the best in the Country. If you are contemplating making making a wedding or birthday birthday gift see us. Engagement Rings in diamonds, Rubies, and ^ Pearls, and all other Tis stones combination or solitaire, from $4.00 up to $130.00. SPECIAL : Some very fine Diamond rings in Solitaire or combination combination at very reasonable prices. Every ring sized without extra charge. Ladies' Birthstone Rings in 10k gold $1.50 Ladies' Cameo Rings in 10k gold..... $2.50 and up: Ladies' Signet Rings in 10k gold........ $1.50 and up ALEX ELLIOT Successor to C. H. Haddy Watchmaker Jeweler Phone 88 Engraving Free "SUCCESS don't konsist in never making blunders, but in never making the same one the second time."--So says Josh Billings. Year after year some farmers have continued making the same blunder by not buying a good supply of Land Plaster. Get your order in early. We have the right kind. Builders' Supplies, Lime, Cement, Wood-fibre, Paristone, etc. Lehigh Valley Coal the kind that satisfies All orders will receive our best attention John A. Holgate & Son Office and Yards, cor. Queen and Division Streets. Telephone No. 153 office. House Phone 202. Bowmanville, Ont. The Ladies' Store Have yoq seen our entrancing display of high class novelties in Ladies Spring Suits, Coats, Skirts and Waists. g5|||We believe without exception we are showing this Spring the most attractive assortment of these garments it has ever been your privilège to see in Bowmanville. Our Dress Goods department also abounds with the latest and. most desirable weaves of every description. description. J We kindly invite your inspection Telephone*106 S. W. Mason & Son 'Next door to Standard!Bank Bowmanville